Unexpected Changeling: What It Means To Be Loved

by The ancient one

Who You Really Are- Part 1

“It's too hot...” I mumbled to myself in bed, kicking the covers off. A small chill crossed over me and my skin felt like it was crawling. “It's too cold...” I groaned. I wrapped my hooves around myself and sat up to pull my covers back. “There that should work...”

I laid my head down but quickly rose back up because I could feel some small lumps in it. I gave it a quick punch and laid back down. I closed my eyes to let myself gently fall to sleep, but the pillow was now too soft. I got back up and tried to fluff some 'hardness' into it. But then it was too hard. So I got up and punched it back down into being soft. But it still wasn't soft enough, so I punched it. And punched it. And punched it, over and over again. I laid back down on the pillow, but now, somehow it was too hard. I grabbed it and tore it in half, screaming at the top of my lungs in rage.

“What on earth is the matter with you?” Chrysalis asked.

“Nothing,” I replied internally. “I'm just...” I let out a deep sigh and fell face first into my mattress.

“Worried about the curse?”

“Yeah... I'm going to die in six days... wait, did he mean a week from the day, or a week starting that day!?”

“I don't think-”

I jumped to my hind legs and began pulling on my mane. “What if his perception of time is different from mine!? What if I don't even have a week!?”

“I think-”

“What if-”

“What if you stopped worrying for a moment and let me speak?”

I let my mane go and sat down. “Sorry.”

She sighed, “It's fine, you're worried and I can understand that. I'm a bit on edge myself.”

“So what should I do?”

“I think you should put that dragon's advice to the test.”

“What do you mean?”

“He said you're supposed to be constantly absorbing magic, right? Well, if you were to absorb the magic of the curse you shouldn't have a problem.”

My eyes widened. “I still totally have a problem! I have to eat horse hair!!”

“Isn't that a small price to pay for living?”

I looked over to the side, seeing Luna completely distracted by her games. I thought about the immense power she and Celestia possessed, and my eyes drifted to her mane. Her magic was so strong that it physically transformed her into the living embodiment of the night sky. There's no way my body could withstand such power, I'd be dead. “Oh my gosh...” my mind screamed. “What if my trying to absorb her power is what kills me!?”

“I'm sorry?”

“I kill me by trying to absorb power that's too strong for me!”

“Stretching it a bit, don't you think?”

“Look, I'm gonna die in six to seven days, excuse me for being cautious!”

“Right. Well don't get so 'cautious' that you ignore your guest”


“Look out the window.”

I turned my head to the right and peered out the window, seeing nothing but the garden in the light of the moon. The flowers were quite beautiful in this light. “There's nothing out there.” I said, squinting to focus more into the darkness. I opened the window and leaned out, my eyes glossing over pretty much everything. I withdrew myself and closed the window and scratched the back of my head. “Chrysalis what are you talking about?”

“Into the hall.” she said.

“What? Why?”

“Don't argue. Do it.”

I let out an aggravated sigh through my nostrils, somehow turning into a small puff of white smoke, and jumped off my bed and walked into the hall. “Be back soon Luna.” I said, though I doubt she could've heard me. I sat down in the hallway, a nice little, black vase standing on a pedestal next to me. “Alright, why am I here?” I spoke internally.

“In all honesty, it's because your mother couldn't keep her legs crossed.” said an all too familiar voice from behind me. I quickly got onto my hooves and turned around and saw nothing, but the whisper of her voice still lingered in the air. “It's nice to see you again, nephew, and this time without a crowed of half-starved changelings.”

“Cicada? Where are you?” I could feel a slow breeze ride up the back of my neck. A breeze that traveled around my throat before passing away. “Chrysalis, where is she!?” I screamed within my mind.

“She's right in front of you.” she said as though it were something obvious.

My eyes ran from corner to corner of the hall, but I couldn't see a single thing. “I don't see her... why can't I sense her?”

“Because I don't want you to.” Cicada answered.

“How did-”

“Hello.” Cicada's voice came from right next to me, only this time there was a body to match. I shrieked and fell back, my head hitting the stand and the vase nearly falling on me. Cicada used her magic to stop it from hitting me, just inches from my face. “Really, sister. Your child is so frightful, it's hard to believe he came from you.”

“What was all that!? Why couldn't I sense you? And how did you get in?!”

“Oh come now, little Variance, can't an aunt spend some quality time with her nephew?”

