Sonic X: Friendship is Universal

by JPtheRobotHedgehog

Lost and Found! The Cutie Mark Crusaders are here!

(BGM: SONIC DRIVE - Hironobu Kageyama & Hideaki Takatori)

The opening begins as a blue streak of light dashes down the road

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

Another streak of light appear in the sky, following the blue one, this one was rainbow colored

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

The two streaks slow down, the blue one reveals to be Sonic the Hedgehog while the rainbow one reveals to be Rainbow Dash.

Go, go, go, go, LET'S GO!

Sonic and Rainbow Dash grin at each other before they both dash toward the screen before it fades white as the title appears on it


Sonic and Rainbow Dash charge forward as they infiltrate a city that was taken over by the evil genius Dr. Eggman and the mad scientist earth pony Steam. The alarms go off as Eggman and Steam sent their robot minions to stop Sonic and Rainbow Dash.

Yesterday's rules

are simply loose today

The best goal is to break them

Sonic and Rainbow Dash race across the streets when they saw robot soldiers blocking their way. Sonic jumps and uses his homing attack on them, while Rainbow Dash speeds her way through them, knocking them down like bowling pins. They try to enter the building where their arch-enemies are, but another wave of robots chase after them out of the building.

If I don't keep running

There's no other meaning

It's a punk philosophy

On another part of town, Knuckles was driving a hover car down the road, with Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy, Angel and Applejack. They notice Sonic and Rainbow Dash greeting them, Sonic giving a thumbs up and Rainbow Dash winking them before dashing ahead of them. Then the robots that were chasing after them appear, causing Knuckles, Applejack and the others to scream in horror as they speed up and try to catch up with the two speeders.

Eggman and Steam watched this whole scene from aboard their hover ships, Eggman in his Egg Mobile and Steam on his Steam Cloud. They notice Tails, along with Amy, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Pinkie Pie and Rarity, flying in the Tornado 2.

Biorhythm is

a two-time rhythm

The scenery instantly becomes countless lines

The wind envelops me

Eggman and Steam laugh evilly as they fire their missiles at the Tornado 2. Tails and the others notice them and scream in horror. Tails then transforms the Tornado 2 into its battle formation, gaining more speed as he tries to outfly the missiles, the others screaming in horror, while Pinkie Pie shouts and laughs with joy as if riding in a roller coaster.

On the road, Sonic, Rainbow Dash, Knuckles and the others are still being chased by the robot soldiers, until they notice the Tornado 2, followed by Eggman and Steam's missiles, coming right at them! The two parties collide, resulting into a big explosion. Sonic and Rainbow Dash are sent flying into the sky, followed by the Tornado 2. Tails and Twilight toss each a Power Ring, one for Sonic and the other for Rainbow Dash.

Inside Outside attack

Surpass everything altogether

I won't let no one

and nothing go forward

Knuckles and Applejack take down the robots, Knuckles uses his punches, while Applejack uses her bucking. Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy and Angel work together to outsmart the robots into attacking each other.

A bright light shines from above them, they look up and see Sonic and Rainbow Dash coming down, with Power Rings in hand and hoof. Sonic then curls into his ball form and Spin Dashs down toward a robot, destroying it, then proceeds to destroy more robots. Rainbow Dash speed increases tenfold, that she performs her Sonic Rainboom in just a few short seconds, smashing into a robot, destroying it, then proceeds to destroy more robots.

Inside Outside, GO! SONIC!

Everything altogether, Yes! Sonic!

"Watch out" and "Have a nice" are similar

That's right – both are by the skin of your teeth

Sonic and Rainbow Dash then join hand and hoof together and perform the Sonic Rainboost combo, as they charge into the building where Eggman and Steam control the city, smashing and destroying everything inside it, much to Eggman and Steam's horror. Sonic and Rainbow Dash burst out from the top of the building, as it explodes into a million pieces.

While in mid-air, Sonic and Rainbow Dash look at each other and grin before they bro fist-hoof with each other, while their friends cheer for them, while Knuckles smiles warmly. Unknown to them, Shadow the Hedgehog, along with Rouge the Bat, Gilda and The Great and Powerful Trixie were watching from the top of one of the buildings.

Throw boredom away

And start running

Sonic closes his eyes and floats up into the air, as the seven Chaos Emeralds fly around him, followed by Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rarity, all wearing their respective Elements of Harmony. Then in a flash of Chaos Energy and Magic of Friendship, Sonic and the Mane 6 transform into Super Sonic, and the Super Mane 6. They stare at the shadowy figures of some mysterious enemies, before charging at them, full speed, the mystery enemies charge back at them, the two parties collide resulting into a giant explosion.

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

Chris, Kat, and their family and friends, Big the Cat, Froggy, Charmy and Chocola, along with the Mobian animals cheer on for Sonic and his friends, while Vanilla smiles warmly, along with Vector and Espio

S-O-N-I-C, GO!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Derpy Hooves, Lyra, Bon Bon, the ponies of Ponyville and the griffons of the Griffon Kingdom cheer on for the Mane 6 and their friends, while Princess Celestia smiles warmly, along with Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Zecora, King Czar, Hawkeem and La Tormenta

Go, go, go go, LET'S GO!

