//------------------------------// // Chapter Five // Story: Rhubarb // by JuneLuxray2 //------------------------------// The next few days came and went uneventfully. Rhubarb worried incessantly, but with some practice, managed to hide it from almost everypony. Merry May, on the other hoof, was not fooled. She knew something was wrong, but she couldn't pry the truth out of him. Eventually the mare just figured he would calm down on his date with her, and he would speak if he felt like it. Saturday came. Rhubarb and Merry May got together and went shopping in some thrift stores around town. They got deals and stopped at Barnyard Bargains, and Rhubarb finally relaxed for the time being. Merry lamented that Carousel Boutique was closed, but that didn't put too much of a damper on the day. This was a relief for Rhubarb, though; he hated being dragged into the boutique. It wasn't because he hated the clothes. It was because May spent a long time in there and insisted on having him try on things too. She claimed it was all cute and he was too polite to say anything. He just bit his tongue and smiled. Finally around one in the afternoon, they settled at their favorite cafe in town. "Hm...what should I get today? I really like their garlic hay fries. But the wheat lasagna is great too..." "Whatever you want, Rhu." "What are you getting?" "I might have some cider and..." She clicked her tongue. "maybe...the mac 'n cheese? You should get the hay fries. I can steal some from you." "You criminal," he chuckled. "alright, I'm getting a plate of the garlic fries and a sandwich." "Good." They closed their menus and the waiter came. Merry made her request first and then right as Rhubarb opened his mouth to speak, the waiter looked off at something and his face fell and so did his pad he had for orders. Merry looked off at the same direction and her face blanched. The changeling blinked and looked where they were looking in curiosity when he stopped short. In the distance, you could see Canterlot from where they were sitting. The pink dome around it was falling as black specks in the sky charged in. Scales could only recognize the black specks as changelings. "Oh my Celestia!" Merry shrieked. "What are those things?" Rhubarb didn't have a chance to respond. He felt himself growing faint, and he fell backwards and heard his girlfriend's cries of his name fade. Everything went black and he knew not a thing more. "Rhubarb? Rhubarb! Oh my Celestia, please, wake up..." Said changeling blinked his eyes dazedly and his vision was fuzzy. His head pounded and he winced and rubbed it. From what he could make out, he was in the hospital, with white, sterile walls and floor and a patient gown on his hide. "Thank goodness you're awake!" Merry May kissed him over and over again. "You fell back and hit your head on a rock." she explained as Rhubarb gave her a confused look. "I...did? Is that why I'm in the hospital?" "Yes." A yellow unicorn doctor was in the room, writing on a clipboard. "You took a nasty fall. You saw those awful changelings--" "Changelings?" Rhubarb blurted. Merry gave him a suspicious look, and the doctor nodded. "Yes. You saw Canterlot getting attacked by those awful things. Thankfully, they were repulsed from the city and the wedding's going on tomorrow. You were surprised, lost your balance in your chair, fell back, and hit your head." "So Canterlot's okay? Was anypony hurt?" "No, not too badly. The groom apparently was fed upon for his love by the queen of those things or something, but he'll be okay with some care. The bride was a little beat up from being kidnapped, but she's alright. It's all over the news." "Oh my Celestia. Oh my Celestia..." he trailed off, sounding a mix of relieved and guilty. The doctor ignored him. "Yes, well, you got a minor concussion, but you'll be okay. You should be okay to go home. Call us if you have any problems. Now, don't..." the doctor rattled off for awhile as Rhubarb got ready to go. Soon enough they left the hospital. By this point the sun was setting and Rhubarb silently walked alongside May. Relief was now replaced by guilt. "Listen, Rhubarb...I got a letter from Rainbow Dash. Apparently one of the mares who was supposed to toss flower petals as the bride and groom head off tomorrow got hurt, so she asked me if I would fill in. I can say no and stay here if you want. She offered you an invitation as well, but I don't know if you're okay to go." Rhubarb shook his head and then winced at the action as a massive headache struck back. "No, no! You should go. You can go on without me." He paused. "On second thought, can I come along?" "Are you