“Is that what you call nearly giving me a heart attack?”


“Then no.”

“Oh poo.” she chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Anyway, answer my questions.”

“Well, like I said, you couldn't sense me because I didn't want you to, and you're the one who let me in.”

“I can't sense you if you don't want me to? How does that work?”

“Oh, such ignorance in the face of one so noble.”

“You're not going to tell me, are you?” I crossed my arms.

“Of course not, it's far too fun to mess with you.”

“Well, whatever. How did you get in?”

“Again, you let me in.”

“I don't remember that.”

“You opened the window, dear boy.” she smiled.

“Chrysalis, translate.” I thought.

“No.” she replied.

“That explains everything.”

“If you're done talking with my sister, we have important matters to attend to.” Cicada stated.

“Look, I told you, changeling matters do not matter. They don't concern me anyway.” I uncrossed my arms and started to walk away.

She appeared in front of me in a small fog and said, “You're the king of a nation, your followers are exhausting their love resources, your followers at the hive are still starving and barely clinging to life, your aunts are burning a trail through Equestria looking for you and none of that concerns you?”

I looked her straight in the eye and said, “None.”

“This is your birthright, your responsibility! You owe your kingdom-”

“I owe you nothing!” I shouted. “Being a changeling has only brought me closer and closer to death. I owe you!? You and your kind have done nothing for me, other than ruin my life! I can't make friends, I have to keep my 'family' a secret, and I can't even go outside without being attacked!” Cicada began to glare at me and bear her fangs. “And why is that, Cicada? Tell me why I can't do any of this!” she looked down on me with vengeful eyes, I could see in her movements that it was taking every sheer ounce of will power in her body not to kill me. But I continued. “C'mon Cicada! Answer! Your 'king' commands it!”

She grit her teeth and her horn began to dimly glow orange. She closed her eyes and snarled out, “Because you're a changeling.”

“That's right. And all changelings have ever done is ruin lives, and that's what everyone expects me to do. I don't get a chance to be different. I don't get to go out and live like others can. No, I have to stay under international guard! And even then I'm not safe. And you expect me to help you? Any of you? Do you honestly think that I care if the changelings die off? It's a burden off my shoulders, that's for sure.”

And in that moment, her expression changed. That look of boiling rage had dulled away, and a smile crept into it's place. She said, “Variance, you say all these things, but is it even worth trying to fit in with them? The deeds of your kind should not fall upon you as an individual, yet you deal with it. Even more, you try to get along with those who persecute you. Why?”

“Ponies took care of me, ponies raised me. This castle is filled with ponies who care for me.”

“You still believe that?” she gave a small chuckle. “Young foolishness these days. The ponies don't care for you, they babysit you. They don't care what happens to you personally, so long as you aren't injured in a way they can be blamed for, they've done their jobs and that's all that matters.”

“That's... Celestia and Luna are-”

“Different, right? They love you, right? They'll always accept you... but you said it yourself, you have to hide your familial relations, don't you? If they're so different, why haven't you told them who you are? Do you deceive yourself enough to think Celestia would ever consider keeping the child of the mare who put her subjects in danger and moreover defeated her in front of them all? Do you think Luna would, even for a moment, let you walk around this castle knowing full well that the mind of said mare is inside you? Waiting to come out?”

“That can't happen! Chrysalis-”

“Died? Yes, but would they know that for certain? Would they believe a word you say after revealing such sensitive information like that? No, they'd banish you if not seal you away.”

“You're wrong!”

“Really, young king? Fine then, if you truly believe that, if you truly believe they'll love you after learning about who you are... go tell them. Go tell them of your lineage. Go tell them of the changelings hiding within their kingdom's walls. Go tell them of the looming threat that's indiscriminately killing off anything in it's path. And go tell them how it is all, your, fault.

My heart felt as though it had been crushed, my chest ached and I didn't know what to do. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing would come out. I couldn't argue against her, because she was right. I loved Celestia and Luna, and I knew their love for me was only for who they thought I was. I simply let my head fall and I forced out the only two words I could think of. “You're wrong...”

“Ponies are all the same, Variance. They claim friendship, love, and harmony, but they don't mean it. You'd be a fool to believe their lies.”

“Go away...” I whispered, I holding back my tears of frustration and broken pride.

“What's that?” she turned around and gave me a belittling, glazed look. “I don't think I heard you.”