Sonic and Rainbow Dash then land back on the ground and pose together for the screen, along with Chris, Kat, Tails, Twilight Sparkle and all of their friends and family. Eggman and Steam are seen cursing out to them in the background before storming off, ending the opening sequence.

(BGM ends)

It was a peaceful, quiet night in the streets of Station Square. Most of its citizens have already turned in for the night, while only a few stayed up doing some late night work. Three small shadowy figures ran down the streets hid inside a cardboard box in a dark alley. One of them peeks out and saw some police officers walk by, whistling, as he patrolled the streets.

"The coast is clear!" the one who was peek whispered in a female child's voice.

The three figures came out of the cardboard box. They sighted in relief as they walked over to the other side, as they walk into the light beam from a street light, revealing what they look like.

The first one was a filly Earth Pony, with a yellow coat, red mane and tail, orange eyes, a large pink bow on her mane and no mark on her flank.

The second one was a filly Pegasus, with an orange coat, purple mane and tail, purple eyes and no mark on her flank.

The third and last one was a filly Unicorn, with a white coat, violet and pink mane and tail, pale green eyes and no mark on her flank.

They were Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, together, they were known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hoowie! That sure was a close one girls!" Applebloom sighted in relief.

"Yeah, I seriously don't trust those things that walk on two at all!" Scootaloo said. "I wish Rainbow Dash was here."

"Yeah, but I don't think it was right having to steal food from those two-legged monsters." Sweetie Belle said.

"Well, what do you suggested then? Ask them politely?!" Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle with a serious look. "I mean, did you see the way they reacted when they saw us?"

Sweetie Belle remembered it, the adult two-legged man reacted in shock to see them right after they asked them politely for help, except instead of helping them, he called the cops to arrest them, leaving them with no choice but to run away. Those memories made her cringe in fear.

"I've been trying to forget about this whole time…" Sweetie Belle said, with her left eye twitchy.

"Besides, it's not like we had a choice or anythang, we have nowhere to go and we're like, stuck in a whole 'nother world, or somethin'." Applebloom said. "I mean, have you noticed that everypony we meet are these strange, two-legged monsters?"

"Yeah, it probably had something to do with that big light that came from the castle." Sweetie Belle said. "I wonder if the others somehow ended up in this here world too."

Then, as if her questions were answered, a newspaper that was being carried away by the wind, landed right on the back of her head. "What in the…?!" Sweetie Belle wondered as she picked up the newspaper and looked at it and gasped when she saw what the article was about. "Girls! Look at this!"

Applebloom and Scootaloo leaned over to see the article that Sweetie Belle saw on the newspaper. They gasped to see the picture of Rainbow Dash fighting a strange looking monster with a big mustache inside a hovering thing shaped like an egg, alongside a strange giant hedgehog with big sharp quills, gloves and shoes. The article read about how they appeared out of nowhere and how they managed to save the city from the monster, which was known as "Dr. Eggman" and his robotic minions. They gasped when they saw a picture of Twilight and Spike, onboard of some strange bird thing, along with a fox and two monster children, also seen fighting Dr. Eggman and his robot.

"Alright! So Rainbow Dash IS in this world after all!" Scootaloo exclaimed in excitement.

"And if she, Twilight and Spike are here, then that means that mah sistah and everyone else are here too!" Applebloom said.

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle said. "But who are those strange animals with them? And what about those monsters who look like kids with them?"

"I dunno, but if they are on Rainbow Dash's side, then that means we can trust them!" Scootaloo said. "We may not know where they are yet, but I'm sure we'll find them sooner or later!"

"Yeah! Ah can't wait to be with mah sistah again!" Applebloom said.

"And I miss Rarity!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Then it's decided!" Applebloom declared and the three bumped their hooves against each other. "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, LOST AND FOUNDERS, YAAAAAAAAAY!"

"Go back to sleep you darn kids, or I'm calling the cops!" a random guy shouted from the window, scaring the Cutie Mark Crusaders away as they disappear into the dark of the night.

Episode 9

Lost and Found! The Cutie Mark Crusaders are here!

It was a wonderful Saturday morning at the Thorndyke Mansion. And since it was Saturday, it meant no school today, or tomorrow, which was Sunday. The Sonic Heroes, the Mane Party, the Animal Friends, the Alicorn Sisters and Czar no longer needed to hide themselves from those who lived in the mansion and help out Ella and Mr. Tanaka.

Twilight and Hawkeem explained the whole situation to Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Skylord Czar, as she (Twilight) continued researching the Chaos Emerald and the Element of Loyalty necklace, with Tails, Spike and Chuck. Amy, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, La Tormenta and Derpy were helping out Ella in the kitchen while Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy, Angel and the Animal Friends (Pocky, Flicky, Picky and Pecky) were watching a TV show known as "The Next Show", featuring the main character "Next", a humanoid, purple furred, friendly monster (a man in a suit, actually). Sonic and Rainbow Dash were having a race against each other, while Chris and Kat acted as their referees.

