Libera Mé


30 Epilogue


Morning came to Equestria once more, her highness Princess Celestia was ready to raise the sun on what she hope would be a special day. Now at the base of the grand stairs in the dim nighttime hall, she stretched out and cantered to the creature; scruffily dressed and looking as weary as he did yesterday. The coldness of the morning sank in and she increased her trot to rest by him, enjoying the warmth these creatures expelled. He stared quietly at a doorway with a purple drape blocking the view, a do not disturb sign warding off intrusion.
“Morning Princess, looks like you are well rested.”
“A little cold my friend. You are alright?”
His arm reached around to share a little more of what he could. He was welcoming her warmth as well. “More or less. Still a kink remains unfortunately. Your attendants have done a good job of preparing the crowd.”
“They wanted their friend to get the best possible leap. Is she ready?”
“Is she ready...” he repeated.
His questioning brought the danger of a postponing, Celestia had seen the practice runs, Her guard Alae was ready and he needed to know that. “I’m sure she is by now. Where’s our Rarity?”
“Getting her ready, explains the delay doesn’t it...”
“It does,” she chuckled, the drape now clarified. “How are you?”
“Been a week now, hardest part was persuading that guard to let me work on her. Your intervention was appreciated. It is good though, never could do this back home.”
“No magic like this there. Thank you again, it has been wonderful to have your trust and faith. Especially now.”
“How is my friend Crystal?”
“She is out, will be back in time.”
“You’re sure she is your sister?”
“In one way and another. Such a funny existence we all lead... How’s Luna?”
“She will be tired but nopony wants to see this as much as her. To fly without wings, but with wings.”
“You two friends again?”
“After the incident with Chrysalis we were able to put our argument aside. I apologise once more...”
“That makes the thirty first time this week, I am sorry too.”
“Thirty one again,” she chuckled, deeply inhaling to feel the early morning air. Celestia reflected on what a busy week it had been. The creature had tirelessly laboured to construct a mythical creation. Powered flight was not new to Equestria, but his version certainly was. It had been difficult to carry on her duties knowing what he was building. She would have rather watched the creation take shape.
The wings he had made were remarkable; created from lightweight metals he created, they looked the part of ordinary wings. Aside the glinting frame and wires the design was every part what the creature had promised.
Celestia looked now to the frame around his arm and leg, supports he had built to aid the healing of bone. They had given him strength to finish this project, many a night had she arrived in the shop to see the progress. Many a night had it been reported he did not sleep.
“They are still healing, but fine. No need to worry.” Celestia looked up with a half hearted smile. He had put on a brave face, but she knew he was still in pain. Ponies medication, magic, remedies, only Zecora’s brews could fix him. When asked she claimed her instinct guided her, with a zebra like her, it was more than believable. “Princess?”
“I apologise...lost in thought.”
“Thirty two.”
She laughed at his jape, “Indeed.” There was still time to wait. Fortunately with the creature, there was more than enough to talk about.
“How goes your time with Rarity?”
“Wonderful thank you. She has been very patient with me this trying week.”
“She is a generous one indeed, to share you in this manner.”
“That’s a good one!” the creature laughed, “Oh she is wonderful. Thank you for letting me continue our time.”
“It is her choice my friend, not ours. I know she is in good...claws?”
“Are they not called that?”
“No no...they are.”
Still Celestia felt guilty for not learning much about the creature, not that he made it easy. He refused to talk about anything regarding his old home, save a little on his family. The news of his sisters passing so soon before his adventure brought that guilt further down on her. There was always that horrible question to embody her regret, What if...
The creature made it very comfortable for Celestia to forgive herself. He was strangely wise for his age, a remarkable insight that came only from depth of thought. She enjoyed talking with him greatly, looking forward now to more conversations when he was unburdened by this contraption.
“Rarity is very patient Princess, I look forward to what our future may hold.”
“Everything?” She was referring to the other night, when they had talked about his family.
“I miss them of course, to contact them in any way would be a relief.”
