Dashaloo Days and Scootabow Nights

by RGLloyd

Sage Advice

Scootaloo walked beside Dash in silence, staring fixedly on the road skirting Sweet Apple Acres and leading back to Ponyville. Dash ground her teeth subconsciously, deep in thought, mulling over on how to help her little sister.

"Would you stop doing that?"

Dash startled and looked down at Scootaloo, who was still staring at the road. "Do what?"

"Grinding your teeth. It's annoying…" Scootaloo looked away uncomfortably. "And it's really bad for them."

Dash raised an eyebrow. "Wait, am I annoying you or are you worried about my teeth?"

Scootaloo snorted, plodding along almost tantrumy. "You should probably eat. All you had was some apple cinnamon cake earlier. While we’re on the ground we might as well make the most of it." She tossed the bits her dad had left on the ottoman at Dash. "Here, I want you to have them."

Dash caught the bits and stared at them as she trotted lopsided down the road. "Scootaloo…"


Dash pocketed the bits, intent on using them to buy something nice for the filly later. She felt an odd bag while shuffling around. Derpy's muffins! She brought out the muffins and passed one to Scootaloo. "How do you do that worrying about others thing when you have so much going on?"

"I have to keep moving or else my stomach starts to hurt. Mom says it's stress." She sighed. "So I can't stop moving or else the stress will get me. Makes my stomach hurt real bad. So I ride my scooter, and I play with my friends, and I train to fly. I can't stop worrying about those I care about so I stress out more, so I have to move more." Scootaloo smiled weakly up at her mentor.

"But you hide it! I've never noticed before!" Dash stopped and turned, trying to find words that fit a response. "You are…so sweet…and yet you keep it cool." Gah, why did I say that? That was soo lame. She beat herself mentally over the head.

Scootaloo stumbled, and squealed. "Wow, really? Thanks Dash! You're the most awesome pony in Equestria, so if you say it, it's gotta be true!"

Dash trotted alongside Scootaloo and giggled as she flank-bumped her playfully. Pfftt… Scootaloo, if you had any clue of how cool you are maybe you would understand how lame I am right now…

"You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, Scoots. Why?"

"I don't know, you just look like you're in pain for some reason."

"Hah! Haha, yeah, huh… Nah, I'm cool…" Dash grinned back through a forced smile and shut her eyes. So epicly lame!

Scootaloo looked back at her tail, sighing in relief as she confirmed the pink had faded into streaks of highlights that looked halfway decent rather than the full blown neon horror it was only a day ago. "Well, it's a little girly, but at least I can walk through Ponyville like this."

Dash nodded. "That and it's not glowing. So those are both a plus. Good thing too since we’re already halfway to Sugarcube Corner."

Applejack rounded a corner up ahead of the two, laden with bags. "Howdy, Dash!" Applejack trotted up with that Apple fresh grin. "What'cha up to?"

"Grabbing something to eat." Dash shot back her 'I'm the pony' grin which sent Applejack's grin cold as she took note it was missing it's usual egotistic lustre.

"Hey Dash… Whoa there…Scootaloo! I’ve been lookin' high an' low for you!" Applejack looked down as if seeing the little filly for the first time. "Yer Dad…"

Scootaloo held up a hoof. "I know! Already went to visit him. He's alright."

"He's not up walkin' about is he? I told him to stay up in bed. I'ma clop him good if he cain't listen to reason. He knows those painkillers muddle up his brain. Likely he’ll jus' fall down the stairs again."

Scootaloo smiled weakly. "Uhm…yeah, he's pretty out of it right now. Said he needed to get to bed for a nap."

Applejack ran a hoof through her mane. "Look sugarcube, yer dad’s a tough cookie. Once the pain from the fall eases off, he’ill stop the painkillers again, and you’ll have him back."

"Just like always." Scootaloo smiled. "…Until he gets hurt again, or he pulls something, or something pops out of place, or it rains." She shook her head. "It's always something. It's always going to be better tomorrow. And it's ALWAYS tomorrow."

Dash winced and looked off to the side fighting the tears welling up in her eyes, Scootaloo's voice played out in her mind: It's always later. "I’m always telling her later, or tomorrow," she mumbled to herself.

"Mom does everything she can. She's so stressed and works so hard but she's only one pony. She can't do everything. So I try to help out as much as I can." Scootaloo cocked her head to the side, flashed a smile, her ears falling into place to form the picture of innocence.

Applejack grimaced. "I know sugarcube, that's gotta be hard. If yer mom didn't have to work so much to support the family it would be a lot easier for ya. It's really unfortunate she can't spend more time with ya, but you are an amazin' hard workin' little filly. Just be patient, it will all work out."

You sound like my mom! No one ever has time for me! Dash choked on the memory, trying to breathe through the sickening ball building up in her gut.

"Well, for tonight I'll be checking up on him. So you go have your fun. Try to let off some steam. Go play at a friends house. Try not to go home though, okay? You need to rest too." Applejack rustled Scootaloo's mane playfully. "Go hang out with your big sister over there."

"Yep, my day is awesome no matter what because I'm staying with my sister!" Scootaloo giggled giddily and hopped up and down.

I just wanted to be with you. I like being here with you… it hurt when it felt like…maybe you didn't want me around. Dash's knees quivered. Every fiber of her being was screaming to fly, to run, to escape, to flee away from the pain welling up in her heart and overflowing into her gut.

Applejack started. "Rainbow Dash? You look pale, are you okay? Hey, sugarcube?" She moved in.

Dash hid her face, trying hard to regain control. Her breaths coming in painful staccato halts. "Just…stomach ache…"

"Dash, you don't look so good… You're startin' to scare me… Sugarcube? Are you cryin'?" Applejack halted, a mild panic setting in.