Both speeders crossed the finish line. "Who won?" Rainbow asked.

"You tied!" Kat said.

"Again…?!" Rainbow gawked.

"Oh well, guess that means more training." Sonic grinned.

"Yeah." Rainbow agreed.

"Looks like it!" Chris giggled.

Meanwhile, Cream and the others were still watching "The Next Show" on TV, until the news suddenly pop up. "Huh?" Cream asked, along with the others.

"We interrupt this program for an important message." Scarlet Garcia announced on TV. "A few nights ago, there have been some food robberies going around the city, ranging from cafés, bars and restaurants. Eye-witnesses account say that this was the work of three little fillies, which may have some connection with the ponies that are allied with the animals. Here are some of the interviewees' comments…"

"One had a big bow on her head, another had wings, and the last one had a small horn on her forehead." A police officer described.

"Oh, as if we didn't have enough trouble with Dr. Eggman and his gang of terrorists, we now have to deal with little food thieves!" a restaurant owner complained. "And three little fillies no less! Where's the animal control when you need them?!"

"A day ago from the start of the robberies, I actually saw the three fillies come up to me asking for help." The man who first saw them said. "I of course didn't trust them at all, so I called the cops on them and have them arrested because…I DON'T TRUST ANIMALS THAT TALK!"

"After hearing the descriptions, the police managed to get a somewhat accurate image of what the fillies look like…" Scarlet pulled out a sketch of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "Here is a sketch of the little thieves, based on eye-witness description."

Fluttershy and Angel gasped in shock when she saw the sketch of the CMC on TV. "Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed.

"You know them Fluttershy?" Pecky asked.

"I do! I better tell the girls immediately!" Fluttershy said and flew out of the living room with Angel riding in her mane.

"If any of you are to see any of these fillies, contact the police immediately." Scarlet announced. "This is Scarlet Garcia of SSTV, signing off."

The news ended changing back to "The Next Show" program on TV. "Oh dear…" Cream said.

"Chao." Cheese agreed.

"We better tell Sonic and the others too." Picky said.

"Yeah, let's go!" Pocky agreed.

Meanwhile, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders…

The three blank flanks had to put on a disguise, by riding on each other's shoulders, with Scootaloo at the bottom, Sweetie Belle in the middle and Applebloom on the top, wearing a jacket around them, Applebloom wore a hat and a pair of glasses, to avoid attention from anyone. In order for the disguise to work, Scootaloo was forced to walk on her hind legs, whish felt uncomfortable.

"This is seriously a seriously stupid plan!" Scootaloo complained.

"Quiet Scootaloo, ya don't wanna give away who we really are, do ya?" Applebloom hushed her.

Scootaloo simply replied with groaning. She hated disguise plans a lot, especially when it involved being forced to walk on two.

"Besides, don't worry, this plan will work for sure!" Applebloom reassured.

"I don't know Applebloom…" Sweetie Belle whispered as she peeked through the hole between the buttons on the front. "They all seem to be staring at us awkwardly."

"Just ignore them Sweetie Belle…" Applebloom said. "And Scootaloo, you just keep on walkin'."

"Whatever…" Scootaloo grumbled under her breath.

As they continue on walking down the street, as Scootaloo struggles to keep her balance, Sweetie Belle trying not to panic and Applebloom quietly giving the directions. Soon, they come across a jewelry store where Applebloom noticed a familiar looking gold necklace with an orange apple shaped gemstone on it.

"Girls! Check out that necklace!" Applebloom whispered.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo peeked through the holes between the buttons of the jacket and gasped in shock. "Applebloom, isn't that…?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah, that must be mah sister's element thingy!" Applebloom said. "The description she gave me matches it perfectly: a gold necklace with an orange apple shaped gemstone on it!"

"Sweet! Maybe we'll get our cutie marks for retrieving it for your sister!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"But wait! We're not seriously going to steal it are we?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Why not? It's not like these monsters hate us already." Scootaloo said.

"But if we steal it from that store, that will give them even more reason to hate us!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Fine, then what's your idea?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well, I can only think of one thing: getting a job." Sweetie Belle said.

"A job? And where are we gonna get a job?!" Scootaloo demanded.

"Girls! Girls! Listen, we need that necklace, but in order to avoid any more trouble, we have to earn the money we need to buy it!" Applebloom said. "Besides, maybe one of those jobs will also help us earn our cutie marks!"

"Good point." Scootaloo agreed.

"That was also my idea too!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Then it's settled!" Applebloom said. "Let's go and…Cutie Mark Crusaders, Job Finders, yaaaay!" all three of them hoof bump, quietly, in order to avoid attracting any unnecessary attention. Unknown to them a certain tiny but muscular dark figure in disguise was following their every move.