“We are trying...I promise we will find a way. Chrysalis left a few paths we can retrace. In time we will understand what magic brought you here.”
“I know, it’s good to hear it though.”
“I shall repeat it anytime you need. You wish to stay then?”
“I made that clear already.”
“It is a big choice, I want you to be certain of it.”
“I am. Thank you for checking. Before I forget, that bed is very comfy.”
“We use only the best for visiting dignitaries. It is better than stone and leaves certainly, I'm sorry you did not have a chance to appreciate it more.”
The creature shrugged, “Been busy. Dignitary?”
“Well you are visiting here, in time surely there can be more.” She noticed how uneasy he was with her notion, choosing to divert from the topic and prevent him worrying further. “Will you need anything else?”
“I don’t think so... How’s Twilight?”
“She should be awake soon. Your talk yesterday was sound reasoning to allow herself rest.”
The creature burst out laughing, as startled as she was it was easy to join in, “I wish I could have seen her face when...when she got her answer!”
“You! You knew it all the time and just let her panic! Oh you are an evil one!”
“And you?! Saying nothing the whole time! You’re as bad as me.” They calmed after some moments, Celestia wiping her tears using a tissue he provided.
“Not immortal after all, good and bad news.”
“We never said she wasn’t, she may choose in time..but you knew it already...didn’t you?”
“Of course! It’s me after all Princess. Nothing escapes these ears.”
“Your interpretation of immortality and fleeting life though, it was beautiful.” She felt the welling of her eyes a moment, a dab from the tissue again, “It is the most beautiful thing I have heard in a long time. I wish you were around when I had to come to peace with it.”
“Who do you think my explanation was for?”
“I don’t...”
The creature chuckled, “You know Princess, you could be very happy with her.”
Celestia felt her treacherous cheeks begin to warm, “Twilight?”
“Oh come now, I have spent a lot of time with her this week. There are many cute stories about what you two do. It made sense why you were that angry of course...”
“You are mistaken, Twilight is not-”
“Celestia...we know this is not about Twilight. Far be it from me to tell an immortal this, but you should take every moment you can. After all, some monster might just drop in and end it all.”
“Well, next time I wont be so patient with him, or her.”
“So it goes, at least now theres a monster waiting for them.”
“Thank you, I will think about it. I am sorry about that, you are no monster. Perhaps we can talk more this evening over a light drink?”
“Thirty three. If this works today. If...” the creature siged and looked away to the new window in the hall, “The addition is lovely. Thank you for the honour again. I'm sorry but I still don't deserve it.”
“Thirty two. You all deserved to be mentioned. For all its worth, we learned that friendship can transpose boundaries and bring new allies to us. More so, we learned from you that true friendship cannot find limits, especially if we love our friends as much as you did yours.”
“Not just Rarity, your purity of strength and determination came from how much you cared for all of them. You had us worried there...” The creature blushed, shyly looking away with her words. She playfully nudged him, “You absolute teddy.”
“Well, you deserve praise for being wise enough to see that. After all I did, you could still forgive me.”
“Any recurrences?”
“None, I believe it is gone.”
“Now we know your weaknesses, next time won't be so lucky for you.”
“Probably not.”
They stood in silence, watching the stars glint over the stained glass canvas of a memorial. Such a tribute had been a joy to create for Celestia. The day would probably see yet another achievement carry down the history of her Kingdom. It was comfortable to wait, an hour was left before the sun would rise. This was enough time.
“Princess and Teddy!” Rarities voice caught their attention. She stood proudly, as tired as the creature, before the room she had commandeered to create a worthy uniform for the new generation of flyers. “I am proud to introduce Wing Commander Alae!” A flick of magic pulled the purple drape open to reveal the white pegasus; her glinting wings and golden armour beautifully complimented by the new suit. The white black pattern hid the armatures and braces very well, neatly streamlining the pony to show off all contours and shapes.
“It is magnificent Rarity.”
“Why thank you Princess.”
“Indeed, she looks every part the flyer you envisioned.”
“We envisioned dear.”
Celestia slowly cantered to her guard, “How are we feeling?”
