An Account of My Experiences During the Summer Sun Celebration, One-Thousandth Year of Solar Rule by Quill Scrivener

by Adorned ungulate

Chapter 1

"Quill, take a letter,"

Of course I already had my materials at the ready. One does not rise to my position via skill at calligraphy alone; strict punctuality and anticipation of your mistresses' needs are essential. "Yes, your highness," I replied.

"My dearest and faithful student, Twilight. You know I value your diligence and that I trust you completely, but you simply must stop reading those dusty old books..."

Princess Celestia dictated a sort of resigned dread in her voice but I added an exclamation point to close the sentence anyhow. Her affect sent a chill through my heart. Gone was any mirth or warmth that should have accompanied a casual note to her apprentice. She had seemed dour all morning but while reading Twilight's letter she did acquire a wry half-grin. The brief twinkle left her eyes quickly as it arrived. My concern for my princess slid sickeningly into worry. She had not been herself for the last few weeks. I sternly turned away from my fears to transcribe the rest of the missive only to have the alarm bubble up again with the pain and... (could it be guilt?) with which the princess bit out the last two words, "make friends".

Celestia turned to gaze once more out the balcony. "Send it off to Spike, please." I had met the baby dragon many times and have heard my spell caused him to belch out the parchment. A little strange to be sure. Dragon couriers were extremely rare but not unheard of in our realm.

"Right away your highness," The scroll vanished into green flame and ash. "Is there anything else you require?"

"I would like your company for a while longer. Twilight is dutiful but she might just send off another panicked letter or two before leaving." She turned away from the window and slowly made her way to the throne room main doors. "And summon the Master of Portals, have him come with us to the South Wing. I wish to visit Tower Two." I blinked but complied. To my knowledge nopony alive had ever been in Tower Two. I assumed it was condemned. As she proceeded to the door absent that regal strut to which I had grown accustomed my eyes were drawn to a fluttering object which I caught up in my magic before it touched ground. It was one of the princesses' flight feathers. I worried my lower lip, she only molts out of season when something is troubling her. I am always in awe of her wings, they remind me of a giant trumpeter swan but more regal than those ruffians who think they rule the royal garden's decorative pools. I slid it into my courier kit; no use letting a good quill go to waste no matter it's provenance.

It took Key Cutter some time sorting through the massive collection of key rings attached to his saddle bags and then the might of the princesses' magic to persuade the rusted hinges to cooperate but that afternoon found me walking with my mistress through rooms thick with dust and littered with the detritus of ages past. Celestia's sunlight could barely penetrate dim fingers through filthy cobweb-covered windows. She stopped to examine them though I could only guess she saw memories of history etched in stained glass rather than the reality. I spotted what may have been the princess facing a large inky splotch. In closer panes I could make our Clover the Clever gesturing to some gentleman in a funny hat. I only recognized her due to familiarity with Hearths Warming Eve pageants. These halls were ancient.

"Tell me Quill, how are your children?"

"Nearly ready to have foals of their own, princess." I thought fondly back to the last 'bring your filly to work day' years ago and how Celestia doted on them with great patience despite their picayune interest in manners.

"They are in the city for the celebration tomorrow. It would please me if they stay close to home." She calmly related this as a statement rather than a question. I kept a knowing smile off my face. The princess had a way of massaging matters to conform to her will. We servants didn't speak of it often but it was common knowledge that there are a hundred agents or more across Equestria busy with subtle tasks. There are a dozen little reasons we chose to spend the Solstice at home and it would be maddening deciding which had been manipulated indirectly by her hoof.

"Those we're our intentions, your highness."

"Do they trust me?" Her voice was airy, like this was an afterthought.

I sputtered, trying to purge any hurt or betrayal out of my voice and demeanor. "My lady, the Scriveners have been loyal for generations, we-"

"I inquired on trust, not loyalty which has never been in question. Not in any of your lines' long history of civil service." She ran her gilded slipper along the glass in front of her, exposing the monochrome pink mane of a far younger alicorn. "I do my best to protect all my little ponies. But what if I allowed a great evil to escape, danger delayed instead of destroyed, even if it was due to love, kindness, or..."

My lady seemed to ruminate on perhaps a half-dozen causes for whatever past mistake was troubling her. I glanced down to the menacing dark splash depicted in the window. I've never been a history buff and couldn't place it. In my unease I could sense a cloying aftertaste of candy for some reason. I looked up to my beloved ruler, forcing down the feelings her behavior caused me these last few days. "Princess Celestia. I have been honored to be at your service these twenty-six odd years. You raise the Sun and Moon for us! Of course they trust you. As do all of Canterlot, those with any sense. Lady, if I can assist you in any way?" I endeavored not to plead. Scriveners serve but never plead. It hurt by proxy to see her suffer and alarming that she was not strong enough to hide it.

