//------------------------------// // Who are you? // Story: Who are you? // by Rubycast //------------------------------// The sun’s light crawled out from behind the horizon to brighten the new day. It’s rays slowly spread across the land until it touched everything: the flowers, the grass, the houses, the trees, and the animals. Each small animal crawled out from their home and got ready for the day. Some ponies got up to get ready to work, while others rested. Among the woken was I, Twilight Sparkle. I paced around my library’s floor as I picked up each book with my magic. I flipped through the pages, absorbing each information it gave, then threw the book down. Unlike the others days I did this, this was not for research on a new spell, but rather to pass the time. I had awoken an hour earlier due to my excitement. Today was a day I spent time with each of my friends. Normally I would only get to spend time with them when Ponyville was in danger, or if we needed each others’ help. Today none of us had anything planned. Rainbow’s job to clear the sky was not needed, as the clouds provided some shelter from the unwanted heat from the sun. Rarity’s dress making had finished a day earlier than she had expected, and her supplies ran low so it was impossible to make anymore dresses until she bought new supplies. But she had chosen today to hang out with her friends. Fluttershy’s job of taking care of the animals was needed for some, but others headed off to make a family. I knew she was sad, but she knew they would return soon, and I hoped our day together of fun would cheer her up. Applejack’s apple bucking season was over for awhile, until her stress settled down. She didn’t want to take the day off for something as “silly” as stress, but her family insisted that she would be no help if she lost control, like last apple bucking season when she tried to clear all the trees herself. Pinkie Pie also had the day off. The Cakes had returned from their two week trip, and insisted Pinkie relaxed with her friends, since she ran the show for days now. Pinkie hadn’t argued about the day off, probably because of the party all of us planned to have at the end of the day. I was to help her plan the party with my organizing skills. I felt the excitement build up as I thought about the days events with each of my friends. Normally I would pick this day to learn new spells, but after I made friends I had learned that friends was more important then being alone with knowledge. I levitated my checklist and quill with my magic. I read the list of events to myself. “Let’s see. First I’ll head over to Sweet Apple Acres to pick up Applejack and help her relax. Then I’ll go to Rarity’s and model some dresses with her. That should give Fluttershy enough time to feed her animals, so I’ll go over there and have some lunch with her.” My stomach grumbled at the word lunch. I blushed as I realized I had forgotten to eat, but that could wait. I cleared my throat and continued to read the list. “Then I’ll go find Rainbow Dash, hopefully she’ll be awake after an afternoon nap, then I’ll watch her do some tricks before she tried them on the Wonderbolts in the future. Then after all of that is done, I’ll go to Sugarcube corner and help plan the private party for only us six in Pinkie’s bedroom.” I reread the list again before I nodded with satisfaction. I placed the checklist in its spot before my stomach grumbled again. I blushed once again. “Guess it’s time to eat.” I walked to the kitchen to make breakfast. Normally Spike would do it for me, but he had gone to visit some dragons that he meant last year. I wasn’t mad, since he needed a break sometimes, and he notified me ahead of time. I looked around the room for something to eat. I didn’t feel much like eating anything big. I just needed a small snack. I looked for some cereal, or a daisy sandwich, but found them to be gone. I groaned. “Why didn’t Spike tell me that we needed more supplies?” I shook my head at my unanswered question and opened the fridge. Instead was some orange juice and an apple from Applejack. I thought that would be a healthy breakfast, and was about to pick them up, when my purple eyes catch a glimpse of a rainbow cupcake. I picked the cupcake up with my magic and looked it over. It was a chocolate cupcake covered in rainbow frosting and multipliable colored sprinkles. I smiled as I remember it was the cupcake I had gotten from Pinkie yesterday. All of us was at the Sugarcube corner had met there just few minutes before the day ended. We had not planned to met there until Pinkie called all of us there for a “super-duper surprise!” All of us knew that if we didn’t go, Pinkie would not only come to our houses in the middle of the night, but also think that we hated her. We didn’t want a repeat the incident of when we planned her a surprise party, so all of us met there and waited for Pinkie to reveal her surprise. “It’s the best surprise in the whole world!” She exclaimed when all of us was there. “And what is that? Another party for Gummy’s birthday?” Rainbow Dash asked with boredom in her voice. I, along with the others, expected Pinkie’s surprise to be another party, since that’s how she usually started it and it was almost night. We were shocked though when Pinkie said, “even better!” What could Pinkie think was better than a party? I looked at her with wonder and curiosity in my bright eyes. She went into the kitchen and soon returned with six rainbow cupcakes. We all gasped when we saw them. They looked better than Pinkie’s normal cupcakes. “Awesome frosting!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Where did you get it?” Pinkie giggled. “I didn’t. After I baked them, they turned that color.” “Uh, does that mean it’s safe to eat?” Applejack asked as she stared at the frosting. “Uh-huh. It’s probably just the surprise ingredient I added.” “Oh, w-what did you add?” Fluttershy asked, but then hid behind her mane. “I-I mean if you want to tell us.” Pinkie’s smile widen. “Now, that’s a secret! You’ll have to eat them to find out!” “Well, I think it’s wonderful, darling.” Rarity said as she levitated a cupcake to her with her magic. I said nothing as I did the same. As I got a better look at the cupcake, my mouth filled with more water. I had to swallow it before it leaked from my mouth. Pinkie gave the others their cupcakes, then held up hers. “Dig in!” She exclaimed. All of us closed are eyes, and was about to take a bite, when the door slammed open. All five of us jumped and turned toward the door, while Fluttershy hid behind the counter. She peaked her head from behind it to see who had done it. We relaxed when we saw it