Family 101

by Kail

O Mother Where Art Thou

Lightning pushed the last of the storm clouds into place for her section of sky and hovered back to take a look at her work. Seeing that all her clouds were connected and ready for the main storm engine, she turned and headed for the weather office. Opening the door to the weather office, Lightning went to the storm room and poked her head inside.

“I got my section done Rainbow. Mind if I clock out early?”

Rainbow Dash turned from a weather chart after marking off a section. She nodded. “Sure thing. All that’s left is to hook up the main storm engine and I can do that myself.”

Lightning smiled and waved to Rainbow. “K, later Boss.”

Bolting out of the office, Lightning leapt into the air and flew through town. Dodging ponies and various street vendors, she eventually slowed down and stopped in front of town hall. Making sure she looked presentable, Lightning walked into the lobby and up to the receptionist’s desk.

The pony behind the desk looked up from her typewriter and smiled politely. “Hello. How may I help you today?”

Lightning returned the smile. “I’d like to get the mayor’s permission to go through the towns residency records for twelve years ago.”

The receptionist quirked a brow and pressed the intercom button at her desk. “Madam mayor, I have a citizen who’d like to view some town records. Should I send her in?”

The intercom buzzed. “Send her to my office.”

The receptionist turned to Lightning and pointed down a hallway. “Go to the end and turn left. The mayor’s office is the fourth door down.”

Thanking the receptionist, Lightning made her way to the mayor’s office. Once there, she knocked and waited. After a few seconds of silence she was about to knock again when the door opened to reveal the mayor.

Mayor Mare smiled and stepped aside. “Please come in.”

Lightning entered the mayor’s office and sat at a seat in front of her desk. Mayor Mare took her own seat and went back to filling out paperwork as she spoke.

“It’s not often that I get someone coming here who wants to look over some old files. May I ask what you want with them?”

Lightning nodded. “I wanted to check over the residency list of twelve years ago. I’m looking for a mare that might have lived here around that time.”

The mayor looked up from her work. “Why’re you looking for this mare?”

“I’m hoping she can help me help my daughter.”

The mayor quirked a brow. “Your daughter?”

Lightning nodded. “Yes. Scootaloo.”

Mayor Mare’s mouth made an o as she realized who she was talking to. “Oh, you must be Lightning. Well that seems like a good cause but why would you need to find some random mare to help your daughter?”

Lightning shook her head. “She’s not random. I’m hoping to find Scootaloo’s birth mother. You see, Scootaloo recently went to the doctor and he said that she has an illness that is hard to diagnose because there’s so many types of it. But if we can get Scootaloo’s mother’s information it could help figure out what type she has.”

Mayor Mare nodded and began filling out a form. “I see. Well then I’ll approve your request and give you a pass to go into the town’s records. I hope you find what you need.” She gave the form to Lightning. “Give that to the receptionist and she’ll take you to the records.”

Lightning smiled and took the pass. “Thank you very much Mayor Mare.”

The mayor smiled and waved lightning off as the changeling left.


Lightning narrowed her eyes at the papers in front of her. She’d sifted through the records for hours and had finally narrowed the possible choices down to three ponies. Two unicorns and a pegasus.

The first unicorn was called Velvet Dream. She was a mauve color with a navy blue mane and teal eyes. Her cutie mark was a typewriter and her job listed her as a journalist. Lightning put a hoof to her chin and studied the other information on the page: Age, time she lived in Ponyville, and a forwarding address. Manehattan.

Lightning shook her head and mumbled to herself. “She’s the right age but she wasn’t here very long. She only lived here a year.”

She pushed the paper aside and looked at the information of the other unicorn. Her name was Suncrisp. She had a honey colored coat and a mane that was stripped cream and gold. Her eyes were the same color as her coat and her cutie mark was, conveniently, a suncrisp apple. She was listed as being a farmer on Sweet Apple Acres but the paper also said she had left Ponyville.

Lightning arched a brow as she read further and discovered no forwarding address. “No forwarding address? Could she still be here?” Lightning shrugged. “I’ll ask Applejack if she knows Suncrisp.”

Turning to her last lead, Lightning scanned the information about the pegasus. Her name was Mayfly. She had a coat that was blood red and a mane that was sandy blond. Her cutie mark was a pair of wings on a shield and she was listed as being a royal guard. Her re-assigned station was in Fort Trotterdale.

