//------------------------------// // Unto Shadow // Story: Mare Do Well: The Series // by ShadeJak //------------------------------// It had been two weeks since Big Shot’s plans had been thwarted, and a lot had happened in that time. Zecora had returned from her trip back to Zebrafrica to give Black Hex… or Usiku as she called her… a proper burial, Grand Cargo had been acquitted of all charges after the trials had confirmed through truth spells and the like that he had in fact been entirely under changeling control during his time posing as Big Shot’s public face. The experience, however, had left him drained and ultimately led him into retiring from his business after issuing apologies and using his funds to help repair the damages, leaving it in the capable hooves of his assistant. InfiniGem went under almost instantly after Zerok’s disappearance and Max Diamonds’ death confirmed, but had been bought out by Cargo’s company to preserve its employees. The trust funds of Diamonds’ company, however, had since vanished. The biggest change, Rainbow had noticed during her patrols as Mare Do Well that she’d recently resumed, was that crime had taken a significant dive when Big Shot was no longer present to lead the remains of his cartel. Still, she remained vigilant; unable to accept the idea that someday, somepony could take his place. Her other adversaries had remained locked away in Alkatrot, their chances of escape now were highly unlikely with its improved security, including new procedures to detect changelings after Mare Do Well had paid a visit explaining how Big Shot had arranged some of the breakouts. Her fears were confirmed, when she’d stopped a shipyard raid, and had subdued several thugs who admitted to having been paid off, that a new enemy had risen to take Big Shot’s place, a pegasus in a strange costume that resembled a Wonderbolt uniform. ~ “Something troubles you, Rainbow Dash?” Luna’s voice inquired as the unmasked Mare Do Well lay on the clouds of the night sky. Shooting stars flew by, the scape of the dream was a beautiful vision to the cyan pegasus that had the Princess of the Night not been here to speak with her she wouldn’t have minded flying to see it all right now. “It’s Shadowbolt. She’s behind this but I can’t find her. Everypony I’ve beaten for information knows nothing, they say she comes to them, they don’t go to her. She finds them and they can never find her when she doesn’t want to be found!” Rainbow explained, brushing back her cape as it billowed in the wind. “Yes, I have sensed a dark presence. One I’m… familiar with, Rainbow Dash,” the princess responded with some hesitation and even a hint of discomfort in her voice, causing the costumed pegasus to look at her in confusion. “You remember Nightmare Moon, I trust?” Luna asked. “Of course I do,” Rainbow answered. “She—“ the pegasus paused, realizing the sensitive subject from Luna’s pained expression. “…Was really bad. I’m glad we stopped her. I came close to falling for that trick pulled on me,” she explained. “Nightmare Moon’s origins trace back to something more then jealousy and resentment. As Princess of the Night, my purpose goes beyond simply bringing forth the night, but also protecting ponies’ hearts from dark things that prey on them in their dreams. When I grew envious of the attention my sister received, I became vulnerable to them as well. When I slept, they tormented me in my dreams, until I could no longer stand being in Celestia’s shadow. Then, at my weakest, they offered me revenge and blindly I accepted. At that moment, my heart and soul were overtaken by the Nightmares, and the being known as Nightmare Moon was born,” Luna explained, watching the moon intently. “You’re saying Shadowbolt is another victim of this?” Rainbow asked. “Yes. Though I do not know the identity of this pegasus… it would seem she must have embraced their power willingly the moment they made contact,” Luna replied. The pegasus sighed. “I’m no closer to finding out who she is, or even what she’s up to, or when she’s gonna strike.” “Then that is what you must remain vigilant of,” Luna answered, spreading her wings. “A vision of your fortune has appeared before me, which is why I have come to visit you. The shadow of evil will strike through one close to you to bring you to her. Just remember; revenge and justice are the thin line that we may not always see, but should always be mindful of,” she said. “Always gotta be all cryptic with the visions,” Rainbow said with an eyeroll. “Beware, Mare Do Well, I know what grief and a desire for vengeance can do to a pony's soul!” Luna warned as she spread her wings and flew away. At that moment, darkness overtook the pegasus and the dreams ended. ~ “Good to see everypony here is stoked for the latest update!” Shadowbolt announced from the stage of the old theater she’d contacted her new followers to meet her at. She’d waited till after Mare Do Well’s patrol routes had ended before instructing them on the where and when, no need to spoil any surprises after all. Landing on the floor, the pegasus paced back and forth, watching her audience intently. “So, a funny thing happened to me on the way back from the New Years Festival, I had acquired this nifty little gadget that allows energy transference; namely for the use of infusing some of my energy into special gems to power some new weapons a few helpful gizmonks have been working on for me!” she explained. “That’s right, fillies and gentlecolts, your very own nightmare energy artillery! Magic in weapon form!” She gestured to the side as several gizmonks scurried in wheeling a large table, and removed it, revealing several gem-powered cannons and flying machines with said cannons also equipped to them. “Now, since a freak like me needs company, everypony gets to take to the skies!” she declared with a grin. “In a matter of moments, Manehattan will be ready for the biggest event of the new year… the utter annihilation of its mysterious Mare Do Well!” she said with a laugh. One unicorn thug raised his hoof. “Yes, minion-whose-name-I-can’t-remember?” the pegasus asked. “How’re you planning to bring her here?” he asked. The pegasus just laughed. “Oh trust me, Mare Do Well and any other fans we have are going to be in for quite a treat,” she said, randomly looking back with a grin before out a cruel laugh. ~ “Look at it like this, Dash! It’s nice to have a little peace for a change. No crazy schemes, no old rivals in freaky armor trying to foalnap me!” Vinyl Scratch said with a grin as she drank down her glass of cider. “Tell me about it!” Rainbow said, going through her own glass as she looked around the pub. She’d gone to so many dead ends with trying to figure out Shadowbolt’s next move, and Twilight had been ridiculously and annoyingly insistent she take the time away before she has a nervous breakdown, and put up a barrier around the library to ease the