Teenage Mutant Ninja...Ponies?

by MemoryLane


Perspective: Raphael

Well, goodie. We just barely managed to hide from those similar-looking guards in time. I mean, jeez. Too close for comfort, I tell ya. I had a little bit of sweat accumulating on my forehead, which I proceeded to whip away. We had a lot of close calls before, but that really put me on edge.

I couldn't stop thinking about those weirdo's back there. They were vastly similar, save for eye color. I don't know. What were they even doing there? If they weren't part of the Foot, then who exactly where they? Ugh, this was going to bother my brain for awhile. With a grunt of discontent, I followed Donnie and Pinkie through the vents.

Now, I've done my fair share of vent-crawling. Sometimes, it's kind of fun. It's a great way to eavesdrop on others and learn information. Othertimes, it's simply cool, and a nice place to chill on a hot day. Okay, I may not have done the latter, but you get my point. Either way, I liked vents.

The only reason I wasn't so excited about this one was because a pink ball of hyperactivity had her butt directly in my face.

Sigh. This was going to be a long day, wasn't it?

"Okay, we gotta be gettin' closa' now, right Donnie?" I asked, getting excessively tired of crawling, which seemed to have no ending in sight. I couldn't see Donnie over Pinkie's butt, but I knew that he was having a very hard time up there. I could just tell by the way he was breathing. Maybe the poor guy was just on edge about all of this. I was sure that he was the most disturbed by what had been happening over the last few days, for obvious reasons.

"Yeah, just a little bit farther," he sighed. Pinkie noticed Donnie's distressed, and took it upon herself to try and lighten the mood.

"Oh, come on, Mr. Grouchy Pants!" She whispered, somehow remembering that we're still on a stealth mission. Don't get me wrong, she's hyperactive, but I still didn't know about her...intellectual skills. Ok, yeah, that may come off a bit bad, but it's hard to tell when she's just being weird, or if she's just genuinely stupid. "We'll be out of here soon, and we'll at least have the parts to your thing-a-mah-doodle!" she continued. Wait, did she not know what that meant? Leo told me about her and Mikey earlier. Maybe she's just not thinking about it, or she didn't care? I didn't know, ignorance is bliss, I guess.

Pinkie's attempt to cheer up Donnie failed, as he let out another groan. "Yeah...right,"

I was, once again, slowly losing my patience with him. He's starting to bum me out. Believe it or not, but I did not take part in pity-parties. Look, if one of my brothers are upset, I'd do my best to help, but as of right now there wasn't nothing I could do. He either needed to cheer up, or spill the beans.

As we continued to crawl, Donnie's unnecessary sighs began to lessen, which slowly calmed me down. I had to admit it, I'd much rather be with Mikey and Leo right about now. That reminded me, I wondered how they were doing? There were a ton of the Foot over here, so maybe they were having better luck with all of this.

After about five more minutes of vent-walking, Donnie finally stopped. Instead of some sort of sigh or grunt, a soft gasp escaped his lips. "Guys...." he started. I tried my best to look over Pinkie's butt, as well as her fluffy tail and mane. After getting into the most awkward of positions, I finally managed to get a peek at my bro. He was staring down, possibly through some sort of grate.

"What? What is it?" I couldn't help but ask. Hey, I was curious. I would've felt stupid if my suspicions were wrong. Maybe he dropped a contact or something.

"T-Take a look at this," he whispered, crawling over the grate so Pinkie and I could get a better look. The mare walked over it and somehow managed to turn around to look down it, while I stayed on the same side. We both simultaneously looked down.

"Oh..." I emitted. Oh no. There was a loud commotion from the other side of the grate. I was looking into some sort of...multi-purpose room. There were Foot Soldiers all over the freakin' place, they chatted amongst themselves, or...something. I didn't really look at what they were doing, all I knew what that there were way too many of them. They all had weapons, from hammers, to spears, to swords. Some where practicing magic, or flying, or agility like-exercises.

"Look, in the north end of the room," Donnie whispered, to which Pinkie and I both adjusted our views. My eyes must have glimmered when they laid eyes upon a very, VERY similar machine. "It's a Teleportal!" Donnie whispered. I stared in silence, and Pinkie was just as dumbstruck. There were foot soldiers walking in and out of the portal. The ones that walked in were carrying some boxes, most likely full of weapons or something. The ones that came through were carrying very large pieces of scrap metal, motherboards, and various other technological things. Also, the ones that came through seemed very unbalanced, as if it was their first time on four-


"We need to get some of that!" Donnie explained, slightly worried. I felt myself growing a little leery of this also. There were too many of them to start a fight, plus it would blow our cover. We couldn't be stealthy, we'd be found out almost immediately. Hm, I didn't think we actually planned for something like this.

"Uh, I don't think I can fit that whole thing in my mane..." Pinkie added, finally snapping out of her trance. I didn't think it was the Teleportal and the Foot that grabbed her attention. There were a lot of shiny things in there...

Donnie almost smacked his head. I could tell. "No!" He yelled, in a hushed manner. "Of course not! We just need to grab as much stuff as we can, and get out of here!"

