Nightmare Derpy

by Little Woona

Chapter One

Nightmare Derpy

Chapter One: The Beginning of the End

One day you’re just as normal a pony as anyone else, a pony who has a nice job at the mail office, loves her daughter, sometimes indulges in a little muffin and has a good time with friends; the next day you’re a powerful queen who tries to conquer Equestria with an army of dark shadows and forcing everypony who dares oppose you to be imprisoned into their worst nightmares. Life can be really crazy sometimes.

“Your Highness, everypony in the castle has been captured” one of the dark shadows announced, jerking the Nightmare Queen free of her thoughts for a moment as she walked towards the castle.

“Well done, Darkshade,” the Nightmare Queen said.
“And what of the princesses?”

“We’re taking care of them and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, your Highness,” Darkshade said. “They must be in the throne room in this moment.”

“Do you really think that you can defeat two goddess alicorn princesses, as well as the bearers of Harmony?” The Queen asked, raising an eyebrow.

“We stole the Elements of Harmony before they could get them. They’re now defenseless and the princesses won’t be hard to get rid of. Our nightmare power is strong enough,” the shadow assured.

Ahem…” The Queen cleared her throat, glaring at Darkshade.

“Oops, sorry… I mean, your nightmare power, Majesty.” Darkshade immediately corrected his phrase.

“That’s better. Need I remind you that the conditions of me being your new Queen stipulated that you must do everything exactly as I said?” The Queen’s imposing tone made her point very clear.

The Queen and her servant had already arrived at the castle, heading to the doors of the throne room as they walked by the hallway. Royal guards and castle staff were lying on the floor. Their bodies shook with fear, their heads completely covered by shadows making their faces almost invisible; Entrapped within their worst nightmares due to the influence of the nightmare power of those creatures. The only way one could wake up was to realize that all of it was just a dream and to face their fears. Of course, it was much easier said than done.

Meanwhile in the throne room…

“We have to get back the Elements of Harmony, they’re our only hope!” Twilight exclaimed.

“I’m afraid it won’t be that easy, darling.” Rarity countered as she stared at the multiple shadows surrounding them, creeping closer.

“Twilight is right, if the Elements freed me once from the control of these creatures, they can do it again with their new Queen, whoever she is,” Luna affirmed. “You must leave; my sister and I will distract them enough so you six can find the Elements wherever they’ve hidden them.”

“What!? You must be kidding! There’s no way we’ll leave you two alone against all these creatures, they’re too many and too strong!” Rainbow Dash objected.

“Have faith my dears, once you have found the Elements and used them to defeat this new Nightmare, all of these creatures will dissipate and the ponies under the influence of the nightmare power will be released.” Celestia assured the group.

“If we survive this, dearest sister, you're going to owe me a huge piece of cake,” Celestia whispered discreetly to Luna.

A massive shadow chose that moment to jump right in front of Celestia and bellow furiously; making her horseshoes slip on the floor and her ethereal mane fly backwards as if a great wind were blowing at her.

“Correction, it will be an entire cake,” Celestia said with a fake calm on her face.

“You never change, Tia.” Luna let out a small chuckle.

Immediately she shifted moods, preparing herself to face the shadows. As she spread her wings to look more intimidating, she observed Celestia following suit, both sisters bravely placing themselves between the Mane Six and the shadows; their distance closing with every second.

“Quickly, there’s no time to lose! Use the secret doors behind the throne, they will lead you out of the castle immediately” Luna declared, maintaining her position.

Twilight nodded and looked at her friends. “Hurry up everypony! The fate of Equestria is in our hooves.”

The Six galloped towards the back doors without a backward glance; their ears filled with the blasting sounds of magical attacks among several roars. As they neared their escape, the sounds of battle faded, until naught but their own steps could be heard. The resulting silence was a clear signal that they needed to rush.

Back in the throne room, the principal doors opened revealing the new Queen. She smirked to herself as she approached the defeated alicorn princesses lying on the floor. Luna made an effort to remain conscious, slowly opening her eyes, only to petrify at what she saw.