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal Card #35

Name: Applebloom

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Species: Earth Pony

Likes: Finding her special talent, Family, Friends, Adventure, Exploring, Helping others, Apples

Dislikes: Evil, Bullies, Not having a cutie mark, Getting denied for her offer of helping, Being treated like a kid, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon

Abilities: Limited strength, Repairs, Woodwork, Decorating, Limited Leadership skills

Bio: The unofficial leader of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Applejack's little sister, who is desperately trying to find out what her special talent is and earn her cutie mark, along with her two best friends and fellow crusaders, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal Card #36

Name: Picky

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Pig

Likes: Peace and quiet, Adventure, Friends, Family, Eating, Mud-baths, Bowling

Dislikes: Dr. Eggman, Evil, Bullies, getting hungry, Chaos, Disorder, getting kidnaped

Abilities: Strength, Cooking, Tasting, Mud-ball fighting, Digging, Limited Martial Arts

Bio: One of Sonic's Mobian animal friends who was used as an organic battery for Dr. Eggman's E-47 Pumpty, until he was saved by Knuckles, now he is free-loading at the Thorndyke Mansion.

Back in the Thorndyke Mansion…

Fluttershy, Cream and the others gathered everyone at Chuck's workshop and explained to them about what they heard on the news about the CMC.

"What?! Mah sister's in this world too?!" Applejack gawked in shock.

"Oh my stars, Sweetie Belle is here too?!" Rarity was worried.

"And Scoots?" Rainbow asked.

"That's right, the nice reporter on TV showed us the sketches of the three of them, I am sure it was them…or, at least I think it is them." Fluttershy said nervously.

"Ok Fluttershy, we believe you." Twilight said. "But if they are in the city, this would spell BIG trouble!"

"You're right, we need to find them before they get captured and taken to Area 99." Kat said.

"Agreed!" the others said.

"We shall assist you in your search." Celestia said, while Luna and Czar nodded.

"We'll split up and search the town, one goes with me in my car, and some will go with Tails in the Tornado 2, while the rest search on foot and keep a low profile toward the citizens and the police." Chuck said.

"Alright, let's go Rainbow Dash!" Sonic said.

"You got it Sonic!" Rainbow said.

With that, Sonic raced down toward the city with Rainbow Dash flying next to him.

"Chris, Kat, Amy, Twilight, Spike, Pinkie and Rarity, you come with me in the Tornado 2." Tails said.

"Right!" the ones Tails choose agreed.

Tails and his group jump onboard the Tornado 2 and take off into the skies.

"The rest of you will come with me in my car, then I'll drop you off at the streets and search on foot, but be sure to keep a low profile, got it?" Chuck asked looking at Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy, Angel, Applejack, Derpy, La Tormenta, Hawkeem, Celestia, Luna and Czar.

Celestia giggled. "That shouldn't be a problem." She said as she and Luna used a spell to change themselves and Czar into their human forms.

"Good, let's go!" Chuck said.

Chuck and his group got onboard the car and depart to the city.

"Come back safely before lunch time, you hear?" Ella yelled as she watched them head for the city, along with Tanaka and the Animal Friends.

Meanwhile, back in Station Square…

(BGM: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Go Crusading)

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, together they are known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They are three little fillies who are on an "epic" quest as they crusade for their talents, in search for their cutie marks. Even though none of them have earned their cutie marks yet, they never lose hope and continue on searching for their cutie marks.

Right now, while they remain in their "ingenious" disguise, they keep going around town, in search for jobs and raise money to buy the Element of Honesty from the jewelry shop. Not only that, maybe one of the jobs they take will lead them into earning their own cutie marks.

Unfortunately, their mission wasn't going well at all…

First they tried working as a janitor in a corporation's building, but they end up spilling all the water on the hallway and the boss slipped on it, whish pissed him off enough to fire them.

Next, they tried working as a waitress in a café, but end up spilling the coffee on the table and on the costumers, causing them to get pissed off and leave and the owner of the café fires them.

Then they try working a plumber, fixing the pipes in the sewers, but unfortunately, the pipes were so messed up, badly bolted and some damaged parts, covered up in chewing gum, they end up bursting, causing a huge flood. Again, they got fired.

After that, they try working as a librarian, but while they were trying to organize the books, they try to reach a book to the top shelf, only to end up knocking the book case down, which knocked all the others like dominos, ultimately smashing the receptionist's desk. And…just like the previous jobs, they got fired on the first day…

But they don't give up as they were determined to raise money for the Element of Honesty. Little did they know that a shady figure was stalking them from the shadows? What about the Mane Party and the Sonic Heroes?


Our heroes continued on searching the city from top to bottom. Sonic and Rainbow Dash used their speed and agility to race and fly around the buildings and avoid the attention of the citizens or the police.

Tails and his group searched the city from a bird's eye view while flying the Tornado 2, they look down using their binoculars, watching what was going on down on the streets.