"How do we know what to grab?" I intruded.

"A trans-thermalizer, a flux capacitor, a rotor belt, a-" Good thing Donnie stopped so soon, because Pinkie and I were already confused. We both raised our eyes at him, causing his to groan once again. "Grab anything shiny and important looking," he generalized.

"Oh! Okay!" said Pinkie, rather loudly. Donnie and I jumped, almost slamming our hears against the top of the vents. Instinctively, we both hopped ontop of her, covering her mouth and hushing her. "MMHPPH!"

"Hey, did you hear something?" I heard a Foot Soldier say below me. Everyone stopped instantly upon hearing the voice, and Pinkie gave me the most guilty look I think I had ever seen; the look that basically screamed "My bad! Don't hate me!" Jeez, she has huge eyes. It's kinda creepy.

So...how do we pull this off...


Perspective: Leonardo

Ugh. The things I put up with.

So far absolutely nothing is going according to plan. Fluttershy and Spike were captured by stupid Foot Soldiers, and are locked up in some sort of jail cell. The same question ran through my head: Why? Why didn't they run? Fluttershy's first instinct is to run from danger, so why did her and Spike stay? She could fly! I was seething at the fact that we have another mission to take care of just because of those two and their stupidity. Whatever, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they didn't have time to run, or something.

"How far away is this jail cell anyways?" Mikey asked from behind me. Luckily, there still weren't any soldiers around, so we were able to relax just a little bit. Although I wouldn't allow myself to let down my guard too much.

"Not very far. It should be coming up pretty soon..." I said, truthfully. If I wasn't mistaken, we were actually very close.

"I'm kinda hungry," Mikey added, causing me to roll my eyes. Leave it to Mikey to be worried about his stomach moreso than the mission at hand...hoof...how do the ponies here even use metaphors?

"Can it, Mikey,"

"I could use a can of soup right about now..."

...I was near moments from smacking him again. I gave him a strong glare, to which he reluctantly noticed. Realizing my displeasure with his playful attitude, he gave me a meek grin. Seriously, what goes though his head during missions like these? Like usual, I decided not to question him. Maybe him and Pinkie actually did make a decent couple...

It appeared that I had spoken just a moment too soon, as the hallway that we needed to descend down showed itself just a few seconds later. I knew it was down the hall, but I didn't know how far. That was the only issue. If there were prisoners, that meant there must've been guards keeping watch. The last thing I wanted to do was nab their attention, if there even were any to begin with.

I motioned to Mikey to keep quiet by squinting at him and bringing a hoof over to my lips. I leaned up against the wall using my hind legs. I was actually starting to get the hang of doing that, albeit I barely had any practice. At least I had some leverage. Mikey mimicked me to a tee, and put a hoof to his cheek as he whispered, "Come on, dude, is the coast clear?". Part of me wanted to answer that question sarcastically, but it was not really the time for it.

I hushed him, and peeked my head around the corner. I only got a very brief look, but it seemed that I was correct when it came to two things: where the jail cells were located, and the guards. I wasn't sure which I was more excited about. Luckily, there were only two guards watching the cells, and they were chatting amongst themselves about something. I really couldn't make out what it was, but that was the least of my worries

There were only two jail cells, and they were both right across from each other. They were very stereotypically made, with grey iron bars with a key slot on the door. No worries, we've done stuff like this before multiple times. One of those guards must have the keys to open the cell...

However, there was a problem. The guards are chatting. One is facing towards me, while the other is facing in the opposite direction as they spoke. I pulled my head back upon the realization and, somehow, I wasn't spotted. Anyways, the cells were about twenty feet away, and there was absolutely no cover. If we tried to walk down the hall, we'd be spotted within seconds.

"There's two guards. We need a distraction," I whispered to my youngest brother, whose face instantaneously lit up like a flashlight.

"I have an idea-" Mikey started, but I really doubted that. "Wait, do you hear that?" he said, rather suddenly. He scooted a little closer to me, and I decided to take a minute to listen. I did hear talking, but I never really paid attention to the voices. I tuned myself in:

"Shut up, you!" I heard a voice shot, most definitely one of the guards. I heard the scraping of metal on the floor. Were the guards even armed? Er...hooved? ...Ugh. Yeah, probably, it's the Foot, they love their weapons.

"Yeah...whatever you are! Sit down before we have to resort to stepping on you!" said what I assumed was the other guard. But this time, it was much more feminine. I wasn't entirely sure. But then, I heard a newer voice. It was a sound that I was surprised to hear at first, but after a split-second of thinking, I realized that I should have expected it at some point or another.

"Step on me?!" Spike practically hollered. "Let us out of here! She isn't waking up, she needs help!" Wait, 'she'? Thinking back on it now, he probably meant Fluttershy. That almost unnerved me, as it's been about two hours since Spike and Fluttershy initially distracted the guards. I hoped she was alright.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy...Spike....we'll get you out of here soon..." I mumbled to myself. Mikey must've heard me, as he gently patted my back. I had to give the little guy credit though, he was really helping us out. My guess was that he was either really naïve, and thought the guards would let him out if he simply asked, or he was trying to distract them until we came along. It didn't matter, however, as it really did make the job a little easier for Mikey and I.

