My Little Fortress: Dawnpick

by Paaaad


And there was Arbalest, having fun with the big catapult, when all of a sudden, Boo told him to go visit the hospital. His hamster senses were tingling.
So he got up, and headed off to the hospital.

Jaxler was in a hospital bed covered in bandages and casts. He would be in horrible pain right now if it weren't for the massive amount of magic Wool cast on him. The worst thing about him being hospitalized was the fact that there was nothing to really do, and Panacea wouldn't give him any booze. The day was going by without event until now, for a blue unicorn was walking through the door.
"Hay Arbalest and Boo."

And there was Jaxler. Hospitalised.
"Hello Jaxler. Boo says Hi too."

"So... how you two been?"

"We've been good. What happened to you?"

"I about died after falling twenty feet and getting smacked around by a cave ogre."

"Well, at least you're alive still."

"I guess so. Ya wanna hear something funny? Panacea won't let me have any booze. Instead ponies keep on bringing me muddy water."

*Squeak!* "I agree, Boo. Our new quest. We shall acquire you some booze!"

"I have 3 barrels in my house, it's the strongest stuff in the entire fort."

"Then we shall bring it here!"

"Okay then, I can't wait!"

"Boo and I go to our quest!"
And so they do!

As Flux reachs for the door to the hospital, it opens on it's own to reveal Arbalest leaving.
"Oh! Um, hey Arbalest. Is... Jaxler awake?"

"Yes, Flux. He is awake. I'm just going on a valiant quest to return to him that which he needs! ONWARDS, BOO!"
Arbalest and Boo head down to Jaxler's room without another word.

"He is such a helpful one, is he not?"
Stiletto was standing next to Flux now. She was dressed in a pigtail vest, silk dress and a wide brimmed woven grass hat.

Flux simply looks confused as Arbalest leaves, taking a few moments for his thoughts to get back on track. Once they do, he opens the hospital door and holds it for Stiletto, then goes to Jaxler's bed once she enters.
"Um... Jaxler? How are you, uh, doing?"

"Oh, hay Flux and uh... Stiletto. I'm doing fine"

"Hello Jaxler, I just wanted to thank you for looking out for Flux."
Stiletto magically lifts her hat and bows her head
"I thank you for your brave deeds."

Flux hangs his head, ashamed that Jaxler got so injured all because of him.
"I... I'm s-so s-s-sorry, Jaxler! If I h-hadn't w-wanted to s-see the c-c-caverns, you wouldn't... wouldn't h-have almost... almost..."

"There is no need to be sorry or thankful, all I did was my job."

Stiletto lifts her head and replaces her hat
"Yes you did, and well."
She wraps a wing around Flux, careful about his wound.

Flux closes his eyes and begins shuddering, barely noticing Stiletto's wing.
"B-B-But I almost g-got you k-k-killed! And... and... all I c-could d-d-do was... was run!"

"Flux, you're supposed to run, your a civilian. Sure, I almost got killed, but my job is to die in your place. you did nothing wrong."

"Everything worked out. I was not to slow this time. I am sure Wool will have you back up in no time at all Jaxler."

Flux slowly sinks to the floor under the weight of his guilt, trying and failing to hold back the tears.
"B-But... w-w-we w-wouldn't h-have even b-b-been there if I hadn't w-wanted to... to explore..."

Stiletto reaches down and gently lifts Flux back up to face Jaxler
"No, you can be sorry, but self-pity helps no one. Be grateful he was there."

"Your forgetting that you asked me if I wanted to come along. I should have told you that the caverns are dangerous but instead I decided to go down out of foalishness and curiosity. I'm as much at fault as you are."

Flux slowly opens his eyes to look Jaxler in the face, still leaking tears.
"I... I just... Th-Thank you, Jaxler..."

Jaxler hated when ponies worried about him and now he had a grown stallion crying in front of him. Jaxler didn't know what to say at this point
"Thank you Flux and thank... you Stiletto for scrapping me of that ground back there."

"You are welcome, next time I hope to be fighting by your side before you are in danger."
Stiletto gently pulls Flux in close offering him a place to dry his tears
"We should let Jaxler rest."

Flux sniffles and trys to stop crying, only partially successful.
"Ya... ok Stiletto. Um, sorry for, uh, m-making a scene, Jaxler. Um, I hope you get b-better soon."

Boo and Arbalest, carrying a barrel of booze, walk into the hospital as Flux and Stiletto leave, and put it beside Jaxler's bed.
"Our quest is complete!"