pegasus’ anxiety, though Rainbow swore she’d come by later. Seconds after she’d arrived, the eccentric deejay had spotted her and called her over, and congratulated her on foiling Big Shot. Rainbow had been surprised but Vinyl insisted she’d suspected her since Nightmare Night. “Ready for another round?” the unicorn asked, her grin became more mischievous. “Bring it,” Rainbow said, raising her hoof and two more ciders were brought over. “Hey, Dash, what brings you here?” Rainbow heard a familiar voice and turned, there stood Lightning Dust, head cocked in curiosity. “I’d ask you the same thing,” Rainbow said a little more harshly then she meant but it was a bit odd to see Lightning Dust in Ponyville. “Hey, didn’t we put hard feelings away on New Years?” the other pegasus asked, looking a little hurt. “But if you must know, they sent me over here to help with weather duty.” “Out here?” Rainbow asked after chugging down her next glass and ignoring the stomachache she was beginning to get. “I go where they put me, alright? It’s just for a day or so due to storms being needed and I’ll be out of your mane then!” Lightning answered, rolling her eyes and turning to leave. “Hey, Lightning? Wait. I’m sorry, alright? It’s just… been rough on me,” Rainbow said, feeling guilty over her attitude towards the other pegasus. “And the truth comes out,” Vinyl said, taking another gulp of cider, but Rainbow ignored her. “Rough, how?” Lightning asked, confused. “Crime’s gone down, costumed weirdos haven’t really been popping up anymore. What’s been so rough?” Rainbow sighed. “Look, you probably figured this out by now…” she began. “Heh, thought so!” Lightning said with a smirk and trotted over so she could speak more quietly. “Mare Do Well, huh? I kinda suspected it was you when I saw the sonic rainboom over Manehattan, plus all the boasts you’re the only pegasus who can pull one on command, it all sorta fell into place but… you know, still. Lotta ponies..,” she mused. Rainbow blushed a little. “Well, like anypony has that kinda talent or even a third of the awesomeness I have to be a real live superhero?” the pegasus asked with a laugh. “So, what’s the big deal, then?” Lightning asked while Vinyl leaned over as well, somewhat curious to hear. “Alright, look, remember New Years, that supervillain Shadowbolt who showed up? She’s still at large,” Rainbow asked. “That crazy pony who nearly blew me up?!” Lightning asked, shocked. “Yeah, the one and only,” Rainbow answered, looking downcast for a moment. “Look, Lightning, I owe you an apology too. For awhile, I… kinda thought Shadowbolt was you.” The other pegasus frowned and took a step back. “Seriously, Dash? You go and assume the stuff at the academy means I’m some kind of psycho?” she protested. “I thought we were putting this stuff behind us already!” “I know, Lightning. Look I’m lousy with apologies so just know I’m sorry for that,” Rainbow said. “When you told me what happened to you after you were kicked out, it seemed like you had the motive and all—“ “Well, Dash, I’m sure your unicorn friend told you about this, but she saw us together! Shadowbolt on the stage, me next to your friend! Both of us, and she tried to kill me, too!” Lightning explained. “So how does that make any sense?” “Once I heard about that, yeah, I was sure it wasn’t you! But look, she’s still out there, and I’m gonna deal with her once and for all. Once that’s over maybe we can sort things out, alright?” Rainbow asked. “I bet it’d be cool to be a team again if you’ve learned anything while you’re here on weather duty.” Lightning Dust seemed to cool down and even smile from that. “I guess I can go with that, and yeah… believe me, I’ve changed a lot since the academy and you’re the only pony fast as me, so I’m sure next time we hang's gonna be a real blast!” She raised her hoof and held it out to Rainbow Dash. “For old times?” she asked with a smirk. “Ahhh, sure, why not!” Rainbow said with a grin, giving her a hoofbump. Immediately after they connected a white hoof joined in. Both pegasi looked over at its owner. “Hey, I let you girls talk, but don’t leave me out of all the fun!” Vinyl said with a laugh, floating some bits for her bill on the bartable and trotting out of the pub nodding her head to the music. ~ “ARGH! Who could this pony be?!” Rainbow growled, rolling on her back as she lay on the floor of the library. It was already late in the afternoon and she had exhausted every way she could to remain in Twilight’s company, especially after the warnings Luna had given her. Shadowbolt could make her move at any time, anywhere, she had to be ready for any unexpected arrivals. “Rainbow, I’m frustrated too, but we can’t get anywhere if we don’t keep calm,” Twilight said. The unicorn was admittedly worried as well. Hearing Rainbow’s story that Shadowbolt was a pony endowed with nightmare magic was a scary thing, and her first instinct was to contact Celestia for the Elements, but without a lead on Shadowbolt, it wasn’t going to do them much good, and she could just as easily make a move before they could even get here. “We just… have to keep our eyes open for any surprises, I guess, I’ll keep looking for a spell so maybe we can try and track her somehow,” Twilight said, looking through her books hoping for more solutions. At that moment, the bell on the door rang, causing both ponies to jump from their spots. “Sheesh, ya’all look like ya seen a ghost or somethin’!” Applejack said, confused by their reactions. “Hey, what brings you by?” Twilight asked, calming down. “Ah was deliverin’ some pies an’ thought ah’d come by an’ see how the whole investigation was goin’,” the farmpony said. “Nowhere!” Rainbow said with a groan. “Shadowbolt’s got Big Shot’s leftovers working for her, and she’s up to something with a lot of shipyard raids but she’s been covering her tracks the whole time. I’ve tried to get any lead I could on my patrols but still… nothing! Luna visited me in a dream last night, too…” “Well that was nice’a her. What’d she say?” Applejack asked. “Somepony close to me… Shadowbolt’s gonna go after,” Rainbow said. “Then that… that’d have to mean she knows who ya are!” Applejack said, realization hitting her. “You’re right,” Rainbow answered, turning to look over at her unicorn friend. "Twi, I know you think I'm being all over-protective but you can’t leave my side, got it?” Rainbow asked, approaching and putting her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “If Shadowbolt hurt you, or anypony else,” she began. “You’ll keep ‘er safe, Rainbow. Ya’ve done a lot as Mare Do Well, don’t begin doubtin’ yerself now,” Applejack said, as she began to turn to leave. “By the way, thanks for gettin’ that Wonderbolt plush for Scootaloo! That was mighty sweet’a ya. She’s got it with the others at the clubhouse right now!” Applejack said with a smile as she prepared to leave. “Wait… what?” Rainbow asked. “I never…” Her eyes widened in horror. “Oh no… Twi, teleport us to Sweet Apple Acres NOW!” “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. “Twi! The warning! Scootaloo! We have to hurry!” Rainbow pleaded urgently. Twilight immediately stood next to the two other worried ponies and the three of them vanished from the library, and reappeared on the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres, the clubhouse just nearby. Before Rainbow could even move towards it, the clubhouse blew apart in a massive, fiery explosion. “SCOOTALOO!” Rainbow cried out, flying at the burning ruin at full speed and tossing aside any rubble in hopes of finding her surrogate little sister. “What’s goin’ on?!” Apple Bloom shouted, galloping over. “Apple Bloom! You’re alright!” Applejack immediately threw her hooves around her sister. “Ah was just gettin’ us some drinks an’ ah heard an explosion!” the filly said, then she noticed the burnt remains of their clubhouse. “Oh no! