//------------------------------// // Enter Sombra // Story: Digimon Crusaders // by Klonoahedgehog //------------------------------// Previously on Digimon Digital monsters. "Ah couldn't have gotten mah friends back without ya." Diamond looked back at her. "Don't get the wrong idea, just because i helped you this time doesn't mean where buddy, buddy. We just wanted to get the same thing." She proceeded to walk away leaving the girls in that spot. "How does a person like her get they're Digimon to Digivolve like that? I thought you could only do it when you were good friends with your Digimon." Apple Bloom scratched the back of her head. "Ah guess she don't have a black void where her heart should be after all." The group of 4 heard something behind them, a groan of pain. They got a schocked expression and loocked back to where they're partners were and they saw Hawkmon and Armadillomon in pain. "Hawkmon!" "Armadillomon!" They ran to they're friends side and noticed how it seemed they're bodies have lost data. "We got to get them help quick!" Opening theme number 2. Apple Bloom and the others were sitting in they library. Waiting for Twilight, she was up in her room, Armadillomon and Hawkmon were lying in Twilight's bed still shivering. She does what she can and then goes down to the others. "I'm sorry, they've lost a lot of Data." Said Twilight. The girls and Coronamon gave each other looks of disappointment. Sweetie belle got up and said. "Are you sure you can't do anything else?" "Sorry, i'm an expert at Digimon yet even i can't restore lost data Sweetie Belle." Coronamon looked up to them, he got a very strange idea. "I know of someone who has enough data to go around!" They all looked to him with confused looks. "Celestia!" He said with a smiling face. The girls looked at each other, Twilight put a her finger on her chin thinking about it for a bit. She finally speaks up. "I don't know Coronamon, she needs her data just as much as Hawkmon and Armadillomon." "Yeah but she's the kind of ruler to put her subjects first. I'm sure she'll figure something out if we ask! After all we're the element bearers, if we don't save Digiworld who will?" He said optimisticly with the girls giving each other a strange look. "Well... I guess we could try." "What if it doesn't work?" Sweetie belle asks. Scootaloo looks over to her and responds. "Well we have nothing to lose." Apple Bloom takes out her Digivice and yells. The group along with Spike. arrived in Canterlot castle, Apple Bloom and the girls were holding on to Hawkmon and Armadillomon. They then ran passed by a Pegasusmon. "Spike and the others! Welcome!" He was completely ignored by them as they ran past. They were stopped by some guards before they could go into her throne room. "Do you have any business with the princess?" Spike speaks up to them. "Cmon Pegasusmon, you know us don't we have clearance to go in here?" "The princess is very busy, she can't just have every visitor she sees." "Pegasusmon, let them be." Suddenly somebody opens the gate and behind Celetia comes walking out, Scootaloo and Sweetie belle were stunned when they saw her while the others bowed in front of her, Coronamon just going. "Yo Celly!" Spike grabbed him and made him bow as well. "Your majesty!" The Pegasusmon yells. Celestia looks around at the Digidestined, she takes notice at the injured Digimon, she then turns her head to face Twilight, then she asks. "Twilight, what happened to them." Twilight looks up to face her and responds. "We need you help." "Come with me. We need to go somewhere apropriate." Celestia walks down the hall, the others just stare at her for a second and then they went behind her. As they kept going Twilight filled Celestia in on what happened to Hawkmon and Armadillomon, explaining the encounter with Trixie and Agumon. "And we were hoping you could give them some of your data to at least get them back on they're feet?" Celestia looked down on them, she looks around between the group. "An attack that absorbs the data of Digimon? ...I've never heard of something so terrible." They opened the door to a room with two beds. They put Hawkmon and Armadillomon. Celestia just stares at them, leaving the room quite for a bit. Scootaloo suddenly speaks up, giving Celestia a question. "So...Can you really do it?" Celestia closes her eyes, a light coming from her horn. The light hits Hawkmon and Armadillomon, the bits of they're bodies that had lost data was slowly coming back. The trio all smile. "This will take a while, so children just relax." To which gave the girls a huge grin as they look at each other. Coronamon had a grin that showed hi's teeth. "See? I told you she would help us out!" Celestia suddenly intterupted them. "Just... Make sure this never happens again. I only have a limited amount of data on me to go around." The Trio plus Coronamon shared a look between each other. "Don't worry, we promise." Scootaloo sits on a wooden chair in the corner. ------------------------------- Meanwhile on the outskirts of the Primary village a Shadow was entering the town. The shadow converted into a humanoid in a cloak. Other Digimon were giving him stares as he walked into the center of town. He just sort of stops in the center of town. He looks up to the sky and suddenly hi's eyes shined green. Back in the castle the others were just sitting around with the other two still out cold, but they were healed. "This is taking forever!" Scootaloo yelled stretching her body. Twilight looked over to her. "These things take time Scootaloo, we just have to wait." And she went over to the bookcase. Suddenly they hear a slight noise coming from the distance. "Huh? What was that?" Asked Sweetie belle. They all ran to the window and noticed smoke coming out from the primary village which is in view. "It's got to be those guys again!" Yelled Scootaloo. Apple Bloom and Coronamon looked at each other and nod. "Were off!" Coronamon says. The Girls look at her. "Apple Bloom, it'll be dangerous. Maybe you should wait for Hawkmon and Armadillomon to heal completely." The two of them were in the hallway. "Look ah know ya'll are worried but don't worry, we've won every battle we've gone into am sure we can handle this." She looks to Coronamon. "Right?" Coronamon nods in response. The two ran off leaving Twilight and the others behind. "She's getting cocky again." Sweetie belle says. ------------------------------- The two of them arrived at the square of the town as they see the area is burning and empty. They look at the one person there, a figure shape like a shadow. "You did this didn't you?" Asked Coronamon. The figure just stared back at them, hi's eyes suddenly glowed green. "Your the digidestined my workers have had trouble with?" Apple Bloom spoke back at them. "Eeyup! And were gonna beat you too." The figure in the cloak's interest was peaked. "Hmm is that so?" He removed hi's cloak showing a face similar in species to Princess Celestia. "I accept your challenge!!" To be continued.