An Azure Future: Moving On

by Krass McWriter

Getting Out There

An Azure Future: Moving On

Chapter 1
Getting Out There

“Hey, Azure, wanna play a game?!” It was Saturday in the penthouse John and his son Azure lived in. It had been a month and a half since John drank the ponification serum. He had yet to come up with a proper pony name.

"What kind of game?" Azure asked.

John beamed, "The best kind of course! Hide and seek!"

"Hide and seek? Why would we play that with only the two of us?"

"Oh, we won't be hiding and seeking each other. Don't be silly." John gave Azure a dismissive wave with his hoof.

"Then who would be hiding?" John's knack for illogical antics seemed boundless at times.

"Not WHO, Azure, but WHAT." John now wore a devious grin.

 "Okay. I give. What the hay are we doing." His son conceded.

"We're gonna play 'Find Daddy's Cigarettes'!" There was a bright smile upon his mahogany muzzle.

Blue hoof met blue face. "First off, that doesn’t even sound like a game. It sounds boring and stupid. Second, why in Luna's name are we trying to find your cigarettes? You became a pony and cured your addiction. You don’t need to smoke.”

“Oh, I’m not going to SMOKE them, we’re going to throw them out!”

“But... why?”

“Because I said so.” John stated.

“No, why find them at all if you aren’t going to smoke ‘em?”

It was bartering time. “I’ll give you ten bits a pack.”

“Fifteen.” Azure was game.



“Seven a piece or I half your allowance this week.” John issued his ultimatum.

There was no winning a barter against John. Azure was just his newest victim. “Fine.” He conceded, defeated.

“Great! Now I hit up all the usual spots, but have only about eighty percent accounted for. Thats about five cartons. They are probably up high.” John briefed.

The search began. Azure was taking the first floor and John the second. Drawers were thrown open, boxes were tossed about, and various knick-knacks were shuffled through. It was Azure that had the first and second success. “Got two here!” He exclaimed when he moved the cereal boxes revealing the red and white boxes. John found the third box under the foot of his mattress, partially crushed.  The fourth one was also found by John under some bits in the vault. The race was on for the final carton.

Azure was the one who celebrated finding the last box. He was rummaging through the library when he was trying to move one book and five more came along. Opening the cover of one of the end books revealed a carton. “Got the last one!” He bellowed. John grasped the two cartons he found and placed them in a bag with the other twenty. Trotting downstairs, he tossed the bag into the middle of the floor. Azure placed his three into the bag, which was now overflowing despite its large size.

“Now to get rid of these foul things.” John grabbed the bag, flew over to the nearest window and tossed them out of it.

Moments later there a scream from below, “My leg!”

“Sorry!” He called down, apologizing. “So you found three cartons that’s thirty packs which comes to two hundred and ten bits.” I should secure another business venture. He thought as he led Azure  to his prize. Eh, If I don’t find one, Azure or his foals will. He opened the vault with the voice command and retrieved the two hundred and ten bits. “Hey, I got an idea!”

“Whats that dad?”

“How about we go to Grindah’s bakery to celebrate?” He offered.

Azure considered it for a moment, “Sounds good.”


The two pegasi walked into the bakery. They were immediately greeted by John’s cream coated earth pony friend. “Hey John! Whats up?!”

“Not much. Just thought I’d stop by for a bite.” He shrugged.

“So what’ll it be?” Grindah asked.

“I’ll take a cherrychonga.”  John ordered.

“Its called a chimicherry.” The baker corrected.

“Whatever. Just get me one.” John rolled his eyes.

“I’ll have a chocolate twist please!” Azure exclaimed, placing his order. Cream Baker, better known to John as Grindah, retrieved the pastries ordered.

“That’ll be eleven bits!”  He ringed them out. John retrieved the proper amount from a coin bag under wing. The coin bag had a string to go around his neck for when he was flying, it was just much more accessible under his wing.

“Hey John, remember that one thing you promised me that one time back when I got converted and you were half drunk?" The baker asked wearing a mischievous smile.

“No.” John paused before taking a bite of his chimicherry. Just what promise could he have made?

Grindah looked like he just moved a pawn into position for a checkmate. “It was when you were drinking heavy because Catherine left. I came over. Said I’d help you find another. Ring any bells? To which YOU said ‘If I become a pony, you can hook me up.’ Then you went to bathroom and never came out.”

 John was in stunned silence. He finally managed a “What.”

“Well ya did. I sure hope you’re ready, I got ya set up for a date innn...” He searched around for clock, once he located one he continued, “About an hour and a half. At six o’ clock.”

“What.” Was all John could say. Azure was too busy choking on his donut to laugh.

“You’ll like her, she’s a good mare. Anyways, its here at six o’ clock, don’t be late. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to attend to the kitchen.” The earth pony turned and trotted through a door behind the counter.


