Rare Gems Embracing Shadows

by Random_User

Chapter 3: A Recovery, a Royal Dinner, and Sketchy Plans

Chapter 3: A Recovery, a Royal Dinner, and Sketchy Plans

<This chapter includes some loosely used canon from the MLP comic series as to Luna’s transformation into Nightmare Moon. Whether that canon fits with the show has yet to be seen.>

Vigil kept an eye on what he was preparing for breakfast. It had taken him a moment or two to figure out the stove, even after Rarity had shown him how to work its controls. He kept the heat relatively low, deciding to cook the meal longer rather than risk burning it.

Celestia’s visit had calmed him considerably. His mind was more at ease, knowing that one of the two most powerful ponies of Equestria did not see him as a fiend. He muttered to himself, “Twilight may have been right. Maybe it would have been better had I just let the memories come in time.”

“Vigil, stop that. No matter if you take the bandage off slowly, or with a sharp pull, it’s still going to hurt.” Rarity walked into the kitchen, and took a second to appreciate the smell of breakfast cooking before sitting down at the table. Had Sweetie Belle attempted the same meal, Rarity was sure she would be putting out fires by now.

She looked marvelous, as usual. Vigil was sad to see the kimono go. She had looked quite nice in it. “Too true, at least this way the healing process can start faster.”

Rarity nodded and smiled, pleased at his positive outlook on the situation. “There we go. No more doldrums. You’ve just got to get the right mindset. This will all work out.”

“I noticed you do not have much in your ice chest. Would you like me to go to the market for you? I have to earn my keep somehow, if I’m going to remain here.”

She waved the suggestion off. “I’ll do that later, you need to stay here and rest. It’s a refrigerator, by the way. Similar principle, but it works using enchanted gems, not real ice.”

He glanced over at the white appliance with a new respect. “I wondered how it was staying cool without ice, but don’t try to change the subject. Resting is one thing, me being lazy is another. Getting food and supplies would allow me to see the town as well.” He plated the hay bacon and eggs, and then placed Rarity’s meal in front of her. He sat down across from her, and poured apple juice into their respective glasses. “I’m used to working from sunup till past twilight. I wouldn’t know what to do with a restful day if it tackled me.”

During the meal, Vigil convinced Rarity to allow him to go to the market for her. As he collected the dishes, she made a list of things that she would need from the market. “I tried to give you what the reasonable price for each item should be. We don’t often have trouble with the stall owners trying to take advantage of a pony, but I’ve see it happen.” She provided him with saddle bags, a pouch of bits, and instructions on how to reach the market. “Are you sure you will be alright?”

“I’m going to pick up food, some thread, and a book from the library. How much trouble can I get into?”

Rarity started to say something, smiled at some inner thought, and unlocked the shop door for him. “You’d be surprised.”


An hour and a half later, Vigil returned a much more educated stallion as to the ways of Ponyville. He had learned of the Cutie Mark Crusaders by nearly being run over by their scooter and wagon combination as they made their way to their newest attempt to gain their cutie marks. He learned that there was a shortage of available stallions in the town and an abundance of single mares. While that led to good bargains at the market, it also led to uncomfortable conversations as to his past, his job, where he lived, and whether he would be interested in a nice quiet dinner. He also learned that trying to dissuade Twilight from looking over a magical puzzle, namely him, was impossible. He had ended up bombarded with several magical tests at the hooves of the purple unicorn. He had also learned that baby dragons do not know what to make of a stallion who asks if they have eaten any enchanted gems lately, and that they can be jealous of a stallion staying under the same roof as their crush.

He closed the shop’s door behind him, relieved to be back in the relative calm of the boutique. His ears perked up at the sound of another voice in the shop, a male voice. He put the saddle bags down in the kitchen, and followed the sounds of conversation. Rarity and a blue maned, white coated stallion stood in the workroom looking over a sketch. The stallion was obviously well to do. His clothing was of expensive make and perfectly tailored for him. As the stallion turned to him, Vigil noticed that he wore a monocle. Vigil internally sighed, Of course. A mare like Rarity was sure to already have some stallion in her life. He was somewhat surprised at himself for the thought.

