//------------------------------// // Second Contact with a side of violence // Story: MLP: Friendship is Meatbags // by mooneyboys //------------------------------// Twilight was waiting next to Celestia and Luna as they wait for the girls, her BBBFF and his wife to come through those doors. HK-47 was in the room next door so they don’t see him yet. She was nervous and excited at the same time. She was excited that she was about to meet her friends after being separated from them for so long. On the other hoof she’s nervous on how they are going to react. Shining is probably going to be a protective brother as usual, Rainbowdash or possibly Applejack will get hurt trying to harm HK-47, Rarity will faint on the spot, Fluttershy will be paralyzed with fear, and Pinkie Pie…… Let’s pray to Celestia nothing bad happens to her. Twilight has already found out that the droid can sort of feel annoyance. She doesn’t want to know what happens when you push HK-47 over the edge. Suddenly the doors to the throne room open and all her friends and family come inside. “Girls it is good to see you again!” Twilight exclaims as they share a happy group hug. “Sugar cube it’s good to see you as well,” Applejack tells her. “Yeah Ponyville just isn’t the same without you!” RD tells her. “Why darling it’s always good to see you again, but what are we here for?” Rarity asks her. “You’ll see in a minute Rarity,” Twilight tells her. Suddenly Pinkie Pie is in her face, “*Gasp*OmgomgomgtwilgightitissogoodtoseeyouagaindidyoumissusbecausewemisedyouSomuchinPonyvillehashappenedwhileyouwereawaylikeforexample-“ Before Pinkie can say anything else Twilight shoved a hoof in her mouth. “Pinkie don’t worry. We’ll have much time to catch up later. “Oh Twilight it is good to see you again.” Fluttershy says to Twilight. Twilight could only smile. “It’s good to see you too Fluttershy.” Then she goes over to Shining armor and hugs him as well. “BBBFF it’s good to see you again!” “Twily I Wouldn’t miss this for the world.” He tells her. “Cadence!” Twilight greets her foal sitter and sister in law. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” They both say as they go into a fit of laughter. “It seems I finally got my wish has finally come true” Cadence tells Twilight. Meanwhile a certain assassin droid was watching the entire greeting rounds. Being very cautious and making sure his voice amplifier is set to whisper, “Query, did I just see my master do……. Whatever that was? Statement: This blaster rifle seems real friendly right about now. A world full of talking ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns. And I can’t hunt any of them! Query: Why am I talking to myself? Answer: It doesn’t matter, I’m HK-47” “So Twilight why did you summon us?” Rainbowdash asks Twilight. “Yeah sugar cube, why did ya?” Applejack asks as well. “And us as well,” Cadence asks. “Sister, that reminds me, why did you summon me?” Luna asks her sister. “Twilight I think it is time you showed everypony here,” Celestia tells Twilight. “Yes Celestia,” Twilight agrees. Everypony is looking at her. They are waiting for her to do something. Which of course she does. “HK-47 you can come out now!” Twilight seems to shout to nopony in particular. Everypony except Twilight and Princess Celestia is confused. Suddenly everypony hears footsteps coming from down the hallway. CLANK! CLANK! CLANK! They went. It unnerved everypony in the room. Fluttershy was already hiding behind a brave faced Rainbowdash who is terrified on the inside. Very shortly later HK-47 turns the corner and enters the room. Everypony that hasn’t seen it before gasped in fear or in in awe. Unsurprisingly when Rainbowdash saw It she charged right at him. She stopped 3 hooves lengths away from it and started screaming, “Who are you!? What are you!? Are you a spy!?” Before she can say any more HK-47 beats her to it. “Threat: I recommend you get out of my face meatbag before things get ugly” Its deadly red eyes stare at Rainbowdash. Inspiring fear and terror into any normal meatbag. However Rainbowdash is a different type of meatbag. “MEATBAG!? Who are you calling a meatbag you …. You….” Rainbow had trouble finding a good insult to throw at the droid. But it turns out, she doesn’t need to. Faster than anypony in the room thought possible HK-47 seemingly out of nowhere pulls out a blaster pistol and points it at Rainbowdash’s head. “Annoyed statement: Haven’t I told you to get out of my face already meatbag? And what do you do? You don’t listen and now you have a blaster pistol being pointed at your head. Threat: Make any sudden moves and you’ll find out