//------------------------------// // Yet Offer Many Comforting Hues // Story: Unforeseeable Crumble and Finding Hardship's Double // by sweeT2010Tooth //------------------------------// Ditzy continued to stare at my family's photo I had handed to her. I let her know that I needed to drop off my collected outgoing mail at the post office with a means of quickly coming back. She didn't say anything but rather continued to look at each smiling face in that photo. I took this opportunity to get the mail off my back and entered the post office. The post master had been standing at the window watching the whole ordeal. When he saw me come in, he opened his mouth to speak but I held a hoof out in front of me to request silence. I quickly dropped off the mail in the back room to be sorted and hurried outside so Ditzy would not be alone in the street's dirt. "You all look so happy, mister," she said noticing my return but still looking at the photo. "Yes, we were a happy family," I replied. She sniffled a few times with accompanying hiccups trying to compose herself before speaking again. "...What happened?" she finally said after stopping the hiccups. "I'm still trying to figure that one out, Ditzy. Sometimes these things happen and we must find strength in dealing with it." "Easy for you to say, mister," she said glumly with a most depressing frown forming on her lips. "Hard to do, I know. What about your daughter? Did you not see how sad she was about this happening?" "Of course I did! I know my daughter better than anypony! She's probably crying right now!" "She's with her father. Doesn't that count for something? He'll take care of her as he doesn't seem like a bad father. Unless I'm missing something. Do you still love and trust him to care for your daughter?" "Yes...he'll most surely take good care of her." "And you'll get to see her in due time, right?" "In two weeks, yeah." "Would it be right for a yearling to return and see her mother emotionally distraught? How do you think that would make her feel?" "She'd probably cry again because mommy's crying." I grabbed Ditzy from the front lifting her to her feet. Lacking inner strength at the moment, she certainly didn't want to be standing. I had to use much of my strength in getting her to stand on her own four hooves. "The...first thing I learned...when my son was taken from me," I said while forcing her up, "was that...a yearling needs...both of their parents to...stand...strong. There we go! You're kind of heavy!" Ditzy, now standing on her own four hooves, shot me an angry look as I quickly realized that the last few words were offending. "...Sorry, I didn't mean heavy like-" "-Like what?" she said glaring at me. "Like a heavyset muffin," I said speaking before thinking displaying a curt smile. I couldn't tell if she was getting angrier for she continued staring at me with a hardened look. It took a few moments but the stare broke with a few giggles escaping her lips. Soon she was laughing out loud to my relief. It is never wise to insult a mare's weight. When the laughter died down, I continued talking with her. "Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you, Ditzy?" "Yes, mister. Thank you! I'll be a stronger pony for my little filly." "There is something else I'd like to show you if you'd grant me the honor of escorting you home, my fair muffin mare," I said trying to lighten the mood as much as possible. "Sure, mister," she said smiling with that all-too-familiar bright smile. "My house isn't too far from here." [/hr] On the way to her house, I striked up a conversation with a means to an end. "Hey, Ditzy. Can I ask you something?" "Yes, as long as it isn't about my weight!" "No, not your weight. My question is directed at your cutie mark. Why is your cutie mark, bubbles?" "Gee, I've never known why. Many ponies ask the same question and I don't have an answer. I got it when I was still a young filly playing with my toys. It came at the time when I first laid eyes on another crying filly. After cheering up this other saddened filly, my cutie mark appeared. I asked the postmaster about it but what he said was a bit silly." "What did he say about it?" I asked with curiosity. "That it meant I had a 'Bubbly' personality." We both laughed to ourselves at the corniness of that observation. "Well, today's your lucky day, Ditzy. I'm going to tell you exactly what you're cutie mark means. I've been around you long enough to understand a little something about it. Of course, only if you're willing to hear me out." "Yes, I'd love that very much, mister! Can you please call me Derpy, though. The name, Ditzy, feels a bit strange." "...I understand. I'll try but no guarantees as I still only know that word as an insult. I know it is who you are and doesn't define you, but it will take some time to get used that name. To be fair, you don't call me by my name, either." Ditzy blushed in embarrassment but I knew that she really took a liking to calling me 'mister'. [/hr] We arrived at Ditzy's Derpy's house and she seemed in higher spirits after what had occurred. Checking my side bag, I made sure the product was still in there. I didn't take it out just yet as I wanted a proper explanation to be said beforehand. "So, what does my cutie mark mean, mister?" "Well, most things in this life are about perspective and balance. There are many varying opinions and views that could clog all of Equestria, itself. It is a lot to take in if one were to try their hoof at it. However, for some ponies these opinions and views are forcibly given - without cause, without reason. Think of this forcible exchange as one wholly containing all kinds of discrimination. It would take a strong pony to endure all that. I'm talking about you, Derpy. Many ponies refer to you by slanderous and defaming words. On top of that, you were given an insult as a