The Princess of Themyscira

by iowaforever

Farewell to the Sun and Stars

Farewell to the Sun and Stars

Diana walked up the steps of the Temple of Athena, her head hung low and her eyes closed. Behind her stood Soarin’, Phillipus and an entourage of guards. All save the colt stood quietly as Diana entered the temple. She only looked back once she had crossed the threshold into the temple, searching in vain for something to reassure her.

“Diana, do not keep me waiting!” she heard her mother call. Diana swallowed and walked further into the Temple, towards Hippolyta and the altar.

“Mother, please, I didn’t mean to-” Diana began, but Hippolyta raised her hoof to silence her.

“No, Diana. I realize now that you were right.” This caught Diana off guard. She stood in silence for a few moments before speaking again.

“... You do?” She asked, confused at her mother’s response.

“Yes.” Hippolyta turned back to the altar while Diana moved closer. “I did allow my personal preferences to get ahead of my judgement, and that would have only caused me pain.”

“So... You are no longer mad at me?”

“No. I still am, but it’s for different reasons than your defiance. And I do not wish my anger to get in the way of the task you must complete.” Hippolyta stepped away from the altar, allowing Diana to see the three items set upon it. “I take it you know what these are?”

“Most of them.” Diana pointed to the tiara. “Athena gave that to you as a gift after the War in Heaven.”

“She entrusted it to me for safekeeping. It may appear to be a normal tiara, but in the hooves of a skilled warrior it is a deadly weapon; a well placed throw can take the head off a mortal at forty paces.” Diana nodded as Hippolyta moved to the next item, the Lasso of Truth. “And this one?”

“The Lasso of Truth was forged by Hephaestus from a fragment of the Element of Honesty. It forces the target to tell the wielder the truth and will not break under any force.” Diana answered.

“I see that Alexa has made sure you were well versed in the history of these items.” Hippolyta said, smiling.

“Yes, mother.” Diana looked to the last item, the folded leotard. “But I cannot say I am all too familiar with the last one; no one has ever told me a clear story about what it is. Even you have been rather elusive about it.”

“That is an interesting story, my daughter.” Hippolyta brushed the leotard with a hoof before continuing. “Many years before you were born, a mare washed up on Themyscira. She was a mortal, an Equestrian if you were interested, and I made sure that she was taken care of when I saw what condition she was in.

“Eventually she regained her strength, and we prepared to send her on her way. Before we could, however, some of Ares’ worshippers found Themyscira and attacked. Without hesitation she grabbed a weapon and fought alongside us, and with her skill and determination we were able to win the day. Sadly, she was fatally wounded in the fighting and died soon after. She is buried next to that olive tree you used to nap under as a child.” Diana perked up a little at this.

“I remember... she was the unmarked grave?”

“Yes, Diana.” Hippolyta sighed. “I would have made sure that she was remembered, but as she was not an Amazon, so much has been lost... save for this.” Hippolyta nodded towards the leotard. “I had this made shortly after she was buried. I based it off the crests she had been wearing when she arrived, in honor of her sacrifice for Themyscira.” Hippolyta turned back to the altar, grasping the leotard, lasso and tiara in her magic. “Remove your tunic.”

“Uh, mother?” Diana shuffled around, looking back towards the entrance to the temple. “Are you sure that’s the best course of action with a... colt standing outside?”

“Diana, I have never seen you this nervous before." Hippolyta frowned. "You are an Amazon, not a recruit about to receive her first bracelets.”

“I know, but there is still tradition to worry-”

“Diana, he cannot see you from here. If it really worries you,” Hippolyta’s horn shimmered before a disk of light surrounded the two mares. “There’s a cloaking spell. Now remove your tunic.” Diana looked around for a few moments before nodding and pulling off her tunic.

“You know, sometimes you act too much like a foal.” Hippolyta said as Diana set her tunic aside.

“Well sorry if I try to maintain a sense of decency, mother.” Diana muttered.

“Says the mare who was overly protective of the colt she is now scared of.” Diana’s face flushed red while Hippolyta passed her the leotard and tiara. “Now, Diana: do you accept the responsibilities that the gods have charged you with?”

“I...” Diana stopped herself from arguing with her mother. “I do.”

“Do you promise to defend and guide the mortal realm as the gods’ champion, to follow and uphold their laws as well as ours?” Diana thought it over.

“If it all possible, yes.” Hippolyta frowned.

“That wasn’t exactly the answer I was expecting...”

“I know, but suppose I come across a country where it is law to sacrifice slaves and children to appease their warlords? Am I supposed to go along with that?” Hippolyta opened her mouth, but stopped.

