The War of the Equestrian First Reign

by Creative Charmer

Chapter 1: A Historical Field Trip - Part 3/3

"Wow, that was quite a story."
"It sure was."
"I never could have guessed such enormous tasks had been accomplished in Equestria's past."
"It really makes you proud to be an Equestrian when you know—"
"Hold on a second!" Rainbow Dash interjected. "There's something wrong with that story!"
"Wrong?" Twilight asked in puzzlement. "What's wrong? I know I explained everything, since I read the history books multiple times to make sure I would remember all the information correctly for when I would be asked to explain the history of the sentry posts to you all."
"You were waiting for someone to ask you about the sentry posts?"
"Well, yeah. Who wouldn't want to learn more about Equestria's history?" most everyone stood where they were, not saying a word, but then Applejack spoke.
"Well, ah know ah fancy learnin' a bit more about the past, since ah know how interestin' it can be to learn more about—"
"Hey!" Rainbow Dash shouted, having interrupted once more. "I'm trying to ask a question here!"
"Oh, right," Twilight responded. "Sorry, Rainbow Dash. Go right ahead."
"That's better. Now then, what I want to know is: if Commander Hurricane and the ponies were so excited about these towers, why aren't they used anymore?"
"Yah know, I was sorta wonderin' that mahself."
"So was I."
"Me, too."
"I wasn't!"
"Well, it's a very good question, Rainbow Dash—which I was also waiting for someone to ask." Twilight said under her breath. "And there is an explanation for why it is so. You see, even though Equestria was equipped with the proper defenses for a probable attack, this did not mean that an attack would ensue. And that is the plain and simple overview of the history of the sentry posts thereafter: Equestria was never assailed or taken under siege by any type of maleficent force or evil legion. It was quite peaceful and uneventful in the ways of militarism during this time. Then, after a very long time without any conflicts, it was decided amongst the leaders of Equestria that the ponies stationed at the sentry posts were to be called back home, leaving the posts abandoned. Over time, the towers fell into disrepair from the lack of usage, and mostly faded away from the memories of the Equestrians," Twilight sighed with discontent. "It is a very sad end to what was thought to be a great legacy."
"You got that right," Rainbow Dash concurred. "It really stinks that ponies could just forget about something as cool as this."
"Yes, it is a shame indeed," Twilight hung her head low in lament.
"I almost wish someone did try and attack Equestria through here! Then nopony would have left these towers to fall apart!"
"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity responded, sounding aghast. "That's a dreadful thought to declare you would want!"
"Relax, Rarity. I said 'almost'."
"Oh!" Rarity scoffed, turning her head away from Rainbow Dash.
"Anyways, I still think it would have been cool if these sentry posts were still used today, even if nobody ever did try to invade Equestria! I can only imagine how awesome that would be," Rainbow Dash looked up at one of the towers with a longing in her eyes.
"That certainly sounds amazing," Fluttershy added.
"Yes," Twilight agreed. "That would have been a sight to behold. I can just imagine all of the different ponies donned in their military attire: patrolling along the towers, making sure no trespassers elude their detection—doing what was needed to be done to protect their homeland. What an awe-inspiring display that would be to present to the ponies of Equestria," Twilight spoke with sincerity.
"Awww, don't say stuff like that!" Rainbow Dash whined as she clasped the sides of her head in anguish. "You're making me wanna see that happen even more!"
"Oh, sorry," Twilight replied, sounding slightly mortified.
"Well, I wouldn't count on seeing any of that anytime soon," said Spike as he looked around at the towers. "Since I doubt there are any plans to put these towers back into use."
"Yah got that right," Applejack appended as she also scanned the towers "Bein' abandoned fer so long sure 'as put them in some pretty rough shape. They could certainly use some of the ol’ Apple Family spit-and-polish.”
"I think it would take a lot of spit and polish to fix these towers," said Rainbow Dash.
"Yeah! It would probably take buckets and buckets of both to fix them all!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Ewww..." Rarity responded in disgust to Pinkie's comment. "Please don't say things like that. It's not something I want to even think about happening," she said as she shook her head to try and get the idea out of her noggin.
"Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about that, Rarity," Twilight said as she walked over to Rarity's side. "As much as some of us would want it, it is highly doubtful that the princesses would enact any preparations to restore the sentry posts to their original usage and condition."
"I agree," Applejack concurred. "'Cause ah don't think either of the princesses would see it all necessary to fix the sentry posts, since it's not very likely that anybody would attack Equestria through here."
"Especially since some could just fly over," Rainbow Dash whispered to Fluttershy.
"Well, we can't concern ourselves with Equestria not having defenses put up here anymore, since Equestria is already well-defended from any invaders."
"Thanks to us!" Pinkie exclaimed.
"Yes, Pinkie," Twilight responded. "And it's because of ponies like us and, the Equestria soldiers, and even the princesses that Equestria is the safe and superb society it is today," Twilight was beaming with the pride she was feeling, as were all of her friends from hearing her speech—until a thought entered Spike's head.
"...wait, weren't we talking about something else?"
Twilight's eyes widened from this insight. "Oh!" she said, surprised. "Right...sorry for going off on that tangent," she stated with embarrassment. "I guess I got too caught up in the pride I was feeling," she chuckled nervously, and then looked at her friends staring blankly at her. She then sat back upright and cleared her throat. "Anyways, as I was going to say before: even though there's nothing we can do about changing the past, or even changing the present back to how it was in the past, the fact is that we are all here now, so we must take full advantage of our time here and learn as much as we can!"
"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie cheered; not because she liked learning so much, but because she liked to cheer and pump others up, although everyone except Twilight just looked at her blankly.
"So, with those thoughts planted firmly in your minds, let us go exploring!" and on that note, Twilight teleported herself away in an instant, much to the surprise of her friends. Everyone looked around to see where she had went, until they heard shouting from above them, on the top of one of the still standing towers. "I said to start exploring! Now go on!" she finished before ducking her head back away from the ledge, continuing with her own bit if exploration.
Down on the ground, everyone exchanged looks with each other, most of them showing their un-enthusiasm for Twilight's method of how they learn. But, seeing as they were there, they might as well explore the ruins to try and learn something as Twilight wanted. As nobody wanted to trek these ruins alone, everyone went grouped into pairs: Rarity with Fluttershy, Spike with Pinkie Pie, and Applejack with Rainbow Dash. They all proceeded to move off in different directions, now feeling ready to see what they would learn on this expedition. However, what this group of friends did not realize is that they were all indeed going to learn something, but it was going to be much more than anyone could have anticipated, and would be quite astonishing for all—especially Twilight.