"There's two of them," I whispered to Mikey. "I'll take the farther one, while you take the one that's closer to us," I instructed. I did this for obvious reasons, as any other way would've most likely ended with disaster. Mikey gave a swift nod as I slowly removed myself from the wall, and began to practically crawl towards the jail cells, and the guards.

"Lizard...reptile...thing! Whatever you are, I don't care! Shut your dumb mouth before we come in there ourselves!"


"I'd like to see you try! You guys are nothing but bullies! Big, dumb bullies!"

"Yeah, you're lucky we didn't take your lunch money,"

Even closer... keep it up, Spike...

"I don't even have pockets!"

Dang it, Spike.

The guards, who really didn't have a rebuttal for Spike's statement, decided to end the argument on that note. Imagine their surprise when they saw Mikey and I crawling towards them, with Nunchaku in one of our hooves. The guard closest to me dropped his jaw, while the other grabbed the sword on her back using her magic. She was grinding her teeth, and was growling menacingly. Well, I actually found it kind of funny. She wasn't intimidating in the slightest.

"Leonardo! Michelangelo!" Spike announced, happily. I would have facehooved if I had the chance, but the unicorn Foot Soldier angrily swung her sword down on me. Thanks for just...announcing our names like that, Spike. The Foot probably knew it was us, but maybe they didn't know our pony forms, you know?

The horn on top of the same guards' head shimmered a bright purple, and so did her sword. Before it hit me, I brought up my own sword and flinched as they both clanged together. "Agh!" I exclaimed. Wow, that was a lot of force. The guard was...much stronger than I originally thought.

"Leo! I'm comin' bro!" Mikey shouted, before noisily holding up both of his nunchaku. At first, I thought he was going to charge the unicorn foot soldier who was attacking me. Thank god he actually thought things through and attacked the other guard instead, who had yet to make a move.

The unicorn lifted up her sword, disconnecting it with mine in a cheap attempt to jab with it. I was seconds away from being skewered, as I was very vulnerable given the angle I was in. I was practically on my back. With a grunt, I rolled to the right, ending up on my belly as the sword jammed itself into the concrete floor. Mustering up as much strength as I could in that split-second, I stuck my bottom in the air, reared up my legs and slammed them into the guard's chest. It let out a small squeal of pain as she flew back and slammed into the ground with a large THUD as slowly got back up.

"OOMPH!" said a non-familiar voice near me, follow by the sound of a body hitting the floor. The other guard which Mikey jumped was clearly knocked out, as the only part of him that was moving was his chest. Above him, Mikey swung both of his nunchaku triumphantly. He gave me an extremely smug grin as he held one up.

"I've always wondered why these weren't called 'funchakus'," he joked. I was in the midst of rolling my eyes when a purple magical blast sent me sprawling to the ground, sending some sort of ripping sensation through my chest as I slammed into the wall. "Leo!"

The unicorn guard was now on her feet, and she was angry. Very angry. "I'm going to slaughter both of you!" Uh oh. I had a bad feeling about this. I had completely underestimated the unicorn's strength and skill. I jumped back to my, uh..hooves, shaking off the weird tingling in my body as I pointed to the jail door.

"Get Fluttershy and Spike out of here! Head for the exit! We'll rendezvous outside!" I didn't care about my volume anymore. Our cover's been blown, and there was nothing we could do about it anymore. Quickly, Mikey grabbed the cell keys off the guard he knocked out, and fumbled with them

Spike was cowering inside, and Mikey was having an insane amount of trouble. He dropped the keys multiple times before he finally spoke up a few seconds later. "Come on, let us out of here!"

Mikey blew up at the little dragon, picking up the keys yet again of the floor. "The keys are small! The hole is small! These hooves are huge! Give me a minute!"

Meanwhile, the unicorn continued to launch those incessant purple blasts at me from her horn, grunting with exertion every time she hurled one in my direction. The lasers were quick to soar through the air, but I found it extremely easy to dodge them. However, I had completely no room to retaliate. The blasts kept coming, and I found myself ducking at every singe opportunity.

Wow, I really need to learn how to do that. I'd imagine it was extremely hard to do, the only pony I've seen that knew how to do that was..


With an angry charge, I magically held one of my swords vertically infront of my body. I was a bit excited to see that my assumption was correct and every single blast that headed my way simply bounced off it, and into the wall either to my right or left. Although one came extremely close to hitting Spike, which made him squeak like a little girl. With a mighty yell, I tackled the guard to the ground.

"Ahah! I got the door open!"

Ignoring Mikey, I scuffled with the Foot Soldier until eventually I came out on top, literally. She was on her back, with her forelegs pressed against her chest in submission as I heroically stood over her. I had a bad feeling, and I hoped that my suspicion was false. It couldn't be true. Please, be false. I surrounded the soldiers mask with my blue aura, and narrowed my eyes as I began to slide it off. She extended her hooves as a last resort. "No, wait-"

But it was too late.

I slid the Foot mask off of her visage, and came face to face with the very disappointed frown of one Twilight Sparkle.