“I said go away!”

She gave a sarcastic movement, acting as though she was shocked to hear me demand such a thing.“As you wish my king.” she gave another smile and began to sink into the floor. “Anything you command.” with a final chuckle she said, “You truly are like your mother.” before completely vanishing. I dragged myself back to the room and looked at Luna, who was still playing games, blissfully unaware of what had just happened. I made my way to her and crawled onto her lap. Then I just latched onto her.

“Shifting Sands?” She said. I stayed silent. “Shifting Sands 'pray, 'tis the matter?” I still stayed silent. She put her arms around me and said, “Shifting Sands, ye quiver... why?”

“It's nothing.” I finally replied. “Just...don't let me go...please...” she didn't say anything. She just gently stroked her hoof through my mane and held onto me.

The next morning I awoke with Cicada's words echoing through my head. Her words cut deeper than I'd originally thought, and I didn't want to think about it anymore, so I did what came naturally. I got up and snuck into Celestia's bathroom, and pilfered a small bottle off of the counter. I went back to my room and climbed up onto Luna's bed. I opened the cap and poured out the clear liquid inside. As soon as it touched her spacial mane, it started to turn pink, however the entire mane hadn't changed. I would have to get my hooves dirty for this one. I stretched out my hooves and furiously began scrubbing the ooze into the rest of her mane. She woke up flailing and screaming. “Shifting Sands!? 'Tis the meaning of this!?” she screamed.

“Go check the bathroom.” I replied. Luna rushed out of the bed and ran into the bathroom.

“What did ye do!?” she screamed.

“It's just some mane dye.” I chortled.

“From where did ye even receive such an item!?”

“It was Celestia's.”

“My sister?”

“That mane sure didn't change with maturity, I'll say that much.” I smiled.

“SHIFTING SANDS!!” she screamed, erupting into a large wave of pink rushing towards me. Her shrieks of anger sounded as though the damned were rising from the grave. I would've moved on my own, had I been in control of my laughter but, thankfully, my body was soon surrounded by yellow magic and pulled out the room. The door closing behind me. The pink wave struck the wall and pink little claws began to reach out from the cracks, but not very far. “YE LITTLE BRAAAAT!!” came in loud and clear.

I turned around and in the most adorable way possible, said, “Hello, dear mother.” and smiled.

“Hello, Shifting Sands,” she said, her eyes still focused on the door.

“Did you need something?”

“Uhh, yes... you got a package from Twilight.” a hole broke through the door and the only thing visible was a blood-shot red eye. “Well I think it's time for us to go.” she said, picking me back up with her magic and in a flash of white light we appeared in her room.

“Well that was fun” I said, jumping off her head and walking towards the door. I had a sneaking suspicion of why I'd been brought here and I was eager to make sure I was wrong.

“Shifting Sands, where are you going? Don't you want to see what's in the box?”

I turned around and said, “No thanks, last time she sent me a package, it blew up in my face.”

“Oh Shifting, it wasn't that bad.”

“I was blind for a month.”

“You're exaggerating, you weren't blind... you just had to rely on echo location. Still, it wasn't that bad.”

“I had to scream with every step and ended up waking the dead.” I deadpanned.

“Hmm, you do have a point there.” she lifted a small box in green wrapping. “And here I was hoping that you'd get to see the multi-use dynamite I asked her to send.” my ear twitched upon hearing that. “But if you don't-”

“MINE!” I shouted, shooting off the ground, zooming past her face and landing on the ceiling. I tore open the wrapping and opened the box, laughing maniacally, only to find that it was an orange crystal necklace. I hovered down to Celestia's face and said, “You tricked me.”

“I have no idea what you're talking about.” her magic wrapped around the necklace and latched it around my neck. “It looks really nice on you.”

I landed on the ground and looked at the necklace, holding it in my hoof, and said, “You're sure there's nothing wrong with it right?”

“Of course I am.” she said, but without her mouth moving, I heard her voice continue to say, “I blasted it with enough counter-spells and cancellation magic to turn a phoenix into a pigeon.”

“Wait, you did what?” I asked.


“Nothing, never mind. I think I misunderstood you for a moment.”

“Well anyway, there was another reason I came to get you.”

I flew up and made myself comfortable in her mane, as usual. “And that was?”

“Shifting, how would you like to spend a few days in the Crystal Empire?”