"No thank you, Quill. You are dismissed. I wish to be alone for a while..."

"As you wish." I bent into a bow, trying not to sneeze in such close proximity to the dust.

"Actually come to think of it talk to the castellan on your way back. Tomorrow I want this tower cleaned spotless, the rooms must be fit enough for royal habitation. And have the him go down to my personal vaults. Have him look over number thirty-six. The staff must decorate with whatever artifacts have not been ravaged with decay. Have them take upmost care." She stroked the dark glass panes tenderly. "And have them place a tapestry over this window."

"Y-yes, my liege." I could no longer keep uncertainty's creeping spider legs from my throat."

"Go now." Her tone dropped low. "It is unbecoming to watch a grown mare cry."

Nodding. Spinning. Nearly tripping over my own feet to flee. This was just not right. The world was off balance somehow. When does the Queen of Heaven feel doubt? Regret, understandable for a creature of her years but somehow terrible to see across a rulers' face. It was simultaneously a relief and guilt pang inducing to leave her there, the white luster of her coat dulling by the minute with floating particulate. But my life is one of service. There was much to do before celebrations could begin.

I spent much of the next day immersed in my duties as royal notary signing off on paperwork trivial enough to be beneath Celestia's notice. Everypony was getting as much work done as possible before the holiday disruption. I went to see her just once in Tower Two where she was personally overseeing cleaning and decor for our mystery guest. I must admit the staff had made impressive progress though it felt a bit old world for my taste. She seemed to have regained a bit of her regal bearing, displaying no discomfort over her previous emotional outburst. I gave her a professional and I hope warm smile as she returned signed tariff forms. "Thank you, Quill. I expect to see you well before sunrise tomorrow," she slipped into a playful whisper. "So easy on the cider."

"Yes, mistress." And that was that. Staff happily departed an hour early to be with their loved ones, and fill their favorite taverns. I turned away from gossip on my way out. Her majesty's taciturn behavior had been noticed by all, of course. I think we all were relived to join in with the revelry for a few hours to vent tension away.

Music was already pouring from crowded city windows well before the last Spring sunset. If anything was amiss this year the general populace was unaware. I was glad whispered rumors had not made it onto the Canterlot broadsheets. I embraced my husband and children, they greatly eased my mood as did the aromatic supper my youngest daughter, Serif was preparing. We ate, talked to contentment, drank wine and walked the streets to visit friends and neighbors. There was quite a festival atmosphere as usual with everypony laughing and dancing the night away in celebration of the eternal sun. The street was decorated in mint and teal banners that year. On the corner of our block The Malodorous Goat tavern proved to be especially lively. We stopped in for a drink; I decided a strong black tea was wise since I was expected to be decorous in the royal delegation tomorrow. I idly wondered how young Twilight was faring in nearby Ponyville.

I laughed as my tipsy husband and daughters swaggered through our doors once more. I instructed them to behave themselves, not to wander the streets. After kissing Palatino goodbye I reluctantly trundled back to the castle, doing my best to avoid roving cliques of celebrants.

Pausing between the gatehouses I admired the view: city streets bathed in twisting yellow-orange lamplight, pulsing strobes from nightclubs where young fillies and colts undulated to their barbaric raucous "music", laughter and conversation drifting up from a million joyous muzzles to form a great community murmuration. I gazed up at the sky, cleared diligently by the weather patrol, glorious and purple, full of a multitude of stars and ponderous setting moon. My concern these past weeks seemed trivial now. This was Celestia's Equestria and all was right and just. Perhaps the ghost of recently consumed wine still hung before my eyes but I willed it to be so.

With my tools assembled and ready I slipped into my princesses' chambers. A good scribe is ever-present but never makes a grand entrance. To great comfort I saw her highness in full form, radiating easy authority and might as her attendants saw to her mane, tail, and coat brushing and morning preening. I gave a stern look to a junior chamberlain when he stumbled into me, his intoxication obvious.

"Hold, We will not be needing finery just yet." Princess Celestia's authoritative voice cut through the crowded room causing her dresser to grimace in fear and nearly drop Celestia's tiara. "Castellan, the armor We wore during the expedition against the Griffon Despotate, have it taken down from its display case and brought to Us," the stallion's mustache seemed to spring straighter than whatever wax he used could allow and be hurried to complete his task. "Scrivener, summon the captain of the guard at once. We have much to discuss and cannot delay any longer,"

I nodded dumbly, dipped nib to well and sent a missive off with practiced speed. I chanced a glance at the staff during the wait. We all seemed alarmed by her sudden shift in demeanor. I personally had not seen her so formidable outside of battle and most of us were too young to have served during that turbulent time.