Dash shot past her, sending Applejack off balance, as she raced for the one soft hoof that could calm her now. Fluttershy!! Oh Celestia please let her be home.

Knock knock! Fluttershy looked at the door in surprise, slightly backpedalling. "Oh… Oh my, who could that be?" She moved slowly towards the door. "Oh dear, its getting late. Who would visit at this hour?"

"Fluttershy!" Dash screamed through the door, sending her friend into a momentary quivering mess.

"Dash? Is that you?"

Thud! Dash slammed her head into the door. "Does it sound like me? Would you just open up?"

"Well, alright, but if it isn't Dash I'm slamming it shut! So, uhm…just so you aren't surprised." Fluttershy inched towards the door. "I wouldn't want you to get your hoof caught."

Dash was fighting a losing battle against breaking down completely. "I can't handle this right now, please." Muffled sniffles filtered in, raising the hairs on the back of Fluttershy's neck.

She raced to the door and threw it open. "Dash! What's wrong? Thats not like you! Something happened, you can tell me…" She supported Dash as she plodded in and flopped down on the couch. "Do you need a hug?"

"No, I just came to talk… I need help, Fluttershy." Dash ran a hoof down her face, trying to calm her nerves. "Scootaloo… She's really strong, but she was forced to grow up so quickly. She helps take care of her disabled father, and even though she misses her mom a lot she keeps smiling and caring about others. She is hurting so bad inside… She has so much pain." Dash choked back her tears. Fluttershy watched, listened, and waited, her wings aching as they picked up on the waves of sadness emanating from her friend. "I want to help her, but I don't know how. I'm not Twilight, and I'm not you. I can't solve this on my own." Dash put a hoof to her aching stomach, grimacing as the pain radiated up and out her forelegs.

Ah…there it is. Fluttershy smiled warmly. "You're ready for that hug now."

"No, I got this. I just gotta focus. I gotta try harder, I…"

Fluttershy slipped her forelegs around Dash's shoulders and pulled her close. "Wasn't a question." Dash tensed up, then melted down as tears started to flow. "See, your body knows better than your mind. Listen to it. If you can't fix a problem, it's still a problem. Denying it won't solve anything, because then you have the stress from the problem, and the stress from denying the problem even exists. If you need a hug, just say you need it. Then it's one less thing you have to stress about."

"But what about Scootaloo?"

"Kids are very honest, even if they don't say what they want, their bodies speak for them."


Fluttershy giggled and pulled back, "What does she do that drives you crazy?"

"She has crazy mood swings, freaks out when I try to give her advice, and then will turn around to hug me while she's doing it."

"So she's confused, needs to be held, and needs someone who will just sit by and listen. What else?"

"She hovers around me and I can't get rid of her."

"So she wants to be with you… Okay, anything else?"

"She's constantly wanting to hug or…you know…" Dash looked off to the side with a blush, "snuggles."

Fluttershy's hoof shot up to her mouth as she giggled. Her other hoof shot out and pushed Dash playfully like a gentle breeze on the shoulder. "You’re really honest too, you know. Maybe she’s not the only one who needs the attention."

"Hey now! This isn't about me…" Dash stuck out an indignant tongue.

"Isn't it?" Fluttershy smiled sweetly. "Scootaloo knows what she wants even if she can't say it out loud. She wants to be held. To be close to you, her idol."

"Well, yeah I get that, but what about her problems?"

"Can you fix them?"

"That’s why I'm here, I can't figure that out. I thought if anybody knew it would be you."

Fluttershy thought for a moment, then decided to switch tactics. "Can you fix her father?"

"No, that's ridiculous, I'm not some all powerful healer."

"Can you be there for Scootaloo's father and take her place so she doesn't have to go through the stress and worry?"

"No, of course not, I have a life of my own. I have a job, and I want to join the Wonderbolts! I want to help but I can't give everything up." Dash huffed in irritation. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy. I'm just not cut out for this."

Fluttershy laid a calming hoof on Dash's shoulder. "So then you know you can't fix it. If you can't fix it, why stress over a way to fix it?"

"Because I want to help Scootaloo, isn't that obvious?"

"You can't solve her problems, but can you ease her pain?"

"What can I do? If I could ease her pain I would already have done it…" Dash trailed off, gritting her teeth in frustration.

Fluttershy smiled and put a hoof to Dash's chest. "It hurts again…"

Dash nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Yeah…I think I'm getting used to the feeling…"

Fluttershy reached out and pulled her close, squeezing her as tight as she could and nuzzling her neck. Dash blushed, unsure of what to do, but with a shudder her body melted and she leaned into the embrace. She let out a sob followed by a wet sniffle. "Feel any better?" Fluttershy asked as she rocked her oldest friend back and forth soothingly.

"Yeah, actually. I kinda do…"

"Do you get it now?"

Scootaloo's voice invaded her mind. Maybe I don't want answers… Why does it need to be fixed? I never asked for advice… I just wanted to be with you. I like being here with you. Dash gritted her teeth, her words coming in strained squeaks. "Scootaloo needed this didn't she? All I had to do was hold her and listen… She's been begging me for it… I'm a horrible sister…"

"Shhh…no you're not." Fluttershy stroked a comforting hoof through Dash's mane. "You're a sister with a problem that can be fixed and apologized for. Now that you know what's wrong…"

"I know. I know what I need to do now."

Fluttershy giggled again, the soft fluttery warmth spread through Dash in an infection of calm. "Aww, you make a great sister."

Giggling and sobbing softly Dash hugged Fluttershy gently closer. "Thanks, Shy. You're a great sister too."