“The Crystal Empire?” I tilted my head. “What's that?”

“It's the kingdom Cadence and Shining Armor reside in.” her horn began to glow and the light coned into an image. A city with the center being a large crystaline structure. “The city will soon begin one of it's annual festivals. Every hundred years since it's foundation, they've celebrated the peace and prosperity they've enjoyed.”

“How long has the kingdom been around?” I asked.

“A five or so millennia, what's even more impressive is that they've not had a single war.”

“Not a single war outbreak in five thousand years? You're kidding right?”

“Not at all.” the image projected changed, now displaying a beautifully cut diamond in the shape of a heart. “You see the source of their protection comes from The Crystal Heart, a powerful focusing stone that amplifies one's inner desire and then gives it form. And the love they have for one another is amazingly strong by itself, but when combined with the heart, it becomes a barrier to all who would wish to do them harm. ”

“I don't know, mom... with all that love, a changeling might mess with things a little.”

“Shifting, you'll be fine. Besides, I doubt you could ever devour enough love to cause any problems.”


Once again Celestia's mouth hadn't moved, but her voice echoed as though it did, saying, “Please don't argue. Just go, I can't have you in the kingdom right now.”

I grit my teeth and swallowed my pride and with a smile, said, “I'd love to go, sounds amazing.”

“I'm so glad to hear you say that.”

“Yeah I bet you are...” I whispered.


“Nothing, I was just thinking.”

The image projected by Celestia's horn vanished, and the horn itself had stopped glowing. “What about?” she said.

I grabbed my necklace and stared into my reflection before letting it go and saying, “How would you feel if I died?”

Her eyes widened and she levitated me down in front of her. “Shifting Sands, what on earth could possibly make you ask such a question?”

“It's just... whenever I go out, someone tries to hurt me.” I said, holding my stomach where Maryiana's claws had tore through.

“I understand you're worried, and so am I, but I believe you'll be perfectly safe under Shining Armor and Cadence's watchful eye.” she smiled. “Besides, I wouldn't let anyone hurt you.” she said before her voice continued “How unfortunate that my reach can only extend so far...” she put her hoof on my head and ruffled my mane before walking out of the room saying, “No more heart breaking questions. Ok?”

“No problem!” I shouted back, before I refocused my attention to the necklace. “Well it seems I'm now in possession of a magic item. One that's resistant to alicorn magic...and I'd rather not have...”

“You should ask Cicada to track whoever sent that package. That is, if she herself didn't send it.”

That night I managed to sneak back into the hall and told Chrysalis to call on Cicada. My wings started fluttering and it didn't take long for Cicada to respond, appearing behind me and startling me again. “You rang?” she said.

“Did you send this to me?” I replied in a whisper, holding my necklace.

“Why would I send you jewelry?”

“Because it's magic.”

“How so?”

“earlier today I spoke with Celestia, but sometimes she would continue talking when her mouth wasn't moving. And she was saying things she wouldn't normally say to me. What makes it weirder is that Celestia said she hit this thing with a ton of anti-magic spells, but it's still working.”

Cicada gave me a piercing glare and said, “Let me see that.” before grabbing me in entirety with her magic and lifting me to her. She took a long hard look at the necklace and said. “It's a hollow gem.”

“A what?” she dropped me out of her magic, causing me to fall onto my back.

“It's a rare gem found in nature. It allows one to sense the true desires of another. They're not resistant to anti-magic spells, and trying to fashion them into jewelry will completely destroy it. Or at least that's how it should be.”

“Hmm...that's a new shade of eggshell for the ceiling.”

Cicada lifted me in front of her face, again, and said, “Where did you get it?”

“Celestia said Twilight sent it.” I crossed my arms and gave her a glazed look.

“We'll have to see about that. For the time being focus on trying to stay alive in The Crystal Empire.”

“Fine. Wait how did you know I was going there? Did you read my mind again?”

“Read your mind? No, dear child, I just know enough about you to deduce your thought patterns.” she dropped me again. “I'll have a small group of changelings deployed upon your arrival into the empire.”

“What!?” I said sitting on my head. “Keep your changelings away from there. I have a chance to get a clean impression and I don't need you screwing it up.”

“Ugh, you are quite the hoof full. Fine, I'll leave my changelings here, but I will accompany you.”