Captain Shining Armor arrived, snapping off a stiff salute almost before he slid to a stop. Celestia made her way slowly over to him, a warm motherly smile on her lips, and used her golden telekinesis to straighten his sash. The captain cracked an embarrassed grin and just a bit of tension left the chamber. The young stallion was not immune to the evenings' bacchanal, it seems.

"Shining Armor," Her voice remained warm and tender as her smile, "you previously served as bodyguard to Our niece, the Princess Mi Amore Cradenza. As We understand you two remain in close contact."

"Yes, your highness." He struggled to regain composure in light of her maternal doting, and could I detect bashfulness as well? He likely guarded her very closely.

"We have sent our beloved on a tour of the northern provinces, are We to understand she still resides in the chalet outside Vanhoover?"

"Your highness, just as you say from the letter she sent last week."

"Excellent. Triple the royal guard quotient upon the ramparts this morning and We want every available constable patrolling the city. If prophesy rings true there will be panic in the streets before long."

"Y-yes, your highness." Shining Armor mirrored confusion that was palpable upon all faces but the princess. The castellan returned then, dogsbody behind him pulling a cart loaded with an oversize ponyquin festooned with the royal gold-guided armor. He announced, uneasily that the carriage was ready for flight.

"Very good. Take heed, my little ponies. Gnomon shall create the most convincing illusion of Us and ride out of Canterlot in Our place. The chariot is to fly to the outskirts of the Everfree and land, away from curious eyes. None of us shall be going to Ponyville today."

There was a collective gasp amongst the retune. "Quiet down! We are in need of calm action. A thousand years ago this morning We faced our most difficult challenge. Today Our actions rebound upon Us and all Equestria. Please, We wish the windows open on the balcony." They were quickly opened with a quiet creak. "A Millennia gone Nightmare Moon was banished. If the court soothsayers are correct in under an hour she shall return." Sharp outcries escaped from several throats. "We must remain here in case she makes a play for the throne. We have placed my apprentice and several allies in Ponyville to face the direct threat..."

She was interrupted by a dusky outburst. "Twiley!" I expected a sharp rebuke but again my mistress cast her captain a tender look.

"Be calm, captain. I would not send your sister without full confidence in her abilities." I raised a brow, she dropped her royal we for the first time since calling this assembly. "It is not brute force that will bring this threat to heel but the best of our qualities. Twilight Sparkle shall not fail. But it would be remiss in my duties if I were not prepared for the worst. Captain, you have mastered your protection spells?" The youthful unicorn steeled himself and huffed out affirmation. "Good, I shall assist you if they are needed. Until then the populace must assume me gone. Nightmare Moon no longer has true followers but she has a way with poets, lovers and lunatics; those who feel affinity with her night. That is what we shall deal with. There will be no Summer Sun Celebration until she is defeated because there shall be no sunrise this morning."

Brushfire panic spread across the room. "Be silent! You still have your princess to keep you from harm. You have the royal guard, hand-picked for excellence." She rested a wing across the captain's withers, he seemed still in a state of shock. "Now then, get the counterfeit underway. Everypony must behave as if nothing is yet amiss."

Her imposing gaze turned upon me. "Quill Scrivener, I would have a moment alone with you." She cantered to her bedchamber trusting I would follow behind her. There was a panoply of expressions played out amongst my compatriots ranging from naked curiosity to pity. Quickly sowing the quill I was still absentmindedly grasping I followed suit with stones weighing heavy in my gut.

The opulent room lit with dim candlelight seemed obstinately normal. My mistress addressed me. "Scrivener, you served in the Royal Expeditionary Forces, Signal Corps, am I correct?"

"In the Fifth, your highness. The Crimson Cockatrice." I cursed the tremor in my knees. What could she require of a notary today of all days?

Her eyes glittered in the muted light. "I saw you there. Your Sergeant felled by a griffon warrior, you took down his last orders. He used his dying breaths for those words even as your comrades still struggled with his attacker. I saw the determination in your eyes as you ran them down the line, his blood dripping off your mane. That's what got you your position here, you know, that and your inborn talents and hard work of course. I am of need of that mare this morning. I have guided you here for this task. For This Moment. Do you understand?"

"No, my lady!" I blinked away unwanted memories. "Please, what is it you ask?"

"Take this," Her horn lit and I felt saddlebags upon my back but I dared not look away from Celestia's face. "You are to leave Canterlot as soon as our foe's return is confirmed. Guards will escort you out the Grain Gate. From there go via any means necessary to Princess Cadence. These bags contain the documents needed for continuation of government and spells to raise the Sun and Moon likely she alone can handle. Do you understand the importance of your task?"

