//------------------------------// // The Man-Cat and the Horny Stud // Story: Felanthroid // by Zytharros //------------------------------// ...Wait! No, idiot! Not that way!! I shook my head and glared at Gray as he attempted to hit on me further. Being that he was one of two cats on a hobby farm in a small town outside Abbotsford, BC, Canada, and that both those cats were male, I understood that I in my current form was an anomaly. I was the first female cat on the farm in months. That didn't mean I was automatically open for business! He curled his tail under my chin as he continued seducing me. I glared fiercely at him and began growling. All I could see was cat dick now. It was butt-ugly. I wanted none of it. None of his flattery. None of his Pepe le Peu-ness. None of his felinity. So, as soon as he turned his back once again, following a rather disturbing ball-rub to my arm and a clear view of his assets again... what's with guys and our balls?... I tried to run away. Anywhere but there. I flashed down the stairs and to my left, towards a small L-shaped orchard that wrapped its way around my house. I skimmed over the grass and betweeen the trees, figure-eighting a few times in a desperate attempt to lose him and diving in and out of the long grass along the edge of my lengthy gray abode. I blasted around the other side and up the driveway. Ow ow ow ow ow! Damn gravel! The loose rocks slipped every which way as I ran atop them, hoping to hide somewhere in the chaos that was our barn. A second set of rapid steps told me Gray was right behind me. Pro'lly eyeing my ass like a prude... I thought, bitter elements clearly present. "Come with me to the other side of the Stream!" he shouted, making reference to the ditch that wound its way between the barn and our neighbours' land. "We will join as one and make beautiful sunsets together!" Until you find some new tail, I thought again. I had enough experience with cats to learn monogamous relationships were about as real to them as their crap was appetizing to eat. I had no desire to commit bestiality with one. I knew he had more intimate knowledge of the barn's many nooks and crannies than I did, but I still gathered that I could hide somewhere in the mess. Or maybe lose him in the brambles. A couple large blackberry growths lined the extended driveway, and one even larger one wormed its way halway around the large metal barn. I did something with my cat form I never would have done otherwise and slipped underneath a spiny branch, diving into the thicket. I wormed my way randomly around the sharp points and finally blasted out the other side. I made for the other much larger set of brambles on the other side of the barn and entered just as I heard Gray explode out of the other one. "You can't hide forever, mademoiselle... I will find you, and I will make babies with you." I gagged as I caught sight of him. He was sniffing the air, patiently waiting for the winds to carry my scent towards him. I flattened my ears and turned tail, again worming my way deeper into the second thicket, hoping to avoid the possibility of detection. I carefully watched for the giant pit around the back of the barn, used to empty out pig crap when it was a pork grow op, and readily spotted it in amongst the bushes. I pushed forward, avoiding the pit and winding my way through the foliage, taking extra care not to get hung up on the vines. Five minutes later, I poked my nose out of the berries and surveyed the landscape. The open fields behind me were filled with coyotes and slashed up with miles of ditch, so there was no chance of going that way except via the main roadway. The food source close by was in the llama hutch, which doubled as a garage. There were a few holes I could get into if I bypassed the llamas, and the ultimate food treasure trove in a plastic bin inside the hutch. The barn next to me would make a fine sleeping place, especially the heated shop... if I didn't mind sharing the territory with a ferret known to eat cats and attack unfamiliar humans. I looked up at an open window to the barn in the brambles and knew that emptied into a locked storage room, so I could use that if push came to shove, maybe make a bed out of a box or three and some of the foam padding or spare cushions in the neighbouring locked storage room and a light blanket from a sweater if extra warmth was needed. Actually, the horse corrals would make for a fine room as well if they didn't mind... I had a lot of places to lay my head and think. But my gut began talking to me, and I soon realized I had yet to scrounge up some food. What I wouldn't give for a couple pieces of peanut butter chocolate toast... but chocolate is toxic to cats. Damn. Well, cat food for now, until I can find a slab of meat. So, with my next task assigned and a quick scan of my surroundings complete to check for any unwanted dicks or dickheads, I made for the llama paddock and food.