4 ponies, one goal

by fearanger

Shade? Or assistance?

(This story was based on a dream I had. Just remove the intro and the rest until you get to the end of the story.)


Discord was never a nice one. He almost turned Equestria into a chaotic wasteland if it weren't for the Princess's and the Elements of Harmony... but what if there was a string of Dimensions that lead to one Dimension ruled by Discord and the Princess's? Many years ago, outside the perimeter of Equineck the Realm ruled by these three Monarchs, a dark energy grew from inside the Moon and that energy was released in the form of a beam leading strait for the Planet on which Equineck is located on! The Planet fused with this energy and soon another world developed in it; The Shade World where the moon always shines full. It was said that 4 hero's from different Dimensions would come free the world of this dark plague and send this energy back into the darkness:

1. The Wild Card; possessing the ability to summon creatures labeled "Persona", the Wild Card can use these creatures to help them fight.
2. The Assassin; cunning, agile and could slip into the greatest fortified castle without being seen.
3. The Rebel; using nano-technology and using a variety of weapons, nothing can get past this one.
4. The Dragonborn; born of dragon-blood, whom who is Dragonborn can consume souls of Dragons to use the Thu'um.

They defeated the Harvest Shade and sent the shades back into nothing! But this was ages ago, 200 years to be precise! So that's why these 4 ponies must follow in there ancestors hoof-steps and save Equineck before that string can pollute other dimensions with shades. This is their story...

Arcana Twilight's POV

Twilight's head was aching like mad as she woke up. Her eyes opened up lazily to be greeted by yellow fog. As soon as she saw this, she woke up with a start and took the time to move around in the fog and identify the place she was in.

"Am I in the Midnight Channel? But I wasn't in the Midnight Channel! I was back home with Spike. What happened?" Questioned Twilight.

"Ueisaiuskafal... Vakenetalaja! Poryentragikan..." A weird voice was talking or maybe mumbling in ancient tongue that Twilight never knew about. Twilight was looking around frantically trying to find what was making that weird sound.

"Who's there?!" Yelled Twilight strait into the fog. Nothing answered... No more eerie talk... Twilight didn't know what she was up against so she summoned this weird Tarot card with a picture of eyes and a pair of hands invoking a blue flame; the Magician Arcana. Suddenly A giant shadowy and clawed hand came erupting from the ground. Her instincts told her anything that's huge, dark and transparent and looked like it could rip you to shreds was a dangerous shadow in her book. She focused on the card, trying to crush it and shouted out:

"Hermes!" The card shattered and a creature clad in white armor with golden metal wings on his feet appeared in the cards place with a burst of blue flames hovering over the ground, Hermes...

"Master... what is thy wish?" Said Hermes in a deep, masculine and slightly robotic voice.

"Can you try and find out what that thing is?"

"I will try master..." But before Hermes could get a glimpse of it, the creature was already charging at them!

"Ukasedatanak! Fueralegantafala!" Spoke the creature in it's ancient tongue again. Twilight created a barrier over her and Hermes and the creature went through them without doing anything.

"Agi!" Shouted Twilight. Hermes acknowledged this command and sent a burst of flame at the creature. The blast erupted within the creature as if it absorbed it on purpose! The creature turned around and stared at them with it's deep red eyes...

"Urefalekor... HUWARETALIKAVADACHENDIA!!!" Shouted the creature, obviously enraged. The creature melted into the floor leaving no trace of it anywhere. Twilight and Hermes ran over to where it disappeared to.

"Where did thee creature go?" Said a confused Hermes.

"It just disappeared... I never seen a Shadow do that befo- wait... what's going on?" The floor around them turned into some sort of Wormhole. And before they knew it, Twilight was falling.


"Master!" Hermes flew after as the top over them closed up, leaving them falling into an unknown area...

Assassin Rainbow Dash's POV

In the modern streets of Ponyville, Rainbow was running along the roofs of the town looking for something fun to do. It was almost spring and winter wrap-up is 7 days away.

"I wonder if there are any Templar here? Probably not... They wouldn't be stupid enough to mess with me! But it's so boooring here! I wish I could go to Canterlot to mess with the guards a bit there. Wait, what the?" Rainbow spied a black pony with familiar armor the same color as it's coat. It was hard to make out the armor but Rainbow matched it to one thing:

"Templar! Time to have some fun..." Rainbow pulled up her cloak so to cover her face so that no one noticed her. She leapt from roof to roof, chimney to chimney trying to get to her goal. As she got closer, she noticed that the Templar like pony didn't notice her one bit, especially when she got up in it's face and waved her hoof in front of her face. Just a blank, dark and red eyed face connected to a dark body.

"Your kinda freaking me out here..." She was used to Templar's not knowing her presence but she wasn't used to Templar's blatantly ignoring her. She felt that this was just a waste of time.

"Okay... if your ignoring me then you just probably want to be dead after all then..." Whispered Rainbow. She got the hidden blade out and got ready to stab the back of it's head. But when she did, she just fell strait into a pile of hay below the house she was on top of.