“Nephew, this isn't just about you. It's about all of the hive. You may not show any concern for it, but I do. If keeping it safe means keeping you alive, that's what I will do and no amount of begging, pleading, and demanding will change that.”

I let out a deep sigh and said “Fine... but explain one thing. How did you know I was heading to The Crystal Empire?”

She lowered her head to look at me face to face. “Celestia messaged the train station and told them that a royal would be on board to travel there, tomorrow. Celestia and Luna have no reason to go there, their schedules are completely blank for the next week.”

“And how exactly do you know that?”

“My reach extends pretty far. Be happy you're under my protection.” she lifted her head up. “I'll see you in the empire.”

“No eating ponies!”

“I make no promises.”

The next morning, around seven AM or so, Celestia brought me to the train station with a carrying bag full of stuff I thought would be needed. Toothbrush and toothpaste, mane care products, soap, whoopie cushions, smoke bombs, flash grenades, a book on blackmail, paintball gun, a small club, a blanket and etc. Only the essentials were brought along, and of course the necklace was still wrapped around my throat. I tried to take it off the night before, but it wouldn't move. I obviously kept it to myself. “Do you have everything?” Celestia asked.

“Yes, I have everything.” I replied.

“Are you sure? If you need anything else I can-”

I flew up to her face and said, “Please stop.”

She gave a cheerful smile and a hug, and said, “Don't forget to write every day, ok?” I chuckled, and she pulled back. “No, seriously, write me every day.”

“But my mouth writing sucks.”

“Every day. Understood?”


“Every.” she tapped me on the head. “Day.” she tapped again.

I hugged her and said, “Every day, got it.”

The train made a loud whistle and she said, “Now go, the sooner you're on that train, the sooner you'll come back.”

“That's not technically-”

She put her hoof over my mouth. “Every mother has her dreams. Don't break mine, ok?” I smiled and flew into the train and landed in front of the doors and waved goodbye. “Every day!” she shouted to me.

“I got it, I got it!” I shouted back as the train conductor closed the doors.

“That includes today!” she shouted over the train whistle. Which, as amazing as it was in and of itself, was a bit terrifying. I nodded and the train left the took off from the station.

I found my seat and just sat there. The train itself was mostly empty, it felt somewhat unsettling considering that there were so many ponies in the station. I was probably just worrying too much. After all, I was going into a land I'd never even heard of, all by my self. I wondered if I'd be safe for a little bit, only to shake my head and tell myself to trust Celestia. She wouldn't put me in danger, would she? Of course I'd be safe. That was the mindset I'd kept to keep myself chipper. As time passed I just listened to the sound of the train rolling over the tracks. It was strangely relaxing, a sensation I'd never really understood myself, and soon I would find myself in the infinite black behind my eyelids.

When I woke up, I rubbed my eyes to clear it of the blur and was shocked to find I wasn't in my seat or even on the train anymore. Instead, I was in a large bed with a ruby frame. The room itself seemed to be made of some kind of light, clear sapphire. The bed sheets and blanket were all covered in some elaborate design with golden trimmings. “Chrysalis. Don't be alarmed...but I think I may have drank some cider and found a sugar daddy.”

“You know, I'd say something sarcastic about your desire to say unintelligible things, but at this point, I feel far too used to it. And that scares me, son. You scare me.”

Her words put a smile on my face. I stretched my arms and the door creaked open, with a purple eye peaking out the side. “Oh good, you're awake.” a pink mare walked in. She had wings, a horn, and a mane consisting of gold, light rose, and violet. “Do you like your room?”

“...” I squinted at her.

“Is something wrong?”

“Have we met? You seem familiar but...”

“I guess this would be your first time actually meeting me.” she cleared her throat. “I am princess Cadence.” she bowed.

“Oh right, you're the one who helped defeat Chrysalis in the show.”

“Show?” she looked at me, puzzled.

“Uhh, sorry, I'm still half awake.” I rubbed my eyes. “It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Shifting Sands.”

“Well, Shifting Sands, how do you like your room?”

“It's beautiful. Thank you for letting me stay here.”

“Oh it's no problem, Shining Armor and I-” she looked around and ducked her head back out the door. “Shining Armor, come in and introduce yourself.” she whispered.

“I've met him before!” Shining Armors voice whispered back. “I got a big mouth full of his personality!”

“He was a baby then, let it go!”

“I still have nightmares you know.”

“Shining. Here. Now!”