Rarity gestured for Vigil to come into the room. “Just the stallion we were discussing. Stalwart Vigil, it’s my pleasure to introduce Fancy Pants. He and I were going over a business idea of his.”

Fancy stepped forward and offered his hoof. “Rarity told me about your ordeal. I can’t say that I would have recovered nearly so well. I’m glad to see you up and about.”

Vigil half expected Fancy to be a well-to-do jerk, yet he was charming and polite as any pony could ask for. Great, to top it off he’s a gentlecolt. Vigil took the offered hoof and shook it. “Rarity is the one that made my swift recovery possible.”

Fancy flashed a brilliant smile. “She and I were just discussing an idea that I have had. I would value your input, since you are from the Crystal Empire.” He pointed to Rarity’s sketch. “I noted on a recent trip to the Empire that clothing is not widely worn, and suits not at all. I hope to change that. What do you think about something like this for stallions to wear?”

Vigil looked over the sketch and didn’t know what to say. He had always been fond of cloaks. “Knowledge of fashion is something that I’m lacking in. I don’t even recognize this type of clothing. You’re the first stallion I have ever seen wearing it.”

Both Rarity and Fancy looked at him blankly for a moment. Rarity looked towards the ceiling, ashamed at herself for not thinking of it sooner. “Of course, he’s technically from one thousand years in the past. Ponies didn’t have formal attire like this back then.”

Fancy gave Vigil a sympathetic look. “There must be so much you have to be getting used to.”

Vigil shrugged, not really sure how to answer. “It’s taking a bit of adjusting, but most things are the same. Ponies are still ponies. That much hasn’t changed at all.”

“Well spoken.” Fancy removed his monocle and placed in his pocket. “I need to get going. I’m sure Fleur is giving the owner of Odds and Ends an interesting time. I haven’t seen her so excited over a shop in a while.”

“Tell her hello for me.” Rarity led them out of the workroom and to the shop’s door. “If you are staying in Ponyville, maybe we could get together for dinner one night?”

Fancy politely shook his head. “I’m afraid we have to return to Centerlot this evening. I have a meeting to attend in the morning, and she has a photo shoot with Photo Finish scheduled. Otherwise I would have enjoyed the opportunity for dinner with you and Vigil.”

Vigil kept his outward appearance neutral. There was a lot being said without the corresponding words being uttered. He was not certain if he understood the subtext correctly. “It would have been a pleasure to meet your…?”

Fancy grinned as if he had won some bet with himself. “My fiancé, she is a wonderful mare. Intelligent, practical, lovely, I could not ask for more.” Fancy gave Vigil a glance meant to convey a meaning just for him. “There are far too few mares like Fleur. I have been lucky enough to have had two in my life, my fiancé and the mare standing beside you. You were fortunate to find yourself saved by the bearer of the Element of Generosity.” He turned and departed, leaving Rarity with a slight blush and Vigil with a new opinion of the Canterlot stallion.

“I can see why he is doing so well. He could charm a hydra into becoming a pet.” Vigil shut the store’s door. As he turned, Rarity gave him a knowing look. Vigil paused and asked, “What?”

Rarity grinned. “Nothing, I was just noticing something. Anyway, I think I’ve figured out a way for you to not feel like you are being lazy while we wait for Celestia’s letter.”

Vigil cautiously asked, “That would be?”

“You’re going to help me by being a model.”

Vigil gave her a confused look. “What do you mean a ‘model’?”

Rarity paused for a moment, and clarified, “You would be a living mannequin that would allow me to see how my designs looked on a stallion, particularly when they were in motion.

Vigil tried not to, he truly did, but he ended up laughing anyway.

Rarity was not amused at his reaction. “I’m serious. You’re in great shape, you have the right build, and with your mane and coat colors I could work with a wide range of color combinations.”

Vigil raised a hoof. “I apologize, but the idea of me replacing your mannequin literally struck me as funny.” He bowed slightly. “I agree to become your model. I would hate to disappoint the lady who has taken me in, and who just complemented my physique so nicely.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and pushed him towards the shop.