Lightning was fairly sure this mare was Scootaloo’s mother but she’d heard of non pegasi having pegasus foals so she’d have to check all of them just to be safe. Sighing at the prospect of all the legwork she still had to do, Lightning took the papers and exited the records room. Walking up to the receptionist’s desk, Lightning placed the papers down.

“Could I have copies of these made and sent to my house?”

The receptionist nodded. “Of course. Your address?”

Lightning gave the mare her information and turned to leave. “Thanks for the help um...” Lightning paused before letting out an embarrassed chuckle. “I never asked your name.”

The receptionist giggled. “No sweat. It’s Script.”

Lightning nodded. “Thanks Script. Bye.”

Script waved as Lightning headed out the door.


Lightning sighed as she landed on the porch of the Apple family house. She shook herself to get rid of the water that soaked her as she’d flown to Sweet Apple Acres.

Lightning blew a stand of mane out of her face. “Can’t believe I forgot about the storm. At least I won’t have to look around the orchard for Applejack though.”

Lighting knocked on the door and was surprised when it was opened almost instantly. Applejack stood there wiping her hooves on an apron. “Lightnin’? What in tarnation are you doin’ out here in this weather?”

Lightning chuckled. “Believe me, I’d rather be home where it’s warm and dry but I needed to talk to you about something.”

Applejack nodded and stepped aside. “Well come on in outta that rain. Ah’’ll get ya some warm cider and we can jaw in the livin’ room.”

Lightning stepped in and followed Applejack into the living room where Big Mac sat with a book in his hooves. As the two came in he looked up from his book and gave Applejack a questioning look.

Applejack gestured to a room of to the side. “Hey Big Mac, can you get the rest of lunch goin’ while Ah talk with Lightnin’?”

Big Mac sat his book on an end table and headed toward the kitchen, giving one of his signature monosyllabic answers as he went.

Applejack followed after him and looked over her shoulder. “Take a seat an’ Ah’ll be back in a second.”

Lightning moved to a small table at one end of the room with three chairs around it. Settling into one of the chairs, she stared out a nearby window and watched the rain as she waited for Applejack.

A few minutes later, Applejack came back into the room balancing a tray with two glasses on it. Sliding the tray off her back and onto the table, Applejack sat with a sigh. “Sorry ‘bout the wait.”

Lightning took one of the glasses and smiled. “No problem.” Taking a sip of the warm drink, Lightning hummed appreciatively. “Oh I needed that.”

Applejack chuckled and took her own glass. “Thought you’d like that. Now what’s this you wanted to talk about?”

Lightning took another gulp of cider before talking. She explained the situation with Scootaloo and that she was trying to find the filly’s mother. Applejack nodded along as Lightning talked. “Anyway, I found this one mare who lived in Ponyville at the time Scootaloo would have been dropped off at the orphanage and her information said she worked at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Applejack tilted her head in confusion. “That’s weird. Ah know all the workers here and ain’t one o’ them ever mentioned havin’ a filly before. What’s her name?”


Applejack tilted her head. “Suncrisp? Unicorn, apple cutie mark?”

Lightning nodded. “You know her?”

Applejack laughed. “Course Ah do. She is my mom after all.”

Lighting cocked her head. “Your mom? But her information said she left about twelve years ago.”

Applejack nodded. “Yeah. Her and Pa travel around Equestria and oversee the whole Apple family operation. They come back every now and again for birthdays and such.”

Lightning sighed and her head dropped. "There goes the easiest lead I had.”

Applejack chuckled. “Ah’m guessin’ you found some other candidates and they’re all pretty far from here?”

Lightning nodded. “Yep. One’s all the way in Fort Trotterdale and the other’s in Manehattan.”

Applejack whistled. “Hoo boy, sounds like you got a good amount o’ legwork ahead of ya.”

Lightning chuckled and left her seat. “Yeah, I do. Better get started on it then.”

Applejack walked Lightning to the door. “Good luck with tryin’ ta find Scootaloo’s birth mom. Ah hope things work out for ya.”

Lightning nodded and waved. “Thanks. Bye AJ.”

Applejack waved as Lightning lifted off and made for home.


Lightning exited the weather office and started flying towards Sugarcube Corner. Cashing in a few vacation days, she’d arranged for three days at the beginning of next week to look for the two other ponies she’d found. Having gotten that out of the way Lightning was headed to the bakery for a snack. Emotions were good but Lightning appreciated the taste of good food just as much.

