//------------------------------// // It’s Fine As Long As No One Finds Out // Story: If you have sex with a changeling that looks like your beloved and you didn’t know and you end up having a child together, does it count as cheating? // by TheWraithWriter //------------------------------// It’s Fine As Long As No One Finds Out Twilight Sparkle woke to the sun shining down through her window. Directly into her eyes. The unicorn rolled onto her side and briefly wondered if Celestia was specifically targeting her or if the Solar Goddess just hated sleep in general. Twilight Sparkle She really likes books Sighing, Twilight threw off the covers and trotted down the stairs. She meandered her way to the kitchen, yawning and praying to Celestia that she still had coffee. But as the still awakening Twilight pulled the coffee can down from the shelf in her telekinetic grasp, she got a jolt that woke her up far better than any cup of coffee. (Even that lovely brand that has cocaine in it) The sound had started out as a faint noise in the distance but had quickly become the scream of metal on metal that threatened to make your ears bleed. Twilight dropped the coffee can and pressed her hooves over her ears in a vain attempt to block out the sound. And then as quickly as it had appeared the sound faded. There was complete and utter silence which was broken by the softest of metallic tinkles. That was then followed by a sudden whooshing sound and the noise of some metal contraption settling. Twilight removed her hooves from her ears and got up from the floor. She timidly looked around, wondering by what ludicrous doing had that sound manifested. There was suddenly a loud knock at the door, which caused the lavender pony to jump a considerable number of feet into the air. Twilight hesitantly approached the door, mind racing as to who, or what was there. So, one might imagine her relief at seeing her brother Shining Armor standing there instead of, say, Lady Death or a Hasbro Executive. But Twilight’s relief vanished as soon as she saw the panicked look on Shining Armor’s face. Shining Armor Dude needs a corndog “Shining…” Twilight said, scrutinizing his expression. “Are you okay?” “Me, okay? Sure,” Shining said rapidly, fidgeting. “Could I, uh, come in?” Twilight nodded and stepped aside to allow her brother to pass. As he entered the library, Twilight saw he had a bundle of something floating behind him. “Shining, what’s that?” Twilight asked. “Close the door please,” Shining said, ignoring her question. Twilight complied, but she got that investigating look on her face. “Shining, what’s wrong?” Shining Armor said nothing. He pulled a chair over from a stack of books and gently sat the bundle down on the cushion. Twilight looked at the bundle and saw that it contained a baby foal. Normally one might need a shot of adrenalin for this, but Twilight lived in the same hundred-mile radius as the Cutie Mark Crusaders so she was good. Still, that didn’t stop her from cooing over that baby. “Aww, Shining, why didn’t you tell me you and Cadance-” Twilight stopped speaking as she saw a piece of paper unfold on top of the baby. The bookworm read the single word, studied the heart, analyzed the kiss mark, and tested the scent with a few sniffs. After collecting this data, Twilight stared at the baby. Unblinking. After a time, Shining Armor spoke. “Twilight?” he said hesitantly. No reply. After waiting a few moments, Shining repeated himself. “Twilight?” Still no reply. “Twilight?” Shining Armor said again, panic beginning to creep into his voice. (At this point, many of you are wondering what’s wrong with Twilight. Here, this should clear things up) Twilight.exe has encountered an error. Processing. “Twilight?” Shining was starting to panic now. Suddenly, like an angel from above, Equestria’s Fastest Flyer came into the library via a window. A thankfully open window. “Hey Twilight! You got the new Daring Do book ye-” Rainbow Dash was saying before she caught sight of the baby and the note. At which point the blue pegasus inhaled in a huge gasp. Rainbow Dash 20% more wingboner Shining Armor felt pinpricks of fear down his spine. “Twilight?” he said again, panic thinly veiled. Twilight.exe has encountered an error. Processing. Suddenly an orange apple farmer came in through a side door. “Hey there, sugarcubes, Ah brought ya’ll some apple cider and-” Applejack caught sight of the baby, the note, and too inhaled a fair amount of the room’s air. Applejack Background Pony Shining Armor tore down the veil. “Twilight?!” Twilight.exe is unable to process error. Rebooting. At this point, a marshmallow, I MEAN BEAUTIFUL DRESSMAKER, came in through yet another side door. “Twilight, darling, please tell me what you think of this new hat. Is it not simply mar-” Rarity was going to fawn over the baby when she saw it, but the note changed her mind. Instead, she opted to perform one of her famous gasp and fall on couch routines. Rarity Marshmallow “Twilight!?” Shining Armor was obviously panicking now, seeing as the ‘!’ is now in front of the ‘?’. Twilight.exe is shutting down. A pink blur suddenly came out of bucking nowhere. “Twilight. Twilight, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie shouted whilst bouncing up and down. “There was a loud noise, and then a train pulled up in the station! And it had rockets! And it was plaid! And we should have a par-” It was at this point that Pinkie got in on the going trend and gasped loudly upon seeing the baby and note. She also froze a ludicrous number of feet in the air. Somehow. Pinkie Pie Random “Twilight!?!” Ooo, two ‘!’, shit’s getting serious. Twilight.exe has shut down. Rebooting. It was at this time a timid butter yellow pegasus came in through the front door. “Um, Twilight, I brought you that owl feed you wan-” Fluttershy was a lot smarter than most ponies gave her credit for. She managed to figure what was happening quite quickly and gasp in the most adorable manner possible. Fluttershy Yay At this point, Shining Armor was sweating more than Celestia in a cake shop while on a diet. “Twilight!!!” Twilight.exe has rebooted. Processing error. Fate apparently thought this was the point at which yet another pony should show up. A striped pony. With a Mohawk. “Ah, please Fluttershy, move your butt. Twilight I-” Zecora did not gasp, if you were wondering. She was actually cut off by Twilight. Twilight.exe has processed the error. “Shining Armor and Chrysalis had a bastard love child!” Twilight ejaculated, following it with a huge gasp. “Say whaaaaaat?” Zecora said, further cementing the fact that Hasbro dodged a bullet when they decided against the afro. Zecora Fo Shizzle! Shining Armor was drenched in sweat at this point. He was panicking on every level. And he was wondering whether or not he left the light on back home.