Jurassic Ponies

by BeardyPie


The Jeep bounced down the trail leading through the sauropod paddock.

"I'm sorry, that tree in the road caused us to be a tad late." Colgate said as she leaned forward to get a better look at the road through the rainy windshield.

"It's quite alright, darling" Rarity said. "We can all blame the storm." She added jokingly. They all three chuckled. They continued down the road until the headlight beams shined upon a line of small green animals crossing the road.

"What are those?" Fluttershy asked as she peered out the windshield.

"Those are Procompsognathus. They're mainly scavengers." Colagate said as she braked.

"Where are they going?" Rarity asked.

"Dunno, unless there's a dead animal nearby. We'd better go check it out." She accelerated and followed the compys through the jungle.


MonoChrome stormed into the control room. "That son of a bitch took the other jeep!" he growled.

"What is he up to? Where did he go?" Octavia asked.

"I don't know, but I'm going to beat the answers out of him myself." Filthy rich growled.

"After I'm done with him" Chrome said

Vinyl scratch typed at her console. She repeated the lines of code as she entered them. "Access main program...." 'ACCESS DENIED' "Access Main security grid...." 'ACCESS DENIED' "Access Main Program Grid..." 'ACCESS DENIED....AND YOU DIDN'T SAY THE MAGIC WORD!' That last line of text filled the screen. Little cartoon versions of Whooves blinked on all the screens around the control room.

"Ah ah ah, you didn't say the magic word!" The cartoon began to wag his hoof.

"PLEASE!! SWEET CELESTIA I HATE THIS HACKING CRAP!" Vinyl said as she buried her head in her forelegs. She raised back up and grabbed the phone.

"What are you doing?" Filthy Rich asked.

"Calling his people in Los Pegasus." Vinyl said as she dialed, but she heard nothing but static coming from the receiver. She threw the phone down in rage.

"What's wrong now?" Octavia asked.

"He's cut the phones! We're completely on our own here!" Vinyl said as she accepted her defeat. "I cannot get Jurassic Park back online without Dr. Whooves."

The Control room fell silent. Filthy rich looked to Chrome. " Try and raise Colgate and tell them to get back then go and get the guests." MonoChrome nodded and reached for the radio.


The three mares continued down the trail following the compys.

"Where ever they're headed, it's near the river; with the Dilos." Colgate said.

"Those are the ones that spit, right?" Rarity asked.

Colgate nodded. The radio began to crackle.

"Ol...g..te. ...need.....car.....gue..ts.....storm.....whoo...ve.."

"Come again, Chrome. You're breaking up."


"I think he says he needs our car." Fluttershy said

"Tux, why not use the other car in the garage?" Colgate said into the radio.

"NO!.....Dammit...not listening....car!"

"Sounds serious." Rarity said.

Colgate sighed. "Guess we better head back then." She stopped the car and put it in reverse. She backed away from the compys and turned around. As she did so, Fluttershy caught a glimpse of what she thought looked like car brake lights, but she disregarded the thought.


Apple Bloom rolled over in her seat. Every bone in her body ached. Her hair was stuck to her face by dried blood and her snout was swollen. She touched it and quickly cringed. Broken she thought. She sat up and quickly felt queasy. She promptly doubled over and vomited into the floor board of the wrecked cruiser. She wiped her mouth and crawled out of the vehicle.

The rain had nearly come to a stop and the cool night air blew through the jungle. Apple Bloom tried to recall the events that happened earlier. The rex got out, then it attacked me and... SWEETIE BELLE! the began to look around frantically, looking for her lost friend but to no avail. Had the rex come back? Where was Applejack and the others? Were they alright? All these thoughts poured into her head all at once. That's when she heard it. A small sniffling noise. She paused. It was coming from a drainage pipe off to the left. She tried to see, but it was too dark. The goggles! she remembered. She ran back to the wreck and pulled out her night vision goggles and slipped them on. The world lit up with the familiar florescent green glow she had seen before. She cautiously walked back to the pipe and peered inside. In the pipe sat Sweetie Belle curled up and rocking back and forth; tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom said. Immediately Sweetie stopped rocking

"APPLE BLOOM!" she said in a relieved tone. "I couldn't get you to wake up! I thought you were dead" she sobbed. Sweetie got up and Apple Bloom noticed a large shard of glass sticking out of Sweetie's leg.

"Sweetie! We have to get that out!"

"I tried, but it hurts too much!"

Apple Bloom searched around and found a thick stick. She picked it up and handed it to Sweetie Belle.

"What's this for?" Sweetie asked.

"Bite down on it."

Sweetie's eyes grew wide as she realized what Apple Bloom was about to do. She quickly put the stick in her mouth and bit down. Without warning, Apple Bloom yanked out the 3-inch long piece of glass. The stick didn't help. Dark crimson blood started to gush from the wound and Sweetie let out an ear splitting scream. Apple Bloom quickly shushed her and removed her trade-mark bow from her hair and wrapped Sweetie's wound.

Tears flowed from her eyes once more.

"It'll be okay now that it's dressed." Apple Bloom said as she tried to calm Sweetie down.