“You might be right.” she sighed. “Very well. Do you promise to defend and guide the mortal realm as the gods’ champion, to uphold and defend their laws without compromising your morals?”

“I do.”

“Then Diana, Princess of Themyscira, my daughter and heir,” Hippolyta placed the tiara on Diana’s head. “I now crown you our champion and Envoy of the Gods. And I give you my blessing.” Hippolyta leaned in and kissed Diana lightly on each cheek. When that was finished, she pulled Diana into a tight hug.


“I’m sorry, Diana, I just...” she pulled Diana closer. “I never actually thought something like this would happen.” Diana reached up and placed a hoof on her mother’s shoulder.

“I’ll be fine, mother.” She said, giving Hippolyta a smile.

“I know.” Hippolyta broke away from their hug. “Now get dressed; we'd best not keep the mortals waiting.”


“... So then I said ‘No Spitfire, just because Firefly said ‘right’ does not mean we have to turn right’.” Soarin’ laughed at the memories of Spitfire and his’ one last screw up; it had been mostly his fault, but it was still a good way to kill some tension. A few of the Amazons at the back of the group chuckled while Phillipus and Alexa gave him an off look.

“I... do not understand.” Alexa said. “Could you explain it again?”

“Don’t push him, Alexa.” Phillipus said. “It might damage your intelligence.” Soarin’ frowned and looked back towards the temple.

“How long until they come out?” he asked.

“Patience, colt,” Alexa said. “You should know better than to rush royalty.” Soarin’ opened his mouth, but was stopped when the Amazons snapped to attention. Soarin’ looked up with them just as Diana and Hippolyta exited the temple.

Gone was Diana’s white tunic; she was now clad in a blue and gold leotard, marked with the image of a golden eagle just below the neckline. The leotard clung close to her body, but still managed to hide her cutie mark from view. A lasso that glowed at the slightest movement dangled from her hips, and a golden tiara with a red star rested on her head. She stopped before Soarin’ and smiled, and Soarin’ found a small bead of sweat forming on his brow.

“Well?” Diana asked. “What do you think?”


“Diana, you are a representative of Themyscira, not some mare of the streets.” Hippolyta snapped.

“Sorry, mother.” Diana turned back to Hippolyta. “Well, I think we’re ready.”

“Good. It’s a long flight to Equestria; you should get started so you can reach the first of the barrier islands by nightfall.”

“Uh, not that I don’t want to sound like a pessimist here,” Soarin’ said, raising a hoof. “But if I’m going to be carrying you, that might take a lot longer.” Diana raised an eyebrow before jumping up into the air. Soarin’s mouth dropped open when she failed to come back down.

“Is something that matter?” she asked as Soarin’ tried to regain his composure.

She can fly?! How can she fly? Why didn’t she fly before? Why am I freaking out over this... why am I not freaking out over this more? Soarin’ blinked a few times as he tried to regain control of his mind.

“Uh, no, nothing’s wrong... is there something wrong?” Diana did not seem convinced, but said nothing as she turned back to Hippolyta.

“I shall contact you as soon as I can, mother.” she said.

“I know.” Hippolyta gave Diana one last smile. “Be safe, my Sun and Stars.” Diana smiled and flew over to Soarin’ who was still trying to get over the idea that there was an Earth Pony flying around in front of him.

“If you are going to keep staring, I’ll have my mother cast a spell that would keep your eyes open forever.” she said.

“Uh, no, I’m good.” Soarin’ spread his wings and rose up into the air, bringing himself eye to eye with Diana. She smiled and took off towards the west, Soarin’ trailing behind her as Themyscira and the Amazons shrank from view.

“So, uh...” he began. “You can fly.”

“Yes.” Diana replied,

“Right.” he paused. “And, uh, you’ve been able to all this time?” Diana looked back.

“I guess so. I’ve never found any reason to try, as I am not a Pegasus.” She looked forward again. “Now that I think of it, there aren’t many Pegasi among the Amazons.”

“But you can fly.”

“Yes.” there was silence as Soarin' tried to think of a new line of discussion.

“‘Sun and Stars’?” he asked. Diana shot him a glare.

“Is there something wrong with that?”

“No!” he said, raising his hooves in defense. “Nothing at all, just... well, different. I know I haven't known you or your... family all that long, and your mother didn't seem to be the most affectionate-”

“What’s so different about it? Shouldn’t a mother be allowed to show affection towards her daughter?”

“Hey, there’s no need to get defensive!” Diana stopped talking, looking away as she thought over her response.

“You’re right. I’m sorry for how I acted.” she looked ahead again. “It’s just a nickname, anyway.” Soarin’ raised an eyebrow.

“I figured. Something special, then?”

