//------------------------------// // Once Upon A Time... // Story: The Tale of Rosemary and Blackstone // by Princess Glitzy //------------------------------// "Momma! Tell a story!" Pinkamina smiled up at her mother. "Dear, you know that I don't like it when you get excited like that." She looked away guiltily. "Sorry." Rockell put a foreleg around her daughter. "Don't worry, it's just that your father doesn't like excitement. He's a bit boring." Suddenly, she smiled broadly and began laughing. "Yes, I guess that was funny." "So, can you tell me a story?" She was about to decline when she saw her daughter's pleading eyes staring up at her. "But, you'll be late for bed." The adorable eyes were persistent. "I don't know many stories." Those eyes, how can I say no? "Fine, but you'll need to get your sisters. I'm not reading unless I have an audience to hear my wonderful voice!" Pinkamina let out a giggle before running out of the room to get Inkie and Blinkie. Rockell searched through her mind, looking for a story. There was one that my mother told me years ago. I don't think I know any other ones and she told me when I was about their age. It was then that Pinkamina, followed by her two sisters, walked in. She hopped up on the bed and clapped her hooves excitedly. "What story are you going to read to us?" "The Tale of Rosemary and Blackstone." Inkie cocked her head out of confusion. "I've never heard of that story before. What's it about?" Rockell's face lit up. "It's a wonderful story I heard from by mom when I was your age. It taught me a lot about love." "Eww! Love! Colts have cooties!" Inkie and Pinkie shook their heads in agreement. "Blinkie, one day colts will stop being gross and it' a beautiful thing when you realize that you love somepony." "Uhh, I'm starting to rethink my decision mom. I'm a little tired. Yaaawwwwwnnnnn!" Rockell frowned at her daughter. "That sounded nothing like a yawn and you're not getting out of listening to the story now!" "Ahhhhhwwwww." The three daughters whined in unison. The stern face of their mother silenced them. "Let's begin the story." Rosemary had smiled The meadow was in full bloom This mare could frolic Rose loved the meadow 'Twas a place to clear her head 'Twas a happy place Blackstone mined the rocks 'Twas the immigrant's career He never had free time Black had lived far away He dreamed of a better life He finally got it Rosemary could share She would say her dreams and goals Love was her main goal Rose had many friends She had never been in love She wished for a mate Blackstone loved this life He wanted something more though He desired somepony Black wished for some friends He hoped for a companion He longed for a mare Rosemary found Black She had stumbled upon the mine 'Twas there that they met Rose watched him with care She knew that he was the one She walked over to him Blackstone grabbed her hoof She looked very beautiful Her smile was so kind Black kissed her soft lips Their hearts were beating as one Their hearts set aflutter Rosemary loved him They saw each other each day They had each other Rose looked at his face She cherished his friendly eyes She held hooves with him Blackstone had snuck out The meadow is their secret spot It made each day great Black always saw her She always took up his every thought She was his princess Rosemary was scared Ponies cared about breaking laws 'Twas their greatest fear Rose worried for them Others did not approve of them Others said it was wrong Blackstone did not care He chose to take the strong risk Their pairing was very wrong Black knew of the law 'Twas that migrants could not date 'Twas said that it's wrong Rosemary also knew Mares could not date any settlers It was forbidden Rose continued it She stood by him through it She loved him anyway Blackstone was attacked The town did not want him there The mob would kill him Black would miss his love He knew that he must stay strong He thought about her Rosemary ran fast A friend had told her the news Black was in danger Rose's heart beat faster She'd save him no matter what She knew this was big Blackstone frowned slightly This was the end and he knew Gone was his great life Black was to be killed They got progressively closer They thought it was right Rosemary saw this She said "Please, take me instead!" His life had been saved Rose looked at him She kissed Blackstone one last time She frowned with teary eyes Blackstone screamed to her "I'm not worth it! Save yourself!" His attempts had failed Black watched them hurt her She smiled and mouthed "I love you." She slowly closed her eyes Rosemary was dying The pain was unbearable Bruises covered her Rose thought about him She knew that it was worth it She let death take her Blackstone screamed in grief Tears flowed heavily He ran to his love Black cradled her body He rocked back and forth singing "You'll be in my heart~!" Rosemary had smiled The meadow was in full bloom Angels flew around Rose watched from above She had continued to sing "No matter what they say~!" "Mommy, why was it so sad?" Inkie turned to her mother with tears in her eyes. "Sometimes in love you must make sacrifices. Love isn't always perfect, but it's always worth it." "Thank you for the story, mom." Blinkie laid her head on her mother's lap. "One day you will be beautiful mares and you will find wonderful coltfriends. If you love them and anything gets in your way, I want you to remember this story." "Goodnight mommy." Pinkamina smiled before pulling up the covers and drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight dear."