//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Memoir of the Changeling Incursion by Quill Scrivener // by Adorned ungulate //------------------------------// My saddlebags felt uncharacteristically burdensome as I made my way to the palace. It was a beautiful summer afternoon, the kind where the spires of Canterlot shone like alabaster. Activity bustled all about the Capitol as ponies filled potholes, glaziers replaced windows, everypony was busy repairing damage from the changeling attack. They did it without complaint, without waiting for royal levies they toiled paying out of their own purses as a kind of wedding gift to the couple they now loved and trusted without reservation. Try as I might I could not keep a slight envy out of my heart. If only they knew the truth of this whole terrible affair. It was a beautiful day but I was too conflicted to enjoy the wonderful restored beauty and generosity around me. At the gates I encountered Brodie. A porter was pulling a cart loaded with his armor and luggage. "Well met, Scrivener. Glad I could see you before I go." "You aren't staying for the wedding, soldier?" I smiled, seeing his face broke my reverie. "Nah, crisis is over so I'm not right needed anymore." "You don't want to see Applejack again?" He huffed. "Pleasant enough gal but she kept mentioning how I reminded her of 'er brother, how big and strong he was, once pulled a whole house behind him. I could take the hint that her virtue was well protected. Tried for a helping of Apple Fritter later on and got just as far. Nah, I think it's all in hand and I'll be getting back to Trottingham." "I hope to come see you soon, meet up with your uncle to share war stories." "I'd like that very much, m'am. See you soon, then and good luck." He gave me a good-natured sock in the shoulder and a nearly imperceptible grin. I watched him leave the palace grounds before reporting in. There she was once more upon her throne regal and restored, her eyes nearly closed as handmaidens and courtiers, servants of every kind buzzed around the room. Any other day it would have been a reassuring sight but not after the coming of Queen Chrysalis. I could see her clearly now, a master politician at the center of a great many strings, idly controlling our lives. "Greetings, Quill," Celestia's voice carried majestically across the vast room. "What do you have to report?" "The geological survey of the crystal mines has been completed. The bridesmaids Twilight Sparkle mentioned were located and are in the infirmary. The royal engineers have sealed up all entrances..." She raised an eyebrow. "... And barred them with iron... And poured concrete over that. There won't be anymore surprises." "Very good; thank you, Quill." I scuffed my hoof on the carpeting and did not leave her presence. "Do you have something you would like to discuss?" A Scrivener serves but never pleads. I could not beg for answers to questions that burned in my brain but I could not bring myself to leave either. "Very well. Leave us, please. I wish to speak with the Master of the Scriptorium alone, please." There was unhurried scurrying as the assembled courtiers and guards left the throne room. "I feel I owe you some truth after necessity had me leave you in the dark for so long but your dedication proved exemplary as always. What do you want to ask?" I grit my teeth and tried to come to a staring off point. "Did Queen Chrysalis really overpower you, or was that an act?" "I thought I did brilliantly." She lunged backward, front legs flailing, wings wheeling, her eyes rolling back in her head and collapsed backward. Then, smiling, rose once more and walked down to my spot. "Over the centuries I've studied under the best playwrights, to all the better blend in when I wish to disguise myself and walk amongst my little ponies incognito. But I haven't had an opportunity for a good juicy death scene in quite some time." I boggled. "So she didn't overpower you?" "My dear old soldier, I set the Sun in the sky! Chrysalis was indeed bloated with stolen power but do you really think she could stand a chance with me?" "So why didn't you crush her?" "Blast her with all the power of the Sun?" I nodded, eager to have this addressed at last. She gave me a wry look. "And roast everypony in the room to cinders? Don't delude yourself, she was powerful at that moment and that's what it would have taken." "But why did you take no action, then?" "Because there was another pony not two dozen hooves away who held a far more elegant solution. If Twilight could not get to the Elements of Harmony I knew Cadence could set things right. Never play an ace when a deuce will do, my scribe." "How did Princess Mi Amore manage that, anyhow. Was it really the power of her love giving her groom the strength for his spell?" The princess looked thoughtful. "In a way. Chrysalis had sort of mystically stepped between them, harvesting their love for each other to make herself more powerful, feeding on it. What she had not counted on was my nieces' unique magical talent for mending relationships, harnessing the power of true love in right and good ways. When she was freed and used that talent all of that potential energy had to go somewhere. It went into the shield. Princess Cadence channeled back what was stolen from them so I guess she was right, from a certain point of view." "And you were gambling on