Rarity kept Vigil constantly occupied during the days it took for them to receive a message form Celestia. He stood for pin-fits, modeled a couple of early designs, comforted her when she thought they were rubbish, and helped her by getting supplies and doing odd jobs around the shop while she redid the designs. Vigil returned to his habit of completing the Lancer’s morning and evening exercise regimens. The routines helped keep his mind clear. They also gave him a sense of normalcy in an otherwise strange and hectic setting. After a couple of days of him starting back on the regimens, Rarity joined him during a morning session. She had little trouble with the exercises, and he was surprised to learn that she had had martial arts training. The gem flared a few times during the wait. Thanks to Celestia’s magic, the discomfort was much less, and Vigil found the flares more annoying than painful.

The time spent at Carousel Boutique did more than allow Vigil time to recover; it allowed him to find a new appreciation for the mare that had saved him. He found her to be professional, elegant with clients, skilled in her craft, and detail oriented in all aspects of her work. She was equally well rounded in her personal life. Caring and supportive with her sister’s attempts to get her cutie mark (when the younger mare wasn’t destroying part of the shop or the kitchen), helpful to her friends when they needed it, and even her odd relationship with Spike showed she had a loving heart. He began to show his growing affections for her in small ways. He picked up extra tasks as he worked around the shop, left flowers in spots where she would find them; he took the time to learn and fix her favorite dishes during meals, and made sure she kept herself healthy in the face of her daunting work load. She noted his efforts and tokens of affection, but said nothing directly about them other than to thank him. However, he noticed she would stand closer to him when they were out in Ponyville, and there was much more ‘incidental’ contact between the two of them in the workroom as they toiled on the suit’s designs and completion.

After three weeks, the message from Celestia arrived. It came in the form of an invitation for Vigil and the Elements to come do dinner at the castle in two days. Included in the message were train tickets for them all. Vigil was fascinated by the train, and watched out the window as Equestria’s country side went by. “I would have never thought such a thing possible. The work that this machine can do must be staggering.”

Applejack appreciated the fact that he saw the potential in trains. “From what Rarity told me, she’s convinced that work is about all that you think about. She’s tried to get you to rest, but you always managed to find something to do.”

Vigil turned to the farming mare. “When I was captain of the Lancers, I always had to fulfill some duty or another. I guess I got used to being constantly in motion. It feels strange to sit for any length of time without doing something. Truth be told, she is not much better. She gets up and exercises with me at sunrise and then sets right to work. She only stops when I drag her out of the workshop, if there is a customer she needs to attend to, or for our evening exercises before dinner.”

“I’m glad you’re tryin’ to get her to take care of herself. She tends to put too much on her plate, and can get herself all riled up over the smallest thing.”

They both turned to where Rarity was sitting with Twilight and Fluttershy. “She does tend to get a little dramatic at times.” Applejack gave him a sidelong glance. “Alright, she gets really dramatic at times. But with her drive for perfection and keen eye for detail it’s understandable. She puts so much effort into everything that she does, whether it’s for her or for others. It’s impressive to watch.”

Applejack turned back to Vigil, as a grin slowly came over her face.

Rarity sensed she was being looked at, and turned towards Vigil. She noticed Applejack’s face, and walked over. “What are you two talking about? I thought I felt my ears burning for a moment.”

Rainbow, who had been sitting by Applejack, decided to cut in. “Vigil was just telling Applejack about how you worked too hard and that your drama fits were because you were fussy about everything.”

Vigil’s mouth fell open at Rainbow’s words. Applejack did not help the situation by laughing. “I did not say anything like that!” He tried to explain to Rarity, “I said that your drive for perfection made you stress the small details of life. That’s all!”

Applejack’s grin went from ear to ear, as she decided to add to the fun. “He also told us how you two were exercisin' in the mornins and evenins.”

Rarity could only stammer at her friend’s implications. Vigil put his head against the car’s window in defeat.