Shining Armor slowly walked through the door and said, “Hey.” he put his hoof on the back of his head and looked away. “I'm Shining Armor... you may not remember me since the last time we met you were an infant.”

Oh I remembered him alright. But I didn't think I needed to bring it up again. “Nice to meet you.” I smiled.

“See that wasn't so hard.” Cadence said, nudging Shining Armor.

“Yeah, I've faced my little demon.” he replied.

“You mean your inner demons.”

“I know what I said.” Cadence elbowed him in the ribs, to which he chuckled a bit. “Anyway, if you're up for it, we could take a little tour around the kingdom. You know, get you used to the place.”

“Uh, sure. That sounds great.” I jumped off the bed, and as soon as I touched the ground, I was enveloped in darkness. And then...

'Thwak' was the sound I awoke to, finding myself being held in a light blue aura of magic coming from Cadence horn. “It's not working!!” she screamed.

“We don't have a lot of options, keep trying!” Shining Armor said, shaking his hoof as though he were just done abusing it.

“What are you two doing?” I asked.

Cadence dropped me and in unison they replied, “Nothing.” but their thoughts said, “No one must know of the things we did.”

“Are you alright?” Cadence asked.

“My face hurts a little.”

“Uhh...” she gave a weak smile, her eyes rapidly rushing between me and Shining Armor. An unusual air filled the room, soon followed by a long pause.

“So are we still going on the tour...?” I asked.

“I'm not so sure...” Cadence replied, putting me down very slowly. “Maybe some other time, what else would you-”

“Tag, no magic, you're it!” I shouted rushing out of the room, and running through the shining crystal halls.

“Shifting Sands, wait!” Cadence shouted. I turned the corner and ran up the walls and onto the ceiling. The glow of Cadence's magic surrounded my body before suddenly vanishing. “Shining, I can't grab him for some reason, do something!”

“Got it!” he replied, creating a violet wall to block my path. I ran straight through it, and the wall broke apart. He tried again with five more walls, but they all ended the same. “Well that's new.” I jumped onto a chandelier and swung around on it. It broke from the ceiling and I jumped back onto the wall.

“You can't catch me!” I shouted.

Cadence opened her wings and flew towards the roof, her arms extending towards me. “Gotcha!” she shouted as she grabbed my tail, only to pull some of the hairs out. I jumped out a hall window, and started running down the side of the castle, shaking the glass from my mane. Cadence still on my back. I turned and jumped on her head and flew back into the hall, where Shining Armor stood prepared.

“I got him!”

“Boring!” I ran past him, laughing insanely with a blazing green trail behind me. Passing through the halls I grabbed a small marble statue. Cadence teleported in front of me, and grabbed it She tried to pull it from me, but I made sure it stuck to my hooves

“Shifting Sands,” she pulled. “Behave yourself!” she pulled again. “Let go!” I leaned back and began to fill my wings with magic.

“Zoom zoom!” I said.

“What?” Cadence replied. My wings started to flutter on the own, before I blasted my magic out of my wings, rocketing back through the hall, my horn shredding through the ground. Cadence was screaming non-stop, even after we crashed into the wall. My back was cratered into the wall and my eyes were spinning all over the place. Cadence stood up and took the statue from me and said “I think it's time for our little game to end, don't you?!”

“No way!” I blasted magic from my wings again and broke through multiple floors, until I hit the absolute bottom of the castle, where I immediately got up and ran outside. My eyes couldn't keep still, all the decorations, food stands, entertainers, everything was just a blur to me. I also didn't notice, very much, when I crashed into one...or seven...of them. I started running around in circles getting a good look at everything and then a familiar sound hit my ears. The familiar sound of being a freak.

“What's a changeling doing here?” a strangers voice said. I stopped and looked around I, trying to find who said it, but no one was even paying attention to me. “I thought we got rid of those monsters centuries ago...” a mares voice said. I kept looking but everyone was ignoring me.

A young, black maned, orange bodied stallion started to walk past me. I ran in front of him and he stopped, his head jerking back a little. I could see he was shaking heard one of his thoughts. “It's alright Wind Sheer, just don't make any sudden movements, and maybe it won't hurt you.”

“Hurt you?” I said, reaching out to him. “I'm not gonna-”

“Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Oh please don't let it touch me!” I pulled my hoof back.