There, strolling through the throne room beyond the principal doors was the new Queen of Nightmares. She was almost as tall as Luna; her black pearled armor on her chest shined with the moonlight’s reflection, permitted entry by the windows in the room. She possessed no horn: instead, there was a pair of gray wings by her sides. Her blonde mane and tail matched her golden draconic eyes. Her gaze swept over Luna, somehow still awake and then shifted to Celestia, unconscious after the fatigue of battle.

“Y-Y-YOU!? You’re the new Nightmare Queen!?” Luna exclaimed, fearful yet impressed. “B-but how? Why did you accept their dark offer to become queen? What are you planning to do? Why are you attacking the castle? Where did you hide the Elements of Harmony? Why does Celestia love bananas so much?”

“Isn’t that obvious, princess?” The Nightmare put a hoof on Luna’s back to prevent her from rising off the ground.

“These creatures needed a new Queen, somepony to be their leader, somepony to lead them to VICTORY! So I decided that pony should be me and in exchange” - she brought her head closer to Luna’s ear - “They have granted all of my deepest and darkest desires, satisfying me in ways that I didn't even know were possible!”

Luna blushed and stared at the Queen; it was then that one of the shadows elected to approach with a plate full of freshly baked muffins, balanced tentatively in the shape of a pyramid.

“Your Highness, another batch of muffins is reaAAH!! OOUCH! UFF!!” The shadow was interrupted when the Queen jumped through it to snatch the plate of muffins.

“See? This is what I’m talking about; they give me all I want, all I need.” She held the plate with one hoof and grabbed one of the muffins with the other, sitting on the shadow as if it was a pillow or a chair. It attempted to escape its temporary prison, without success. Raising the muffin to her mouth, the Queen rapidly devoured her snack.

“But it can’t be! You couldn’t have accepted to be their queen just for a couple of muffins,” Luna insisted. “They surely have offered you something more.”

“You’re smarter than I thought.” The Nightmare said, rising again in front of Luna; freeing the poor shadow which took a large breath of relief. “Well yes, they offered me something more; something that I didn’t even think was possible!”

“What could you possibly want?” Luna asked, worriedly looking around for Celestia. She appeared to be waking up, albeit slowly. As Celestia finished regaining consciousness, she stared first at her sister – lying by her side on the ground - then at the Nightmare in front of her with an evil grin plastered on her face.

“Excellent, now that you both are awake I shall reveal my plan,” the Queen announced, taking in the view of both broken princesses. “Well first of all, I got rid of the Elements of Harmony so nopony can stop me now, then I will make the night eternal and finally, all my dreams will come true!”

The Nightmare Queen moved backwards a few steps spreading her wings and raising herself to the air, her eyes glowed intensely with a bright light.


“Why am I not even surprised?” Celestia asked in a weak yet sarcastic voice.

SILENCE!” Nightmare Derpy ordered. “I have defeated both of you and hidden the Elements where nopony will ever find them! There’s nothing you can do to stop me now!”

“Derpy, listen! Please! You’re not evil! They’re just controlling you!” Luna implored, trying to reason with her. “They’re playing with your mind! This is not what you really want.”

In that moment, Derpy’s eyes stopped glowing and softly landed in front of them.

“How can you be sure about that?” Nightmare Derpy asked still defiant.

“Because if you recall -” Luna struggled to her hooves and faced her “- I was the original Nightmare Moon, and I know this is not what you want, they’re just playing with your mind! Don’t let them to control your actions!”

“Lies, I am the one controlling them!” Derpy shouted.

“That’s what they want you to believe! You have to fight them; don’t let them take control of you!” Luna insisted.

“Speak all you like, nothing you say will sway my mind,” stated Derpy. “Now if you’ll excuse me, these muffins aren't going to eat themselves.”

Celestia’s horn started to glow slightly without Nightmare Derpy noticing. She began weaving a spell allowing her to speak telepathically with her sister; so they could trace a plan and get out of that situation.

I see what you did there, sister,” Celestia said.

Was it really that obvious?

Unfortunately for you, yes.

While the princesses were talking in their minds, Nightmare Derpy looked back at them as she ate the rest of her muffins; she just sat there and kept eating her muffins one by one staring at the princesses without saying a word.

You know as well as I that there’s no way to reason with a pony influenced by the power of the Nightmare.” Celestia continued.