if there truly is an afterlife. All meatbags seem to wonder about that” “HK-47 don’t do it! You are not allowed to kill anypony here, especially in this room!” Twilight commands the droid. “Objective statement: But master this meatbag got in my face and will probably have threatened me. Am I not allowed to defend myself?” HK-47 replies while lowering the pistol down to its side. “Yes you are HK, but that’s just her nature.” Twilight tells it. “Statement: One of these days her ‘nature’ is going to get her WAAAA!” HK-47 screams as it Is Pinkie pie’s turn to get in the droids’ face. “HiI’mPinkiePiewhat’syourname*gasp*ohmygoshyou’renewherearen'tyouThatmeansweneedtogiveyouawelcomeparty!WillitbeawelcometoEquestriaorawelcometoPonyvilleparty*gasp*orwecouldhaveawelcometoEquestriaANDawelcometoPonyvilleparty!Ohmygoshthisisgoingtobesoawesome!Therewillbecakeandballoonsand–“ Before the hyperactive pony can say anything else Applejack “Erm sorry about that mister HK-47, Pinkie Pie tends to get carried away a lot.” She tells the droid. Droids can’t be surprised or shocked, but if they could then HK-47“Observation: So I’ve just noticed. Request: keep that meatbag away from me. I fear I might actually go insane from being with that meatbag. Statement: Master there is someone else here with us.” HK-47 tells twilight. The droid puts away the blaster pistol and somehow has a Mandalorian Assault Rifle and is pointing it at a corner of the throne room. Its hum of the energy cells can be heard throughout the entire room. Everypony in the room looks at the corner and sees nothing. But just when Luna was about to correct the droid a pair of eyes pop out of the wall. Fluttershy, who is still hiding behind Rainbowdash, calms down significantly and manages to let out a small smile. “Discord, you can stop hiding now. HK-47 is a friend” Fluttershy tells the pair of eyeballs. As fast as they appeared, the pair of eyeballs turns into a draconequus. “Hmph I’ll believe that when it stops pointing that weapon at me. And frankly dear Celestia I’m insulted that you forgot to include me in our little group meeting.” Discord tells everyone in the room “I'm sorry Discord, It is taking me a while to remember you are no longer in stone, forgive me.” Celestia asks Discord. “Fine, I accept your apology but only because I probably would have made the same mistake if I was in your shiny hoof slipper things.” “Observation: This figure is obviously grotesque and has a small annoyance with you meatbags. He seems very capable of making discord, as his name suggests. I like him.” HK-47 says to no one in particular while lowering the blaster rifle. “So Twilight, is this thing the reason why all of us are here?” Cadence asks Twilight. “Yes, it is. Celestia thought it would be a good idea to let all of you know, and to try and figure out if it is dangerous” Twilight replies. “Statement: First off, this ‘thing’ can hear you. And secondly I am very capable of killing everyone in this room multiple ways. Starting with explosives, mines, poison, gas, and good old fashion blasters, yes it would be easy to kill everyone here.” “So you think your ‘blaster’ there can pierce the armor of the royal guard huh Do you have any idea who you’re up against?” Shining armor cockily asks the droid. “Shining don’t” Twilight tries to warn her brother but it is too late. “Response: Yes and for the most part yes. See this blaster here? This blaster is capable of piercing republic soldier armor. Now let me tell you that armor is designed to stop blaster fire like this. In more primitive terms, this blaster, with one shot, can go through roughly 4 dozen feet of solid steel. Though its effective range isn’t that far due to the fact that blaster rifles are rather inaccurate at long ranges, but it can fly for well over a mile before hitting the ground at 0 feet below sea level on flatlands. Not only that but this blaster is capable of firing 1537 rounds a minute if needed, though that isn’t recommended due to the fact the blaster would start to melt by round 1000. As for the second question, I have been talking with my master earlier today and found out that unicorns, like yourself, have the same principles of ‘magic’ that I know as the force. I am capable of killing Jedi, who are force wielders. Granted none are powerful enough to move a moon much less a star, but unless you are capable of actually using a ‘spell’ to stun an electric proof, waterproof up to 5000 feet, infernos up to 300 degrees Celsius proof, and force resistant Hunter Killer 47 droid, I could single handedly murder all of Equestria starting with your pathetic excuse