An Unexpected Party

by Gallifrey

Midnight Tea Party

An Unexpected Party

by Gallifrey

Chapter Seven

Midnight Tea Party

Twilight Sparkle was pacing about her room. As she passed the windows, the light from the waning half Moon outside danced across her face; she had been waiting for Princess Luna for hours.

“Where can she be?” said Twilight worriedly to nopony in particular.

“Ah don’t know sugar cube, but she ain’t here - that’s fer sure.”

“AJ! Where did you come from?”

“Ah thought I’d come visit ya Twi’.”

“So did I,” said a soft voice from Twilight’s window.

Twilight jumped.

“I’m sorry,” said Fluttershy through the glass, “did I startle you?”

What’s going on? Thought Twilight, My friends never visit me at this hour, not without good reason anyway.

Twilight closed her eyes for a second and when she opened them, she wasn’t in her bedroom anymore. She wasn’t even in Ponyville: she was in Canterlot, at the Grand Galloping Gala, standing next to Princess Celestia, who was looking straight ahead, not acknowledging that a purple unicorn had just suddenly appeared at her side. Twilight was completely dumbfounded.

“Er, Princess?”

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle?” said the Princess, not looking at her.

“What’s-- what’s going on?”

“Whatever do you mean Twilight?”

“I was just at home, and now I’m here.”

“Why, you know that isn’t possible Twilight, teleportation over such distances is beyond your abilities,” she said bluntly.

Twilight was greatly stung at the harshness of the Princess’ statement.

“Perhaps you should get some rest, Twilight,” said Celestia, still not looking at her.

Twilight was hurt and confused as to why her tutor, the mentor whom she idolised so much, was acting so coldly towards her.


No response.

Twilight nuzzled her lovingly - nothing. Tears began to well up in her eyes: this wasn’t the Princess, it couldn’t be. She looked to her left and then to her right, feeling increasingly panicky. As she looked left again, somepony was there who wasn’t before.


“Princess!” called Twilight, “What’s going on?”

“Wake up Twilight,” said Luna.


“Wake up.”

“I am awake.”

“Twilight, wake up.”

Twilight opened her eyes. She was lying on her balcony, with her head pressed into a book, and Luna nuzzling her.

“Wake up.”


“You fell asleep Twilight,” said Luna.

Twilight looked up at Luna and saw the half Moon behind her.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“It is eleven o’clock in the evening."

“Oh goodness!”

“Spike!” called Luna, “Is it ready yet?”

“Yup, I’m bringing it out now.”

Spike walked backwards through the doors to the balcony, carrying a tea set with him.

“We assume you would enjoy some tea?”

“Oh yes, thank you Luna.”

The alicorn levitated the teapot and poured out two cups of tea. Twilight added a lump of sugar and milk to hers, whereas Luna was content with just tea. The purple mare looked at her, wondering what she was thinking about. She knew it was pointless to even guess, Luna was so incredibly elusive like that. Eventually, she turned her head towards Twilight and she smiled.

“How are the preparations coming along?” she asked.

Twilight set down her teacup.

“They are going very well so far: Applejack has the drinks ready, Pinkie has many cakes and snacks, Fluttershy is gaining confidence in being friendly with the animals this time, and Rarity has been very stressed recently, making a dress for Princess Celestia.” Twilight deliberately neglected to mention that Rarity was making Luna a dress too. “Rainbow tells me she has a plan, and I am making sure everything runs smoothly.”

“It all sounds very good and well organised Twilight, I knew you’d be able to do it,” said Luna happily.

“You said in your letter that you promised that the sunrise next week will be worth it,” said Twilight, “forgive me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you have quite a surprise lined up for Princess Celestia.”

Luna grinned mischievously.

“Your vigilance never ceases to amaze me Twilight,” said Luna, “though the nature of my surprise we shall not disclose.”

Twilight wondered what the Princess had in mind but reminded herself again that reading Luna’s mind was like reading a brick wall.

“We are certain you will all enjoy it a lot,” Luna continued, “though forgive me, I have not asked: how are you?”

“I’m alright; I’ve been busy recently with my studies and organising, so I haven’t been able to spend as much time with my friends as I’d have liked, but apart from that, everything’s great. Um, how are you and your sister?”

“Celestia is as well as ever, though she has been working herself too hard recently in my opinion - and we have been ever so bored recently. Barely anypony attends Night Court anymore, so I have had to entertain myself; influencing dreams is a particular favourite of mine,” she grinned slyly.

“How do you do that?” asked Twilight curiously.

“With the dreams? We have a unique connection to the dream world, and as such anypony who enters it, we can enter their dreams, view them, and even control them if we wish.”

“That’s fascinating,” said Twilight, “I’ve never heard of such abilities - there are no books at all on the subject.”

“That’s because I alone have the ability, and being imprisoned on the Moon didn’t make me an easy subject to study,” she said with bitter undertones.

“Sorry,” Twilight murmured.

Luna looked at Twilight, and her face softened.

“Oh Twilight, it is not your fault. The blame rests with me and me alone.” She gazed at the Moon, Twilight saw it reflected in her large eyes. Luna sighed.

“I never really expressed my gratitude to you Twilight. We owe you our freedom from the Nightmare, without you, I would be in darkness eternal.”

Twilight shifted where she sat, blushing slightly from the praise Luna was giving her; she was only really accustomed to being commended by Celestia.

“It wasn’t just me though, my friends all helped too.”

“But you were the only pony who knew of my return were you not?”

“Well, I guess I wa--”

Twilight was cut short: Luna had pulled her into a hug. For the Princess of the Night, she was a lot warmer than Twilight expected. Twilight hugged her back, as she inhaled, she smelled stardragon again.

“Thank you, Twilight Sparkle,” whispered Luna, "thank you so much."