//------------------------------// // The one with the story // Story: Prince Blueblood´s Read Along Thoughts // by MGs Pone //------------------------------// Prince Blueblood found himself trotting briskly from his house to Canterlot Castle, where the Grand Galloping Gala was taking place, he didn´t really want to go, but his auntie Celestia insisted that he attend, stating that this Gala wasn´t going to be boring like so many others before it. After bypassing the line on account of his status, he opened the doors, and saw Celestia surrounded by some ponies, one in particular trying really hard to be interesting for her. Typical, events like this always brought with them the bitdiggers, always annoingly single-minded in their pursuit, to be honest, he thought it was pathetic, but he had no sympathy for them, after all, they didn´t really care about him, just his title, the title he´s had since he was a colt barely old enough to wander around his mansion without falling every five steps. Glancing at the Grand Galloping Gala with disinterest (and scoffing at the hopeful looks from many mares and quite a bit of colts pretending to talk in the crowd) he allowed himself a brief time to reflect on his memories after going off to the side of the room, into a corner. His current attitude toward ponies wanting to take advantage of him started with his maids and butlers, since his parents weren´t really at home for long (being royalty confers a surprising amount of paperwork and responsibilities) he was always taken care of by the maids, whenever his parents were gone, their servants always seemed to find an excuse to bring their colts and fillies for playdates and sleepovers, being naught but a young colt, he didn´t catch up to the plans made by his servants and joyfully made friends with many of them, playing many games, such as pin the tail, hide and seek, and just running around and talking. He stopped his recollection of memories for a second, cantering delicatedly so as not to disturb anypony, he made his way to the beverage table in order to drink some punch, telekinetically raising a (clean) cup and taking a quiet and dignified sip (earning a few dreamy sighs from most mares and colts that were actively watching him). While taking in the subtle flavour of this year´s berry harvest with a touch of Cempasuchil flowers from that new continent he had heard of, he lost his original thoughts and worries, and instead he mused about the deceitful safety in small parties, he found out (the hard way) that small parties, even if private, had him deflecting more bitdiggers than bigger parties or events, such as the Grand Galloping Gala, since private events had more couples than singles in them, and the single ones that were there had less competition, and thus became, very, very bold, he shuddered as a particular memory sprang into mind, which involved him, cake, three crazed unicorn mares, and cashing in quite a bit of favors with the editor of Equestria Daily to prevent the events of that evening from ruining his reputation, he still had mental scars from what/who that cake did. Deciding that he had to end that train of thought, and seeing no other distractions or friendly faces (besides the ones that were too friendly) amongst the crowd he decided to continue his remembrance. It wasn´t until the day that his parents came back early from the land of the gryphons that they knew anything about his activities with the servants´s colts and fillies, both his father and his mother were enraged at them, as they found out that their tutor had been spending her time with a common pony instead of their Blueblood, and at the rather transparent attempt at gaining status by being family of a noblepony´s best friend (especially in the Blueblood lineage) He was still fuzzy on the details of how it went down, but they had fired everypony except Silver Platter (since he was their personal servant, and was with them everywhere they went). After that his tutor finally started teaching the correct colt (but unfortunately for her, had to start her lessons all over again). He remembered a few scattered memories there, how he didn´t make many friend until much later, the various talks his parents gave him about other ponies wanting to take advantage of him and his status as a noblepony, and other more “private” talks that he didn´t want to remember, lest the "admirers" think he was blushing at them. All in all he made few friends with other ponies, and since his parents didn´t trust the replacement servants, they sent him with his auntie Celestia when they went away. He enjoyed visiting his auntie for some time, he played with her a lot, but one day his aunt had to go and deal with a dragon in the tower, right in the middle of a game of hide and seek in the garden maze, he had been hiding beneath an overturned plant pot, not realizing that there was an emergency and that his stubby horn was showing through a hole in it, after a good amount of time had passed he started to get nervous, Celestia always found him in almost no time (but that didn´t mean he was bad at the game! not at all!), finally after waiting some more time he started to panic a little, he was close to crying and barely managed to get out of the pot before realizing that he was lost in the royal maze. He grimaced at the memory, glancing and then quickly glaring at Celestia who was standing near the doors, barely paying attention to the rabble around her, and clearly waiting for somepony. Some of his “admirers” followed his glare, wondering who dared to anger their "prince charming" and became alarmed at who exactly he has drilling holes into with his eyes. Deciding that being sent to the moon would be counter-productive to the whole being a prince thing he had, he decided to drink some more puch and continue remembering the particular events of that day, as at least some good came out of it. Making yet another turn, the young colt known as Blueblood wandered into yet another dead end, the young colt was on the verge of tears, shaking his little head in confidence, Blueblood backtracked to the previous intersection, stomped his little hoof on the soft grass, and took a turn, and another, and another, until suddenly he was the maze´s entrance, relief swept over him, and with it a peculiar feeling on his flank, which he did not acknowledge in that instant due to the different emotions raging through him at the moment. Smiling at the memory from the bad day (he never fully forgave Celestia for forgetting him after the dragon crisis thing), Blueblood decided to head outside, he carefully made his way through the familiar corridors in the castle, using his skill (indicated by the compass on his flank) in navigating to confuse the few mares and colts who pretended to go the same way as he was, a few more minutes of twists and turns and he finally lost sight of the last of them. He made his way to the garden section of the Gala and set himself on a slightly secluded area, this time to clear his thoughts to enjoy the rest of the event, maybe he would go and see if one of his friends had arrived, he started to make more plans, but he was interrupted by hoofsteps coming straight at him, he glanced quickly, he saw a mare, a mare with cloudy eyes, he identified some other signs of high expectations a la Prince Charming (shallow and rapid breathing, and self-reassurance). Thinking to himself, Blueblood started to prepare his “Jerkblood” routine, with an initial pose worthy of any fairytale. “I´ll start a little slow, she doesn´t seem to be that persistent” Blueblood thought to himself, adding a few finishing touches to his poise, demeanor, and to a lesser extent voice. Blueblood later regretted invoking such bad luck as that mare... Vanity? Charity? .... something -rity, began lashing out at him for the whole pony-shield with the cake and not being her prince charming (the usual when he acted) , nevermind his reopened mental scars because of the cake incident. As she finished her rant and left him in the cake´s mess, his thoughts were only focused on how much favors he would have to call-in to keep the mare´s outburst from hitting his image while emphasizing any other “eventful” happenings in the Gala (of which thankfully there seemed to be no end of). Finally, after some mental calculations, he cantered off to his house, where he would wash off and relax, maybe inviting a few friends over to discuss their experiences at the Gala. That being said, on the way home, he shivered slightly, courtesy of the cake, and some lingering mental scars.