MLP: Friendship is Meatbags

by mooneyboys

Questions Questions Questions

About an hour passed before Celestia and the group came back into the room with grim faces.

“Assumption: I take it your meatbag doctors couldn't heal the wound?” The droid asks.

“Unfortunately, yes. I hope you’re happy now. Because of you one of my subjects cannot fly anymore.” Celestia hostilely tells the droid, surprising everyone in the room.

“Is there any way to heal her HK-47?” Twilight asks the droid.

The droid sighed. “Answer: Of course I can master. Clearly you meatbags haven’t been introduced to kolto. Bring the meatbag in here and I can heal her.”

After much hesitation on Celestia’s part they bring in the injured Rainbow Dash. Her face scrunched up slightly with the smallest movement of her wing. The few loosely tied bandages were already starting to soak through and a nurse hovered in the background with a fresh tray of gause. Rainbow glanced up to see her friends who offered comforting smiles and soon made eye contact with the machine. Rainbow’s eyes shrunk and her pupils dilated as every instinct told her to fly away. She flapped her wings uselessly which only caused her more pain and only stopped when she felt the gentle touch of Twilight’s magic.

The droid, seemingly out of nowhere, takes out this red, heart shaped, bag thing and squishes it. When he opens its hand again, the bag had been crushed into a cylinder like tube with a needle on the bottom of it.

“Command: Master bring the meatbag over here”

When Twilight laid her wing on Rainbow Dash, she started to resist. But with the help of Applejack, the two were able to bring Rainbow Dash close enough to the rusty red droid.

Without a moment’s hesitation HK-47 takes the needle and stabs it right into Rainbowdash. This, of course, earned a gasp from everyone and a scream of pain from Rainbowdash. But as fast as the stabbing was, the wound is already beginning to heal right before every pony's eyes. Everypony, even Discord, was astonished at how fast the wound has healed. Not even the best magic users can heal a wound that fast.

“What…..What is that stuff you injected into her” Twilight asks the droid, still awestruck. Everypony else nods in agreement as well for the question to be answered

“Answer: Oh it was nothing really master. It was just a bunch of chemicals mixed in with the miracle substance known as kolto. As you saw just now, you stab the needle into the target and watch their wounds disappear before your very eyes. It has kept almost every single one of my masters and their companions alive when they were wounded.”

“That is impossible! I have never heard of this ‘kolto’. Not even before my thousand years of banishment” Luna tells the droid. “I agree with Luna here. Not even during my reign have any of us have heard of it.” Discord says.

“Answer: That is because there is only one planet in the entire known universe that produces kolto. And since none of you have ever set foot off this planet except for that meatbag there,” HK says and points at Luna, “much less been to another solar system it is not surprising in the slightest.”

“Why do you always insist on calling us meatbags erm…. Hk-47?” Rarity asks the droid. “And for that matter where did you get that stuff anyway?”

“You don’t have any saddlebags to carry them.” Twilight asks and observes.

“Statement: Ah yes….. You had to bring that up huh master?” HK asks her, to which she nods her head in yes. “*Sigh* Very well. But please note master that this is very difficult to explain.”

For some reason everyone in the room took that as a sign to find a seat and listen to the story.

“Statement: Like I said earlier. This will be very hard to explain to you meatbags. I am capable of carrying significantly large amounts of supplies with me with no restriction of movement” As HK-47 said that, he takes out a couple mines of varying types, several blasters both legal and illegal, a few dozen grenades of each type, a crate of medpacs and antidote kits, a wookie bowcaster, and several different types of armor. “Note: This is very light compared to what my previous master and his companions carried. Hell my master must have easily carried well over a ton worth of supplies by himself. He was always quite a hoarder on our adventures. And yet he still manages to defeat and meatbags that dare cross with him.”

“But where do you keep it?” Twilight asks.

“Statement: That is the hard part. I believe that my former masters, his companions and myself are some of the few people in the galaxy who are capable of this. We marked it off as a flick of the wrist and whatever weapon you wanted that you own will appear in your hand. The same principle goes for grenades and mines and even armor.”

“Oh! Oh! So it’s like how I manage to make things appear out of nowhere!?” Pinkie asks while she pulls her party cannon out of nowhere.

“Response: Yes, it is exactly like how you just did that.” HK replies to Pinkie Pie.

“Oh great! We have two pinkie pie type creatures now!” Rarity dramatically complains. “I know! Isn’t it awesome Rarity!?” Pinkie excitedly replies.

“So can you tell us more about the armor? They look nothing like the plates the Royal Guard uses.” Twilight asks the droid.

“Yes darling please tell us about these fashionable looking armors” Rarity says to no one in particular while she levitates a purple war suit. “Oh my, it’s so heavy!” She complains and nearly drops the armor.

“Query: You do realize that is one of the lighter ones right meatbag? There are others significantly heavier than that fine piece of work. You do have a good eye though, as the previous owner spared no expense making the best quality armor money could buy.”

“This is one of the lighter ones!?” Rarity cries out.

“Annoyed statement: Yes meatbag, I just said that after all.” HK-47 tells Rarity

“Who used to own that suit?” Twilight asks the droid.

“Statement: Ah yes. That one was originally owned by Davik Kang. It’s a shame I didn’t get to see him die. But that is a story for another time.” HK tells Twilight.

“Is it possible for ponies to be able to use these?” Shining armor asks the droid.

“Theory: It is possible, given enough modifications, for a small equine of your size to be able to fit these highly advanced suits. Though that can take months possibly years before we’re able to mold the armor into the shape you need, as you meatbags have primitive lifestyles and probably don’t have a furnace capable of melting metals of the galaxy. Opinion: In all honesty you would be better off using an energy shield. At least they can adapt and fit your entire body.”

All 5 royalty in the room ears have perked up when they heard the words ‘energy shield’.

“Energy shields? What does thou mean?” Luna asks the droid.

“Yes, show us this, ‘energy shield’ you speak of,” Celestia commands the droid.

“Irritated response: I do not answer to you meatbag! Threat: I suggest you hold your tongue before I do something about it” HK threatens the solar princess.

“HK-47! Stop threatening the princess! And would you kindly please show us this energy shield?” Twilight commands the droid, then asks it.

As soon as she finished her sentence, HK-47 stuck both his arms out at a 30 degree angle. Suddenly a red, wave-like glow surrounded the droid. A dull bleeee can be heard from the droid now.

“Statement: This is an energy shield. It is capable of stopping every single energy based projectile shot at it. However any physical weapons or anything nonphysical can go through the shields no problem. In addition, continuous assaults on the shield will eventually short the shield out and leave the target vulnerable yet again.” The droid explain to the group.

“Hmm this is very interesting HK-47. I’ll need you t-” Celestia said before getting cut off by a guard rushing into the throne room.

“Your majesties!” He manages to get out between breaths. Celestia uses her magic and the guard takes a deep breath. “Thank you your highness.”

“You’re very welcome. Now what is so important that you need to interrupt us?”

The guard takes one deep breath out of reflex and says, “Dragon. There’s a dragon attacking Ponyville.”