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo!” she cried out, leaving her older sister’s hold and galloping over, hearing a soft moan. Turning, she saw Sweetie Belle barely conscious near a tree the explosion had thrown her into. “Sweetie Belle, ya alright? Talk ta me!” the filly pleaded, nudging her friend while Rainbow Dash searched frantically in the rubble. “Where’s Scootaloo?” she asked. “Oh no… nononononono!” Rainbow cried out suddenly, causing Applejack and Twilight who had been trying to put out the fires to run over. The pegasus cradled the young filly, who was badly injured and barely breathing. “Please, I took you as my sister, you’re better then this! You can’t… I was supposed to protect you! I’m not supposed to lose you! I don’t lose!” she pleaded, tears flowing down her cheeks. “Rainbow, we have to get them out of here. Now!" Twilight urged, but the pegasus seemed to not hear her. “Please… you can’t die, kiddo, you can’t!” Rainbow cried, hugging the unconscious filly. “RAINBOW! Listen to me!” Twilight shouted. “We need to get them to the hospital! I’ll teleport us there right now!” “You take ‘em, Twi. I’ll go get Rarity an’ let’er know ta meet us there,” Applejack said, and without another word, took off towards town. “Come on, Rainbow, let’s go,” Twilight said softly as Rainbow Dash turned, a blank expression now on her face as she placed Scootaloo on Twilight’s back while Apple Bloom helped Sweetie Belle over to Twilight’s side. “Take her,” Rainbow said with an oddly calm tone. “What do you mean, aren’t you coming?!” Twilight asked, shocked Rainbow Dash didn’t want to go where Scootaloo would be. “I know why she did this, and I know she’s going to die for it!” Rainbow hissed, her expression now one of pure hatred and rage as she immediately spread her wings and flew off before Twilight could answer or stop her. ~ Tank hovered in the air, a worried look on his face as he watched his owner look far angrier then he’d ever seen her before in his life while she flung things aside, muttering to herself as she put on the costume he’d grown so familiar with seeing her come and go in. “I’ll be back later,” the pegasus said in a cold tone without even looking at the tortoise as she walked past him and pushed open her door, pausing only because something now lay before it. A scroll, rolled up and wrapped. Rainbow slid the wrap off and pushed it open with her hoof. Hi, Mare Do Well! Or should I say Rainbow Dash? You never call, you never write, but trust me, it wasn’t hard to figure out who's under the mask! Did your little fanfilly like my present? I’m guessing it was more then she could handle, am I right? Rainbow growled angrily under her mask, but read on. With any luck, she’ll die in the hospital like the weak excuse of a pegasus she was! And trust me, she’s just the beginning! I’ll see to it everypony you care about experiences a similar end if you don’t come and meet me at One Equine Plaza in Manehattan. Starting with that unicorn Twilight Sparkle that you’ve been so chummy with! If I haven’t piqued your interest enough, then know you’d better hurry or I may get bored and add her to my count a little sooner! Letting out a scream of fury, Mare Do Well shot off towards Manehattan as fast as she could, leaving a sonic rainboom in her wake from the sheer speed she used. She’d failed Scootaloo, now Twilight had somehow been captured as well… Shadowbolt had been in town at some point! But who was she? Was she right under her muzzle the whole time?! It didn’t matter. She wouldn’t live to see another day if Mare Do Well had anything to say about it. …Revenge and justice are the thin line that we may not always see, but should always be mindful of… Luna’s words seemed so distant in Rainbow’s mind, they didn’t matter… she didn’t understand… Shadowbolt needed to pay, and she’d pay with her life! That, as far as Rainbow was concerned, was as definable an example of justice anypony could ask for. ~ Mare Do Well had flown straight to Manehattan without stopping; the sun had set and the night sky surrounded her. She recalled Shadowbolt’s letter that Twilight was being held at the One Equine Plaza, the same building the New Years Festival had been, and where she’d last fought the psychotic pegasus. Examining the buildings, the costumed pony finally found her way to Manehattan Square, where the plaza building stood. Flying straight up above the unsuspecting crowds, Rainbow saw a lavender figure on the rooftop. Was that…? “Twilight!” Mare Do Well flew down and landed on the roof next to the unconscious, tied-up unicorn and slid her mask up to bite the ropes off. “Come on, Twi. Wake up!” she said, nudging her friend with her hoof and turning her over. Twilight grunted a little and stirred, her eyes slowly opening. “R-Rainbow?” she asked, then her eyes snapped all the way open as she took in her surroundings and began to panic. “Whoa! Where am I?!” “Manehattan, One Equine Plaza rooftop, Twi,” Mare Do Well said coldly. “What do you remember?” “I just got Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to the hospital, and as I was leaving somepony attacked me! Everything went black and next thing I know you’re here with me on a rooftop!” Twilight answered. She noticed the tone in Rainbow’s voice, though, and it worried her. “Shadowbolt. She must have been in town to admire her handiwork and figured where you’d go!” Mare Do Well said, gritting her teeth. “It doesn’t matter, even if Shadowbolt knows who I am she won’t live long enough to do anything else about it!” she said, turning towards the corner of the roof for any sign of her prey. “Rainbow, murdering Shadowbolt won’t make anything better!” Twilight pleaded. “If you kill her, you let her destroy everything you stand for as Mare Do Well!” Rainbow gave her no acknowledgement, causing Twilight to shake off the torn ropes and get up, approaching her. “Please, Rainbow. You have to trust me on this!” Mare Do