The train pulled into the Canterlot station. The group disembarked and started to make their way towards the castle. Pinkie bounced ahead, looking at anything and everything.

“Is she always like that?” Vigil could hardly keep up with Pinkie’s rapid and erratic movements. She seemed to be able to move from one spot to another within a blink of an eye.

Twilight snorted in an unladylike way. “Yes. I still haven’t figured out how she does it. Between her Pinkie Sense and her ability to break the laws of physics, I’m certain there is a kind of magic involved that hasn’t been discovered yet. I just haven’t been able to isolate it.”

“So that’s why you know all those weird examination spells.”

Twilight glared at him. “It was just five spells. I’ll have you know they are standard examination spells that are used all over Equestria.”

“Five spells that examined every inch of my being inside and out.” He shuddered as he remembered the sensation of the spells passing over and through him.

Rarity raised an eyebrow, and curiously asked, “Every inch?”

He nodded in humiliation. “Every inch..”

Rarity couldn’t help but add to his embarrassment. “Twilight dear, we will have to discuss what you found. I have taken my own measurements and notes on him, for my little fashion project, and we’ll have to compare to notes as to how fit a specimen he is.”

Vigil let out a long sigh. “This is what I get for being the only male in the group.”

The Royal Guards at the castle gate recognized the Elements on sight. The pair of armored stallions directed them to the castle’s entry hall. Vigil instinctively drew himself up as if he were on duty upon entering the castle. After a couple of minutes, Celestia entered the hall.

“Hello my friends, it’s good to see you. It’s unfortunate that troubling situations seem to be the only time all of us can get together.”

Pinkie bounded up to the princess. “You can come to any party I throw in Ponyville. Then it wouldn’t have to be a serious thing when you see us.”

Celestia grinned at the prospect. “I will be sure to do that. I’ll be looking forward to it, and your scrumptious cake.” She looked to the cause of the evening. “I’m glad to see you are doing well, Vigil.”

Vigil bowed to her. “Princess, I am in good health thanks to your magic and Rarity’s care.”

“No need to be so formal, captain. You’re out of uniform and far from the Crystal Empire.”

Twilight tilted her head. “Princess, don’t you mean that Vigil was a captain?”

“No, Twilight, Vigil was not released from the guard formally nor did he resign.” She playfully put a hoof to her chin. “Now that you mention it, I will have to discuss with Luna how we are going to measure his back pay.”

“I’m still a part of the Lancers?” Vigil’s voice quavered a little.

“Of course you still are. Did you think otherwise?” Celestia asked, concerned at the expression on his face.

“I thought after my…behavior that I would have been dismissed.”

“Luna and I haven’t signed any forms releasing you.” Celestia gave him a smirk. “That’s one nice thing about paperwork; it can come in handy at the oddest times.”

He bowed again, this time much deeper. “I cannot tell you how much that means to me.”

Celestia addressed the group. “Come this way, we will be eating soon. The head chef is a master at this art, but he does tend to get a little upset if his guests are not on time to enjoy his efforts.”

As they made their way to the dining room, Vigil noted how little had changed in the castle since he had visited. There were different ponies in the halls, the royal guards’ uniforms had changed in their design, but the structure itself seemed untouched by time, much like the princesses who ruled from it.

Another pair of guards opened the doors to the dining room for the group, and Vigil had a sudden feeling of unease.

Celestia caught his hesitation. “My sister will not treat you unkindly.” Celestia gave Vigil a comforting look. “She has read Twilight’s letter and knows what happened to you.”

He silently prayed to the very being that was speaking to him that she was right. Luna was waiting for the group in the dining room. She sat at the end of the table, across from an empty seat that was reserved for Celestia.

After Luna’s return, Celestia had made it a point for them to sit across from each other, even when meeting with heads of other nations. She had lost Luna once due to her unfounded fears that her night was unloved and she was not the ruler that Celestia was. Celestia was never going to allow such a loss to happen again. Sitting across from her sister served as subtle reminder to Luna that they were equal in power and in the love of their ponies.

