//------------------------------// // On The Road Coy Practice // Story: Wish // by Coco-loco //------------------------------// My mentor, partner thing, Roseluck, is nice, she mysterious though and has a wild imagination. I talked to Cat again yesterday and what she had to say surprised me. She said that her coy not only allows her to put people to sleep but to learn stuff about them that hasn’t even happened yet. She told me she has a plan. That the few of us can escape but she also said that she saw something the nobody wants to see. She wouldn’t tell me what though. It has been a week since the coy showing, I guess thats what I’ll call it. Tonight we're going to be escaping. To go get Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Twilight. Maybe even their friends, too. I wrote Rainbow a note warning her about the vice principal, Cat told me something about him too. Derpy, Pinkies partner is coming with us as well as some of the people from coy showing. We’re almost ready. A quiet knock sounded on my door. When I opened it everyone that was coming was on the other side. “Applejack are you ready?” Lyra asks. “Yeah, lets get out o’ this here hell hole!” I say while high fiving her. “Girls, I think we should get a move on,” Aia points out with Alli nodding in agreement. “They’re right! Come on we should go, Pinkie are you ready?” Gracy asks. “Lets do this thing!” Pinkie shouted somehow quietly putting her hand in the middle. “Definitely!” I say, my hand joining hers. Aia and Alli nod and put theirs on top, too. Soon the whole group had their hands in the middle and we come to a mental agreement. “To Freedom!” We shout throwing our hands up and running to the stairs. When we reach the back wall our little plan is put into action. “Ready Cat?” Cat nodes confidently then starts singing. We’re not affected, just the guards, she winks at us showing to move to the next step. Pinkie waves her hand over the wall and orders us through. First Rarity goes through while pulling a diamond sword in case something goes wrong. Aia and Alli are next, then Vinyl, Gracy, and I. Cat goes through ad Pinkie closes it, we wait for her to come over for about twenty seconds until she drops onto Rarity. “Pinkie!” Pinkie jumps up quickly and helps Rarity up with a nervous grin. “Hehe, sorry!” Rarity shakes her head then, along with the rest of us, turns to Cat with the next step of the plan. “It’s a three week walk but we can do it,” then she starts off walking in some seemingly random direction. With a shrug we follow her not know the dangers that are to come. ------------------- “Ok who packed food?” Alli asks after her stomach growls for the eleventh time. Everyone just looks around expecting somebody else to have. “We forgot food didn’t we?” “Maybe,” Pinkie says pulling out a cupcake. “Pinkie, darling, we can’t survive on cupcakes. We need really food that grows on trees,” then the ever unforgetting idea hits her, and everybody else, but me. They turn to look at me with greedy eyes. “Do not look at meh!” I say throwing my hands up, “Ah don’t know how ta make food!” “You can do all those crazy acrobatics, grow octoplants, but you can’t make food?” Roseluck yells. “Ah can make some apples?” I ask. They seem a mix between calling me an idiot and hugging me to death. “Go on!” Gracy says. With a grown I start my weird rutin to make us some apples. Soon we have two apple trees full of perfectly ripe apples sitting next to each other. “Apples!!!” The trees are empty in seconds in a simple gust of wind. Rarity lays down a cloth and we sit down to eat in the shade of my trees. "I have an idea!" Pinkie yells. We all look at her confused but she seems completely oblivious to that fact. "Let's have a coy battle!" "Ok," I shrug. "I'm fine with that!" Rose says, "I've always wanted to battle AJ!" "Well there we go! Plant coy against plant coy! Gracy you ready?" "Aye aye captain!" Moving the dirt with the air she created a graph showing who is fighting who. Me vs Rose, Alli vs Aia, Gracy vs Cat, Lyra vs Derpy, and Pinkie vs Rarity! "Applejack could you make something similar to the thing you made when we first got to the school? Just without a roof and has a door on either side?" Pinkie asks hopefully. "Sure!" I do just as she asks. It's practically a stadium. Out of nowhere Pinkie pulled a microphone, "Welcome to the on the road coy practice stadium! First up is plant coy against plant coy, Applejack vs RoseLuck! Places," we got into our places on either side of the stadium. "Get your weapons ready!" RoseLuck pulled a giant rose thorn out of mid air and I got my octoplant ready. "And... Fight!" The thorn was headed my way and soon duplicated into several smaller thorns. My octo arms weaved together creating a shield around me. I maneuvered around till I was