Well turned, and suddenly lunged at Twilight, knocking her over as a glowing purple fireball whizzed past them, exploding where the two ponies had been less then a second ago. As the smoke from the explosion cleared, the two heard a familiar, sinister laugh above them. “Not bad! Now think faster!” Shadowbolt declared, aiming her hooves forward and firing twin blasts of purple lightning at Mare Do Well and Twilight, who jumped out of the way. “Say, Mare Do Well, want me to give your fanfilly your regards when I finish with you? I’m sure she won’t mind another gift!” she said, circling around them. Gritting her teeth, Mare Do Well immediately took to the sky and flew straight at her, avoiding several shadowbombs that were flung her way and slamming her hooves into Shadowbolt’s chest, sending her spinning backwards. Immediately after, the pegasus rebounded off the costumed villainess and did a loop in the air, dive-bombing her as she fell, growling with pure rage. “I’m going to kill you!” Mare Do Well shouted, attempting several hoof-strikes as the two pegasi fell towards the ground. “How about we see what breaks every bone in your body first; me, or the sidewalk?” “Ooh, that’s getting a little dark, there!” Shadowbolt taunted with a grin. “I like it!” she said, laughing. Shadowbolt immediately thrust her hooves forward around Mare Do Well’s neck and did a backflip in the air to fling her off, summoning two more shadowbombs immediately after and flinging them at the other pegasus. Both hit their mark, the explosions sent Mare Do Well crashing through a building window behind her and tumbling across the floor inside. Rolling back onto her hooves, Mare Do Well saw Shadowbolt give her a mock salute before flying back up. Galloping after her, Mare Do Well jumped out the window and flew in pursuit, stopping and hovering in place from what she saw next. Shadowbolt now had Twilight in her hooves. The pegasus looked down at her captive and grinned as purple lightning crackled around her body and surged into Twilight, causing the unicorn to cry out in pain. “Twilight!” Rainbow cried out. “Leave her out of this, Shadowbolt!” “Why? No fair if not everypony gets to play!” Shadowbolt said with a laugh. “Come and get me if you want her!” she said, flying off at high speed, pursued by the furious Mare Do Well. Passing many buildings and crossing the sea, Mare Do Well wanted to catch up but kept enough distance to be prepared in case Shadowbolt chose to drop Twilight and to avoid the blasts of purple lightning that came her way. The other pegasus eventually settled at the top of the Grand Manehattan Bridge, grinning down at her as she kicked Twilight, who was now tangled up in a cable over the edge, but stomped her hoof down to prevent her from falling, leaving the unicorn dangling. “Easy there, sweetie! Don’t want me to accidentally drop you! And I wouldn’t suggest teleporting or any other of your tricks either. I even sense it and, well you’ll be dead before you hit the water,” the villainess warned with a sneer, then looked at Mare Do Well. “You attack, she falls! I know you’re fast but are you really gonna gamble being fast enough to save her when I’m here?” she asked. “I’m sure this is the part where you ask what I want in order to save your friend’s life!” “Actually I was gonna ask if you prefer quick or slow death.” Mare Do Well said, hovering in the air, but keeping a few cautious glances on Twilight. Shadowbolt had played this well, having managed to remain prepared and with leverage to counter every clear shot she ever got at finishing her in the past and all it did was frustrate Rainbow all the more. “Strike one, Mare Do Well…” Shadowbolt warned, lightning crackling through her body and into the cable that held Twilight, causing the poor unicorn to scream out again. “STOP IT!” Mare Do Well shouted, furious now. “Nice anger there, but still missing the question…” Shadowbolt sneered. “That’s strike two.” Another surge of purple lightning and another cry of pain from her captive. Mare Do Well lowered her head, her fury now tranquil as she tried to muster all the willpower not to attack then and there and doom Twilight. “…What’ll save her?” Mare Do Well finally asked. “That’s more like it.” Shadowbolt said with a grin. “The whole reason I brought you out here, the whole reason I went through so much work to rile you up, is because I want to recruit you… my sources want to recruit you! All that anger and hate inside you now makes you the perfect candidate to herald chaos and mayhem in Equestria like me!” “You’re insane!” Mare Do Well said in disgust. “Tell me something everypony doesn’t already know,” Shadowbolt said with a laugh. “You accept, I let your unicorn friend go. You refuse, she dies and so does your precious fanfilly along with everypony else that matters to you!” Rainbow’s anger slowly faded to despair, her breathing grew heavy as she felt the weight of the world crash down on her. She saw Scootaloo nearly… or quite possibly still… face death. Twilight would die as well, and Shadowbolt was sure to never stop there. “I’ll take that as a yes!” Shadowbolt said, raising out one of her hooves and black smoke began to form from it, and it flew straight at Mare Do Well. ~ Within her mind, Rainbow found herself swimming in darkness, and she was not alone. Whispy forms swirled around her, their blood-red eyes glaring as they galloped and glided about, hissing and snarling at her. All heroes fall from grace eventually… One chilling whisper echoed. Rainbow cringed as she saw one of the things in the dark sneer at her with a grin that had far more teeth then she’d ever seen on any creature. So much to lose as you are… Another said, its tendrils slowly wrapping around her. Rainbow could feel the dark, horrible things getting closer and deeper into her very being. She’d wanted revenge, right? She could destroy Shadowbolt completely with such power and anypony who dared oppose her! Terror began to overwhelm her but if this could save Twilight and everypony she cared for… then so be it. Maybe they’d be able to save her one day. NO! A voice shouted, and Rainbow’s eyes widened. The eldritch creatures froze in place, seeking out the source of that voice that had echoed around them. “If you accept, you have betrayed those you love, and especially yourself…” Luna’s voice said. “I can’t lose anypony else!” Rainbow protested. Suddenly reality changed and she was a filly again at her mother’s funeral. It was different now, though; she could not see any of the others’ faces, they were all shadowed and featureless and it scared her. “Revenge solves nothing, Rainbow Dash. It is justice you must live by, or you will be doomed to fall into the same darkness I once did…” The Princess’s voice said softly. The menacing whispers built up again. Don’t listen to her! She knows nothing of loss! “Do not fall for their lies, Rainbow Dash! They will offer