Chuck and his group kept a low profile as they search the city down on the streets, in Chuck's car. Celestia, Luna and Czar did their own searching on foot, while in their human form disguise.

They searched and searched, while keeping a low profile and avoid unwanted attention. They heard rumors about some weirdo in a jacket, hat and glasses going around taking random jobs, but fail miserably, not that it helped them in anyway, or does it? It may be rude or offensive to mention this, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders have never been quite successful in their crusading, often ending with them getting hurt or in sticky situations and no cutie mark on it.

"You know, I've been wondering about those cute little marks on your rumps for quite some time." Kat told Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity.

"Oh, you mean our cutie marks?" Twilight asked. "They are symbols that magically appear on our flanks whenever we discover what our special talent is." she explains. "For example, that stars on mine represent my expertise with magic and my love for star gazing."

"Yeah and the balloons on mine represent my talent for throwing parties and make everypony smile! It's like the best one ever!" Pinkie Pie added with a big grin and a proud pose.

"That says a lot about you!" Amy smiled.

"Yeah, I can tell!" Kat smiled. "What about you Rarity?"

"My talent consists of fashion designing and decorating all my works with jewelery, and I mean REAL-LIFE jewelry, not that costume-made jewelry garbage! Oh no! And ultimately share all of my works with everypony!" Rarity explained her special talent.

"Yeah, and she's real good at it too!" Spike sighted lovingly.

"Cool!" Kat said. "So these Cutie Mark Crusaders, they are working hard to earn their own cutie marks, right?"

"Indeed, but sadly, their search has been fairly fruitless, just as our search for them has been right now." Twilight said as she looked down to the streets, along with the others. They notice Sonic and Rainbow Dash run/fly across from below, but no sight of the three fillies anywhere.

"Oh, I just really hope Sweetie Belle is alright, I would just hate to THINK what those ruffians would do to her if they catch her! HANG ON SWEETIE BELLE! YOUR BIG SISTER IS COMING!" Rarity said dramatically.

"Don't worry Rarity, we'll find your sister and her friends too!" Amy said.

Kat curiously looked at her brother. "Hey Nii-chan, if I was a pony, what do you think MY cutie mark would look like?" she asked him with a big grin.

"Huh?" Chris looked puzzled at his sister. "Well…I think…uh…" he tries to answer, but he can't seem to picture his own sister as a pony, let alone what her cutie mark would look like.

"Oh, never mind, I was just messing with you anyway." Kat giggled.

"Oh…" Chris sighed at being teased by his little sister.

A sweat drop rolls down the side of his head

"Sonic, everyone, did you find anything?" Tails called the others through the communicator.

With Sonic and Rainbow Dash…

"Nothing so far Tails…" Sonic replied as he looked around from the rooftops, while Rainbow Dash flew around looking for the fillies.

"No sight of them anywhere." Rainbow Dash said looking around.

With Chuck and his group…

"Negative Tails." Chuck said while looking around while driving. Cream, Cheese, Fluttershy, Angel, Derpy, La Tormenta and Hawkeem kept their eyes open while in Chuck's car. Celestia, Luna and Czar looked around in the streets while in their human forms.

"Why are we even doing this?!" Hawkeem complained. "I have better things to do than wondering around aimlessly looking for a bunch of fillies!"

"Better things? Like what?" Derpy asked curiously.

"Errr…" Hawkeem tries to think of something, but all he can think is just laying down on the couch and drinking rum. "I'll think of something…"

A sweat drop rolls down the side of his head

"Ah just hope Applebloom's alright, that little filly sure knows trouble like apple knows pie." Applejack said while keeping her eyes open.

"Oh, we'll find them Applejack, at least, I think so…" Fluttershy said.

"Ah hope so…" Applejack said.

Our heroes refused to give up until they had found those fillies and bring them back safely into their hands, or hooves or talons. Little do they realize the kind of trouble that the CMC are about to get into.

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal Card #37

Name: Sweetie Belle

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Species: Unicorn

Likes: Singing, helping out her sister Rarity, finding out what her special talent is, Adventure, Friends, Fashion

Dislikes: Evil, Bullies, Sadness, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, not having a cutie mark

Abilities: Singing, Limited Unicorn Magic, Limited Perspective, Making Cute Faces

Bio: A member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Rarity's little sister, she is determined to find her own special talent while acting as the voice of reason of the group.

Sonic X: Friendship is Universal Card # 38

Name: Scootaloo

Age: 8

Gender: Female

Species: Pegasus

Likes: Rainbow Dash (her idol), Sports, Adventure, Friends, Action, Fighting villains, finding what her special talent is

Dislikes: Evil, Bullies, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, losing, not having a cutie mark, Romance, anything girly

Abilities: Scooter riding, Agility, Limited flying, Hovering

Bio: A member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Rainbow Dash's biggest fan, she is determined to find out what her special talent is, serving as the team's transportation driver, and showing off her own skills in order to impress Rainbow Dash.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, while still wearing their disguise, had just run out of a hotel. The security guard came out and yelled "AND NEVER COME BACK!" at them, before heading back inside.