name by the one who loved you most. But your perception is that you're okay with that. You're okay with taking the infliction brought on by others. Why do you think it happens this way?" Derpy thought about it for a moment. "Maybe because I have been hurt so much, I don't want to see another pony feel the same pain." "Especially you daughter?" She nodded enthusiastically. "That's the balance; not wanting to inflict the same pain brought onto you but rather helping where possible. Derpy, what I have in my side bag is a simple product that little colts and fillies play with as a hobby. In the use of such a simple object, these young yearlings can see something that most mares and stallions cannot. My hunch is that if I use this product in front of you, you'll be able to see something not seen by others." I reached into my side bag to take out the product. Derpy recognized it immediately as a bubble blowing toy. "I used to play with one these when I was younger, mister. But I don't see what this has to do with my cutie mark." "Well," I began, "there is a little known phenomenon relating to various objects and surfaces called, Iridescence. Particularly seen with soap bubbles there are changes in hue that occur depending on the angle with which these bubbles are viewed." "That one funny pony with his blue box who spoke about many things told me about that word. He left but that is one of the things I remember most," she interrupted with a passing thought. "I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully, he'll come back in due time. You can send him letters as I hope you do with your little filly." "I would...but mail wouldn't reach him. But 'time' is on his side." I stopped to think about what she said because, unless this pony was outside the lands of Equestria, mail would surely reach him. I brushed off the thought as Derpy still needed to know an important fact about herself. "Well, that pony is entirely right. The importance of this phenomenon is the change in hue depending on how the bubble is viewed. Understand that the vivid detail of color viewed by one's sight decreases as they grow older. This is why bubbles are more enjoyable by a young yearling rather than a grown pony. Derpy, you're older than a young yearling and have one lazy eye. However, I'm absolutely positive that you'll be able to still see those colors. In fact, you'll be able to see something not perceived by any other pony. Watch each bubble closely and remember what I tell you." I unscrewed and took off the cap from the toy letting it fall to the ground. Derpy watched as I dipped the blowing wand into the soapy liquid, raising it to my lips, and blowing with enough force to produce a flurry of bubbles floating in the air. As expected, Derpy's eyes widened as she witnessed every change in color paying careful attention to one single bubble before switching to the next. A glimmer appeared in those eyes that told a tale of unparalleled interest, amusement, and understanding. By the time the third bubble passed by her enlarged eyes, slight traces of a hinted smile formed on those lips. Her expression displayed an immense level of understanding in the sight before her that not even I would be able to perceive with my own eyes. "What you see before you Ditzy Derpy is more than changes in color. You are able to witness the change occurring within the bubble. Take into account that all ponies live in our own bubbles. We have events and changes occurring every second of everyday whose results are expressed like those changes in color. There is also the unexpected inevitability of having that bubble pop once it hits the ground. This means a major development came about that brought one outside the limited view of that bubble. Your kindness and positivity, Derpy, affects the pony existing in that bubble more so when it is popped and they see you in full view. You can perceive their troubles trying to offer any recourse to regain happiness, comfort, and confidence. Undoubtedly, on all ponies your positivity has a lasting impression. Also, in being a constant scapegoat, you interact with each pony in their bubble providing an outlet for some that releases pent up frustration, despair, or loneliness. This outlet - provided at your expense - enables a change in their color to happier hues. That ability to perceive and help others in their own solitary bubble is what your cutie mark means. However, you cannot be the scapegoat forever, Derpy. Right now you're experiencing trouble like we all find ourselves in one day. Believe it or not, those you are seeing inside the bubbles are ready and willing to offer support. They know what it is like to be trapped, hurt, and alone. Do you see this one?" Derpy followed the end of my hoof and focused on the single bubble held in place with eyes full of childhood wonder. "This particular bubble is wanting to say something to the one now in urgent need of help. It is saying, Nopony should have to feel alone. Nopony should have to carry the weight of life's hardships solely on their own shoulders. We're always here for you, Derpy. Do not cry. Let us lend the strength for your continued happiness with a blessed little unicorn filly named, Dinky. For that little filly beholds just as much beauty and strength as her mother. Hold these words close to your heart: Know you're not alone. Know that we'll always be here for you." I raised my hoof to point to myself. "And know that I'll always be here for you." Her wondrous gaze carved a path to my eyes and, before I could react, she leapt forward to give me a very tight hug. "Thank you so very much!" Returning the hug, I felt a few tears coming to my eyes. "No more need to be alone. We'll both be here for each other. Despite what happens in our lives - in our own bubble - or who we are, nopony deserves to face hardship abandoned and alone."