Rainbow Savior

by Juria

Chapter 6/Epilogue

Rainbow Savior Chapter 6

Scootaloo felt the tip of the needle scratch the skin under her fur, before she felt the weight of Cherry Blossom go flying off of her. Cautiously she opened one eye, then the other, to find a small scratch on her chest, but more importantly, to find Cherry Blossom’s body had been flung over the bed, her head smacking into the wall with enough force to knock her out. She also noticed a big black burn mark on her back. Scootaloo turned to the seemingly empty hallway, spotting only the faintest hint of an alicorn body leaving.

“Hey, wait!” she shouted.

The faceless silhouette stopped, turning to Scootaloo. “Sleep.” It whispered, in an almost ethereal voice.

“Thank you.” Were the only words Scootaloo got out before drifting back into darkness.

Scootaloo awoke to find Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon by her side. “Oh great, I’m dead.” she groaned sarcastically.

Almost instantly, she was practically hugged to death by her fellow Crusaders. “Ow, ow, it’s good to see you guys too. Ouch, ribs, not completely healed!” she shouted.

“Come on you two. Unless you want her to stay in the hospital longer.” Diamond Tiara stated, rolling her eyes as Applebloom and Sweetie Belle released Scootaloo from the hug of doom.

Scootaloo glanced over at Diamond Tiara. “So, why’d you two show up?”

Diamond Tiara scratched the back of her head with her hoof. “Well, we just thought we’d come and visit you.” she began. “Yeah, but when we saw the mess that you were in, we hired some professionals to clean the place up.” Silver Spoon finished, tapping on the restored room door proudly.

Scootaloo’s ears perked up. “So, I take it you two hired the alicorn that rescued me, right?”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon exchanged confused looks. “Ok, now I know you’re not completely healed.” Diamond Tiara stated with a genuine giggle, walking out of the room with Silver following close behind. “I’m rich, not a miracle worker."

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were about to practically drown Scootaloo in a flood of questions, until they heard the sound of their respective sisters clearing their throats. The three filly’s eyes turned towards the door, to see Rainbow Dash followed by Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. Taking the hint rather quickly, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle gave their friend a quick hoof-bump before leaving.

Now, Rainbow Dash looked around her, making sure that only Luna and Celestia were present, before practically tackling Scootaloo in the tightest embrace she could without injuring her, letting the tears trickle down her cheeks. “I am so sorry Scootaloo.” she whispered, gently stroking the filly’s mane.

“Um..mom..can’t..breath.” she said, tapping on Dashing’s foreleg.

Rainbow Dash let her go, standing next to her with her head down. “How can you even call me that? I promised to protect you and I didn’t make it in time.” she stated with a sigh.

“Rainbow Dash?” Luna asked in a commanding tone.

Dash lifted her head to meet the princess. “How dare you speak in such a manner. Just because you didn’t physically disable Cherry Blossom with your own two hooves does not mean that thou are not capable of being the guardian of Scootaloo. If anything, you have proven to be not only worthy of the element you wield and embody, but thou hast also proven thyself to be more than capable of taking Scootaloo under your wing, both literally and metaphorically.” The night princess stated sternly.

Rainbow Dash gave Scootaloo a small smile. “Well, I don’t know if she really wants me to be…”

Dash didn’t even have time to finish her statement as a small orange and purple streak pinned her to the floor with a loving embrace. “More than anything in the world!” Scootaloo shouted happily.

Celestia and Luna shared a chuckle as Scootaloo pried herself off of Rainbow Dash and stood next to her, Dash playfully ruffling her mane. “Well, I guess that answers my question.” Dash said with a grin.

Slowly, a questioning look appeared on Scootaloo’s face. “Um, your highnesses, what happened to Cherry Blossom?”
Princess Luna smirked unnervingly. “Let us just say that the olden laws came back into play as far as she is concerned, at least for the first 20 years of her sentence. After which, if she survives, she is to be transported to a more modern facility, sadly, and there she will stay for the rest of her days. Her main reason for working with Gilda in the first place seemed to be nothing more than greed. Gilda was paying her hundreds of bits to bring those foals to her. The bits, which by now must be somewhere in the hundreds of thousands, is to be returned to the orphanages from whence the foals came, except in your case, Scootaloo.”

Both Dash and Scootaloo’s ears perked up at this revelation. “What?” both ponies said in unison.

Celestia smiled gently. “The portion Cherry Blossom received from Gilda to trick you, Scootaloo, will be going into a savings account that you will be unable to touch until you reach adulthood unless your permanent guardian says otherwise.” The princess of the sun stated.

“Oh come on!, wait, what?” Scootaloo shouted, going from ticked to shocked all in a matter of seconds.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hoof, was in total shock. “I..I’m her guardian?” she asked with a stunned look on her face.

Both princesses nodded in unison, Celestia being the first to speak. “If that is what you wish, then we will write up the contract and make it official.

Rainbow Dash looked down at Scootaloo, took a deep breath, and gave the little filly the biggest smile she could muster. “I’m ready.”

Scootaloo giggled softly, before snuggling into Rainbow Dash’s chest once more, crying tears of joy. For the first time in what felt like forever, Scootaloo didn’t feel pain, or fear, or dread, but only peace.

Celestia and Luna walked out of the room to leave the new-found mother and daughter to celebrate with friends and family. “Good job my sister. If you hadn’t arrived when you did, that young filly’s life might have ended.” Celestia said with a smile.

The night princess gave her a quizzical stare. “But, sister, Rainbow Dash was the first pony to arrive, not us. We were behind the Wonderbolts.”

Celestia put a hoof to her jaw as she stared into the bright blue sky, watching her sun shine for all of Equestria. “If not you, nor I, than who?”

A pink alicorn flew high above the trees and far beyond Equestria’s borders, coming to a landing in front of a large cave. Suddenly, several black, insect-like creatures surrounded her, the largest of them confronting her.

“Ah, another pony I see. Welcome to the changeling empire. You will make a fine energy source for the rest of the hive.” he said with a smirk, grabbing her front hoof.

The pink alicorn calmly picked the black creature up and threw him into his companions. “Well, it appears my disguise works better than I expected. And here I thought that I would just be fortunate enough to have my magic work in this form.” The alicorn stated in a seductive, otherworldly tone.

In a flash of green flames, the alicorn’s pink fur disappeared, revealing a glimmering black exoskeleton, turquoise mane, and insect-like transparent wings.

The group instantly dropped to the ground in terror. “Queen Chrysalis, we had no idea it was you.” the larger solider said, whimpering.

Chrysalis scoffed at them. “Get up you foals, you have nothing to fear.” she stated, rolling her eyes.

As the group walked in the cave behind Chrysalis, they all began to walk further downwards until the cave seemed to open up to reveal a massive hive, almost akin to the inside of a beehive, only with black and green tones instead of black and yellow. Even what light shone through the hive’s roof seemed to glow green.

Once they had reached a smaller chamber within the hive, Chrysalis turned to the group that had been following her. “Return to your posts my subjects. I must gather my thoughts and meet with the generals.” she ordered.

Every changeling, save for the large one, left. “Um, my queen, if you don’t mind me asking, what are your plans?” he asked, visibly sweating little green drops of liquid from his forehead.

Chrysalis looked down at the changeling, smiled and patted his head. “We must prepare for a wedding.” she stated, cackling menacingly.

The End.