The three fillies managed to escape back into the same alley they hide out. Once back in the cardboard box, they remove their disguise and look down in disappointment.

"So far, so what?!" Scootaloo spoke up. "We haven't raised any money AT ALL!"

"And we didn't get any cutie marks either…" Applebloom sighted as she looked down to her flank, only to find it blank still. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle did the same, and their flanks were also blank still.

"Well, look on the bright side, at least our disguise hasn't been blown up until now." Sweetie Belle said.

"That hardly makes up for anything…" Scootaloo said.

"We have to think of something, before Applejack's element falls into the wrong hands!" Applebloom said.

"I'm afraid it's already too late for that!" A demonic voice spoke, causing the three fillies to jump in surprise and fear, recognizing it.

"No! Not him!" Applebloom said shaken in fear.

"But I though he was gone for good!" Scootaloo said in fear.

"Me too!" Sweetie Belle said.

The three fillies gulped as they were about to take a peek outside the box, until the mysterious voice pulls the box and throws it away, exposing them. They react not only to see a mysterious tiny figure in a cloak, but he was holding the Element of Honesty necklace in hand (or is that a hoof?), plus the bosses of every place they tried getting a job to were all behind him and some police officers.

"Here they are, the little fiends who stole all the food and made you look bad over this stupid necklace!" The mysterious figure said, pointing at the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Thanks a lot citizen." A police officer said before glaring at the filles. "You three are gonna get it now!"

"You'll pay for ruining my library!" the librarian boss yelled.

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle stood there for a few seconds as the bosses and the police officers glared down at them, they had no idea how he managed to afford for the Element of Honesty, but they had a very good idea of who he really is, but there was nothing they could do at the moment. And then…

"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" The Cutie mark Crusaders screamed at the top of their lungs as they ran for their lives from the bosses and the police officers, while the cloaked figure chuckled evilly as he followed them.

Meanwhile, with Sonic and Rainbow Dash…

The two speeders were still looking for them, until they heard their screaming.

"That's them!" Rainbow reacted.

"You sure?" Sonic asked.

"I'm positive! Come on!" Rainbow said before flying off in the scream's direction. Sonic ends up following her.

"Yo Tails! Did you hear that?" Sonic called Tails through the communicator.

Meanwhile, with Tails and his group…

"We heard it Sonic, we're on our way there now!" Tails replied.

"My sister is in trouble?! OH NO! HANG ON SWEETIE BELLE! YOUR BIG SIS IS COMING!" Rarity yelled dramatically.

"Is she always like this?" Chris asked.

"Don't worry, that's just the way she expresses how concerned she is about her sister." Twilight reassured.

"Yup, have no fear Rarity, we'll save her!" Spike said.

"Yeah, we'll find her!" Amy and Pinkie said.

"Hang on everyone!" Tails announced as he increases the speed.

Meanwhile, with Chuck and his group…

"You guys heard that, didn't you?" Chuck asked the others as he stopped to pick up Celestia, Luna and Czar.

"Yeah, we heard it alright!" Applejack said.

"It would appear they are in trouble." Celestia said. "We must hurry."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they head for where the scream came from.

Meanwhile, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders…

Things were looking very bad for the three blank flank fillies. They ran as fast as their legs could, as the bosses and the police chased after them down the streets and alleys, like an angry mob of people. They encounter some obstacles and people in the way, they had to avoid them and keep moving, they did what they could along the way to slow the mob down, such as crossing the street and dodge incoming cars (or metal monsters as they call them), or jump over some wire fences, but that wasn't enough.

This chase went on for about an hour or so, until they end up running into a wall of cops. The fillies react to this; they look back and saw the mob all around them. They were completely surrounded.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" A police officer said. "A bunch of little freaky thieves, that's what we have here!"

"What shall we do to them?" A fat police officer asked.

"They may be related to that flying pony with the blue hedgehog! Let's send them all to Area 99!" a thinner police officer suggested.

"I don't care what you do to them officers; just get them out of our sight!" the plumber boss demanded.

"And teach these troublemaking, good-for-nothing horses who is the boss around here!" the Café owner demanded.

The three fillies didn't say anything; all hope seemed lost for them. The police officers were about to grab them, it was going to be over soon. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were about to be blank flanks for all eternity.

But just then, a blue and rainbow colored streaks of light race past them, confusing everyone. And then there was a blue and rainbow colored tornado surrounding them, everyone reacts as they hit the floor in fear. When it was over, the police and the bosses looked up.

"Is it over?" the librarian asked.

"Hey! Where the fillies go?!" the plumber boss reacted noticing the fillies were gone.

"But…they were right there!"

"They got away! Dammit!"

"Quick! Let's go look for them!"

As they looked around, the camera moves up to the top of one of the buildings, revealing Sonic and Rainbow Dash, who just rescued the Cutie Mark Crusaders from their doom.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo exclaimed as she happily hugged her idol. "I knew you'd come for us!"