“Fine thank you Princess!”
With a gentle steal of Rarity’s glasses, the creature began patting her down to pull at any loose components and straighten the helm’s lines. “Need a test first. Please step back everypony.” They cleared space, Rarity standing by Celestia and sharing a giggle at the creatures attention to detail. This would probably be the hundredth check of his systems before they started.
“The fit is fine! Relax Sir Teddy.”
He stepped back, returning the glasses to Rarity’s mane. “One more thing...” The creature placed his legs together, arms at the side and raised his closed claw over his heart, “Good Luck!”
The Pegasus concentrated and she saw the wing extend to mirror the same gesture. The lines on the and back glowed a pale violet as the magic travelled down them.“Sir!” Princess Celestia could not help herself be in awe at the structure. It was perfect in its representation of pony and creature coming together for the greater good. Princess Twilight’s magic, Rarity’s styling, pony ingenuity, Sir Teddy’s vision and skill. All came to build something that would change the face of her kingdom, and as Sir Teddy said; it was but the beginning of his apology. The two ended their salute to face the doors leading into the guards’ training field. Their debut was to take place on the landing strip that poured out over a steep drop into the Equestrian sky.
Celestia cleared her throat, “Shall we then venture to your awaiting public Alae?”
“Princess!” she tapped her hooves together to stand at attention.
“Ready everypony?” Rarity nodded to take a place behind them, the creature at her side. She fumbled to adjust his outfit, still uncomfortable to use her magic on him.
Alae joined Princess Celestia, a deep breath to ready herself. The doors slowly swung open to a cheering crowd numbering in the hundreds, a select few who provided the most support to Alae in her need. The remaining thousands to her plight waited in the streets of Canterlot for her to fly over. All friends and family enthusiastically waved at the group, those that funded the project, those that provided a simple warm hug, any and all were welcomed today. The creature and Rarity broke off to head for their place on the side.
The creature had handled all questions in the past week, all the ponies wanted to ask had been answered, to their knowledge. Rarity chuckled thinking about the enthusiasm he had managed to spread about this day. As he had planned, Alae was the centre of attention. This left them to peacefully watch and enjoy together.
It was still dark, Princess Luna slipping in discretely to join the creature as he sat by his friends. Zecora, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and a rested Princess Twilight all exchanged greetings, some with more than a single playful joke. They were all seated on the sidelines, not as spectators but as those who made today possible.
Luna quietly nudged the creature to startle him, he never could notice her approach. He respectfully stood to offer a simple bow.
She nodded to him, “Monster.”
“Pest,” he teased with a grin.
She glanced over the gathered friends, then to the pony straddled with the odd contraption she had heard so much about. The wings appeared deformed, but they were apparently a viable creation. “Your machine appears...well.”
“Thank you Princess.”
“May I borrow you a moment?”
The creature looked to Rarity expectantly, “I’m not your handler Teddy, do as you please. Be back before the launch though.”
“Will do.” He followed Luna to a quiet patch close to the courtyard entrance.
“It is rare to find you idle enough to properly speak with, this shall not take long. I understand you have decided to stay.”
“Not much of a choice.”
“We shall find a solution to contact your family. There is time.”
“Some of it, one day in the future right?”
“Of course. Have you considered my offer?”
“A little. This has taken my time to be honest,” he gestured to the pony taking a few glamour shots with the press. “I still must discuss it with Rarity.”
“Well, take your time. There are hopefully no other monsters on the way,” she grinned to tease him.
“Hopefully,” he chuckled halfheartedly.
“Still, I was due to visit the Arabian Kingdom soon. Perhaps we could use it as a trial run?” Her eyes inspected his body, “You appear healed after all.”
The creature leaned in to whisper, “Can Rarity come? That would be an amazing gift.”
“Why not bring them all? Want her to yourself?”
“Yes but...if they all can go, why not?”
“A wise decision, she will be happier.”
He straightened himself with a smile, “I know. If it is a trial though, not sure it is wise to bring a monster along for diplomatic relations...”
