//------------------------------// // Fell by Love // Story: Fell by Love // by Burnasius //------------------------------// It was dark, damp and it was the only place for this one creature to hide upon. This creature, a being of magic, a bug of one secretive race and the leader of her kingdom was Queen Chrysalis, though her title was not important right now. She lies there, tired, beaten and drained of all her strength. She clenches her teeth tight as she struggle to stay awake. Her body tells her story; she was weak from the blast that have sent her there. She was battered and bruised not from a pony but from the tumble she had upon landing to the ground. She was lost, alone and for the first time, afraid. She shivered under the cold rock she deemed as shelter from the world. She had glance out, expecting nothing wrong or at the least to be safe and protected from the harm of the world. She felt relief come out of her form as she looks out at the warm sunny sky of the forest land she had landed upon. It was full of life. The creatures were all along frolicking and enjoying their time, conversing with one another. She was alone and she watched them go in, her eyes, though weary, tired and defeated still had enough to gaze at them with anger and spite. She and her kind were alone, hidden away as they were shunned by the world. They were called monsters, parasites that feed upon creatures for the love they have. She soothed with hate and anger, her own little world, under her rock was cold, dark and surprisingly lonely… From that point she collapses onto her side, her body now showing signs of failing. Her anger only grew as she looks at the scene before her. The memories of the ponies returned to her as was her hate of them from their colorful coats to their annoying marks on their flanks. Then the image of Shining Armor came back. Though she pretended to be disgusted, hating the pony and all he was, she could not help but sigh at the memory of the stallion. She took Cadence away, weeks, not days before the mention of a wedding between then. How she did it only made her smile. Pretending to be a guard and magically sent the princess down to the caverns which she had found out from her spies. She took the princess’ form and was quick to try and see her plan in play. She moves to meet her ‘coltfriend’. She smiled warmly but inside she was grinning to her triumph. But the instant she gazed into Shining Armor, her body felt cold, her own mind racing and her cold heart warmed and beat faster than ever before. She did not know why but it would seem that she felt the love pour right into her, her body taking in an insane, if not, large amount of love she have ever experienced. She was basically full, or beyond her limit that she needed to vent it out and the only way she can was to return the love. She basically returned Shining Armor’s love, kissing him, showing such eager attention that made him and herself flinch and stagger at their public display. She was stunned that such love was pouring out of Armor and was given to her willingly. She knew about stealing love, even getting it for free but Shining Armor… his amount, the magnitude and the strength of love being given to her was so powerful she felt so full that she nearly failed in her infiltration with a slight burp. From that point, she focused on taking not just the kingdom but Shining Armor as well. Though she did what she can to obtain this kingdom, she had a small soft and warm spot for Shining. His love output, even under her spell was exceptional and was enough to keep her well fed and strong enough to cause many of her changelings to move behind the mountain where Canterlot was housed, without being detected or seen. She gave the ponies the anonymous tip of an invasion. Oh she felt so confident, that she basically boasted right at them with this. She knew they do not know what they were dealing with and used their lack of knowledge of her kind to her advantage. She smiled inwardly at how easy it was to cause the ponies, even with their monarch to be in a state of worry while she continues to show her serious nature to them all. All was going according to plan, she was to marry Shining Armor, her army ready just to be sure and when she did marry Shining, she will have a love source more powerful than an entire town being used to feed. She planned ahead even, once married to Shining Armor she would ease the mind control on him, and slowly establish herself as a changeling all along, thus keeping his love genuine and giving off so powerfully. She also was in need of his virility for her kingdom to grow and to have many children, the thought itself made her smile and cry. Finally, she wanted to have sex. She may be a queen, a leader of an entire race but some urges are always annoying at times and her needs since he is a powerful unicorn stallion, she cannot complain how skilled he was. Everything was going her way from now till the future, but one snag got into her way, the image of one unicorn saw through everything she had worked for, Twilight Sparkle, the student of Celestia and sister of her soon-to-be husband. She growled in her weakened state only to cough as she recalled the events of her downfall. That unicorn was smarter than she thought she was. She saw through her disguise and was quick to cause such a thorn into her plans. She was in such rage into her that she had to eliminate or at the least, remove her for a while to make her marriage official with Shining Armor, stealing Cadence’s place and rule Equestria all in one motion. But again, the unicorn, even when she did remove her, found a way to interrupt her ploy which lead to her being blasted out of the castle in a wave of love, too powerful to feed upon. She growled and stomped down onto the dirt floor defeated by the hooves of one pony, one pony that saw through her plans. She felt like thrashing and breaking everything near her but the pain her body felt caused her to stop as her strength was sapped away from her so fast that she collapses down on the dirt floor. Her breathing became shallow and her mind clouding, light as it was as she felt weaker and weaker. At the scene in front of her, she can only cry, the world never accepted her, or her kind. She was alone, in her own dark place that she cried all her tears, the emotions she had finally set free as she can only grasp herself. She cried as much as she can, her body limp and weak. She was defeated… she was in pain and all she can do was stay there. As her vision was fading she felt peace enter her thought as was regret. She never did say a proper sorry and good bye to that one handsome pony and the fact that she had admitted to herself in her last moment. “I fell in love with you…” She said in a weak, coarse voice as she lays there, weak and defenseless… her vision fading as she try to rest. Though she was fighting she was to fail in keeping herself alive and all she had left were tears in her eyes. “I love you…” She said to herself once more, as she fell to unconsciousness, unaware of the same stallion that looked at her not with anger in his eyes but remorse. His horn glows in his magical aura and the same aura wrapped around Chrysalis’ weak form.