"Hey squirt! It's good to see you too!" Rainbow Dash smiled as she put Scootaloo down. "Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?"

"Naw, I'm fine. But who is this?" Scootaloo asked looking at Sonic, along with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Don't worry, he's cool." Rainbow Dash assured to them. "His name is Sonic and he's in the same boat as us. He came here from another world, just like us."

"That's right little fillies, I'm guessing you're all friends of Rainbow Dash?" Sonic asked with his sly grin.

"Hey Sonic!"

Sonic, Rainbow Dash and the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked up to see Tails and his group fly overhead in the Tornado 2. The fillies were shocked to see a huge flying mechanical bird, but were happy to see some familiar faces were riding on it.

"Hey Tails! We found them!" Sonic called out.

"SWEETIE BELLE!" Rarity called out.

"RARITY!" Sweetie Belle cried with joy.

Rainbow Dash picked up Sweetie Belle and flew over to the Tornado 2, tossing her over to Rarity's arms.

"Oh, my dear sister, I'm so glad you're alright!" Rarity cried while hugging her sister. "I'm sorry about what you had to go through, those ruffians didn't hurt you did they?!"

"No sis, Rainbow Dash and, uh, Sonic, got us out before they even had the chance!" Sweetie Belle reassured.

The others saw them enjoying their reunion and smiled. Then Applebloom spoke. "Hey Rainbow, is mah sister here too?" she asked.

"Yup." Rainbow Dash said. "Oh and here she comes now!"

They looked down and saw Chuck and his group in the car, Applebloom reacted when she saw Applejack among the group.

"APPLEJACK!" Applebloom cried as she ended up jumping off the building and free fall into the car, except Rainbow Dash grabbed her on time and flew down to the car, dropping her on Applejack as the little filly hugged her older sister.

"Applebloom!" Applejack hugged her sister. "Ah'm so glad y'all A-okay mah little sistah!"

"Oh Applejack, you have NO IDEA, what Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Ah have been through!" Applebloom said.

"Ah have a good idea." Applejack replied.

Chuck and the others saw this and smiled to see the family's all reunited. "Well, mission accomplished, time to head back to the mansion!" he said holding his communicator.

The others heard him and agreed to go back to the mansion before lunch time. Applebloom was happy to have been reunited with her older sister, same goes for Sweetie Belle with Rarity, and last Scootaloo with her idol, Rainbow Dash, as she rides on her back on the way back to the Thorndyke Mansion.


The mob and the police looked and searched, but no sights of those damn fillies. The cloaked figure walked up to them in disappointment. "You let them get away?!" he demanded.

"Apologies kind sir, we…"

"I WON'T FORGIVE YOU BASTARDS FOR THIS!" The mysterious cloaked figure removed his cloak revealing himself toward them in a rage.

The mob and the police gasped in horror. "YOU'RE…"

"FOR YOUR FAILURE, THE PENALTY IS DEATH!" The shaded figure roared in rage as it lashed it out on them.

The screen fades to black as you hear bloodcurdling screams of agony and numerous graphical and unpleasant noises of violence and gore.

Meanwhile, back in the Thorndyke Mansion…

Their mission was a success; our heroes managed to rescue the Cutie Mark Crusaders from harm and brought them back safe and sound. And just on time for lunch. Celestia, Luna and Czar were back in their true forms.

Right now everyone was gathered at Chuck's workshop. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were happy to be reunited with the Mane Party, but they still didn't know about the Sonic Heroes (even though they already met Sonic) or the Thorndykes, so they decided to introduce themselves.

"My name is Chris and this is my sister Kat." Chris introduced himself and his sister. "Your sisters and your friends have told us about you."

"Yeah, pleased to meet you three!" Kat greeted.

"I'm Tails, I'm Sonic's best friend and I am like a little brother to him!" Tails introduced.

"I'm Amy and I'm Sonic's girlfriend, right Sonic?" Amy introduced herself and looked at Sonic.

"Uh…" Sonic looked away nervously.

A sweat drop rolls down the side of his head

"I am Cream and this is my best friend Cheese, we're pleased to meet you." Cream introduced herself and Cheese.

"I'm Pocky, these are Flicky, Picky and Pecky, pleased to meet you." Pocky introduced himself and the other animal friends.

"Hello!" Flicky greeted.

"Hey!" Picky greeted.

"How do you do?" Pecky greeted.

"And of course, you already met Sonic; he's the fastest hedgehog in the world and my speed rival." Rainbow Dash said.

"Cool!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders said.

"The name's Applebloom, Ah'm the leader of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Applejack's sistah!" Applebloom introduced herself. "These here are my fellow Crusaders: Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo!"

"Hi!" Sweetie Belle greeted.

"Hey!" Scootaloo greeted, while eye-balling Sonic. "And don't think you're better than Rainbow Dash, because no one can beat her in a race!"