in the very back of my shield then used the arms to surf my way over to Rose dodging her thorns. I wrapped her and myself up in the plants a carried us back to my side. "Pinkie how do we win?" I ask. "Pin her down with your feet!" She yelled back. I grab Roses limbs with vines and pull her towards the ground. The second she touches the ground a spark runs through my body and a orange shield encases my body. Nobody seems to notice it though. RoseLuck uses one of her roses to cut the vine holding her hand and I scream out in pain, the shield disappears. She cuts two more and the pain is horrible, like one of my limbs is being sawed off. "Applejack!" Rose screams cutting through the last of the vines putting me in unbearable pain. I'm still wrapped up in the arms, which is why I haven't fallen to the ground. The others notice my pain and come over to help me. First they're sawing at the vines with whatever they can, which ends up being their coys, which just puts me in more pain. "Stop!!!!!" I yell at the top of my lungs while tears of pain streaming down my face. I do something I had never done before, that same orange shield surrounds me and this time they see it. "Stop hurting us," I say fixing the broken vines. "Us? Applejack what is this?" They ask touching the shield. It's practically a ball of plastic, their hands just rests on it. "Ah don't know what Ah did just stop hurting us!" The orange the fades into my skin and is like a orange body suit, covering everything but my head. I release the plants and fall to the ground landing on my feet. "Applejack!?! Who's us?" Cat yells. "Me! Me and the plants!" Rose starts mumbling something as if piecing stuff together. "Oh," she sighs. "What?" We all ask her in unison. "I've only seen this once before. It happens to the higher level coyable people with two totally different types of coys," the suit fades, much to Rarity's dismay, but no one really takes notice, "they have one coy that is super powerful and one that is recently unlocked. Their stronger coy becomes attached to the coyable person and they feel the pain inflicted onto their coy." "So y'all are sayin' tha' mah coy became attached to me because I got another coy?" I ask trying to simplify. "Basically," she says calmly. "Ok, then answer me one lil' question?" I ask sitting down. "What's that?" She asks raising an eyebrow. "What is this here other coy?" “I have no idea, care to find out?” ----------------------------------- “Round two! Aia vs Alli!!” they took their stances and prepared for countdown. “Three. Two. One!” the very second she hit one Aia was inside a cage of earth. Smirking she pulled water from the grass and broke one cage wall. Moving quickly she spun it around her body ramming it into Alli into a wall and freezes it. Pulling more water from the grass she defreezes Alli but doesn't move fast enough before Alli jerks the ground below Aia’s feet making her fall to the ground face first. Slamming her hands into the ground she freezes the grass and around Aia’s feet. Moving the ground under her feet up Alli jumps into the air, flips, and lands sending a ripple through the ground. Aia’s eyes catch something, “Sorry Applejack!” She yells before sucking the water out of the trees and slamming into Alli one side at a time until she fell to the ground. I’m pretty sure that was a feeling I never want to feel again. I feel like the air was sucked out of my lungs and I haven't had any water in years. Aia is about to pin Alli down with her foot when Alli grabs her feet in rock and jerks them back tipping Aia. Aia falls while Alli jumps up and pushes her towards the ground with her foot and releases her coy. “Alli is the winner!” Pinkie says running over to Alli and thrusting her hand in the air. “Now lets have a rematch between Applejack and Roseluck!” The rematch begins. It’s different this time though. Rose has a different type of flower and I have a different plant. She flings her flowers at me like frisbees. My plants, flytraps, jerk at her flower frisbees and eat them. A simple yet evil idea comes to me and I create plants behind her that end up shooting pollen at her. This is a bad idea on my part because she sniffs it up and sneezes it out, I could have used her sneeze to my advantage but instead I just felt like I was sniffed out. Its not a pleasant feeling. I recover just in time to dodge her attack and offer one of my own. Soon we have flower petals, pollen, and dirt covering us and we’re gasping for air. This is one minute later. I think of something that happened earlier, what I did to make it happen, maybe some benefits it could give me. I start glowing orange with a ball around me, Rose stares, it fades into my skin and I’m now wearing a orange body suit. Rose throws a couple thorns at me and I flinch but they