Memoir of the Changeling Incursion by Quill Scrivener

by Adorned ungulate

Chapter 1

Splashes of deep red on tile floor, streaks of hoofprints already turning a rust color due to oxidization; I thought I was done with pools of blood when I mustered out of the military. Hardly routine for a scriptorium supervisor but this clearly fit into that dreaded four-letter clause that ever civil servant despises: "Other Duties as Required". I used my telekinesis to pull at the itchy stiff blue wool of my uniform, the gold braid sometimes abraded my collar. It was mostly an excuse to look away from the scene.

The managing archivist on duty pursed his lips causing his beard to prickle. Rather priggish to seem so much more annoyed at the breakdown in routine and violation of royal correspondence than the fact somepony was gravely injured. I took an active dislike in him. To be fair it was mostly because he reminded me of my own worst qualities.

"Tell me again what happened, Provenance" I asked, "from the start this time."

"Keystone there," he tilt his head an inch, "Noticed one of out coworkers looking through her majesty's private letters, breaking official seals. She confronted him rather angrily. Could get charged for treason when we catch him."

"Yes, and?"

"They scuffled a bit, two other ponies got involved but he outmaneuvered us. Particularly after he bit Keystone's fetlock. It was all noise confusion after that. Catchword didn't bother to clean the gore off his muzzle, just barreled out the window pane and flew off."

I took that opening to saunter away from that unpleasant stallion to inspect the broken window. The mid-afternoon was still bright and I could see cobblestone streets of Colt's Courtyard three stories below.

"He ducked into the shadows o'er there between the treasury and guest suites and we lost sight of him. Nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought he was was a goner!"

"And why is that?"

Provenance's composure cracked. "Catchword is not a pegasus, Madame Scrivener!"

My eyes widened. This just got complicated. Making my way over to the injured mare and addressed the nurse attending her.

"Will she be alright?"

The stallion had greatly more compassion for the injured. "I think so, shock set in and she fainted. I gave her something for the pain. She had two nasty puncture marks that luckily missed major vessels and arteries."

"Celestia help her!" I bent down and smoother her damp hair in place. "Did she say anything?"

"Indeed. Rambling a bit. About how terrible the mouth looked. Can't say I blame her."

A bit past one hour later I was giving a report of the incident to Princess Celestia whom retained regal authority sitting on her throne.

"A grisly matter indeed, Scrivener. Tell me, which documents were looked over?"

"Personal letters between you and Princess Mi Amore, my lady."

Celestia's eyes widened, pupils dilating sharply for a moment. "I see... Walk with me to the South Wing. I must interrupt my sister's beauty sleep and talk with her."

I followed by her side while she brooded for some time accompanied by the steel shoe clop of the royal guards flanking us. "Quill, my niece's upcoming wedding causes me to think about relationships. Not really my strong suit, really. If a husband wished to apologize to his wife he'd buy flowers or candy. But how would a wife make things right with her spouse "

I ruminated on this. "Men crave simple things. Usually they have some sort of hobby. I'd play upon that somehow."

"And your husband? How would you apologize to him?"

"Palatino is a book binder. The history of printing is his thing. He loves getting a rare book and taking it slowly apart, studying the materials and technique. He gets really giddy if there's a typesetting error of if a cat walked across the rag pulp when the sheets were drying."

"Very good, Quill. Do dip into the discretionary funds on our way out and buy him the dustiest tome you can find. I shall require you to put in overtime until after the wedding."

My expression battled against a frown. "Yes, my lady."

She paused at the entrance to Tower Two, now colloquially named The Night Tower. "Oh, one more thing. Stop at the florist on your way in tomorrow and buy a flower for your hair. I wish you to do this each day from now on. Make it a carnation, tomorrow. Commit this to memory and keep it quiet."

"As you wish." Strange...

"You are dismissed for the day after you file your reports. Spend some quality time with your beloved."

My thoughts troubled me during my walk home. Treachery in my scriptorium is bad enough but how did he inflict those wounds and make that impossible escape? I resolved to visit Keystone in the infirmary tomorrow for more than just official questioning then attempted to leave work concerns behind me.

It was great comfort to see my husband and be amongst the familiar sights and smells of home. Palatino turned from his chair his smile lines showing. Age had softened some of his features just as wrinkles sharpened others. "Evening, dear. Home a tad early?"

"Couldn't stay away... I know it's your night for dinner but do you mind if I handle it? May help settle my nerves."

He arched his brows. "Oh, rough workday? I'll uncork that bottle of Gewürztraminer we've been saving."

I smiled and relaxed my shoulders with a sigh. "Why are you so good to me?"

"Breeding and strict schooling, love. You don't deserve it or anything." He poured two generous glasses of wine.

We ate our salads followed by olives and cheese with more wine as my husband distracted me with news of our youngest daughter, Serif. She lived nearby and Palatino has more time for visits.

"Beloved, I've got a little something for you..." I floated my fine from the antique book store from my bags causing his eyes to light up like a colt with candy. I adore that expression.

"Darling, thank you!" He examined the binding. "Hmm, wait a second. I know I haven't missed an anniversary..."

I ventured what I hoped to be a charming smile. "It's, erm a peace offering."

And was met with skepticism. "For?"

I shut my eyes, hoping for demure this time. "The princess has asked me to put in extra time preparing for Princess Cadence's nuptials." Only half a lie, still half the truth right?

He released a disappointed chuff and massaged between his eyes. "I see. Sometimes I feel like I share you in one of those libertine marriages. Very well, at least I've something with which to occupy my evenings now."

Attempted levity; do not think of pools of blood and smeared hoofprints of violent struggle whatever you do!

He squinted. "Wait a second, there's no trouble about, is there?"

"Would I not be derelict in my duty in telling you?"

My husband canted his neck. "Quill, has Celesria no shame? You're a family mare way past youthful adventures!"

"Our liege does all she can to protect the realm; and have we not seen fair compensation for my role in the Nightmare Moon crisis?"


"Did my promotion allow us to send our eldest off to a fine education?"

That elicit a sigh of defeat. "Yes." His rancor melted away and he gave me one of those looks that I fell madly in love with years gone by.

A Scrivener always is attentive to her duties, that included those to my husband just as much as my princess. "Then I suggest we finish this fine vintage, have a moonlight stroll and make the most of this precious evening."

And so we did.