Fluttershy... in a bar?

by FinnPony

At the restaurant

A cold breeze hit them when they exited the bar. The weather was nice and refreshing. Luna's moon and the stars glowed dim white light over the deserted Ponyville, making it look even more beautiful than by daytime. Music from the nearby jazz club made ​​the evening even more lovely. Street lights illumined the main street, where two ponies walked side by side.

Usually Fluttershy would have walked couple of steps behind Big Mac, but this time she felt comfortable enough to walk right by his side. Their legs even touched sometimes, making her blush even though she really liked it. Fluttershy was still feeling a bit funny after all the drinks that she had been drinking, making her giggle sometimes. Mac didn't seem to even notice it, or at least he did a good job of not showing it.

When They reached end of the main street, Big Mac saw the familiar late-night restaurant, he thought for a moment and asked Fluttershy: "Are ya feelin' hungry? That restaurant has really good sandwiches and hay fries."

Fluttershy thought that maybe some food just what she needed right now. After all, she last time she ate was before going to the spa with Rarity. She looked at Big Macintosh and said: "That would be nice. I'm actually feeling a bit hungry."

Big Macintosh nodded and they walked to the restaurant. It was a nice and cozy little restaurant. There were paintings of flower meadows on the walls and the furniture was made ​​to look like old-fashioned. Fluttershy really liked the decor. The owner was an older mare with a friendly smile. Fluttershy ordered daffodil and daisy sandwich, while Big Mac took hay fries. They sat down to table in the corner, and started talking:

"I have never been here before," Fluttershy said looking around.

"How, come? This place is pretty popular." said Big Mac while looking at her. Fluttershy blushed a bit and said: "I think that is the problem, I don't like places with much ponies in them. It makes me nervous."

"But ya do like this place now, don't ya?" Asked Big Mac.

"Well there's not much ponies around here now, Only you and me." Said Fluttershy with a small voice.

Before Mac could say anything, the old mare brought their dishes.The mare looked at Big Mac and said: "It's so nice that you finally have a very special somepony Big Mac! I started to get a bit worried about you. I Started to fear that you were one of those colt cuddlers, not that there's anything bad about it but..."

They both went bright red and Fluttershy interrupted the mare saying, stumbling in her own words: "No! I... I mean th... That we are just f... Friends."

"Eeyep," Big mac confirmed.

"Oh, well Big Macintosh here is quite a catch. Enjoy your meals," old mare said and winked at Fluttershy. Big Mac saw that and blushed a bit.

They started eating their food, Fluttershy ate her sandwich with small bites. Big Macintosh ate his hay slowly, which didn't seem like normal to Fluttershy. She realized that Mac was trying to eat as slowly as she did. She thought how nice that was of him. No stallion had ever before treated her as well as Big Mac.

"You don't have to eat so slowly because of me," Fluttershy said.

Big Mac looked at his hay fries and then lifted his head and looked at Fluttershy saying: "Granny says that gentlecolt always lets lady finish eating before him."

"You don't need to be a gentlecolt with me. I love you just the way you are," Said Fluttershy, immediately realizing what she had said. She hid behind her mane, wanting to disappear.
All of a sudden hoof came and swept her mane away from her face. She saw Big Mac staring at him. She dropped her head in shame.
She winced as she felt Big Mac's hoof under her chin. He lifted Fluttershy's head and said: "I really like ya too Fluttershy."

"Y... You like me? B.. B.. But how..?" Fluttershy said shaking and with tears in her eyes.

Big Macintosh swept tears from her cheeks and said: "How could Ah not like ya? You're the most kindest pony I've met, you like animals just like Ah do... Ah feel really comfortable with ya around me."

Suddenly Fluttershy leaned over the table and hugged Big Macintosh. Mac was really surprised but soon he hugged her back. Fluttershy felt Big Mac's muscular body. She felt warm and safe, She would have wanted to stay there forever.She whispered into Mac's ear: "Thank you, Macintosh," before breaking the hug.
She had never felt these feelings before. She was sad, happy and scared at the same time, and it was wonderful. She looked at the stallion in front of her, feeling tears being formed in her eyes again.

"Thank you bringing me here," Fluttershy said with a sobbing voice. Again Big Mac swept the tears from her cheeks and said: "There's no need to be sad, Ah am happy, you should be too!"
Fluttershy looked him straight into his eyes and said smiling: "Oh but I am happy! I'm so happy to be with you." Tears were now streaming down her cheeks.
"Then why are you crying?" Asked Big Macintosh with a smile.
"I don't know..." Fluttershy said and they both chuckled.

Fluttershy dried her tears and they hugged again, this time it was shorter, but more passionate.

After breaking the hug, they didn't feel hungry anymore. Big Macintosh left the bits on the table. As they made their way towards the door. Big Mac saw the old mare winking at him. Mac Smiled as Fluttershy leaned against him while they started walking towards her cottage.