As the group came in, Luna stood and approached Vigil. She looked him over and regarded the gem in his chest. “Thou have had an interesting thousand years as well, tis a pity that your trials are not over. Before we dine, there is an issue between us that must be addressed. My sister has informed me that you still doubt you performed your duties according to your oath. You seem to think that you failed us, your fellow crystal ponies, and yourself.”

“Princess Luna, I cannot avoid the fact that I put the very ponies I was to protect through…”

“Silence,” there was just enough of the Royal Canterlot Voice in the command that it was clear Luna would not tolerate such talk from the stallion. “I will ask you questions and you shall answer.” The other ponies in the room, barring Celestia, were stunned at the princess’ tone.

Rarity began to say something to Luna, when a pure white foreleg wrapped itself around her shoulders. Celestia leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Wait and watch. My sister knows what she is doing.”

Luna began. “Captain, what was the last order that you received before being isolated from us here in Equestria?”

Vigil’s answer came quickly. “That I should prevent the harm of ponies from any and all harm till help arrived.”

“Did you follow that order?”

“I tried to, princess.”

Luna sharply cut her eyes at him. “You will answer yes or no from now on. You may also drop my title, or this shall become tedious. Is that clear?”


“Before using the artifact, did you attempt to protect the crystal ponies to the best of your abilities?”


Luna began to circle him as she asked her questions. “Did you manage the guard properly and ensure that Discord’s influence was lessened to the greatest extent you could?”


She closed a little closer to Vigil with each circle. “Did you face widespread civil unrest due the prolonged isolation that the Empire faced?”


“Were ponies hurt when the council leaders tried their experiments on the Crystal Heart?”

“Yes.” The memory seemed to play before his eyes. It was plain the images of the wounded ponies still bothered him.

“Did you make the agreement with the Council to prevent other injuries?”


“Did you use the horn in order to keep your word, protect innocent ponies, and to have a chance at driving off Discord?”

Vigil swallowed before answering, “Yes.”

“Were you in control of yourself after the horn gained its influence on you?”

“No,” was his shaky answer.

With that answer, Luna stood in front of Vigil barely a foreleg’s distance away. “Do you believe the princess before you is a monster?”

Vigil almost came out of attention in shock at the question. “No!”

“Look at me.” Vigil did so, and saw the tears in her eyes. “I know what it is like to lose one’s self to darkness. I succumbed to the nightmare forces I had so long battled, after the exhausting struggle with Discord. Under those influences, I turned into Nightmare Moon and committed acts that made anything Sombra did pale in comparison. Had my sister not stopped me, I would have ended all life in this world. You too were taken hostage in your own body by dark powers. Neither you nor I are monsters, just victims of fate. We did what we could to protect the ponies in our care and we were deeply wounded in our efforts, nothing more and nothing less. Had you not made your promise and used the horn, I assure you other ponies would have been grievously injured or killed by the Heart’s powers. It was not crafted for use in war, and no pony should have ever attempted to use in such a fashion.”

Luna gently put her hoof on the gem in his chest. “Captain, you bear guilt for actions that you did not commit. You have paid a terrible cost for your adherence to your duty both physically and mentally. As your princess and commander, I hereby judge that you are guiltless in the events that occurred in the Crystal Empire. I hold the creature Sombra solely responsible for committing grave sins against ponies, and he has paid the ultimate price for his wickedness. You performed your duties as a captain of the Lancer’s without fault, and you should be proud that you did so in such dark times. You may now speak freely.”

Despite having permission, Vigil could not say much at all. “Thank you, princess.” The relief in his voice said more than his words did.

Luna dropped her hoof from his chest. “I will be accompanying you to the Crystal Empire on the morrow. I shall help you purge this gem from your flesh. Returning the Empire will not be easy for you, and I will be there to render what aid I can.”

Rarity released her held breath. Celestia patted her back. “My sister is not as tender as a healer, but sometimes her methods reach ponies that I cannot.”


