
by LunarEklipse


Ugggh... What's... going on?

Those are the first words that came to the mare's mind. Her eyes snapped open, only to realize that she is in a place so dark that it would be impossible to see without any source of light. The mare sleepily pulled herself up from the ground and tried to stay standing, only to yet again collapse on the cold hard stone floor.

Do I know any spells that will produce some light? I think I do...

The mare pulled an old lighting spell from the recesses of her brain. Simple, but effective. The room began to glow a dim purple color. That's when she realized that she wasn't actually in a room.

What? Where am I? What am I doing in this cave? How did I get here?

Questions flooded the young mare's mind. The tension had already begun to build. She decided to try standing up again. This time, using the wall for support, she managed to get into a clumsy standing position and hold it. She did not dare try to walk yet, she was so weak. She craned her neck in an attempt to identify her exact location. The large cavern was a dead end, leading into another tunnel that the mare did not know where it led. A pile of ashes lay in the middle of the floor
surrounded by a circle of rocks. Rotten wood was stacked on the wall. Several burlap sacks lay beside them, with lumps inside of them. Other than that, the cavern lay empty, the only other things inside being herself and several stalactites hanging precariously from the ceiling.

The mare felt as if she had enough strength to walk a few steps without support. She pushed herself from the wall and took a minute to regain her balance. After a period of time trying to hold her standing position, she took a step. And then she took another. She repeated this, and it was by far the hardest of all her endeavors currently. She hobbled over to the burlap sacks by the rotten wood. She opened one to find inside it a loaf of bread overtaken by mold. It was definitely inedible, so the mare threw the sack aside. Inside the second sack was a moldy cupcake and a rotten apple. For some reason, the colors pink and orange flashed across her mind, but she had no clue as to why. She threw the sack aside as well. After opening numerous sacks to find only inedible food, she found one that contained dried apple slices that had been untouched by the rotting. She was too hungry to try to prepare them, and devoured them as soon as she tore open the package. Unfortunately, that was all of the edible food there, but it was not enough.

However, stuck in a crevice behind the food was what appeared to be an envelope. Upon further inspection, the mare confirmed it was an envelope, and it was addressed to "Whom It May Concern". The mare had no idea whether she should be concerned about it, but since she was the only one down here, she thought that a look at it would not hurt anypony. She carefully pulled the wax seal off of the envelope and opened the flap, revealing musty pages underneath.

The mare pulled the letter out of the envelope and unfolded it. The paper had been stained and partially rotted, but most of the text remained legible. Moving to the spot she woke up on, she sat down and began to read the letter.

To Whom it May Concern

Hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I have decided to make a temporary home down in this cavern to take shelter from the changeling attack. If I am not currently present, You can identify me by the photo I have included with this note. In case you do not know who I am, I am, well, was the student of Princess Celestia, and recently ascended to royalty. That was what had happen until the Changeling attack occurred. This one was more direct than the one at the royal wedding approximately one year ago of the time of writing. However, it was also very unexpected, so we were not prepared for this attack as well as we were the last one. As a result, I have safely fled to this cavern I plan to make my home for a few months, while I search out for my friends and signs of a chance to defeat the changelings daily. If you wish to make home here, please simply wait for me to return so I can ensure you are not an enemy. Thank you for your time in reading this note.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

The mare assumed that Twilight Sparkle was simply on one more of her searches, and would be returning any moment. However, she couldn't remember how she got here, so Twilight must have found her passed out and taken her back to her home for her safety.

Then the mare remembered the note said something about a photo included with the envelope. After yet again inspecting the envelope, she pulled out a musty photo that was partially eaten away. She could make out the face of a purple unicorn mare that she assumed to be the aforementioned princess, but there were 5 other ponies on the photograph as well, but different parts of them on the photo were so rotten they could not be remembered.

The mare decided that she should probably go out to help Twilight, so she got ready to leave the cave. However, remembering how hungry she is and how painful it was to move, she decided to use a simple mirror spell she had learned when she was young. After casting the spell with great difficulty and seeing herself for the first time, she dropped the note and the mirror spell shattered on the ground.

She was Twilight Sparkle.

Sure, she was a lot skinnier and injured, with bones showing through limbs and various cuts and bruises dotting her body, but there was no mistake. The face, the color and the cutie mark gave it away, even though the mare did not have the wings in the photograph she found. It was impossible that there would be another pony that looked that similar.

Twilight pulled up the photo again, thoughts racing through her mind like Olympic athletes at the 100 meter dash. These must have been my friends, she thought, They must be important to my goal.

Since it was obvious that no one but her had been here for a while, Twilight decided it was finally time to leave the cave behind her. She found some saddlebags stuck in a corner of the cave. After using her magic to carefully mount them on her back, she looked into the cavern one last time, and started the climb up to the surface of the world.