that happening?" I wanted to regain my loyalty and unquestioning trust but too much had been revealed during this affair. Celestia sat down beside me, we were closer to eye level. Her voice took on that familiar maternal tone. "Dear Quill, remember when my sister returned and I gave you that important mission so my reign could go on in case she struck me down? Luna, as Nightmare Moon was actually conceivably capable of that. Do you remember the three things I told you?" "Yes," I looked down, suddenly ashamed. "You said there were tasks you could not accomplish through might alone, things you could not fix yourself." "Things I should not fix, as others such as Twilight and Cadence are more appropriate. So I sent her to Ponyville alone, so I allowed the Element Bearers to go into the gardens to play Discords' demented little game. Now what was the second thing?" "That you wouldn't be ruling alone forever." "That's right. My little ponies have relied on me for generations but you now have three princesses in Equestria," she raised her head so her next words rebounded off the ceiling and walls "Are you not protected?" "So you planned on Twilight and Mi Amore coming to your rescue?" "One way or another..." "When did you know the princess was an imposter?" She grinned. "That tinpot queen wasn't as good an actor as I." "Why let her into Canterlot at all, then?!" "Ever the dedicated Signal Corps courier. Direct and to the point. Don't take this the wrong way but you would make a lousy general. As much as I hated putting lives in danger it is sometimes necessary to let the enemy into your city walls before you can effectively outflank them." "Why didn't you stop her from imprisoning Princess Cadence that first day, the attack in the scriptorium?" She looked downcast. "Because I didn't know what I was dealing with right away. I suspected an enemy who could disguise themselves as any pony but it was only through the clues you gave us that Princess Luna was able to guess changelings. Thanks for that, by the way. Luna has always had... more of a hobby in lore of the darker aspects of our lands. If she hadn't known of the changelings we would have been flat-hoofed. By the time we came to that answer it was too late for you to send off a warning. They operate as a hive so that spy went directly to tell another of Cadence's whereabouts, then another and so forth until their queen knew. A warning would have risked turning a kidnapping into a bloody battle." "You allowed your niece to be captured?" My princess sighed. "I was hoping to find her imprisoned on the train but likely they already had her in the gemstone mines. It pained me but I at least knew Chrysalis would keep her alive and well as to get the most out of the bond between the two lovers. Besides, her unique triple-aspect alicorn nature is hard to duplicate. Twilight was my best hope for finding her and as usual she did not let me down." "It still," I had to force the words out now that I was here in her regal presence. "It still seems like too much of a risk, and it made... It made you look WEAK!" "So you would rather have our many enemies know the exact extent of my powers rather than tragically underestimate me?" "Uh..." "I was indeed putting on an act. Not just for 'Queen' Chrysalis but to teach a lesson to my niece and trusted student, to everypony in that room. You don't need me anymore to be your soul savior. Three times now Equestria has been saved and I have had no part in it! Last summer you were terrified at the prospect of another princess ruling in my place. After all that has happened can you imagine it now?" I didn't have a clear answer for her just yet so I stayed quiet. "Now, what was that third thing I told you that morning?" I looked to my hooves, or would have if my eyelids weren't trying to hold back ashamed tears. "That you loved me, that you loved all of us." "And I still do. I asked for your faith and I still need it, but have faith in yourselves as well as me. Have faith in Twilight. Have faith in Cadence. If you need a change from your duties here I could always assign a detail to Princess Luna. She's hounding the enemy to our boarders as we speak. I hear she is having a grand time on the warpath as well." I shuddered, remembering how well she took to her armor and weapons. "No need, your majesty. I-I will serve you well." "You've done your duty well, I'd say. Why don't you take the afternoon off and go mate with your husband?" "Your majesty!" I reeled. Celestia's eyes twinkled. "Forgive me a little mirth, Scrivener. Nightmare Moon was personal and painful to me. Discord was just infuriating. But this, despite the danger, was a rather fine gambit. It all worked out for the best." I saluted, a throwback to my military days was the best I could manage. "Your majesty, I request use of my vacation hours as soon as appropriate." A few weeks in Trottingham seemed like paradise right now. She raised her brows. "Going for a stamina record, are you sure that's wise at your age?" "Ooh!!" I stamped a hoof and made my way to the doors. "Permission granted, but not for a few more days. After all, we have another wedding to prepare for!" My princesses' laughter could be heard when I was far beyond the throne room but I tuned it out of my mind. My thoughts were not of the love of my liege but of the love amongst my family and I longed to make up for lost time.