True, but I still can earn some time for Twilight and her friends to recover the Elements, that’s only way we can still save her, she’s not evil, we have to save her, sister.” concluded Luna.

I know, and I also know that it’s just a matter of time until she decides to trap us in our nightmares, so there’s nothing we can do for now.

“Have you finished your little conversation?” Nightmare Derpy asked in a cheerful mocking voice.

Both Celestia and Luna’s jaws dropped.
“Just because I’m cross-eyed, you thought I wouldn’t be able to see your horns glowing? Just because I’m a pegasus, I wouldn’t be able to recognize such a simple spell when I see it? My daughter learned to cast those kind of spells a few weeks ago in school!”

“Okay, I didn’t see that coming.” Celestia admitted her fate and closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Dark shadows immediately surrounded princess Celestia and entered her mind. Unable to resist, she fell asleep; her body began to shake slightly and her face was frowning; it was a clear signal that she was already having nightmares, under the control of Nightmare Derpy. There was nothing that could be done to help her.

“NO! Leave her alone!” Luna shouted.

"You think I have forgotten you?" Some of the shadows had taken the form of multiple chains and tied Luna causing her to fall to the ground. Legs and wings were clapped in chains too, there was no escape: only her head was free to move a little, but her magic was blocked by one of the shadows that covered her horn.

“You might have given them some time, but it’s useless! You were Nightmare Moon; so you must know where I hid the Elements, don’t you?” Nightmare Derpy asked.

“But, there is no way -” Luna was interrupted.

“BUT WHAT!? There is no way I could have hidden them there without magic? Or there is no way I could have figured out your plan without MAGIC!? Because I’m just a pegasus and not a unicorn or neither an alicorn? IS THAT WHAT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY, PRINCESS?” Nightmare Derpy yelled at her furiously.

“You think you’re special?” Nightmare Derpy asked now with a completely tranquil voice and an evil grin spreading across her face. “Well, let’s see how special you and your sister are without those horns of yours.”

By then, one of the shadows had come close to its Queen. She took a scant look at her subject then nodded at it. Immediately the shadow took the shape of a giant circular saw blade with a hoofgrip that Nightmare Derpy would be able to handle with one of her wings. The blade started up: slowly at first but with frightening acceleration while another chain appeared and bound Luna’s neck tightly. Princess Luna tried to struggle, yet met an impossibly powerful resistance, unable to move her head in the slightest way.

"Sorry, I'm a bit cross-eyed, so if I was you, I wouldn’t move too much; you would not want me to mess up the entire floor with your blood, because, you know ... it doesn’t match the curtains." Nightmare Derpy taunted Luna while gradually bringing the blade closer to Luna's face. With every passing second the blade oscillated faster and faster.

Suddenly, a commotion distracted Nightmare Derpy. It stemmed from outside the throne room; somepony or something was making a big mess out there and it was getting closer.

“What’s going on out there? Report!” Darkshade ordered to the other shadows looking at the door.

“Somepony is trying to get in the throne room; he has awakened all the royal guards as well as the night watch and is heading to the throne!” One of the shadows from the outside yelled at Darkshade through the sealed door.

What!? Impossible!” Darkshade shouted. “All shadows assemble! Get in formation! We must protect the Queen!”

Nightmare Derpy sighed and threw away the blade. “Release her.”

“Your Highness?” Queried Darkshade, confused.

“Now! Release her and put her to sleep,” Nightmare Derpy repeated. “That’s an order.”

“As you wish Highness.” The shadows unbound Luna’s head and legs but her appendages remained securely fastened.

“Get comfortable, princess,” Derpy suggested. “You’re about to experience your own nightmares.”

“Oh… my…” Luna murmured as she fell into enchanted sleep, just like her sister at her side.

“Your Highness, stay behind us,” Darkshade recommended. “Whatever was causing that mess out there is already here.”

“The oncoming storm has arrived,” Nightmare Derpy whispered.

Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the castle…

“Well, I don’t think we were followed” Twilight observed. “Now, where should we begin the search for the Elements of Harmony?”

“Umm… Twilight? I think I have an idea… well if you’re ok with it.” Fluttershy suggested.