“You will be a personal guard and a very close friend. They will like you I think, be nice to them. No growling,” she quickly added. He stubbornly grunted. “Or that.”
Her conditional limitations made the creature laugh, “A trial would be a good idea then.”
“Excellent Sir Teddy, I cannot wait to see their reactions to my monster.”
“Neither can I.” A horn sounded off to signal the clearing of the news ponies. “Well, here’s hoping we see a new chapter today.” The creature extended its arm and Luna took it as she had learned. Her hoof rested halfway up the forearm, his claw halfway up her foreleg.
“Good luck my friend.”
“Thank you...for everything Luna.”
“Twas my pleasure.”
A large wolfs head broke their gesture to lick Luna’s face and the creatures, The glinting crystal body was nearly transparent in the dim twilight.
“Crystal!! I am so sorry Princess Luna! Please-”
“Please be calm! Thou hast nothing to fear.” Luna brought her muzzle close to the wolfs as it sniffed her, the tail stump wagging enthusiastically, “I like you too, such a beautiful girl you are. Who’s a sweetheart?” Luna reached up to scratch the wolfs solid head, her hooves artfully gliding over the creases of the crystal. She pecked the snout to have Crystal sneeze.
“Careful,” the creature chuckled, “She’ll follow you around all day.”
“I would like that, wouldst thou stage a coup against thine friend. Deign thee to betray him for another?” The wolf whimpered to look up to the creature, the saddest eyes her only weapon. Luna took no guilt on flashing her own to him.
“Alright...traitor. Have fun, but be nice and mind yourself. That's a real Princess there.” The wagging resumed to Luna’s delight, she would enjoy spending time with this strange being.
They returned and she took her place to watch the show, the large wolf sitting very close. She savoured the twilight, her sister now stepping out to the launch. The pony Alae with Celestia appeared nervous, beckoning the creature to her side. He nervously ran over to check each element of the machine under the lights on the field.
“Everything alright?”
“Look, I know you did this, but you came back to fix it. I never said thanks.”
“There is no need to, all I ask is you make sure to land safely.”
“Still...thank you Sir Teddy of Equestira. No matter what happens, thank you.”
The creature smiled to accept her enthusiastic hug, much conversation and flashes of photography rippling over the crowd at this exchange. The two broke, the creature yet again nervously inspecting the helmets fit.
“I’m ready to taste the sky again.”
“Good. Don’t forget-”
“Checked the rear flaps.”
“Have you-”
“Cables are all secure.”
“And the-”
“Backup chute and grappling line all ready.” She smirked at his indignation.
He mirrored hers cheeky grin, “Alright then Miss air head. Be careful, these can go pretty high. You must not let yourself-”
“Be distracted. Will you stop worrying!”
“I have to. Be safe please.”
“One more thing...” she quickly kissed the creatures cheek, “For luck.”
The creature raised a closed claw on bended elbow to point the knuckles to her, she raised the sole of her hoof to press to it. “Spread those wings...”
“And take to the sky.”
The creature stepped back, another quick look over her. The cameras were all ready, a few shots and flashes already disturbing her vision. Princess Celestia stepped to the centre of the strip, all fell silent as her wings extended and flattened. The two guards, Bulwark and Tiny, stood at either side of Alae. Smiling to her friends offered the nervous pilot a moment of reflection, it had been quite an adventure to get here. Princess Celestia looked back with a smile, Alae nodded and lowered her head, ready.
Celestia did the same to launch to a gentle canter, Alae took the biggest breath she had in her life. With a light kick she galloped after the Princess, her hooves finding more difficulty to keep their grip as she lifted. Princess Celestia’s hooves left the ground as she neatly glided off the surface, the sun following her ascent to remove the nighttime.
The edge grew nearer as Alae galloped full speed. The contraption was still holding, the flapping motions following her minds command. It was still a remarkable machine for her to be in. This launch however was not allowing her hooves to be free of the ground, there was now enough lift. She knew the creature ad told her never to do it, but being this close to going back...there was no going back. She needed these wings to take her, they just needed a little help. She closed her eyes to spread the wings as afar apart as they would go, then leapt from the edge.
