
by Undermine

Day 1

Day 1

A light rain falls down over the rock farm. It is very early in the morning, as the crack of dawn has not risen from the east yet. But even at this hour, the lights within the farm house are lit up.

The front door opens and Pinkie Pie pokes her head out into the drizzle.

"See, I told you it was going to rain," says a voice from inside.

"Ah, it's nothing, grandma," Pinkie replies.

"Don't matter, your not goin' out without a little protection."

"But I-" Pinkie was cut short of her sentence as her grandmother yanks her back inside and closes the door. After a few minutes, and some scuffling from within, the door open again and Pinkie emerges out with a bright, yellow leather poncho with fabric cutouts of rubies sewn onto the sides.

"There," the grandmother says, "now you'll make it back safe and stylish!"

Pinkie giggles. "Thanks, grandma!"

"Now honey, I know you want to get back to Ponyville as soon as you can, but with this rain the rocky path up the hill will be far too dangerous for you."

"But grandma!"

"No buts! I don't to see you rushing back with a big bump on your head or a gash on your chest."


"Pinkie, please. For my sake, take the flater path. It'll ease my old, shaken nerves."

"Well...ok. I'll go back the longer way. But if I don't make it back before noon, then I'm holding you responsible for making me break my Pinkie promise!"

The grandmother laughs. "Whatever you say, Pinkie."

The two ponies hug each other. Pinkie Pie throws up her poncho hood and heads off on the trail and grandma Pie heads back inside the house.

WOW! I'm glad that grandma gave me this poncho! It's raining cats and dogs now! Luckily, I've found a spot under super thick trees. The rain isn't even getting through! I can have my trail mix and write in my journal!

Walking back is surprisingly easier than I would've expected. Probably because of the fact that all of my partying stuff was used up at the rock farm, even my party cannon! However, I did forget my water, but with all this rain all I have to do is open my mouth toward the sky.

Plus, I've found the entrance to the shortcut! That'll get me back to Ponyville in no time! I'll be drinking sweet cider in no time! Mmmmmmmmm.

Oh, and I had some of the blueberries on the bush! Yummy!

The booming thunder and the piercing lighting fills the dense forest with light and sound. Even though the rain can barely make it through the trees, every object is covered in moisture, including Pinkie Pie in her yellow poncho.

As the storm blows through, the wind gets increasingly stronger, as more and more water and sticks is blown from the trees and onto the pink pony. She puts a hoof over her face, blocking her face from the debris, before trudging on. The combined thickness of the forest and the storm makes visibility nearly impossible. She has only the brief moments of light from the storm to rely on.

Another flash lights up the path, and Pinkie quickly takes in what's in front of her. She was able to see a fallen tree that is directly in line with the path. It is surrounded by moss, leaves, and some black-looking substance.

"I don't wanna step in that," she says to herself. She places her hoof on the base of the log and waits for the lightning to light up the path again.

A quick flash and a boom prompts Pinkie onto the log with haste. She skips effortlessly across the log until, suddenly, her tail begins to twitch. She stops halfway acros the log, and her head darts from side to side. "Uh oh! Something's about to fall on me!" She spins around in place, trying to get a glimpse of anything through the black storm.

A strike of lighting, closer than before, startles Pinkie and she loses her balance on the log. She falls to the side and rolls off the log. A split second before hitting the moss and leaves, she thinks to herself how icky that black stuff is going to look on her grandma's nicely made poncho.

The moss and leaves break through immediately and Pinkie continues to fall. The startled pony screams briefly until she hits the bottom, silencing her.

Up above, the storm continues to surge. The rumble of thunder echoes down the hole. Pinkie groans and rubs her head before righting herself.

She looks up.


It is a sunny, muggy afternoon in Ponyville. Everypony begins to emerge, safe now that the strong stork has past. Twilight walks onto her balcony and inspects her flowers. "They'll be blooming soon after the rain," she thinks to herself.

Rainbow Dash, hiding behind a cloud, attempts to startle the unicorn. She is about make it rain, when the cloud is suddenly surrounded by a glow of magic, turned into water, and sprayed upwards, soaking the pegasus, before turning into several smaller clouds.

Rainbow falls onto the balcony. Twilight stands over her, laughing. "Looks like I'm the one who got you good!"

"Yeah yeah, sure. You got me," Rainbow says, shaking the water off her mane. "Say Twilight, guess what time it is."

"Um, 12:30pm?"



"What, you forgot?"


"Pinkie isn't back yet!"

"...Oh!" Twilight remembers. "Oh right! She said she'd be back before noon!"

"And it's 12:30."

"Oh," Twilight stands awkwardly in the silence.