nothing but more grief and pain! If you are truly a hero, you can stop Shadowbolt, you can save your friends. I believe in you, Rainbow Dash, bearer of loyalty!” Luna’s voice shouted, and the illusion surrounding Rainbow began to fade, the small filly looked around in the darkness, frightened. “I’m… scared.” She said softly. “Don’t be.” Luna said, appearing before her, and images of Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Spitfire, her mother and father, the cadets, Tank, and Celestia all appeared as well, standing around her protectively as the horrific beings thrashed about outside the circle they’d formed, retreating from the light they brought. “You believe in your friends and family, and your loyalty is your greatest asset; both are qualities Shadowbolt does not have and can not ever take away from you so long as you hold onto them.” Rainbow, now herself again, glared with fierce determination once more, and the Mare Do Well costume reappeared on her. The hideous beings shrieked and vanished from her mind. ~ Once more opening her eyes and returning to reality, Mare Do Well saw that Shadowbolt was reacting as well, tumbling backward and screaming in some kind of pain. However, as she did, Twilight began to fall and immediately taking action, Mare Do Well flew straight down as fast as she could, passing Twilight and extending her hooves out, catching her. “Rainbow?” Twilight asked, barely conscious. “I’m here, Twi!” Mare Do Well said, smiling under the mask and giving her friend a slight hug. “Not for long!” Shadowbolt’s voice declared as they were suddenly rained upon by shadowbombs. “Sorry, Mare Do Well, but unlike too many others it’ll take more then cheesy friendship speeches to take me down!” she stated, randomly glancing sideways and sneering. Twilight closed her eyes and her horn glowed, a protective barrier formed around them just before the shadowbombs hit, causing them to explode harmlessly around them. “We gotta get away from here!” Mare Do Well said, and they immediately flew from the bridge, but Shadowbolt did not pursue right away and instead took something from where she was standing on the bridge post and spoke into it. As Mare Do Well and Twilight flew away from their adversary, they heard a whirring of machinery, and several earth ponies and unicorns strapped to gliderlike wings equipped with some kind of cannon weapons arrived, followed by several pegasi who were also armed with similar weaponry. Twilight hurriedly brought up another barrier as their adversaries fired blasts of purple energy similar to Shadowbolt’s attacks, but the impact caused Mare Do Well’s flight pattern to falter. “I can’t keep this up, Rainbow. We need to get away or stop these guys!” Twilight said. “I’m gonna fly up, when that happens, open my belt, and send some flash bombs their way! Then try to shoot them down with your magic and I’ll keep us moving, okay?” Rainbow asked. “That’s your plan? It’s kinda dangerous,” Twilight said flatly. “Hey, this is me we’re talking about. We’ll manage!” the costumed pegasus said. “Now ready, let’s go!” With those words, Rainbow flew straight up, away from the dark magic blasts and Twilight turned her attention to Mare Do Well’s utility belt, focusing as the pouches all opened and several flash bomb capsules spilled out, glowing with the unicorn’s magic aura. Facing the approaching armed thugs, Twilight sent the flash bombs flying at them, causing them to explode on impact and disorient them long enough for Twilight to shoot one of them down with her magic. The flying machine’s pilot, panicking, immediately freed himself and parachuted down somewhere into the city. Mare Do Well flew straight at the airborne thugs and whizzed right past them, Twilight firing a magic blast at the one on the right and sending him plummeting to the ground a s well. Five more along with pegasi thugs chased them. Twilight turned herself so she could see them, firing shots at them and shouting warnings for Rainbow to turn and dodge when she had to. “Left!” Twilight yelled as Rainbow weaved towards the left and narrowly avoided another blast of dark magic. Twilight took several shots with her own magic, shooting down another. Two suddenly came up on either side of them, charging their weapons and Rainbow immediately dropped, causing the two airborne thugs to blast eachother out of the sky. Flying towards a water tower, the costumed pegasus looked down at Twilight. “Alright, I’m gonna drop ya off and take these guys on, alri—“ Before they got any closer, the water tower burst in a massive, fiery explosion, sending both ponies flying backwards, chunks of debris managing to knock out two more thugs in the process. Up above Shadowbolt cackled maniacally. “Sorry, should have mentioned I took every step in being ready in case you turned me down! If anything I'm just missing lyrics and an inspirational melody so I can be singing about this!” the evil pegasus taunted, charging up a pair of shadowbombs and flinging them at Mare Do Well and Twilight. Rainbow barely weaved out of the way, her cape getting grazed and the explosive purple fireballs ended up blasting a pegasus thug instead. Shadowbolt made a ‘tsking’ motion and gestured for the remaining others to pursue. Dodging another exploding water tower, Mare Do Well looked for a safe place to land, avoiding the pursuing thugs as she flew about the city. Most of the pegasus thugs were down now, and all that remained were two more flying machines. They were fast, but their size didn’t give them the privilege of the agility she possessed. Weaving between two brick buildings, one of her pursuers flew straight up, the other didn’t stop in time and crashed into the alleyway, tumbling out of the machine and into a dumpster. Satisfied, Rainbow flew herself and Twilight up and turned her attention back to the remaining earth pony thug who had both cannons trained on them. “Barrier in three! Ready, Twi?” she asked. “Ready,” the unicorn answered. The contraption charged up, and fired twin blasts, rebounding off the barrier Twilight summoned as Mare Do Well flew them closer, colliding with the flying machine and sending it spinning out of control. The pilot ejected immediately and parachuted below while the flying machine crashed on a rooftop. With a sigh of relief, Mare Do Well flew Twilight over next to it and set her down, landing beside her. “Close call!” Twilight said with a smirk. “Now to deal with Shadowbolt...