Shaking off after she landed under the awning, Lightning pushed open the door. Even with the weather the way it was, the sweets shop was packed as usual.

Approaching the counter, Lightning smiled at Pinkie. “Hey Pinkie. Could I get a devil’s food cupcake?”

Pinkie nodded with her usual cheerful smile. “Sure thing Lightning. Take a seat and I’ll get it to you.” Pinkie then pointed to the right side of the bakery. “Oh and if you’re interested, Gene’s here.”

Lightning tilted her head. “The diamond dog who helped Scootaloo?”

Pinkie nodded. “Rightorooni. He’s sitting over there with Jazzy.”

Lightning nodded and started walking in the direction Pinkie pointed. As she scanned the tables, Lightning saw the diamond dog seated at one of the center tables talking with Rarity while the spider, who Lightning guessed was Jazzy, munched on a bowl of gems.

As Lightning got closer she caught the end of a conversation.

“So you mean there’s a whole library in there?”

Gene nodded. “Yeah I found it not long after I moved into those tunnels.”

Rarity put a hoof to her chin. “I’ll have to tell Twilight about that. She’d be absolutely ecstatic about the possibility of what could be down there.” Rarity turned and waved to Gene. “Goodbye darling. Do try to keep dry when you leave.”

Gene waved and smiled as Rarity walked away. Lightning chose then to walk up to his table. She gestured to the seat opposite Gene. “Mind if I sit here?”

Gene nodded. “Go ahead.”

Lightning sat and offered Gene her hoof. “I’m Lightning by the way. I wanted to thank you for helping my daughter a while back.”

Gene took the hoof and shook it with a smile. “Oh, Scootaloo right? No problem, I was happy to help. So what brings you here?”

Lightning sighed. “Just taking a break. I’ve been running around all day and I’ve got more running to do later.”

Gene arched a brow. “What for? Business?”

Lightning propped her head on a hoof and waved the other back and forth. “Yes and no. I’m looking for someone and it’s gonna take a while.”

Gene nodded. “If you keep having trouble I can help.”

Lightning tilted her head. “How?”

Gene smiled. “I’m a pretty good rune crafter. I could make a locator spell if you have trouble finding who you’re looking for.”

“But I thought only unicorns could use magic.”

Gene waved a paw. “Runes work differently. All I need is the right rune and a suitable gem to channel the magical energies.”

Lightning nodded. “Ok, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Pinkie came to the table and sat down Lightning’s order. Lightning pulled a few bits from one of the holes in her leg. “Here ya go Pinkie.”

Pinkie smiled and bounced off to serve another customer. Gene arched a brow. “You keep money in your leg holes?”

Lightning shrugged. “Where else would I keep it?”

Gene chuckled. “Fair point.”

The two then spent the rest of their time chatting about whatever came to mind until they decided to part ways.


Lightning arrived home to find Quicksilver cooking. When she stepped into the kitchen, Quicksilver turned and smiled at her. “You’re finally back. What kept you?”

Lightning returned the smile. “Had some business to take care of. I’ll tell you about it later. Where’s Scoots?”

Quicksilver nodded to the stairs. “Doing homework. I’ve still got a bit to do for this soup so you can head up and give her a helping hoof.” Quicksilver chuckled. “That filly really doesn’t get along with math.”

Lightning nodded and started up the stairs. When she got to Scootaloo’s room Lightning found the door open and Scootaloo sat at her desk. The filly had a pencil in her mouth and was tapping it on the desk as she propped her head on a hoof. Scootaloo’s eyes were narrowed and the look on her face said she’d rather be going through a root canal then doing her homework.

Lightning grinned and knocked on the doorframe. “Hey kiddo. Need some help?”

Scootaloo dropped her pencil and smiled at Lightning. “Hey mom. Yeah, I’d love some help.” Scootaloo scowled at her homework. “I think math was made to be some kind of torture.”

Lightning chuckled. “Ok, let’s see what we’ve got here.”

Lightning walked over and sat behind Scootaloo. “Oh joy, fractions.”

Scootaloo nodded. “Welcome to my world.”

Lightning pointed to a part of Scootaloo’s homework. “You’ve got it mostly down but you forgot to simplify this part.”

The two went on going over the work and correcting it where needed until Quicksilver called them for dinner.