//------------------------------// // Untitled // Story: HorseShoes and Hand Grenades // by Mother3Forever //------------------------------// After Scootaloo was taken to her own room, I had trouble getting myself to sleep. I'm not completely sure why, but I think it might have something to do with the fact I was feeling a little sicker than normal. Actually, that was putting it lightly. I was positively miserable. I was too hot and too cold at the same time, and it felt like needles were buried into my skin. To put it simply. It really hurt to move, even a little bit. 'Something's wrong...' I swallowed. It seemed like a good idea to call RedHeart for help at this point. "Nurs-" I stopped and began to gag. I waited and after it settled a bit, I took a shaky breath and tried once more. "Nurse RedHe-" I gagged once again, more violently this time. Only this time, it didn't go away. I leaned over the side of the bed and emptied my stomach of all of it's contents....again. I was scared at this point. Mainly because, looking at my recent "deposit", there was a LOT of blood. Not to mention, I thought I saw a piece of flesh as well. I flopped back in the bed, horrified. Suddenly the noise from my heart monitor caught my attention. I hadn't noticed it before, simply because I had gotten used to the slow and steady beeping. But now.... It was going fast. REALLY fast. As my eyes started to blur in and out, I saw a flurry of figures rushing into the room, almost.....Panicked... I was dying....It was as simple as that. My body stopped responding to any command I gave it, effectively making me a useless lump of dead weight. What most people don't tell you, is when this happens, you experience the whole ordeal. I open my eyes, I try to see but I'm blinded by the white light I can't remember how, I can't remember why, I'm lyin' here tonight.... A doctor slapped my face a few times, attempting to get me to focus. "Sir, just try and hold on, Whatever you do, don't Stop fighting. You hear me!? DON'T. GIVE. UP!!" I managed to let out a pained groan, so he knew I could hear him. But I can't Stand the pain, and I can't make it go away, No I can't Stand the pain.... "Sir! Stay Focused! Whatever you do, Stay awake! If you give in...." How could this Happen to Me!? I've made my mistakes! Got Nowhere to run! The night goes on as I'm Fading Away! "You won't wake up..." He took a deep breath. " Do me a favor....Scream....As loud as you can. Just...." I'm sick of this life! I just want to S-C-R-E-A-M! With the breath I had, I let out the most Gut wrenching, Pitiful, Agonizing bellows that you will ever hear. I looked at the doctor and mouthed out two words. "Why..me..?" He held my hand in his hoof. "I don't know son....I don't know.... but you only have to hold on a little bit longer. The Unicorn Medics will be right back to ensure that you don't....y'know...." I knew alright....I knew.....That's when it happened. "GAAAAAAAAAAH!" CRACK CRUNCH It hurt so bad! It was like my bones were shattering, one at a time! I couldn't move, but this time.....Well, just listen. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- Everybody's screaming, I try to make a sound but noone hears me..... I'm slipping off the edge, I'm hanging by a thread, I want to start this over again... Yeah, My heart had just stopped, and I was still....Could you call it conscious? Either way, I was definitely somewhat aware of everything going on. Including the doctor across the room and what he was yelling about. "His body is destroying itself! If we don't do something now, He's not going to have any chance of pulling through!" "I'll him in a magical Stasis until the Experts can deal with this! Just give me a moment to prepare the spell!" The doctor working on keeping me awake grabbed my hand and folded his hoof over it. "Son! Don't you Bucking DIE ON ME!!!! FIGHT IT! THINK BACK! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LIVE FOR!? THE ONE THING THAT GIVES YOU STRENGTH!!!! FIND IT!!! FOCUS ON IT!!! DON'T! LET! IT! GO!" So I try to hold...Onto a time when...Nothin' mattered. 'My family......no....Friends?....As if...' And I can't Explain what Happened, And I can't....Erase the things that I've done..... 'Maybe....My future? No way, it's not anybody relied on me or anything....Wait-....SCOOTALOO!' That did it! I found the one thing able to keep me tied the the living world. The doctors were still running around trying to stabilize me. But something happened. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP-BEEP......BEEP.............................BEEP..............BEEP "Oh sweet Luna! He's....Stabilizing....? But-......How?" Somehow, through sheer willpower alone, I was managing to hang onto life with all I had. I couldn't keep it up forever though....My only hope was for the Stasis spell to finish. Briefly, my heart stopped again. For a spit second, I thought that the doctor was about to wet himself, but instead he called out for the Unicorn to finish the spell. As it turns out, It WAS finished. He just had to cast it. Before I had time to think anymore, the spell was cast, and I fell into a deep slumber. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yo, I've never done an Authors Note before, but I just wanted to say, I couldn't help myself with this chapter. I mean, Really! How often can you title a chapter 'Untitled' and still be accurate to the content? I wasn't about to pass up that opportunity.