of a ‘royal guard’.” And to emphasize that point HK-47 points the blaster rifle at the wall and fires a single shot. The blaster goes off with a loud P-DEW that echoes through the throne room, making everypony in the room jump and flinch in fear and awe. Where the blaster shot, there is now a large hole the size of a quarter in the throne room. Some of Celestia’s sunlight can be seen through said hole. “Statement: But do not worry. My master has ordered me to not kill any meatbags without specific permission from her. So that means unless you attack first, I cannot kill you…..yet.” Shining armor was speechless. He is staring at the hole that is in the wall. He was marveled at the size of the hold and the fact that it went through the entire castle. However before he can snap out of his zombie like trance, another voice beats him to it. “HOW DARE YOU!” Fluttershy screams at the droid and charges at it. “How could you possibly want to hurt all these ponies when all they want to do is make sure if you are dangerous or not! I should tell your mother mister!” Fluttershy yells at him while giving him the stare, which surprised everypony in the room. HK-47 however, was not amused. “Mock statement: Oh no, please don’t tell my mother! Response: If I had a mother! Correction: What you meant to say was creator, and it wouldn’t have made a difference. My creator and once was my master would be thrilled that an unknown species to the republic that is trying to decide if I am dangerous or not is being threatened by myself. In fact they would probably encourage me to try genocide and kill every one of you equine meatbags.” He then proceeds to grab Fluttershy by the neck with one of his hands and pins her to the wall. “Note: remember this meatbag, Mind games do not work on me. And I am the most dangerous thing on this entire planet. Remember that” And with that he drops Fluttershy o the ground. The now terrified beyond wits Fluttershy runs and hides behind Rainbowdash again. This time she doesn’t even look at the droid. “HK-47!!!” Twilight screams at the droid. “Confused query: Master why are you mad at me? I have done as you instructed and not killed your meatbag friend. I only terrorized her; I haven’t even injured her except maybe for a sore throat.” HK replies. “That’s it! Nopony hurts Fluttershy!” Rainbowdash screams and charges at the droid. “RD NO!” Applejack screams at Rainbowdash. But she was too slow. She barely missed Rainbow’s tail by about an inch or two. Rainbow takes off with her wings and flies up to the top of the throne room. As fast as she flew up she flies down and points her fists at HK-47. That is as far as she got before all hell broke loose. While Rainbowdash was flying up toward the roof, HK-47 was already aiming at the pony’s wings. Eager to see how she’ll scream, the droid takes the shot and puts a round right in her wing. “AAAAH!” Rainbowdash screams in pain as she loses her control of her wings and instead of flying at an angle, she plummets to the ground. Just as she was about to hit the ground a golden aura surrounds her and gently puts her down. “Twilight get your droid under control!” Celestia commands Twilight. “Objection: How is this my fault? I was merely defending myself from an obvious attack from the winged meatbag. Besides I didn’t kill her.” HK tells Celestia. “He is right you know. Rainbowdash did try to attack it,” Discord says, supporting the droid. Celestia then turns to HK-47 and says, “We’ll deal with you later. For now we must deal with Rainbowdash’s injuries. When we come back we’ll finish the situation with you.” And with that Celestia, the main six, shining armor and Cadence leave with Rainbowdash to check on her wounds. All that is left in the room is HK and Discord. “Statement: Well that turned out quite different than what I expected.” HK tells Discord. “Oh? And pray tell, what did you expect from this?” “Answer: Why that is simple. I expected a mass assault leaving everyone in this room dead and me having a huge sum of credits on my head.” “credits? I have never heard of such a thing. Here we use bits” Discord. “Correction: fine. I’ll have a huge amount of ‘bits on my head’” “Oh please. Having a bounty is nothing compared to what I have been through.” Discord brags. “Challenge: Oh please. My adventures with my masters will top anything you could ever throw at me” HK replies. “Oh yeah, we’ll see about that.” And so, while one group goes and tries to heal Rainbowdash’s wound, the other group trades stories. One has stories being about chaos, the other about assassinations and war, all over who has the better stories.