Sweetie shook her head. "It's not that." she sobbed. "What happened to everypony? Are we the only ones left? I MISS RARITY!!" She was now sobbing uncontrollably. Apple Bloom was trying to calm her down, then suddenly both girls silenced themselves. They heard something coming through the brush. Something was running toward them. They could hear the sound of limbs snapping and the sound of leaves rustling. There was nowhere they could hide and nothing they could do, they sat frozen, awaiting their pursuer to expose themselves. It was incredibly close now. They could hear it's heavy breathing. Then, out from the brush came...

"RAINBOW DASH!" The girls screamed as they ran to hug her.

"Thank Celestia you girls are okay!" She said as she embraced them.

"What happened?" Apple Bloom asked, noticing Dash's side.

She gritted her teeth and lifted her wing to give the girls a better look and the three clotted gashes along her side.

"She kicked me." Dash said; recalling the events. "I rolled under the car to where she couldn't get me. Twilight ran to distract her, but I don't know here she went."

"What about my sister and Pinkie?" Apple Bloom asked with a tone of worry.

"Rexie chased them further into the jungle." Dash said grimly. She then changed her tone when she noticed tears starting to fill Apple Bloom's eyes. "I'm sure they're fine, Kiddo. Who better to get through Jurassic Park than the toughest pony in Ponyville?"

Apple Bloom wiped her eyes and smiled.

"Let's get back to the main road. Maybe someone will come looking for us." Dash said, smiling at the foals.

They continued to the road, when they heard somepony cough. They came to a fallen tree that over looked a small hill. They looked down and couldn't see anything. Apple Bloom slipped on her goggles and scanned the tree line.

"There" she whispered and pointed to a tree. At the base, super-imposed by the moving of brush in the wind, was Caramel.

Before the attack, Caramel ran into the jungle without looking back. He ran far until he found a suitable hiding spot. He climbed between two large rocks and waited. He heard the sounds of the attack up the hill. He began to feel guilty about leaving the kids there, but what could he have done? He was ashamed of how quickly he panicked. He always thought of himself as cool and collected under pressure, but then again he never had to deal with a seven ton animal before. So there he sat until things cooled down. He had started back up the hill until he heard the little unicorn scream. He wondered if the T-Rex had come back. Without any more thought he dove into the jungle and hid.

The jungle was eerily quite. Nary a tree frog or cicada sang in the jungle. The only sound was the wind. Dash and the kids watched and wondered what Caramel was doing. Dash started to get up, but Apple Bloom grabbed her leg and pointed. Down at the base of the hill stepped the juvenile Tyrannosaur. Dash shot down back behind the log and watched. The baby Rex sniffed and cautiously walked across the clearing past caramel and continued to the jungle on the other side. So that's what passed by before the attack. The little rex Dash thought. One by one the tree frogs and cicadas started to sing. With that Caramel emerged from his hiding spot and started up the hill. Dash and the kids stood up. Suddenly, to Caramel's left, the juvenile burst through the foliage and knocked him down. Caramel Screamed in terror, but the little Rex didn't attack further. Caramel scrambled to his feet and ran. The juvenile knocked him down again.

"QUIT THAT!" he screamed trying to get to his feet again.

It's playing with him Dash thought as she and the kids watched from behind their cover.

Caramel got up and began to walked backwards. The Rex knocked him down once more, but this time it ducked it's head and came back up with ragged chunks of flesh. Caramel let out a horrendous scream, then silence. Apple Bloom felt sick again and she ducked her head. The night vision goggles slid off her head and hit the ground with a metallic clank. The rex's head shot up and looked up the hill right at Dash and the kids.

"Let's go!" Dash screamed as she grabbed the kids and ran.


They ran for their lives with the T-Rex in close pursuit. They felt the thundering footsteps and heard crashing brush behind them. Pinkie's legs burned as they ran. They had ran into the Tyrannosaur paddock without a clue on where to go. They quickly came to the perimeter fence surrounding the paddock.

"WE GOTTA CLIMB!!" Applejack screamed as she threw herself against the fence and scurried up. The rex was now just 20 yards away. Pinkie and AJ climbed over the top and quickly made the descent into the trench below. They climbed out and looked to the rex who was now pacing along the fence, roaring in frustration. Then something caught it's attention. It then roared and stormed back into the jungle. AJ and Pinkie collapsed to the ground and breathed heavily.

"We have to go back" AJ said "We have to see if everypony is ok."

"Are you nuts?" Pinkie said. "We can't go back because of our old friend back there. We need to find a phone and call the control room."

AJ gave Pinkie a skeptical look. "Where in the hay are we supposed to find a phone way out here?"

"I remember them saying something about maintenance buildings dotted all over the park. I'm sure one of them has a phone." Pinkie said.

"I don't even know what part of the park we're at." AJ said as she looked around. "The only enclosure we came to before this one was somethin' about them three horned critters."

Pinkie nodded. "Then that's where we need to go."

They got up and stated off. They suddenly heard a noise. It sounded like a combination of a hiss and a growl that was carried softly by the wind. The two mares froze in their tracks. Pinkie let out a scream. Aj looked back to see a shadowy figure dart back into the jungle, leaving pinkie clutching her leg, which had a bloody ragged wound. AJ helped her up and they both ran deeper into the sauropod paddock while two big glowing yellow eyes watched them retreat.