After the meal, Luna had to return to her duties. The rest of the dinner group decided to visit different parts of the castle. Celestia and Twilight headed towards the castle’s library to discuss magical theory and application. Fluttershy went to the gardens to try to apologize to the critters for her behavior during the Gala. Applejack ventured to the royal orchard. Rainbow and Pinkie decided that sneaking into the kitchens for a little more dessert would be fun and delicious. Vigil and Rarity found themselves heading towards the hedge labyrinth.

They paused at the statue of Discord, which stood near the entrance to the maze. Vigil looked at his fallen foe with a mixture of relief and anger. “If he would have just listened to reason, all of this could have been avoided.” He turned away and headed toward the maze. “I guess that is a little too much to ask for the embodiment of chaotic forces.”

“Celestia believes that all beings should be given a chance to reform. He may be able to someday.” Rarity turned and followed Vigil into to the verdant hallways.

“Celestia treated me with understanding and benevolence when I didn’t think I merited it, maybe he deserves it too.” He snorted as he mulled over his words. “I would have never thought I would actually feel sympathy for the monster.”

They walked in silence for a few minutes, weaving aimless through the maze. They came across an elegant gazebo with lovely flowers growing up a lattice work. Rarity reached out and touched one of the closed blossoms. “Pity they’re not open. They must be marvelous when they are in bloom.” They took a seat on the bench under the gazebo, and studied the moon.

Rarity smiled at thought of all the recent changes that had occurred in the world. “It’s strange to associate the moon with Luna now. Since I was a filly it was Celestia’s responsibility, along with raising the sun.”

Vigil understood the idea, but from another viewpoint. “The thought of Luna not being here in Equestria for so long that ponies forgot about her is something that has flummoxed me. She was such a part of our lives. The very concept of her being gone is something I can’t imagine.” He turned to her, and cautiously extended a hoof to take hers. “I know I said this to you and the others over dinner, but I feel like I should say it again, especially to you. You don’t have to come with me to the Crystal Empire. I don’t know what will happen once I get there. I don’t want you getting pulled into something that could get you hurt. You’ve already done so much for me, I can’t ask for anything more.”

“I’m going with you, and that’s final. I started this, I will finish it.”

“You started it on accident.” He patted the gem in his chest. “You had no control over getting this gem in your order.”

She smiled. “True, but I’m not going to let you go into such a situation without a friend by your side.”

At the world “friend” he took a steadying breath. He extended his other hoof and took her free one. “That’s something I wanted to talk to you about.” She looked at him with widening eyes, as she became aware of where the conversation was going. “You have helped in ways that I will never be able to adequately repay. You’ve saved me, given me shelter and food, and supported me at the lowest points in my life. After all of this is over, I want to return to Ponyville and help you complete the project for Fancy Pants.”

“I haven’t ‘given’ you anything. You’ve been working your tail off around the boutique. Even when you were supposed to be resting, you insisted on running around town doing errands. You’ve cooked, kept me from overworking, you’ve modeled, and you’ve been a blessing all the way around. You don’t have to leave your home so soon after getting back just to help me.”

“Celestia and Luna may have forgiven me, which helps more than I could put into words, but there is a part of me that has not forgiven me for my actions. I don’t think I would be comfortable living among the ponies I had enslaved. I have no family to speak of, and I know that the Lancers are under a new commander. My life in the Empire, for all intents and purposes, is done. I have friends there, sure, but the rest of my life there is gone. If I have to start over, I want it to be someplace new. A place that I am comfortable with, a place with somepony I care for. I’ve only known you for a short while, but you have become a cornerstone in my life.” He raised one of her hooves, and gently kissed it. “I’ll return to Ponyville after all this, and get a place of my own. And, if you wish to, I would like to see where our friendship could lead us.”

She smiled at the thought. “That sounds wonderful, but don’t close off choices for yourself too soon. You don’t know what will happen in the Crystal Empire. I would hate for you to give up on your old life too quickly, especially on my account.”

“Whether I pick up my old life or start a new one, I want you to be a part of it.”

He wrapped his forelegs around and she returned the gesture. They sat that way, watching the moon and enjoying the tender contact, for quite some time.