//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Memoir of the Changeling Incursion by Quill Scrivener // by Adorned ungulate //------------------------------// The next day's labor into the scriptorium attack yielded no definitive answers. Keystone was grateful for the bouquet bought during the first of many trips to the florist and certainly provided as much detail as she could, poor girl. Catchword's tiny apartment hadn't been lived in for some time. Worse yet the constable who accompanied me seed to resent my involvement showing me so in every unpleasant exchange. I prayed if there were any other incidences they remain on the castle grounds. At least the guard knew and respected me. I reported early the following morning to find Princesses Celesia and Luna in conference. My lady turned and addressed me. "Ah, Scrivener. Punctual as always," I felt a tingle as she magically reached out to adjust the tiger lily I wore. "I must ask Rarity to give you some tips. You've no need for courtship but your feminine charm could use some help. Oh, don't give me that look... Thank you, sister. You may get some sleep now." The Night Princess gave a nod as she passed. "Hail, scribe. Good luck today." I could only puzzle for a moment before interrupted. "Come, my assistant. I think it time for a wildcat inspection of the royal guard. Send a note via runner to Shining Armor that we shall be over immediately to see them in their dress reds." "As you wish, my lady." I couldn't fathom what use I would be but complied. Soon we were leisurely making our way to the barracks flanked by two of her personal accompaniment. "Quill, I would like you to meet Brodie," she nodded to an earth pony to her left. "He usually serves as at my estate in Trottingham. He arrived early this morning. Brodie, this is Mrs. Scrivener." "A pleasure, madam." The absolute brick house of a stallion kept the same monochrome expression, like a brawler about to tear a bottle cap off with his teeth. I wondered if they had to custom make an extra large suit of armor to accommodate such a solid wall of faint-grey fur and muscle. "Likewise. I should have guessed from the design of your armor." The princess leaned toward the stallion. "Quill served Us against the Griffon Despostate, you know." "Oh yeah?! Me uncle was in 'er Majesty's Trottenberg Volunteers. Which detachment were you? Maybe you bent the wrist together back at mess." "The Fifth." "Well always enjoy meeting an old sweat soldier, miss. Swap me a story off-hours; I'll buy." His voice was warm, if gruff, but I doubt his expression was capable of more than a few degrees of freedom. Soon enough we were with captain Shining Armor on the parade grounds at the start of a long line of stallions at attention, a regimented chain of red dress uniforms. The princess hummed a bit. "A fine sight captain, but I've changed my mind. Have them change into full plate and weaponry please." The dashing young leader barked out the orders. I watched as they turned as one and marched back into the barracks. I doubted they had the mettle of my comrades who faced the danger talon and beak daily but they sure knew their drills. Celestia exchanged some small talk on the upcoming wedding while we waited. When the line, now in shining gold-gilt helms and braiding returned she turned to us. "Scrivener, Brodie. Hurry to the barracks. I hereby invest in you the power to arrest anyone left behind. They shall be assumed an imposter and enemy to the realm." Shining Armor looked comically confused but my large associate merely grunted out compliance and galloped off. I quickly caught up. In the murky close confines we did in fact see somepony frantically banging at one of the lockers with his front hooves. The weapons were stowed there secured with a simple lock any earth pony could manage, given the combination was known. I caught a queer noise, like the chittering of a chimney swift. "Stop in the name of 'er Majesty!" Brodie boomed out. I saw a twin flash of aqua blue lights but they were gone in a second. As we drew near the rust-colored pegasus gave up his struggle and turned on us with a snarl. "Now you're gonna come nice-like, right?" The imposter feint to the left, ducked under Brodie's huge hoof, then jinked right attempting escape. I made a lunge for him but was awarded a sharp cuff to my cheek. He wheeled to buck me into the lockers but the Trottingham officer leaped into his path and proved quite immobile. The sharp clang of shoe to armor rang in my ears. Our quarry took flight. Brodie got to his feet and we rushed to pursue. His echoing hoof steps were easy enough to follow but upon bolting out the front doors the morning sun must have dazzled me because I saw a brief flash and then the false guard was nowhere to be seen. "Must 'av melted into the crowd, the coward." My companion grated out a few expletives as we searched in vain. Though it was helpful that everypony gave the bruiser a wide berth. A bit later we reported our failure to the princess. She seemed unconcerned, instead turning back to the captain. "These men you can trust, but don't let your guard down. Until further notice I want security checks every three hours. Change the password often. This is a clear hostile act, consider it a threat from a foreign power. From now on we are at war, captain." "Yes, your highness!" "I hate to tax you so in light of your upcoming wedding but I shall be in need of your shield spell soon. Give two days to alert the pegusi population and change logistics..." As my lady outlined plans for defense I felt a soft nudge. "You alright, missus?" His voice still as rough as sandpaper but I suspect this was him at his most tender. "I can take a knock, soldier thank you." I gave him a grin and sideways glance, trying not to make recent references to my age bother me. "Dropped this." He passed me my now-bruised lily which I floated back into place. "Now, you two," the princess diverted her attention to us. "A fine job, we now know a bit more of what our adversary is capable of. Quill, I want you and Brodie an hour here daily starting at two-thirty for self-defense practice. If you are to be my lieutenant in this affair you can expect to take more hits. Now then, lets get that bruise seen to." I rubbed my tender cheek, though could not manage the same for my ego. "Yes, my lady." And as such the first skirmish was over.