was just Spike, but that didn’t stop our concern as he ran up to me. “Spike, what’s wrong?” He panted as he spoke. “Twilight…library…rats.” “Rats?” I asked. “You mean the rats got inside our library and are trying to eat the books?” Spike opened his mouth to answer, but instead nodded. I let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. I’ll go get rid of them.” I turned to the others. “Sorry, but I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” I turned to walk, but was stopped by Applejack. “Sugar cube, are y’all sure you can handle it? I could help if ya need it. I’ve dealt with those critters lots of time on the farm.” “A-and I could find out why they’re there.” Fluttershy said as she walked out from behind the counter. “M-maybe I can stop them from going there.” I smiled at their concern, but shook my head. “No, it’s fine. You guys enjoy your treats. I’ve handled this before.” I saw their eyes fill with concern, and their mouths open to protest, but I shook my head. I turned and opened the door with my magic, but before I could, I was stopped by a pink flash that stopped in front of me. “Twilight, you can’t go!” Pinkie, who had been the flash, exclaimed with worry. “Pinkie, it’s fine. The rats are no problem-” “No!” She yelled. “It’s not that! My pinkie senses are warning me! See?” She pointed to her back hoof which twitched uncontrollable. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s something big!” I rolled my eyes. “Pinkie, I’ll be fine. Nothing bad can happen from here to my house. Now, relax and enjoy your cupcake.” I looked back at Spike. “Spike, you coming?” Spike, who had taken a seat, shook his head. “No. I’ll rest here and enjoy one of those tasty looking cupcakes.” I looked down and noticed he held a rainbow cupcake in his hand. I wondered where he had gotten it, but soon dismissed that question. I had work to do. Before Pinkie could keep me any longer, I transported from the shop, with my treat, to my tree house. I was brought out of my memory when I heard the grandfather clock chime. I went to the library and saw it was past ten. I gasped. “When had it gotten so late?” I placed the cupcake back in the fridge. I rushed out of the library and headed toward Sweet Apple Acres. ~~~ I arrived at the farm twenty minutes later then I had planned. ‘That isn’t expectable, Twilight.’ I scolded myself. ‘Next time you shouldn’t daydream for so long, or daydream at all. You’re a very busy pony.’ I nodded and took a mental note of my suggestion. I looked down at the field of trees and saw Big Macintosh busy with the apple harvest. I watched as he kicked a tree and watched as the apples fell into four different baskets. I smiled at his hard work. I knew how hard the Apple Family worked to keep their farm going, but it felt like an honour to watch them or help. I couldn’t explain it, but it was probably because in Canterlot I never saw anypony work as hard as them. I trotted down the hill and headed to their home. When I drew closer I saw Apple Bloom play with her two friends. They giggled as they came up with new ideas on how to get their cutie marks. I smiled at them and mentally applauded their never-ending search for their purpose. They didn’t seem to notice me as I headed up the front steps of their home. My nose was meant with the sweet smell of apple flitters. My stomach growled at the need of food, but I ignored it. Now was not the time to worry about food, but to help a friend relax. I knocked on the door a couple of times then awaited for it to open. I heard faint footsteps and a low voice headed to the door. I watched as the door slowly opened and revealed the oldest Apple Family member that I knew of: Granny Smith. She squinted and leaned closer to me. “Who are you?” I wasn’t surprise by the question, since I knew how senile she was and that it happened before. I smiled. “It’s me, Twilight Sparkle. I’m here for Applejack.” The old pony stared at me for uncomfortable moment before she turned her head. “Applejack!” She called. “Somepony’s here for you!” She moved from the door and back to whatever she was doing. I waited a moment before the familiar orange pony came out with her brown hat on. She stared at me with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, howdy?” I smiled wider. “Hey Applejack! Ready for our hanging out time?” She blinked at me. “Hanging out time?” My smile faded. That wasn’t like Applejack. She never forgot an appointment with any pony. She always remembered what she had to do and when. I expected it might be the stress, so I explained. “You know, our hanging out time. We planned this yesterday after you weren’t allowed to work on the farm until your stress calmed down.” She took a step back. “Uh, sure. Um, who are you?” My eyes widen. What was going on? Was Applejack’s stress that high that she had forgotten me, or was she playing around? Whatever the reason, I didn’t like it. “It’s me. You’re friend, Twilight Sparkle.” “Twilight Sparkle?” She repeated slowly. She shook her head. “Never heard of ya, but welcome to Ponyville!” She smiled. “Why don’t Ah introduce you to the rest of the fam? That pony y’all meant was Granny Smith, and-” “Applejack!” I said with a raised voice. “What’s gotten in to you? If this is some kind of trick, then I don’t like it.” “Trick?” She narrowed her eyes. “Look here, missy. Ah don’t play tricks on anypony. It’s rude.” She let out a humph. “Now, I know y’all is new and all, but here in Ponyville we are kind to our neighbors. We don’t play tricks, unless of course y’all are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie but that’s harmless fun.” I stared at her with my mouth open. Why was she playing this sick game? I don’t know what she would get out of this, but I had to put a stop to it! I turned to Apple Bloom. “Apple Bloom! Tell Applejack that I’m her friend Twilight Sparkle!” The small filly stopped her giggling to look at me. She looked at me with wide eyes and stepped behind her friends. “Big sis, how does that pony know my name?” I gasped. Why was Apple Bloom doing the same? Had I done something to them, and they pretended not to know me? Had something happened that I don’t know about? I opened my mouth to explain, but was cut off by a harsh voice that belonged to Applejack. “Ah don’t know sis, but Ah don’t like it.” She looked to the trees where her brother was. “Big Macintosh, we got trouble!” I looked toward the trees and saw Big Mac headed toward me. His eyes were filled with anger as he drew closer to me. He lowered his head like he was ready to buck me. I jumped and ran the opposite direction from all of them and headed towards Ponyville. Just what was going on?