“ Rainbow was suddenly blasted off her hooves by a shadowbomb explosion that went off near her, scorching off parts of her costume including most of her mask and half her cape. Twilight turned and saw Shadowbolt hovering nearby, laughing. “Quite a show! Let’s see how much longer you can stretch for!” she declared, summoning another shadowbomb and flinging it. Quickly as she could, Twilight summoned another barrier, taking the bomb’s explosion. Mare Do Well groaned in pain, slowly standing back up. “You okay, Rainbow?” Twilight asked. “Been through worse. Good thing the costume’s reinforced,” she said, patting her chest and turning her attention to Shadowbolt, who was on the other side of the barrier hovering above them. “Well, as the old saying goes, if at first you don’t succeed, keep blasting the ever-loving Tartarus out of ‘em till you do!” Shadowbolt yelled, laughing madly as she flung shadowbomb after shadowbomb at the barrier, shaking it violently with every explosion. Twilight cringed as she felt every impact as she strained with her magic to hold it up, but she knew with all she’d been through she didn’t have the strength to hold it for much longer. Grinning, Shadowbolt summoned a larger fireball with both hooves and flung it straight at them. Twilight closed her eyes, Mare Do Well turned defiantly, preparing for a do-or-die stunt. The large shadowbomb impacted, shattering the barrier into tiny pink shards that fizzled away seconds after. Shadowbolt sneered as she summoned another fireball over her hoof, preparing to finish them when Mare Do Well suddenly flew straight at her from the smoke, slamming her hoof into Shadowbolt’s face and knocking her backwards. As Shadowbolt began to fall, Mare Do Well spun around and gave her a fierce kick, sending her flying the other way and tumbling across the roof. “Time to pay for everything you’ve done, Shadowbolt!” Mare Do Well said, landing between her and Twilight and slowly approaching. Shadowbolt scooted herself away. “Sure, sure! Just let me cash in on this moment!” the villainess declared, charging up purple lightning over her hoof and thrusting it forward, but Rainbow quickly realized she wasn’t aiming for her… “TWILIGHT!” Rainbow galloped over to the side with all the speed she could muster, taking the blast point-blank despite her damaged costume rather then allow her exhausted friend face death. The pain was unbearable, Rainbow jerked back and screamed in pain, Twilight’s eyes widened as she used what magic she had left to try to fizzle out the lethal attack; had she been a second late, and even with a pegasus’ natural resistance to lightning, Rainbow may have risked death in her place. Shadowbolt immediately got up, laughing madly as she spread her wings and swooped at Rainbow, who didn’t look like she’d last for much longer and scooping her off the ground and lifting her up high. “Awwww, how noble of you, but what good was it to put yourself out of the game faster? Seriously, that loyalty thing is really bad for your health,” Shadowbolt taunted, grinning at the other pegasus. “I’m not… out of the game yet, Shadowbolt,” Rainbow said, opening her eyes and glaring defiantly at the villainess, and then thrust her hoof up, slapping a remaining flash bomb she’d fished from her belt against Shadowbolt’s face and closing her eyes as the explosion went off, she heard Shadowbolt scream out in pain and Rainbow dug her hoof behind Shadowbolt’s neck, as Shadowbolt shook her head to fight off the dizziness and struck her in the face. Shadowbolt grunted angrily and then moved her legs up, bucking Rainbow off her and onto the rooftop. As Rainbow began to stand up, she noticed what she had in her hooves: Shadowbolt’s mask and the gold and purple-streaked wig attached to it. Rainbow and Twilight looked straight up, and saw the unmasked Shadowbolt glaring down at them. Her coat was a duller shade then it normally was, her golden mane she’d hidden under the mask and wig was noticeably disheveled, but both Twilight and Rainbow Dash recognized the mare behind the mask to be Lightning Dust. “You?! Shadowbolt was YOU?!” Rainbow shouted, back up and running on pure adrenalin from the discovery. Lightning Dust smirked and fired a bolt of purple lightning from her hoof that Rainbow flew out of the way from. “Funny story, Dash,” Lightning explained, dodging Rainbow’s hoof strikes and countering with her own. “After being kicked out of the Academy, disowned by mom and dad, and being left to fend for myself all thanks to you, you can’t argue your instincts were right! I had every reason to want revenge!" she explained. "That brought me to the worst point of my life, I had lost everything! But whenever I fell asleep, the dark magic of this world that's drawn to that much grief, just as it did for Princess Luna, it approached me and offered me the means to get revenge! Revenge against everypony responsible for ruining my life!" she yelled, swinging her hoof upward and dazing Rainbow, but the pegasus recovered quickly and countered her next strike. "...Even if it involved putting on this whole crazy supervillain act to keep up appearances and throw you off!” Lightning said with a laugh, about to summon another shadowbomb but Rainbow swung her hoof into Shadowbolt’s chest, causing her to dispel it and fall backwards in the air but she seemed mostly undaunted. “And it'd have given me so much closure to bring you down to the level everypony already saw me,” the teal pegasus said, flinging more shadowbombs. "It was me all along, and hey, you should at least be thanking me for adding a little excitement for the life you picked over the one I wanted!" “But if it was you all along, what about on New Years? Twilight saw you and Shadowbolt at the same time! You even confirmed it!” Rainbow said, swinging her hoof at Lightning Dust; but the other pegasus, who was far more in control, simply caught it with hers and spun in the air, flinging Rainbow off her. “Now THAT’S an even funnier story!” Lightning said, looking to the side with a smug fondness as she dodged another attack. “After I’d run into you and got the dinner offer, I headed off to get ready for my big finale, but then I got attacked by a changeling of all things! Dunno what he was doing there but as I was putting an act of falling unconscious so he’d lay off I saw him take my shape and leave. Sure enough, my luck hadn’t run out and when I made my presence known at Manehattan Square and everypony saw Lightning Dust as a witness!” She let out a laugh. “So, score one to me for keeping you off my flank!" A sinister grin spread on her face. "And speaking of, you have no idea how much it pleased me to learn who was under Mare Do Well's mask! The very same pony who took away the hopes and dreams I spent my whole life working for! And once you're out of the way, I'll go back and deal with the Wonderbolts and those loser cadets!” Rainbow’s anger grew as she increased the ferocity of her attacks, ignoring any pain she felt and focusing only on winning. “Not a chance!” Rainbow hissed, regaining another burst of energy and flying straight at Lightning Dust, hitting her as hard as she could and sending her crashing into another water tower on a neighboring rooftop. “You hurt my friends, terrorized innocent ponies, tried to murder the filly I took as my sister, the list goes on, Lightning!” “Oh, who