go right through me. She chucks some flower frisbees at me but, just like before, they go right throw like I wasn’t even there. She growns and I take a step forward feeling unbeatable. She picks up a rock and throws with all her might, it hits me in the gut, hard! I knock her down with a couple vines while more of her tries seem useless, unless she doesn’t use her coy. She doesn’t realize that though. holding her down with vines she doesn’t want to cut I place my foot on her back and drop my coy. Pinkie runs up to me and pulls my hand above our heads smiling, “Applejack is the winner!” the suit fades but we keep smiling uncaringly. Pinkie drops my hand and I help Rose up so the next group can start. “Round Three! Gracy vs Cat!” “Wait!” Gracy yells! “What?” Pinkie asks tilting her head. “She can just beat me by singing, how am I expose to beat that?” Cat smirks while Gracy over her head dramatically. “You can beat her!” We all sing, including Pinkie as she skips to the edge to watch with us. Gracy lets out a grown but gets into her starts position while Cat does the same. They start! Cat pulls out her microphone and starts singing, Gracy sends a huge gust of wind her way blocking her words and sending Cat flying into the back wall. Gracy cringes as Cat hits the wall and topples to the ground. She runs up to Cat but doesn’t reach her soon enough to not hear her singing. She stumbles but keeps going. She jumps as high as she can in her sleepy state, thrusts her hands through the air slamming Cat into the ground and landing with her foot on Cats back! “Gracy wins! Great job Grace we told you that you could beat her!” Pinkie says high fiving Gracy and pulling her hand in the air signaling her win. Cat stands smiling about Gracys win and congratulated her. “Who goes next?” Rarity asks. “Round Four! Lyra vs Derpy!” Pinkie says while they take their place. “Three. Two. One!” She runs off the battlefield before getting hit by flying muffins. Lyra pulls her harp and starts playing. “I don’t want to listen to your music right now!” Derpy yells before forming a bubble around herself and Lyra. Lyras harp falls to the ground before he is slowly brought to the ground where Derpy is waiting. The bubble pops and she is dropped a muffin connects with her face and she spins through the air, grabbing her harp in the process. She lands on her back and plays while she slides. “Hey Derpy! Lie down,” but Derpy doesn’t hear her because of the bubbles jammed in her ears. She slams into Lyra sending the into the back wall. A couple growns and grunts come from the dust ball before Derpy’s bubble clears it and Lyra is laying under her inside a muffin. “Derpy you have to take her out of the muffin to win!” Pinkie shouts from the wall where we’re watching from. “Fine!” Derpy then punches the muffin making it explode under her so she fall victorious with Lyra under her. Pinkie runs over to them and helps Lyra up. She then grabs Derpy's arm and declares her victorious once and for all, “Derpy is the winner!!” ‘Round Five! Pinkie Pie vs Rarity!” Cat says into her microphone. Pinkie and Rarity take their places and wait for the count down. “Three, two, one. Go!” Pinkie jumps into the air as diamonds fly through the location that use to be her face. Pinkie throws candles at Rarity as she runs only missing her by a inch. She lands on the ground and starts chucking cakes and mustache glasses at Rarity. Every single one hits her but doesn’t affect her. Rarity pulls her diamond sword out and starts running at PInkie. Pikie gasps and pulls a golden horn and blows with all her might sending a shock wave towards Rarity. Rarity stands after bein hit and sees Pinkie laying in a heap on the ground. Curious she walks over to her only to find a very uncomfortable sight. Pinkie is laying on her back eyes wide open and arms spread. Her body is pale and her eyes are all white. “What?” “Hey Rarity?” cals Pinkie. Rarity looks down at the corps of Pinkie only to find it wasn’t the source of Pinkies call. “Turn around!” “What?” Rarity turns around to find Pinkie Pie standing there with almost clear white skin, bright color (almost to bright) eyes, and hammers for hands. Rarity turns around to see Pinkie is still lying there but looks back to see Pinkie running at her. “Pinkie what did you do?” “I have a ghost coy!” The hammer connects with Rarity's face slamming into the ground. Ghost Pinkie jumps into her body then the body stands up to put a foot on Rarity's back. “Pinkie Pie wins!” Cat sings as she swings Pinkies hand in the air. Rarity gets up, dusts off her outfit and sakes Pinkies hand. “I thought you had a fun coy?” She asks as they break their hand shake. We all nod in agreement. “I do!” we tilt our heads in confusion. “Can you say that again darling?” Rarity asks while