Azure finally managed to get the chunk of pastry down his throat. “Oh my Luna.” He laughed, still coughing. He hit his chest with his hoof a few times to restart his heart which had given out from all hilarity of the situation.


Azure shook his head. “C’mon dad, lets get you ready.”

“What.” Apparently his father was broken and in need of towing back home for proper repairs.

Azure sighed, then bit John’s tail and started the arduous process of dragging his father home.


“What.” Azure’s dad was still broken. How did one fix things that were broken? He had seen John do it with a peculiar application of a wrench before. That should work.

Azure trotted to kitchen and retrieved the monkey wrench from underneath the sink. Now just position it right and... Azure dealt John a blow to the back of the head, sending John sprawling.

“What the hell?!” Was his first sentence in a good long while.

“Welcome back.”
“Why the fuck did you hit me with a WRENCH?!”

Azure wore a confused look, “That’s how I saw you fix the toaster two days ago. I thought it was just how you fixed things.”

John looked as if he was suffering an aneurysm for a split second. He managed to regain control, “Whatever. So what happened?”

“You have a date at the bakery innn...” Azure located a clock, “thirty two minutes.”

“Wait, what? Since when?” John desperately tried to piece together how he had a date, and more importantly, how he had forgotten.

“Since now.” Azure answered.


“No buts! You are going on a date, and that’s FINAL!” Azure stomped a hoof for emphasis.


“Butts are for pooping.”

“Fine. Whatever.” John dismissed. “I just haven’t been on a date in almost nine years, what could go wrong?”

“Do you need some dating advice?” Azure smirked.

“What would you know about dating?” The way John said it, it sounded closer to an accusation than a query.

“I do have a fillyfriend.” Check. John’s move.

“Ha! She made all the moves, you did nothing!” Checkmate. John won.

“I... I helped!” Azure tried pathetically.

“You know?” John chuckled. “Entertain me.”

“Well you need to be nice to her no matter what. Remember to make eye contact at all times. Compliment her too. Never talk about yourself.  Uhhh... That’s all I got.”

“Well... I’ll be going then.” John slung the bits around his neck for travel and flew out the nearest exit. It was a short flight, and John arrived about fifteen minutes early at the bakery. He removed the bag and tucked it back under his wing. Might as well wait inside... 

“Hey buddy, I’m almost surprised you showed!” Grindah beamed. “Take a seat, anywhere is okay, business is slow today.” He turned and trotted back into the kitchen.

“So who am I meeting?”

“Mare I knew from college, Strawberry Jam.” Grindah called from the kitchen.

That name seemed really familiar to John, though he couldn’t quite place his hoof on it. He chose a booth in the corner and sat down. John just looked around and waited. What else was there to do?

After a few minutes, John heard the door swing open. It was Strawberry Jam, it had to be. Her coat was a deep red and her mane a shade of purple John was finding very lovely for a pony. His coin bag dropped. Too lovely. Shit. John prayed she wouldn’t notice.

“Well, you seem excited to see me.” She giggled.

Well fuck. “Uhhh, yeah I  guess.” He shied, blushing deeply.

She sat across from him. “So, my name is Strawberry Jam, whats yours?”

“John Norris.” He answered. This seemed to be the wrong answer as it caused her to frown.

“A human name?” She seemed to spit the word human.

“I’ve... been recently converted. I haven’t come up with one yet.” Something seemed to click in the mare.

“Wait! Are you... the Grand Knight who helped with the IHSA on the east coast?” She whispered across the table.

John suddenly seemed to remember where he heard of Strawberry Jam. She was the one who was in charge of keeping PER’s image clean. She approved the propaganda, the posters, the flyers, and was the pony in charge of the doorknockers. She was one of the nine. Oh fuck.

“You are, aren’t you?”  She leered.

“Uhhh... yeah. I guess.” John shifted uncomfortably. Where is she going with this?

“Well, it sure is a pleasure to meet you! We wouldn’t have been able to perform our final crusade for a long time without you.” She beamed brightly, then leaned in close wearing a serous look. “You know, you’re something of a hero amongst our ranks.”

She’s very... animated. “All I did was drive a truck.” John was confused.

“And that service shaved weeks we didn’t have off! Celestia was, and is, getting very close. But now that we’re pretty much done and through, its going to be quite difficult to find us higher ranking ponies eh?” Her face flew flawlessly from one emotion to the next. This mare has ISSUES.

“Heh, so I guess we already know what each other does for living eh?” John put on a smile, hoping to change the subject with a joke.

“Heehee, yeah I guess so.” She smiled. “You’re pretty cute ya know? You have very... strong colors. Quite stallionly if you ask me.”

“Uh... thanks? It’s not like I chose them...” He saw his friend sneak up behind Strawberry. He was mouthing something, but John couldn’t decipher it. “Ya need something bro?” He quickly ducked off to attend to some new customers with convenient timing. “That was weird.”

