Fluttershy... in a bar?

by FinnPony

At the bar.

The bar was almost empty, only couple of earth ponies were in sitting in the corner table, smoking cigarettes and talking quietly. Bartender was standing behind the counter, re-filling the yellow pegasus's glass.

Fluttershy was staring at her drink. It was gin with orange juice and it actually tasted pretty good.
In fact, it was her first time drinking alcohol and she was feeling a bit dizzy. She tried to remember how many drinks she had taken, but it was too hard trying to focus.

"Um... Miss Fluttershy?"

She woke up from her thoughts, and saw Big Macintosh looking at her.

"Are ya feelin' well?" asked Big Mac

"Oh... Yes... I... I was just in my thoughts," said Fluttershy with her small shy voice.

"Eeyep," Replied Mac and took long sip of his beer.

There was a long silence between them, they both were staring at the table.
Fluttershy was taking some sneak peaks at Big Macintosh and thinking how nice and polite he was to her, he listened what she had to say... and also he was very good looking...
She blushed and looked away. Did She really think about Mac in that way, or was it one of those every week crushes she always had? Maybe a little chatter would get the things going.
Fluttershy drank her drink and decided to break the silence.

"So... tell me how was your day. If... you don't mind of course," Even though she was a bit more daring due the alcohol, she was really shy around Big Mac. After all he's really big and Fluttershy is really small.

Mac lifted his head and looked at Fluttershy, who hid behind her mane after realizing that he was looking at her.

"Well, Ah spent whole day buckin' apple trees and helping mah sister, Applejack."

"Did you know that I am her friend?" asked Fluttershy, hoping that this would get the conversation going.

"Yeah, Ah knew, Ah have seen ya with her and your friends."

Fluttershy didn't know how to continue, and the conversation died as quickly as it started. They both turned focus back to their drinks. Now Fluttershy had to think of a different way to break the ice. She thought of different topics, but none of them seemed to be good enough. She had only one option left.

"I have to ask..." Fluttershy thought and looked at Big Mac, who took sip of his beer.

"Why did you invite me here? I... I mean did you plan to do this or did it just happen?" Asked Fluttershy.

Big Mac thought for a moment and answered her question:

"Ah just have never talked to ya face-to-face ever before ya know, so... I wanted to get known to ya a little better. Ah think Ah also needed some good company for the evening."

"Oh... that's very kind of you, thank you," Fluttershy said and looked him straight into his eyes. She was flattered that a stallion as good looking as Big Macintosh wanted to spend time with her. They just stared at each other for several second before Big Mac spoke, "Erhm... Well how about ya?"

Fluttershy shook her head a little to clear it and started to talk:

"First I did my everyday routines, feed the birds and little animals and made salad for Angel bunny and..."

She was interrupted by Mac saying:

"Ah didn't know ya were such a animal lover,"

"Oh yes, I even got my cutie mark when I found out that I a have special connection with animals."

"As a farm pony, Ah have always liked animals too..." said Big Mac and smiled towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy knew that this was her chance. She just listened Big Mac talking about his Farm and animals, nodding and from time to time saying something like: "That's so nice," and "How intresting."
After telling Fluttershy pretty much everything about his farm and it's animals, he looked at her and asked:

"Miss. Fluttershy, Would ya like to have another drink?"

"I would love to."

"One beer and for the lady, gin with orange juice." Big Mac ordered and placed the bits to the counter.

Bartender came and opened one bottle for Mac and poured half a glass of gin and one quarter of orange juice for Fluttershy. They boht took a sip out of their drinks and continued talking.

"Do you have any pets Big Mac?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh we a have dog called Winona, she's a really good dog."

Fluttershy knew that dog, she had treated it while it was sick. Actually it was then when she had seen Big Macintosh for the first time. Applejack came to take the dog home with her brother, and Fluttershy had never seen a pony so big before. Even though Fluttershy thought he was a bit scary, he was also really handsome at the same time.

"I have met her actually," Fluttershy said to Big Macintosh.

"Yeah Ah remember it. I saw ya for the first time when Ah and Applejack came to pick up Winona."

They started talking and slowly drinking their drinks. They talked about the weather, apples, Winona and pretty much everything. After while of talking, Fluttershy said:

"I really enjoy your company Big Mac."

Fluttershy saw how Mac blushed a bit before saying:

"Well Ah like your company too, Miss Fluttershy, It's a real shame we haven't spent time together before."

"Yeah, A real shame..." Fluttershy sighed while gazing into his eyes.

Suddenly lights went off and on again, startling Fluttershy

"Wh... What was that?" She asked with shivering voice

"It was just the signal, It means the bars closing for tonight," Said Big Mac, calming Fluttershy.

"O.. Oh, Well I should get going then," Fluttershy drank last of her drink and look towards Mac.
"Thank you Big Mac I... I really had a good time," she said and smiled to the stallion, and started walking towards the front door of the bar. She was stopped by a hoof on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Big Mac next to her.

"It's pretty darn dark out there, Maybe Ah should accompany ya to your cottage?"

Fluttershy went bright red and answered with a timid voice:

"Ohh no, You shouldn't, You have already done enough for me today and... and..."

"But Ah insist, Miss Fluttershy!" Said Big Macintosh with a pleading look on his face.

Fluttershy hung her head and stared the floor while thinking.
Wasn't this what she wanted? To get closer to him and spending more time with him? She would maybe never have better chances with him than now. She lifted her head and gave the stallion a smile.

"Well Okay... But don't call me Miss. Just call me Fluttershy... If you don't mind..."

"Eeyep," Big Mac replied.

Fluttershy giggled as the two ponies exited the bar.