“I...” I looked around, seeing the crowding ponies were glancing out the corner of their eyes and turned back asking if he knew what time it was. He said he didn't and trotted away. The necklace began to glow a little, and I could hear the thoughts of the surrounding ponies, even more clearly than before.

“Did anyone else see that?!”

“I thought we were safe in the kingdom... why is THAT thing here?!”

“Is this the start of an invasion? Why's there only one of them?”

“We have to get the guards.”

It was loud, ear splitting, even. I ran, I closed my eyes and ran. I didn't care where I went I just needed to get out of that area.

“It's rampaging!”

“Someone get the king!”

“Keep focused!” I told myself.

“I have to get home and warn my family!”

“How has it not been caught yet!?”

“Tune them out!” I started to grit my teeth. Soon I didn't hear their thoughts at all, but I kept running, until someone suddenly grabbed my tail. A chocolate brown pegasi mare, with a long, light brown mane and tail, and redish orange eyes.

“Where do you think you're running off to?” she said.

“Just leave me alone!” I shouted. “I'm going home.”

“By running into the middle of a snow storm? You should know better than that, Variance.” she let go of my tail.

“C-Cicada?” I said. Behind her stood crystal walls, with a barrier coming down behind it.

“If any other called you by that name, you'd be dead, so what does that tell you?” I jumped onto her neck and tried to hug her, but she pushed me away. “Do not touch me. No one touches me. Ever.”


“It's fine, just don't do it again.” she brushed herself off. “What's your problem now?”

“The ponies here...they all think-”

“That you're going to hurt them? I'm not surprised. Crystal ponies typically stay within' this kingdom for a reason. Their bodies are filled with love, it's their very life force. So, naturally, we feed on them every chance we get.”

“But I'm not-”

“They don't know that, Variance. As far as they know, you're a random changeling that managed to break through their barrier.”


“Yes, they designed it to ward off potential attackers, including changelings. However, since you were coming here, they lowered it for a short period. Just long enough for you, and me, to get through.”

I sighed. “I can't go anywhere without trouble starting, can I?”

“No, but you're a changeling.”

“Oh believe me, I know.”

“What I mean is, if you really want to 'fit in' with these ponies, you can just become one yourself.” she said, wafting her mane in the wind.

“If I can help it, I don't want to lie for friendship or acceptance.”

“Honorable, but tell me, if that's the case then what do you plan to do?”

“I don't know...but I'll think of something...”

“I look forward to seeing your next move then, my king.” she said as Shining Armor and Cadence ran up to us.

“Shifting Sands, there you are!” Cadence said as she looked to Cicada. “I'm so sorry, has he been bothering you?”

“No, of course not.” Cicada replied. “Why would such a sweet child ever be a bother?”

“Right, 'sweet child' and all.” Shining Armor said, looking rather irritated.

“Well, I must be on my way. It was fun talking to you, Shifting Sands. Greet your mother for me when you get the chance.” Cicada said, and walked away, as a black cloud gathered around me, Cadence and Shining Armor.

“You three... COME WITH ME!” a deep gruff voice shouted. The clouds wrapped around us and before we knew it, we were back in the castle. The clouds died down and a light gray unicorn with a red tipped horn was standing before us. He wore a red cape with white and black edges, a silver band around his head, and a long neck brace. He grabbed me by my tail and held me there. “You and I need to talk, he hissed out.” before looking at me.

“Hi...” I whimpered.

“Hello, Shifting Sands, I am King Sombra.” he bowed.

“Uhh, nice to meet you.”

“Like-wise.” he turned his head towards Cadence and Shining Armor. “You two... we need to talk.”

“We're sorry, Sir.” Shining Armor said. “We tried to get a hold on him but-”

“Silence! This has nothing to do with that. Besides, both of you are to blame on that account.”

“Huh?” I said.

“Little changeling, were you ever told of how much love flows here?”

“Just that it was a lot.”

“Yes, so much that it even flows through the ground, and the buildings themselves. Not only that, it's very pure and powerful love... remind me, what do changelings eat?”


“Love? Oh my, wouldn't it be an issue if you were to come into contact with something that was filled with love. I mean, you might even start....” he slowly turned his head to Cadence and Shining. “Climbing the walls.”

“Oh...” Shining and Cadence said in unison.

“Did either of you even bother to read those books I gave you on empathivores?”

“You really expected us to read all of that in one day?” Cadence asked.