kidding me? You just got your head knocked around. I don't know that it's such a good idea for you to be going to a wedding tomorrow." "I can handle it. I'm tough." he faked a smile. Truthfully, the idea of going to the wedding made him cringe. But on the other hoof, he felt so awful that he had said nothing that somehow if he came he could keep an eye on everything to make sure his old queen didn't come back. Merry weakly smiled. "If you say so. But I'm coming home with you tonight. I want to keep an eye on you to make sure you'll be okay." "You don't have--" "I do have to. So shut up and let me watch your back." They arrived at the apartment and settled in. May turned on Rhubarb's favorite food channel and when he tried to go into the kitchen to cook dinner, she shooed him out. She made dinner for the two and watched t.v. with him for awhile. Around ten, they went to bed and Rhubarb fitfully slept. Nightmare after nightmare came. It was all his fault. All his. Who did he think he was, anyways? A changeling that could really be different from his own race? Why was he deluding himself, trying to be a unicorn when it was all a lie. All his fault. Nopony wanted him. Not the ponies. Not the changelings. Not even the griffons. Because it's all...his...fault. Rhubarb shot up out of the bed, sweating profusely. He looked to his clock and saw it read three in the morning. Gingerly, he got out of bed, wiping sweat off his face. He walked towards the bathroom and flipped on the lights and closed the door behind him and locked it. He splashed water on his face and stared at himself in the mirror. A green unicorn with a brown mane and blue eyes stared back at him. Suddenly, he swore it flashed to a devilish looking changeling and with a gasp of horror and a little blinking, it changed back to his reflection. His reflection of the stallion was obviously stressed. Dark bags were under his bloodshot eyes and his hair was frayed out wildly. Finally he fell to the floor, weeping helplessly. Oh Celestia, if he could just go find the nearest cliff and toss himself off of it, it would all be over. All of it. "I was never meant to be happy, was I?" he muttered to himself miserably. It was then a knock came at the door. "Rhubarb? Open up." "Merry? I..." "Just do it for me." the pegasus's stern voice came. Reluctantly, he undid the lock and immediately the door came open. Merry stared down at the stallion for a few moments, and then she knelt down. "Rhubarb, my sweet, dear unicorn...I know something's wrong. You have to tell me. Keeping it inside is killing you." "I...I don't know if you want to know what it is." "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know. Anyways, this isn't a want-to-know basis. This is a need-to-know basis. And you know I'll always love you, every bit." Silence filled the air for a few minutes, and finally Rhubarb nodded. "Okay. But you can't tell anyone. Not a soul." He gulped. "You know those...changelings? That attacked Canterlot?" "Yes, what is it?" "I...Merry May, I was never from Fillydelphia. I lied." "Well, where are you from, then?" "I'm not from any pony city. I'm...I knew about the changelings long before any of you did. I'm...I'm not even a...a pony at all." he said. May's eyes widened, and Rhubarb took the plunge and allowed his green magic to transform him to his true form, a thin-framed changeling. He looked away from her. "I was never like the others. I was an outcast. All I wanted to do was bake. So when the queen announced her plans months ago, I escaped and found myself in Ponyville days later. I made a pony form all my own and came in. "I was so much happier here as a pony that I forgot all about the changelings. And then this whole wedding business comes around. I was hoping that with the force field in Canterlot the queen's plans would be disrupted." His frown deepened. "They weren't. And now all that happened up there...is my fault. I could've said something. But I was a selfish coward." Rhubarb began sniffling. "I was worried about my own little perfect world disappearing when everypony found out what I really am. A monster." He looked down at his holey hooves in shame. "I'm sorry to have deceived you. I was just so afraid..." he trailed off. It was silent for a little longer, and finally Merry took a deep breath. "Look. I'm gonna sit in the kitchen for a little bit and absorb all of this, and then we can talk. Just sit tight." She flew off towards the kitchen, looking frazzled. Scales watched her go worriedly. He had no idea what to do. So he did the only thing he could do. Scales crawled up into a little black ball with holes and cried.