shaking her head. “I do have a fun coy,” Pinkie says as if the answer is obvious, “Oh, I have a fun coy and a ghost coy!” Then she takes out her microphone. “Next Round!” “But we already did everyone?” Lyra points out. “I know that silly billy! Now its winners against winners!” she tells Lyra smiley as ever. She turns to Cat, “Can you be the announcer?” “Yep! Round Six-” Pinkie whispers something in her ear and she nodes in agreement, “Winners vs Winners!” “What?” we all ask except Pinkie who is hopping over to the battlefield. “Everyone for themselves!” She says waving us off.When we’re all in our places Cat starts the countdown, “Three. Two. One. Go!” Chaos. That’s the only way to describe it. ‘Go!” was just a signal to start it. We’re all fighting to be victorious so, basically, we’re all fighting. The very first thing I do is put on that special body suit and get ready for a fight. A muffin hits my nose and I’m sure muffins aren’t hard enough to hurt that much. Derpy floats out of the battle in a bubble. She tries to put one around me but it just won’t happen. I swat her down like a fly and put my foot on her back signaling her lose and move onto another person. “Hey Applejack!” I hear Pinkie yell, I turn around to find her ghost form. Ghost coys are very rare and virtually unbeatable. Virtually, you can beat them by harming their body, when faced with a ghost coy you will try to beat it but you can’t. Any tactic you try will fail because its not actually them. So, the only way to beat Pinkie now would be to find her body. Basically, I turn and run! I run right into Gracy whos ready for a fight. She sends a gust of wind at me but it does nothing. I get up and grab her ankle and chuck her at Ghost Pinkie. “Now to get through this dust and find that body!” with dust filled air thanks to Gracy, who still needs to be defeated if Ghost Pinkie hadn't done it already, it was really hard to see. Soon, though, I go and trip on a very pale hand! “Hey Pinkie? I got your body!” I flip it over a place my foot on its back. Ghost Pinkie flickers to life in front of me. “If I can defeat Alli and Gracy, I can defeat you!” I smirk at her and her hands fade into hammers. “Oh but Pinkie, Ah have already won!” I grab her body as she starts running at me, catch Ghost Pinkie inside, and set her face first on the ground declaring myself victorious. A strong gust comes through clearing the grounds of dust and shows the winner. “Applejack wins! Now you have to defeat a special opponent before going to the final round! Places!” Pinkie clears off the battlegrounds smiling at a new source of entertainment! My knew opponent enters the field, Vinyl! “Three... Two.. One. GO!” I start to hear music trail into my ears and react before my body can uncontrollably dance. I hear Vinyls record player smash and something zip through the air. Without even thinking I grow a giant tree around me lifting myself into the air. Something zips through the tree tipping it over just under my feet. Shooting myself out the top like a cannonball I land to have Vinyl throw more extremely share records towards my face. With the nagging feeling in my gut that something is missing I start running towards Vinyl. Plants smash her records before they could make contact with my skin. “Give it up cowgirl! You may have a powerful plant coy but you can’t beat me! You may have a rare coy but you can’t beat me!” then a record table appears at my feet, expecting to hit it I flinch but I go right through it. “No I can’t beat you! But I sure as hell ain’t gonna let ya win!” my foot collides with her gut and she fly into the ground! She wobbles as she stands but she can manage. She flashes slightly but only for a moment. “Hey Applejack!” her voice comes from everywhere. I look behind me to find several Vinyls then to look back at ‘Vinyl’ to find several more. “What is this?” she’s smirk. “I’ve got to hand it to you cowgirl, two amazing coys! But you don’t know what mine are! I know what yours are though! You win this round and, if you make it, the next round I will tell you. Now your first test figure out which is the real me!” they all say grinning ear to ear. “Bring it!” My plants grab each of them by the ankle and lift them into the air. “I know a little something about multiplication coys!” “Oh, and what's that?” they ask. “Only the original you can use you coy! So go on Vinyl, cut yourself down!” I smirk, that nagging feeling is still there but I put it to the back of my mind for now. “Oh, so you do know about me!” Vinyl falls to the grounds and accepts defeat. I place my foot on her back then helps her up. We walk back to the group to see that they aren’t even watching. “What's goin’ on ‘ere?” I ask as we approach the circle. “You did this to her! Now fix her!” Aia says bursting from the