Sonic chuckled nervously, while the others faked a cough. Rainbow Dash stepped in. "Actually squirt, Sonic and I already raced a few times and…we always tied." She explained.

"Seriously?" Scootaloo gawked in surprise.

"Yeah, pretty much." Kat nodded. "By the way, these here are Chuck, our grandfather, Ella, our maid and last Mr. Tanaka, our butler." She introduced them.

"Hello little ones, pleased to meet you." Chuck greeted them.

"I am glad to three were brought back safe and sound, I'm terribly sorry about what you had to go through, but rest assured, you are safe with us here." Ella said.

"Friends of Masters Chris and Kat are always welcome at the Thorndyke Mansion." Mr. Tanaka said in a calm manner. "We welcome you Miss Applebloom, Miss Sweetie Belle and Miss Scootaloo."

"Thank you!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders thanked them.

"Well, now that everything is settled, how about joining us for lunch?" Ella asked.

"Sounds good to me, I'm half-starved after being forced to eat nothing but junk for the last few days." Scootaloo said.

Moments later, everyone was at the dining room, eating lunch. There was plenty of food for everyone fit to feed their respective species. While they eat the Cutie Mark Crusaders shared their own little misadventures, in which they crusade their talents and look for their cutie marks, while the Thorndyke siblings and the Sonic Heroes shared their own to them. But soon, the Cutie Mark Crusaders' moment of peace was shattered when they realize something horrible…

"Oh no! Mah sistah's element!" Applebloom exclaimed in horror.

"Darn, that nasty bully still has it!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Come again?" Applejack and the others looked at them in concern.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders ended up explaining about finding the Element of Honesty necklace on display in a jewelry store, trying to raise money for it, and failed miserably, then a cloaked figure shows up with the Element in hand (or was it a actually a hoof?) and sent the angry mob and the police chasing after them, until Sonic and Rainbow Dash rescued them.

"A cloaked figure has MAH Element?" Applejack gawked in shock.

"But, who is he and what does he want with it?" Spike asked.

"Well, we don't know, but we have a pretty good idea of who he is." Sweetie Belle said.

"Who?" Chris asked.

"Judging from his size and that demonic voice…I'd say it had to be…"


The mysterious figure walked down to the shore all covered in blood of his victims (the mob and the police) and encountered who appeared to be the shadowy figure of Steam and the Conductor, the latter now has both arms mechanized, much to his displeasure.

"I've got the Element for you…" The mystery figure said handing the necklace over to them, the Conductor grabbed it.

"Excellent work, if Dr. Horo was still around, he'd sure be pleased…if he still had any of his consciousness left that is." Steam replied.

"I'm still pissed off that those bastards couldn't even lay a figure on those damn fillies!" the mysterious figure said. "If only I had done it myself…"

"You'll get your chance." Steam said. "Now what do you say we return to base…Iron Hoof?"

The mysterious figure finally came into light. He was a short looking Earth Pony, a bit taller than Spike, but still short, huge muscles, demonic eyes, sharp teeth, dark coat and hell fire colored mane and tail.

"Yes Steam, let's go…" the psychopathic pony known as "Iron Hoof" said in a demonic voice.

(BGM: Mi-Ra-I - Run&Gun)

It was night time, in the living room of Chris and Kat's mansion, Sonic and Rainbow Dash's friends are all asleep on the coach and on the floor around the couch, while Sonic and Rainbow Dash stayed up late watching clips of the episode that had just played at the time.

You ready for the trip?

Just one more day to go

Put on a new shirt

And let's sneak off in the night

The sleepless city is even today

Still just looking over us

Why don't we sing it a new song

Events that could make you cry

Remembering without reason

With sound of the heels of our boots

Let's run through quickly

Doing things skillfully may be fine

But as we are clumsily standing here

That's what I really like about you

To shine bright, and be free

Nothing to be afraid of.

Since we've rode the waves of time,

Let's start aiming for that far off road

Saying goodbye to the boring days

There's nothing to be lost

Stubbornly tie the boots once more

Let's open a new door

The sleepless city is even today

Quietly just looking over us

Let's start from here!

To shine bright, and be free

Nothing to be confused about

The waves of time are strong yet gentle

Soon I will meet you there

Let's light up our world

After finishing watching, Sonic turned the TV off and they both went to sleep. The next morning, they woke up when suddenly Ella picked them both up and placed them on the couch. Sonic and Rainbow look at Ella wondering what that was about, Ella points out the message on the wall next to the TV. It was written in Japanese: "When watching TV, keep the lights on and a safe distance from the TV."

To shine bright, and be free

Nothing to be afraid of.

Since we've rode the waves of time,

To the other side of the far off road,

Soon I will meet you there

Let's go and find our future

Realizing their mistake, Sonic and Rainbow Dash stared at each other embarrassed, laughing sheepishly.

Sweatdrops rolled down the sides of their heads, one on each

They look at Ella and apologize, promising to never stay too close to the TV and with the lights off again.

(BGM ends)