"Is that a... ghost?" She looked out from the hay bale and saw that it was gone.

"Huentavekala... pooralazinto..." A voice came from the alley that Rainbow was next to. She went into the alley and felt something grab her, it was the creature she met on the roof!

"Fyaklinzirei!" Rainbow felt her body go limp as her vision faded away.

Red Faction Applejack's POV

As the EDF are patrolling the wreckage of Ponyville, a pair of eyes were watching and galloping around in the shadows and debris. The stetson wearing farm-pony equipped with her trademark Rail Driver was charging onwards trying to find the Captain commanding the patrolling EDF.

"Now where in tarnation is that creep?" Said Applejack to herself. She spotted 2 EDF Soldiers standing motionless outside a surprisingly stable building. She looked through the Rail Driver's scope to see that another pony in that building was lying on a bed inside. Luckily she had thermal vision installed and fortunately, there where heat signatures coming from the pony inside. Applejack set up the gun on a nearby almost broken fence. She set up the gun so it aimed for the ponies body. There was a button on the bottom of the gun, press it and his life is done for... She did just that. And a streak of blue light went through the building and through her thermal scope, Applejack saw the light dim from his body.

"Who's there?!" Yelled the guards that were defending the building. They were trotting over to Applejack's spot. Applejack had no choice but to run. The guards saw her and chased after her. She left the borders of the town and into the Everfree Forest.

"Ah know I'm gonna regret goin' in here..." She ran for what felt like hours, until she felt a cold sensation go through her body.

"Booryakelatinja..." A weird creature in the form of an EDF soldier appeared with glowing red eyes appeared in front of her with claws erupting from on of his front hooves.

"What in the hay?" Applejack trotted over to the creature with a confused look yet cold look. The creature thrust it's claws into Applejack with which Applejack's eyes became heavy. She floated into the air and disappeared in a flash of light.

Dovahkiin Fluttershy's POV

Fluttershy was flying over the village of Riverwood smiling down at all the animals surrounding the outskirts of the village. She always loved helping all the animals and ponies in the village. Even if there was this one Stallion that didn't appreciate her presence, she still liked Riverwood.

"This place is always so peaceful... I just love it here! *sigh* If I wasn't Dragonborn, then I would just want to live here forever. I always never like fighting Dragons... It's just cruel..." As she said that, a shady like dragon with glowing red eyes swooped past her. She collapsed onto the ground in fright and somewhere nearby, a Goat bleated..... The dragon landed right in front of her, just outside the Village. Fluttershy heard the terrified screams of the villagers behind the Dragon.

"Fooryatilagentevalrak... Peuragicladava!" Said the Dragon.

"That isn't Dragontongue... what is that thing?" Said a cowering Fluttershy. She knew that the creature wasn't a true Dragon because no natural Dragon would be like this. It could have been resurrected or it was just a creature posing as a Dragon, but what she didn't know is that it was a creature posing as a Dragon. The creature took a step towards Fluttershy with bloodthirsty eyes. Fluttershy had no choice but to defend herself.

"Fus..." The creature started lifting it's leg up.

"RO..." The creature sent it's clawed hand strait down towards Fluttershy.

"Eep!" The hand collided on the ground and an eruption of dirt came from the impact. And as the creature raised it's hand, it was clear in the duststorm that Fluttershy wasn't there anymore. Literally!

"Vuintalek... falatanteri..." And with that, the creature disappears in a puff of black smoke...

*:Equineck ???:*

Twilight awoke to the warmth and sound of a crackling fire and saw Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy. But there was something different about them. Rainbow was the most noticeable, she was wearing a white and red-trimmed cloak. She was also wearing a bracelet. Why? Next was Applejack. She had some kind of mechanism strapped around her. And next was Fluttershy. She was wearing some kind of helmet with horns coming from the side. Twilight looked around her surroundings and saw that they were near a lake. The Moon was full and that almost nothing was easy to make out seeing as how dark it is. Nighttime isn't usually this dark... But that's when Twilight noticed the most important thing, checking if her friends were alive.

"Are you three alright?!" Maybe shouting out wasn't a good idea... What if they were already awake and just resting their eyes? That reminds her, how did she get there? As soon as the thought went through her mind, the three started to wake up.

"Uh... my head..."

"What in tarnation was that about?"

"*Whimper* W-w-where am I?"

"Your okay!" Shouted Twilight getting the three's attention with mixed results. Rainbow looked at her confused, Applejack flinched a bit and Fluttershy jumped away in fear.

"Hey Twilight! How's my fellow Assassin doing? Where's your cloak?" Twilight looked at Rainbow confused.

"Uh... what do you-"

"Ah! Your awake, that's a relief I'm surprised the Shades didn't attack you while I was gone." A shadowy figure was trotting towards the four. They didn't know what is going on and what they were doing here, but they didn't like how it started...