cares about them? It’s not my fault the Wonderbolts decided to keep weaklings and losers on their list! There’s a lot of ponies Equestria is better off without, and I’ll be glad prove that to you very shortly!” Lightning Dust said with a sneer, her eyes then, for some reason glowing purple. “We’ll see about that!” Rainbow warned, preparing to strike her now. “Rainbow, watch out!” Twilight suddenly yelled, Rainbow turned and saw that Twilight was using her magic to hold back a reanimated flying machine Lightning Dust was somehow now controlling, its cannons charging up again and firing. With no other option Rainbow swerved out of the way, the twin blasts hitting the surprised Lightning Dust and causing the rigged tower she was up against to explode, engulfing her in fire and magical energy. Rainbow turned, staring in horror at the explosion and where Lightning Dust had once been, and slowly flew backward to the rooftop Twilight stood on; the unicorn sharing the expression she wore. The pegasus hung her head, looking down at Shadowbolt’s discarded mask. I guess it’s over… she thought to herself. Big Shot was gone, Shadowbolt was stopped, but she didn’t feel any of the joy or satisfaction she’d expected out of it. ~ “Hey squirt,” Rainbow said in a somber tone as she entered Scootaloo’s room the following day at the hospital, smiling weakly at the injured filly. “Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo beamed, a smile on her face as if seeing her idol and surrogate sister had just made her feel better then before. She noticed the look on the older pegasus’ face, though. “Is everything alright?” She asked. “Just the stuff that comes with being a superhero, Scootaloo,” Rainbow said softly. “I told you it’s a real tough job. Sometimes you have to deal with stuff that can really hurt, and I’m not talking about getting punched or thrown through walls...” She sat on her haunches next to the bed. “I thought I’d reconnected with somepony I met at the Academy… turned out it was all an act. She was the one who sent you that bomb… if I’d just… I dunno, trusted my instincts earlier maybe I could have kept this from happening!” she said. “I’m real, real sorry you got mixed up in this!” Scootaloo turned, grunting a little from the pain she was in, but a smile was on the filly’s face. “Rainbow, you didn’t hate me for making mistakes because I didn’t know better. You didn’t know either. I’m just glad I’m alright! Plus, you stopped her, didn’t you?” she asked. “Yeah. But when I was fighting her, all I thought about was how badly I wanted her dead… for what she did to you,” Rainbow said. “I’ve never wished somepony dead before; not like that. I could have become just like her if I managed to… actually do that to her!” The memories of the anger she felt, the grief, all the things Shadowbolt tried to exploit when she attempted to infect her with the same malevolent energy that had caused her to become who she was. If she hadn’t had that moment of remembering her friends and those she cared for, had she not been in her right mind, would she have been any different? Would Lightning Dust have gotten what she wanted? “But Rainbow Dash, you’re not like that! It’s one of the reasons I think you’re so cool!” Scootaloo insisted. “She’s right, you know,” Twilight said, entering the room as well. “Would you be the Bearer of Loyalty if you weren’t capable of doing the right thing in the end, or even realizing the right thing?” she asked, putting her hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. The pegasus just looked downward. “I need some time alone,” Rainbow said at last. “I’m glad you’re alright, though, squirt,” she added, leaving the room and the two concerned ponies behind. ~ “I know you’re there, Princess Luna, I need to talk!” Rainbow said, sitting on a cloud and watching the moon in the night sky with a stern gaze. In seconds, the alicorn princess appeared before her. “You’re handling a lot of uncertainty and guilt on your conscience, Rainbow Dash,” she said. “I think I’ve got a good reason to!” Rainbow protested. “Everypony who’s gotten close to me now has paid for it, or seriously risked it! Scootaloo… and Twilight, too,” she said softly. “At any time they could have gotten killed. I know they didn’t die, but it’s because of me they were in danger! This isn’t like what Gametime did where it was some random bad luck; Shadowbolt went after them to get to me!” “And…?” Luna asked, waiting for Rainbow to continue as she knew the pegasus had more to say. “Also… Lightning Dust… it was her. It was always her and she was right there in front of me several times, I thought I misjudged her, she had me fooled the whole time! She let that dark power take her over, but I can’t help but wonder how much of Shadowbolt was that Nightmare force, and how much was actually her,” Rainbow said. “And if there were another way. I didn’t really think at the time and she died, just like Gilda… am I paying for ditching them instead of helping them when they needed me most? How’s that for loyalty?!” Luna listened quietly, her gaze was stern, yet there was also pity in her eyes. “I almost… I almost let that power inside me too. How different am I from her? Could I have just, I dunno ended up the same way if I had my dreams taken from me for some mistake I made?” the pegasus asked, collapsing. “So… why should I be celebrating? Just because the bad guy’s beaten?” Luna placed her hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “You made the choices you felt were available to you, Rainbow Dash. Heroes don’t always know every choice they have when a situation arrives, the best they can do is try to decide which of the ones they come up with is the right one to make,” she explained. “And sometimes… none of them result in a completely happy ending,” the alicorn lowered her head. “My sister knows this better then anypony. You can’t spend your life looking back at what could have been done differently, or if you had changed somepony for the worse somehow, or could have changed them for the better. You have remained dedicated to those you care for, and have to the best of your ability tried to keep them safe. And when a choice that could have destroyed all of that came, you remembered what mattered most and turned that offer down.” Rainbow Dash looked down at her hooves as she let Luna’s words process in her mind; it was weird not being able to boast and brag about her victories, to instead feel so unsure. Had she changed so much from this? Where was the brash flier who would be joking and laughing about how she kicked supervillain flank? Not home, apparently. “Shadowbolt is gone. Big Shot’s gang's dealt with,” she muttered. “And Equestria is at peace again,” Luna said, causing the pegasus to look up at her. “Then how can I feel like the old me about it?” she asked. “As my sister would say, I suggest you look to those who love and care for