“Oh, never mind him.” She shot a glare at the bakery owner. She turned back to John. “So whats you’re favorite color?”

“Uhhh...” The question caught John off balance. “Slate Grey?” It came off more as he were asking the question, or he were a participant in an old game show.

The conversation seemed to die. Strawberry, however, still seemed intent to make eye contact. It was quite the unnerving situation. John desperately scrambled for something to break her soul stealing stare. Paying her a compliment couldn’t hurt. “Uhhh...” He searched for something. “You have lovely fetlocks.”

“You think my fetlocks... are lovely?” She puzzled.

Why did I say fetlocks?! I could have complimented her coat, or her eyes, or her taught body... John’s wings sprung up again at the thought of getting that nice shapely mare alone. Well fuck. It didn’t help that his predicament seemed to be funny, as she started giggling, holding a hoof to her muzzle. “Well, if you insist.”

Then John’s savior came in the form Cream Baker. “So what can I get you both?”

“I’ll take a Dandelion Croissants.” She ordered immediately.

“Excellent. How about you John?” Grindah asked, pulling out his pen and paper form his apron.

“Just bring me a blueberry muffin.”

The baker scribbled John’s order down. “I’ll have that right back out in about three minutes.” John managed to regain control of his wings and folded them back at his side.

“Sorry about that, I’m still pretty new to the whole hooves and oats thing.” He apologized.

“Oh, its quite alright, I know it takes a while to gain total control.” She waved dismissively with a hoof. “Especially when it comes to... newfound attractions.” She flowed flawlessly into a sultry tone. John fought to keep his wings at his side. “Heehee.” She giggled, taking notice at John’s struggle.

“So, how do you know Grindah?” John asked, after managing to subdue his wings.

“We were friends in middle school and elementary. We just managed to keep in contact.” She shrugged.

“Huh. So, any family?”

“Yes, my mom, dad, and little sister are all in Equestria.”

“Huh, so-” John started before she cut him off.

“Please. You should know why I stayed behind.” Strawberry deadpanned.

“Afight, ges ya food ‘ere!” Cream Baker said around the tray in his mouth. He sat the tray down on the table and removed the two dishes from it. One had a rather large muffin, the other had a half dozen sizable Croissants. “Anything else?” He asked.

“No, I’m good.” John replied.

“No thank you.” Confirmed Strawberry.

“Well, holler if you need something.” The baker said before turning away to return to his kitchen.

“So when will you be moving to Equestria then?” She asked John as he took a bite from his muffin.

John chewed on the question and his muffin. He hadn’t given it much thought. The question had come up a time or two when he was still with Catherine, though he had merely given dismissive answers. “I... I don’t know. Whenever I suppose.”

This did not seem to be the answer that his date was looking for, made obvious by her expression. “Uhhh, I guess whenever I have to?” He offered, then continued, elaborating on his answer. “I may be a pony now but this is my home. I intend on staying here as long as possible.”

She rolled her eyes ever so slightly, “I can understand that.” Fortunately, it was a movement John missed, as he had started on his muffin again. The subtle annoyance in her tone was also lost on John.

John packed the muffin away with haste, making quite a spectacle, or it would have been if there was more ponies around. He wiped the crumbs off his muzzle, “Sorry about that, I’m still not entirely used to how good some things taste now. Sometimes I have trouble with that.” He apologized, a bit sheepish.

Strawberry’s expression softened, “You missed a spot dear.” She motioned to a spot on her muzzle. John curiously swiped the area on his own muzzle, removing the last crumb. He also noticed Strawberry’s food was also gone. “Well I hate to eat and run, but I’m afraid I have to go now. I have some business to attend to.” She moved away from the table and walked out. John managed to keep his wings at his side this time, though it was no small feat.

After a brief moment of confusion at the abrupt ending, John was approached by his friend. “Huh. That was weird.” Baker commented.

“Yes. Yes it was.”  John paid his friend, and flew home.


Man, this is so much better than stairs. John thought as he landed on the balcony. He trotted into the penthouse and was immediately assaulted. “How’d-it-go? Did-ya-kiss? Are-you-going-on-a-second-date?” The words attacked John with brute force.

“Calm down boy-o. It was just a first date, don’t be expecting a baby sister or brother anytime soon.” John defused the situation best he could. A hyper colt was never a good thing.

“So what did happen?” Azure asked.

“We had dinner.” John shrugged.

“That all?” Azure seemed disappointed.

John shifted nervously, “I, uh, got a wingboner twice...” Azure burst out laughing. “Hey now, I ain't been with a mare in nine years!”

“Its still funny.” Azure giggled.

“Heh, I guess it kinda is.” John admitted. “Hey, how about we watch Lion King again?” John offered.

Azure smiled. “I’d like that.”

________________________________AUTHORS NOTES:

Took longer than I’d care to admit, But its finally up.

So tell me what ya think then eh?