My vision burred by sudden tears and seemingly spinning as well I could only manage a weak wail. What was this? The Queen of Heaven preparing for her death!? Canterlot under siege? My legs buckled and I sank to my haunches. "My lady!"

Celestia then did something unprecedented in our working relationship. She took me up in her front legs, drew me close, and I felt the warm tickle of her wings surrounding me through my sobs. I heard a maternal shush in my left ear. I could feel the warm beats of her goddess heart upon my breast. With her large stature came comfort I didn't know I missed since my own mother departed long ago.

"There, there..." Her voice, so commanding minutes ago carried infinite tenderness. "Don't be afraid. Guards are on their way to your home. Your family will not fear looting. If the worst should happen I've arranged passage from the city, through the old gemstone mines if needed. They will be safe and you will be far from harm..."

"But I am old, my lady! Why me? Please!" A Scrivener serves but never pleads. I betrayed that rule.

She held me closer. "You remain the soldier I saw that terrible day, even after these years in the civil service I can see you clearly. I knew I chose well for this task as I chose Twilight the moment I saw her mark. I have had a thousand years to prepare for this. Do you think I would leave anything to chance?"

She waited patiently until my quivering ceased before going on. "I knew I could not win a second battle, my dear. I needed to find successor to wield lost tools. I founded a university generations ago for that purpose. As the years went by I began to worry. My niece has exceptional talent but... A particularly narrow magical niche. Then Twilight Sparkle came along and I saw my greatest hope! With some searching I discovered that one event linked five other fillies, awarding them cutie marks at the same moment. You may not see it now, but six is the auspicious number. Some were already placed in Ponyville so it was chosen host city this year. Through subtle statecraft I made sure the rest gathered there. The Weather Council promoted a brash youngster to team captain despite misgivings. A certain orchard chosen to cater the Celebration. A meek filly encouraged to provide the music. An unknown boutique selected for decorations. A frankly rather unstable confectioner as party planner. And you personally sent off the letter sending my student there. All six are in position, waiting in the town hall for my arrival. Do you really think your princess would leave this to fate alone."

I shook my head as she released me. "But why me, why us?"

"Because there are tasks even I can't accomplish through might alone, Quill Scrivener. I love Twilight deeply, as I love you and all my subjects. More so those close to me. But I will send her, alone, again and again against threats to our realm. To the very gates of Tartarus if need be because there are places I cannot go. And I shall not rule alone forever. That is why I command an old soldier to carry out an important task just in case my plans fail. Now get up. Feel the resolve I know you possess. Have faith in me. I can see a bit of Clover the Clever in the Scrivener lineage in how you follow orders with diligence and wisdom. Let us hope Twilight has such blood in her veins as well, and less so that of Starswirl the Bearded."

I stood now on firm legs and harnessing all my willpower sniffed back my tears. Swallowing back doubt I answered. "I am ready, princess."

"Good. I know the weight of this burden is great, but you were meant to rise to its challenge. If all goes well nopony will even know of your service to the crown. You, Quill, are just the mare for this duty."

I could only nod, as terrible the future seemed that moment it was a relief to have my faith restored. A flutter in my heart made me feel youth again. We joined the others by the balcony, Celestia taking pains to hide her radiant form in the shadows. Shining Armor still clearly worried for his sibling and I could sense unease in the others as well. If they only knew as I knew the meticulousness of my liege's vast love for her people.

Minutes passed painfully slow. Doubtless some hoped this was all a false alarm but then the Mare in the Moon vanished without a trace just as the Sun was to crest the horizon prompting a gasp from the assembled courtiers.

She turned to me, for the last time perhaps. "Quill, flee."

I nodded. Once more that strong courier with splashed blood upon her mane, keeping a brisk steady pace with two earth pony guards at my side. The castle passed beneath me, and soon enough Canterlot gates. I was immune to the numb fear of civilians around me, waiting for a sunrise that would not come. Down the mountain, now alone I skirted the edge of the Everfree, sweat pasting my mane to my neck, not pausing until I reached Hoofington. By then the delayed Sun arrived. We were saved.

My dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I hope you take the right lesson now that I finally can tell my tale. She had every bit of trust in you. I know that for sure; but a wise ruler, as you now are princess, must hedge her bets. My task is forgotten by all but a few; but if you were to fail hope would have a margin of protection. Take that lesson to heart as I leave your service at last. A wise princess places trust in many places at once.

Ever faithfully at your service,

Quill Scrivener