circle and poking me in the chest, hard! I push through everyone to get to Pinkie laying in a heap on the ground in pain. “The naggin’” I mutter as if it were obvious. “Huh?” Alli asks. “The whole time Ah was fightin’ Vinyl Ah had this lil’ naggin’ feeling. That is the naggin’” I say pointing to Pinkie, “Ah wasn’t feelin’ no pain when she was hurtin’ mah plants!” “So you're saying that she is feeling the pain for your plants instead of you?” Rose clarifies. “Basically!” I think a little harder, “well?” “Well what?” Rose asks raising an eyebrow. “Yall tha expert on them coys! How did Ah give ‘er mah pain?” “I have no idea how you did it,” she says flatly. I look at Vinyl. “Fine! You outsmarted her! All you have to do is outsmart her and boom!” I glare at her, “now what?” “Ah need something easier to do. Now!” I yell. “Reach in and take it from her,” my jaw hits the grass. “Reach in where exactly?” Vinyl points to her chest right where her heart was. I grown at the spot but I go along with it anyway. I spread Pinkie out like how she is when shes in ghost form, take a deep breath, and reach. At first I just rested my hand on her frilly shirt. Hesitantly I overcame my nervousness and applied pressure. My hand went inside. I could see inside Pinkie Pie. I could see her bones and organs, her heart, and the two glowing pink balls that were her coy, each representing a different coy. Next to her coy balls was a tiny black ball, the pain! I grab it, wrapping my whole fist around it and I take it. Pulling my hand out the black rams into me and puts me into loads of pain, the pain Pinkie was feeling. “Applejack!” I hear her cry but all I can do is open my mouth wide hoping the screams that won’t come would. All I can do is jerk slightly and hold my chest. All I can do is hope that this pain doesn’t touch my heart or coy, all I can do is hope and hurt! ------------------------- Three weeks of walking suck! I’m in charge of food but using my coy so much just knocks it out of me. All I can make are apples too, we can not live off apples! Gracy collapsed yesterday and Cat the week before. Aia is in charge of water but will soon collapse herself. Vinyl’s have been in charge of carrying the sick, Gracy and Cat, but her numbers are starting to fall. We entered the night area last week and its noticeably colder with the lack of sunlight. We don’t know where we’re going because Cat was leading and never told us. She’s just to weak to walk can bearably tell us which way to go. I stumble but catch myself. Right now we’re walking through a forest, its dark, damp, and creepy. “There!” Pinkie calls out much to our ears dismay. Her finger is pointing to the first sign of light we have seen in weeks. She tosses me a cupcake and takes of running. When she goes into the light we all think shes dead, gone, walked into the light. She runs back though happier than we’ve seen her in days. Her hair is puffy, her smile is glowing, and shes hopping again. “We’re here!” “Come on everybody! Help a Vinyl, somebody keep AJ and Aia standing! Come on we’re almost there! Lyra Derpy how you two holding?” Rarity’s asks. “We’ll hold up!” they look to their cargo, “Rose won’t.” “We can make it! Applejack can you get Rose another apple?” A tree spouts and an apple falls. “Thanks,” she picks it up and brings it to Rose. Me and Aia lean against each other while wobbling towards the light. Six feet, five feet, four feet, three feet, two feet, blinded! The light is beautiful! We wobble over to the front gate and wait for the rest of the group. Rarity is helping one set of Vinyls while Pinkie the other. They come over and stand behind us then Derpy, Lyra, and Rose break through the light and join. The gates open and we walk in. “Welcome to the Bad Coy School!” Rarity mutters. “Yeah!” I say in response but I can’t hold up. My knees buckle, the world spins, and dirt tastes gross! My eyes flutter open to a white room. I let out a yawn and sit up. “Where am Ah?” “Welcome to the Bad Coy School!” comes a familiar voice. I turn to see a rainbow haired jock sitting near me. “Rainbow!” ------------------------ Dear Ms. Celestia, If you are reading this then we have already left. Pinkie, Rarity, and I are now on our way to the Bad Coy School. I hope you can send a letter to the principal there so she knows we’re coming. It’s a long and dangerous trek but we can make it. I promise you we will make it. We might end up practicing along the way but who knows. Anyway wish us luck because we sure as hell will need it. I hope that this year is as exciting as I plan for it to be. I also hope that you can and will help us in my future plans for this year. I hope we can make it because we are the only ones who know what is to come. Good luck this year Ms. Celestia. You’ll need it! Wish us luck, Applejack