"Well...shouldn't we be worried that-"

"Now hold on, don't jump to conclusions. After she left, I looked at a map of the forest and the trails. She'd said she'd be back in time based on going her normal route."


"But with the rain, the route she'd normally takes would be too dangerous, and since she was with her family they would've probably persuaded her to take this longer, flater route back."

"Ok. So, your saying that she's still on that path?"

"That's the most logical assumption I can make. Let's just wait an hour or so and she'll be back by then."

"Alright. Whatever you say."

Well, now that everything isn't so wet anymore, I can finally write down what just happened to me.

I fell down a huge, scary hole.


Looks like my little joke to Twilight actually came true. Go figure.

Now I know what that black, icky stuff was. It wasn't anything at.

It was just gaps covering this hole.

That I'm now stuck in.

For a while.

Not that I should be worried. I'm sure as soon as my friends notice that I'm gone they'll come out looking for me. Ponyville would be too quiet for them not to notice!

Also, it's not like I'm cramped in here. Although I fell about 10 meters, not breaking anything luckily, the hole itself looks about 5-ish meters in diameter, so it'll be more or less comfortable until Twily and the rest show up.

Also, there's a small puddle of water in the middle. It's not as clear as the water I forgot at the farm house, though. But if I have to, it looks safe enough to drink.

Not that I'm worried that I'll be in here for long.

I'm just gonna wait.

And wait.

Aaaaaaand wait.

Still waiting. Been pacing around the hole. I wonder where they could be?

"She's still out there," Rainbow says.

"Yes, but let's not be too worried,' Twilight responds.

"Ok, it's the late evening. She'd be back by now."

"At this point, let's just assume that she's still at her farm house."


"Because if the family knew how bad that storm was going to be, and I'm assuming they would, they wouldn't had let her go out."

"Is that really the only 'logical' assumption? Can't you 'assume' something else?"

"So far, no. We don't want everypony getting freaked out."

"But what if she's hurt?"

"But what if she isn't? This is Pinkie Pie, we're talking about. We'd be making a fuss over nothing."

A knock comes from the library door. Rainbows flies over to it saying, "I'll get it." Twilight moves over to her desk and pulls out the forest map again. She unravels it, but is unable to read it as Rainbow calls out from the main room. "Twilight! Come here!"

"Yes, what is-" She looks down the staircase and sees the rest of her friends before her. They all looked worried. "Um, hi guys. What do you all want?"

They all look to each other. Fluttershy steps forward. "Um, Twilight, we were all wondering something important."


"Where's Pinkie Pie?"

The sun's almost down. No sign of anyone yet.

Still not worried. My friends will be here soon, I bet.

Decided to draw some smily faces on the wall. I called them Franky, Buddy, and Joey.

It's very lonely down here. But, I'll be fine soon enough.

Drank some of the water. Very minerally. Lot's of iron. This must've been an old mining hole back when this property was owned by some wealthy diamond dogs. At least that's what Limestone had told me, and she hasn't lied to me once. Like the shortcut! she didn't lie about that!

She didn't mention a hole, though.

Not that she would.

Getting a bit hungry. That trail mix should tie me over for a bit longer.

All of the nature sounds from above echo down in here. It's pretty neat, actually.

One of the very few good things about being in this hole.

Still nopony.

"So is everypony agreed?" Twilight says.

Applejack chimes in, "Ah think so. We'll wait out the night, and if she isn't back by tomorrow mornin' we'll go look for her."

"Yup. A very logical plan, right Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow glares at Twilight. "Hmph."

"I really hope that mare is not in any trouble," says Rarity. "I can't imagine how dreadful it would be for her to all alone."

"Which is all the right reasons to assume that she isn't," Twilight says. "Now that we've all settled this matter, I think it's time we all go home and hit the hay. Yes?"

Everpony in the room says yes simultaneously.

It's nighttime now, but the moon is bright enough for me to see my journal.

Obviously my friends won't be able to find me tonight, but I'm counting on them finding tomorrow morning.

Still lonely. Lonely and bored. Not a great combination.

I drew some more friends. I called them Lily, Tracey, Suzy, and Perry. It helped to pass the time.

Still hungry, but I'm looking forward to eating a big 'ole piece of pie when I get back tomorrow.

"Hey Twilight," says Rainbow Dash, before she heads out through the window.


"I really hope you're right about this. I know you are most of the time, but this time especially I hope your right."

"...yeah. Me too."

"Well, at least we've got your optimism on our side."

"Just like Pinkie Pie."

"Yeah...just like Pinkie Pie." Rainbow flies out and heads to her home. Twilight looks around the empty library. She sighs heavily.

"I have to right about this."

The day's over. This might be my last journal entry.

Hopefully, given the fact that I'll probably be rescued tomorrow.

What a weird experience this has been.

Nighty night, journal.