As the wind raced by the panicked sounds of the crowd became fainter. She opened her eyes to extend her hooves, flatten out the body and fall faster. Tiny and Bulwark were right by her in the fall.
“Could use a little space here guys!” They nodded to each other to pull further away. She felt the lifting sensation begin as the wings tilted upwards, this was going to work.
It was a long fall, more than enough, she arched her body sharply to hit the gusts climbing up the face. The speed and flapping required a little adjustment, but she wanted to fly by her Princess once more. Princess Celestia was watching her ascent, clasping her hoof to her mouth being overwhelmed by emotion.
As she gained height to shoot past the edge there was a silence of awe from the crowd. She laughed to see the creature roar out in triumph, grabbing the pony of generosity and spinning her around in celebration.
In her shadow she saw the wings strange glinting and colours. She managed to rotate to see her princess waiting with utter delight, Tiny and Bulwark on either side. With a nod to each other Celestia dove to fly past her. Catching the idea, Alae neatly tucked one side to align her direction with theirs and picked up speed with two simple flaps. Princess Celestia smoothly joined her side, constantly glancing between the contraption and her as they flew over the cheering ponies below. Alae was confused to see her princess crying, there had always been some doubt after all.
“I’m overjoyed to see you like this, thank you for trusting him.”
“It was you I trusted Princess.”
“Thank you.”
“Princess...why are you crying?”
“I think we both know. Shall we leave it at; my heart is now lifted with you.”
She chuckled, “It is so good to have you back my Alae.”
Hearing this the uncertainty washed away. Alae tearily winked to her, “It’s good to be back my Princess.”
As they took to the sunrise there was a returned sense of vigour for her, the zeal for life renewed in that one simple action. Alae was now content to finish the Princesses morning run, then to return to adjusting the wings. She was ready to begin this new chapter.
Seeing the ground fall further away she held the course to the day. Thinking about where she could go now, she offered her silent gratitude to the creature. The day was now as fresh and new as that first time she took to the sky. As long as the landing was as rehearsed, it would be a good day.


“Teddy!” laughed Rarity, “You have to take it easy! Remember what Full Fledged said!” She felt the grip loosen and allowed him to hold her close, her own hooves still tight around the neck. She pressed her muzzle to the snout, a shy glance up to his eyes, “Congratulations Sir Teddy...”
“Thank you’s finally over.”
With closed eyes she allowed a lingering of her lips on his, blushing as she pulled away to see her friends restrained giggles. “I say our adventure is just starting.” She loosened her hold, him taking the cue to lower her back to the ground. Most eyes were still watching the view of Princess Celestia and her guard fade to the distance of the blue sky over Canterlot, a wave of celebration from the spectators below. The creature kneeled close to Rarity as she took an arm to nuzzle the shoulder, letting her weight lean on him and his on hers.
Rarity felt wonderful as her friends came to sit by them, Princess Luna herself joining in the group with the large Crystal as they all gathered together. A single flash in their direction brought a desire in all of them; they each wanted a copy of that photo. The reporter nodded almost to answer the silent query, he seemed satisfied with the shot.
Such a disruption had been posed by this monster when I arrived. A peaceful kingdom threatened by an effigy than never wanted to play the part. In time my own reservations and fears were lifted by the few special creatures that chose to see past the fear of that which they could not understand, to try to understand. I will not deny I cannot forgive myself for what has happened, but I am grateful to have seen this through to its own conclusion. The future is frightening here, very uncertain. Still...what kind of a hypocrite would I be to not listen to my own advice. I plan to enjoy this day now, each moment with friendship and with love. I have found a place for now, one must be grateful for that. To scale the journey here makes my head spin, I will live on though. I will carry on for myself, and for those adventures that are yet to come.
To feel this lady by me and our friends around enough for now, I just hope she never grows tired. I guess that is the beauty of life, it is an adventure we cannot absolutely control.

“And what an adventure it will be... Libera me...”

The End