“Yes, is that a problem?”

“They were bigger than me!”

“I'm not seeing the issue.”

“Can I be put down now? Please?” I asked.

Sombra tossed me to Cadance, who almost dropped me. “Putting that issue aside, someone drank the last Crystals Poopsy, and didn't restock.” he said, glaring at Shining Armor.

“Sorry, sir.”

“Don't let it happen again. You know how much I love my crystals... if I had the chance, I would even go so far as to say nothing BUT crystals.”

“Dad, obsessive.” Cadance said, giving a deadpanned glare.

“The drink is well worth it!”

“It's a soda.”

“That's made from diamonds!”

“It tastes like trash.”

“BLASPHEMY!” the black clouds broke from the ground and started swirling around the room like a hurricane. It blew me out of Cadence's arms, but she grabbed me by the tail and held on. “CRYSTALS POOPSY IS THE BEST DRINK EVER CREATED!”

“Dad, calm down!”

The clouds vanished and I went back to hanging from my tail. “You know this hurts, right?” I said. She went back to holding me normally.

Sombra cleared his throat and said, “Anyway, restock it next time, Armor. I would rather not have this talk again.” he stomped his hoof on the ground and the black clouds began to swirl around him. “And remember to keep him off the ground!” his voice echoed as the clouds dissipated revealing he was completely gone.

“Well that was overly dramatic.” I said. “What now?”

“Well I have to go out and buy some more of that terrible soda.” Shining Armor said.

“If you didn't like it, why did you drink it?”

“I couldn't help it, he makes it look so refreshing!”

Cadence groaned. “Just buy the soda and hurry back, alright? We need to figure out how to deal with this 'no ground touching' thing.”

“He could fly, couldn't he?”

“I can only fly for a minute or two, at max.” I answered.

“Hmm.. do you still sit on Celestia's back?” Shining asked.

“I moved up to her mane.” I replied.

“Either way, that works, right? “

Cadence looked to me and said, “I guess it could, but if he falls off we're in trouble.”

“Do you mind if I go lay down while you figure this out? It's pretty early but I'm kinda tired.” I yawned.

“Oh, sure, it's no problem.” Cadence said with a smile. I flew through the halls and back to my room, where I flopped onto the bed.

“This day hasn't even fully started, and I'm already worn out.”

“You have such weak stamina... I was wondering when your father's traits would appear.” Chrysalis said.

“I'm too tired to be disgusted.” I let out a heavy breath. “I'm just glad they didn't notice my wing and absorption magic.”

“Who said they didn't? If I hadn't cast that spell to rewrite their memories, you'd still be talking to them about it.”

“You rewrote their memories? To what? And more over, how?”

“I didn't have enough energy to make any major changes, so they just think you fly and run fast.”

“Ok, that still leaves how you even managed to do that. You shouldn't have that much magic, you're supposed to be weakening as time goes on.”

“It seems when you absorbed magic from the area, I gained an impressive portion myself. And then you absorbed the magic from Shining Armor's blockades... let's just say I'm feeling very much like my old self.” she chuckled.

“I see...” I said, and stared at the ceiling.

“Wait a minute, something like that would warrant a snarky remark. What's wrong?”

I held the necklace in my hoof, and stared at my reflection. “Chrysalis... is it really worth it? The pale skin, the fangs, the insect wings, the eyes, the hair, the... me. Is it really all worth it just to be this?”


“The truth is that I want to follow Cicada's suggestion. I'm tired of being me. I'm tired of all the baggage I get just for being different. Celestia told me time and time again that being different made me special, made me unique...but it doesn't. It makes me a villain, a monster. And I hate it.”

“If you truly feel this way, then why haven't you gone with the idea?”

“I don't know. I just, when I think about it, I know it would be easy. I know it would be the answer I need...but I just don't know. I've transformed before, I've made people think I was normal multiple times. But I've never considered just...staying that way.”

“Most changelings never consider it. We stay with one another and don't think about living as someone else. It's a hollow life, and we know better than to try it.”

I took a deep breath and said, “Trying to make friends with an alter-ego is disrespectful, dishonest, sneaky, shallow, cruel to all involved and all around wrong...” I said, before my green and blue flames engulfed my body, turning me into a pegasus colt, similar to Pound Cake. The only difference being that my mane hadn't changed styles and only color. “But just once...I want to see what kind of life it can offer me.”