“Yes.” Diana looked back at him. “When I was a little girl, my mother used to take me stargazing. I’d sit out upon the hills and marvel at the thousands of lights, and my mother used to tell me stories about the great heroes that were immortalized in those stars.” She sighed. “I used to think that those stars were the most beautiful things in the world.”


“My mother used to say that they were beautiful, but I was even more beautiful than all of them.” she looked forward again. “She called me her little Sun and Stars, and that I outshined them all.” Soarin’ smiled and nodded.

“That’s a nice story.”

“Thank you.” Diana broke through a cloud bank. “I’ve always had issues with the night, and my mother helped me immensely.”

“Why do you have issues with night?” another pause.

“I don’t really know. Something from when I was very little, I guess.” She sighed. “I don’t really wish to discuss this right now. I need to stay focus for the task ahead.”

“Right.” there was silence as the two flew, dodging through the clouds. “What will you do once you get to Equestria?”

“I promised to escort you back to Equestria, and after that I should try and find Ares and put an end to his plans.”

“Okay, but...” Soarin’ searched for the right words. “Have you ever been to Equestria?” Diana stopped flying for a moment and turned towards Soarin’.

“No. Why does that matter?” she asked, cocking her head to one side.

“Well, what if you get lost, or something? What if you need to find a place to stay and can’t find anything?”

“Amazons never get lost.” Diana turned around and kept flying. “And I am capable of taking care of myself in the wilderness. If the need arises, I can always ask for help.”

“Well, I don’t mean to sound rude, but you come from an island of militant mares with amazing trust issues. You might end up hurting someone if you’re not careful.” Diana looked back as Soarin’ kept talking. “All I’m saying is that maybe you could use a guide, or liaison, just to keep you company until you get settled in.”

“And you are volunteering your services?”

“Yes.” Soarin’ blinked when he realized what he had just said. “Wait, what I meant to say was-”

“You’ll do." Diana smiled and looked ahead. "After all, you’ve had the most contact with me and the others; it seems only fitting you follow me.”

“I, uh... I’m not really good at the whole guide thing.”

“As I said: you’ll do.” Soarin’ opened his mouth once more, but Diana had ducked through a cloud bank and was now out of earshot. “Hurry; at this rate we’ll never reach the islands by night.” Soarin’ sighed and followed her, his mind racing with different bad outcomes that might be in store for him.


On a cloud not far from Diana’s position, Ares stood, watching the Amazon and her colt flying towards Equestria. Had he been so inclined, he could have revealed himself and knocked the two to their dooms, but he was not like Poseidon, so wrapped up in his rage that it blinded his foresight.

“I should thank you, Athena, for bringing me this great turn of fortune.” he said, more to himself than anything. There was a pop of magic before the grey-eyed alicorn appeared on a second cloud.

“I am not one to tempt the wills of fate, Ares.” she said, her eyes narrowing to slits.

“Then why manipulate the Amazonian Princess into fighting for your cause?” Ares looked back towards Diana, the Earth Pony only a small speck among a sea of clouds.

“The Fates told me to cast my favor upon her. I can only fathom that it was to stop you.”

“Or hasten my revenge.” he smirked. “I was planning on paying your little pet Hippolyta a visit, but now you give me her daughter? Why, that’s more than what I hoped for.”

“Diana is not a sacrifice, Ares.” Athena flared her wings, light flickering off the tips of her feathers. “She is a strong warrior and good friend.”

“If she’s such a good friend why do you send her to oppose me?" Ares turned to face Athena. "Why not just fight me here and end my plan now?”

“You know I cannot do that.”

“Then why are you here?” Ares’ smirk grew even wider. “If you are here to prevent me from blasting Hippolyta’s daughter from the sky, you are wasting your time; I intend to string out your little pet in a merry chase, and show you what happens when you send your 'servants' to do what you are too much of a coward to achieve.”

“You forget, it was I that broke the back of the forces of Apokolips, not you. And unlike you I do not manipulate the mortal realm to my own ends; I try to push them towards their greatest potential.” Ares barely contained his laughter.

“That only works to help you in the end, doesn’t it? Face it, Athena, you are no better than I am.” Athena scowled and looked away for a moment.

“At least I don’t revel in the murder of innocents, be they minotaur, diamond dog, griffin or pony.” Athena was bathed in light as she prepared to return to Olympus. “We are not finished, Ares.”

“Oh, I never doubted that.” he said as Athena disappeared. He turned back and spotted  the Amazon once more, picking her out from among the clouds.

“Unlike you, I still have a few more pieces to bring into play...” Ares smirked before vanishing into a cloud of smoke, drifting off towards Equestria.