you for that. I bid you goodnight, Rainbow Dash,” Luna said, spreading her wings and flying away. ~ “I’m sure Rainbow will be fine, Scootaloo,” Rarity said as she sat near Sweetie Belle’s bed, looking over at the other filly who had apparently not slept at all since she’d last seen Rainbow Dash walk out of the hospital in such a dejected way. “I dunno, Rarity, I never expected she’d be so sad about winning,” Scootaloo answered. “Winning what?” Apple Bloom asked as she and Applejack entered the room and causing Scootaloo to facehoof in embarrassment. “Oh dear… how do I explain this…” Rarity wondered, realizing neither Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle knew of Rainbow’s other activities, not that they paid as much attention to her as Scootaloo did to really look into it. Applejack also shifted slightly, causing Rarity to worry as the other pony was even worse at hiding something then she was. “Wait a darn minute you know somethin’s up, too, big sis?” Apple Bloom asked, looking up at the farmpony. “Well, see here, Apple Bloom… thing about Rainbow,” Applejack began, looking left and right nervously. “—Is she forgot her dad’s birthday!” Pinkie Pie shouted frantically in the middle of the room, causing the filly and the two mares to jump back in surprise. “Pinkie, when… how did you get there?!” Rarity asked. She didn’t recall even seeing her enter and there was only the door and window, the latter was closed and she couldn’t have gotten in through the former without pushing through the apple sisters. “What? I saw you girls here and I came right in!” Pinkie said with a grin. Scootaloo’s friends both looked no less skeptical, however. “But isn’t her dad’s birthday in like two weeks?” Sweetie Belle asked. “How would you know?” Rarity wondered, looking back at her sister, who gestured to Scootaloo. “Uh… we’re not intruding, are we?” Fluttershy asked as she poked her head in then slowly entered. “What’s going on, girls?” Twilight asked, noticing how uncomfortable the others looked. “They won’t tell us what’s goin’ on with Rainbow Dash!” Apple Bloom protested, gesturing at her older sister and Rarity. Twilight sighed a little, then looked over at Fluttershy, who just ducked her head a little and making it evident she didn’t want to get dragged into this if it had already gotten so heated. “Look, there’s stuff that goes on in Rainbow’s life that you wouldn’t totally get. It can make things pretty rough on her and sometimes, well, she needs her space so she can work things out. She’s not the biggest thinker, I’m sure you’ve noticed. Reckless, brash, reckless,” she mused, then mentally facehoofing at the realization she’d said reckless twice though the other day the pegasus had embodied that term with her actions following what had happened to Scootaloo. “But in the end, she’s as loyal a pony as you can ask for and I’m sure she’ll be along eventually…” “I like that one! Better get it written down, Twi!” Rainbow’s voice said behind the unicorn, who turned and saw her friend there in the full Mare Do Well costume. “Rai— I mean Mare Do Well?” Twilight asked, stepping away. The costumed pegasus slid off her mask and smirked at her friends and the young fillies. “Hey, girls,” Rainbow said. “What about…?” Twilight asked, wondering how Rainbow got past the hospital staff like that, especially after the shenanigans she’d pulled when she wanted to get the Daring Do book. “Don’t worry, I told ‘em I was wearing this to cheer up Scootaloo!” Rainbow said, trotting over to Scootaloo’s bedside and mussing the filly’s mane with her hoof. “Feeling better, squirt?” she asked. “Much!” Scootaloo said, hugging her hero. “So… wait, Rainbow Dash is Mare Do Well?!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle asked at the same time, sharing identical shocked expressions. “Was,” Rainbow said with a laugh. “Taking a little time off till she’s needed again.” “You sure?” Sweetie Belle asked. “What if those supervillains come back, like that crazy pony who trapped us in the maze?” Rainbow hoofwaved her notion. “Ehh don’t worry about them. They’re not going anywhere for a long time, ‘cause they know how badly they’re gonna lose if they ever try anything again.” “And… you’re okay about… well, everything?” Twilight asked. Rainbow looked back at the unicorn and gave a small nod. “I’ll manage. I always do,” she said. “I got a lot to tell Princess Celestia, my dad, and Spitfire later.” “Well, feel free to drop by when you want to take care of that,” Twilight answered. “Yeah, yeah. I think I’ll spend the day with my favorite little sister, though,” Rainbow replied, looking back down at the orange filly. “Hey! We should be superheroes!” Apple Bloom suddenly said, causing worry to come over the six friends’ faces. “No, no way, Applebloom! Ah ain’t lettin’ ya get yerself in that kinda trouble!” Applejack said. “We’ll make cool costumes and save the day!” Sweetie Belle chimed in. “Think there’s a cutie mark for being superheroes?” Scootaloo asked. “That wouldn’t make sense, you can’t hide your identities then!” Twilight protested. “Soon as we’re out of the hospital, Cutie Mark Crusaders: SUPERHEROES!” Scootaloo declared, causing cheers from her two friends. Everypony aside from the three fillies all facehoofed at once. “Rainbow, dear, what in Equestria have you started?!” Rarity asked, exasperated and wishing her favorite couch was nearby now. ~ Dear Princess Celestia, It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? I guess being Equestria’s superhero takes a lot more out of me then I expect sometimes! I wrote dad and plan to see him this weekend to tell him everything I've gone through, and I just finished writing Spitfire as well and hope to hang with her again sometime soon too! Either way, I think I’ve gotten a full understanding of what it means to keep going this path. Being a hero is more then cool costumes and awesome moves and epic battles with evildoers, it’s about everything I learned this past year… Doing something others can’t because somewhere, somepony needs help. Being comfortable with who I am no matter what changes happen along the way. Accepting that sometimes I have to let go of what I wanted so I can be what other ponies need. How I inspire both the good and the bad and how it’ll affect everypony around me. Knowing that sometimes, the ones who need help most are the ones I’m facing. To always be ready to take charge and lead the fight when I’m needed. To make the best choice of the ones I feel are available to me. And the one I’ve known all my life, the one I learned from my mom; to never, ever give up! Add all that up with being an Element bearer, that I’m the totally awesome Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in Equestria, and the Mysterious Mare Do Well, champion and coolest superhero ever! Now, I think a long-deserved rest is waiting for me! Your faithful subject, Rainbow Dash ~ THE END ~