When Worlds Collide

by Chris-Cross13

A (Slight) Change of Heart

Christian's mother was busy doing work around the house. Since Christian was out of her hair, she was able to clean the living room, wash the car, and make herself lunch, all in about two hours! She was enjoying the peace and quiet of her son not ranting about his latest explosion. Crystal could care less about what her crazy little bro was up to, as it didn't affect her in any way at all. Lily was enjoying Christian's absence way too much however; she could watch My Little Pony and sing all she wanted, and not have a death threat said to her at all! Christian's summer camp vacation was perfect for her!

"I'm home!" A voice yells from the foyer, followed by a slam of the front door. Christian's mother immediately rushes over to her son and gives him big hug, lifting him up into the air in the process. Christian was taken by surprise at the affectionate act. Crystal emerges from her room.

"Who's at the door?" She stares at her brother. "Oh, cool. Hey bro." She says nonchalantly as she walks back to her room. Lily groans from the family room.

"Is Christian back already?! How short was that summer camp?!" She complains.

"It was pretty short!" Christian yells back. "But I learned a lot." He smiles at his mother, who winks back at her. "You do know, right?" He asks confused. His mother nods her head.

"Your uncle called last night. I can't believe my son is..." Lily rushes in from the living room.

"Is what?" Lily asks playfully. Christian's mother bites her lip in terror. Christian quickly intervenes.

"She is... excited that i'm back from summer camp." He says simply. Christian's eyes suddenly pop as he realizes he just remembered he got his little sis a present. "Oh Lily, I almost forgot..." He reaches his hand into his pocket. "I got you something!" He says happily. Lily groans again.

"If it's Rainbow Dash's wings that you torched off, I'll never stop singing Pinkie's Cupcake song." She says angrily. Christian is mortified at his sister's response.

"Now why would I do that? Besides, that song is awesome! I could care less if you sung it!" Lily's jaw drops at what her anti-brony bro just said.

"Did you bang your head against a brick wall at that summer camp?" She asks concerned. Christian shakes his head happily.

"No, I just..." He finally finds Lily's gift in his pocket. "Ah! Here we go!" He pulls out the item, which makes Lily gawk immediately.

"Is... Is that... A Twilight Sparkle figure SIGNED by Twilight herself?!" She exclaims with joy. Christian nods happily as Lily carefully plucks the figure out of Christian's hands. She starts to inspect the figure very carefully, to see if her brother messed with it. But, their was not a single scratch on the figure at all! Twilight's purple body was spotless as was her shining purple mane, the pink highlight seemingly glowing in the sunshine. Lily especially adored the cursive, black signature of Twilight Sparkle right across her back. "How... How did you get this?!" She asks in awe.

"Well, you know Twilight's voice actor on the show?"

"Tara Strong?"

"Yea. She was a councilor at the camp. I asked if I could have her autograph because my sister was a big fan. And well, there you go!" Lily looks at his brother suspiciously.

"But wait, I thought you hated Twilight?" Christian kneels down to his sister.

"Well Lil, I... Let's just say I learned a lot at camp." Lily cocks her head in confusion.

"Learned about what?" She asks. Christian laughs a bit.

"If you knew, your mind would be blown." He gets back up and starts climbing the stairs toward his room. Suddenly, he remembers the last thing he did on Earth. He shouts from the top of the steps. "Lily! Did you go into my room?!"

"Noooooo..." Lily says as she roll her eyes. Christian sighs in annoyance.

"I'm serious. Did you?"

"Ugh, fine. I did."


"A few hours ago." Christian's thanking Celestia that she actually went into his room without his permission for once.

"Was my laptop on?" He asks nervously. Lily nods rapidly.

"By the way, what does the red bar with the ninety five percent on it mean?" Christian gasps suddenly and then quickly rushes into his room. Lily blinks toward his mother. "What's with him?" She asks. His mother nods her head.

"Nothing, he was probably wasting the battery on his computer."

Meanwhile, Christian slams the door on his room and looks around. He was glad to see his TV and Gamestation back on top of his dresser. It was good to be back home. He thought to himself as he put his hands on his hips. He walks over to his computer, which was upside-down and closed on his carpet. He lifts it up and places it on his desk. It opens to a white screen with a red progress bar.

"Hmm, guess I was right about the overnight thing." He says to himself. The percentage had reached ninety nine percent. He motions the mouse to hover over the top right corner of the loading screen, right above the X to close it. He thought about his options for a second. If he did close out the video, Mike would get all mad that he would be soft, and spread word that he was now a brony. If he didn't, his conscious would never be clear. After a few moments, he finally makes a decision. He clicks on the red X, stopping the video rendering. He then goes over to his channel and deletes every single pony explosion video ever made.

Christian takes a step back and admires the blank page in front of him. He reaches into his left pocket and pulls out his leather wallet. With a smile, he opens it up, staring at the clear plastic window in the middle. "Thanks." He says quietly to a picture of a sad looking Twilight, in chains, in the dungeon. "As long as you girls live, i'll help you and your fanbase. No matter who is in my way." Suddenly, his phone on his desk rings. He picks it up. "Hello?... Mike! What's up?... Wait, what's wrong with Nick?... Alright, fine. I'll meet you on the field." Christian hangs up and puts his phone down. "Huh, wonder what's up. Better head over to the field." He races back out of his room and down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" His mother asks as Christian jumps down the last few steps.

"Heading to the field. Something's up with Nick." He opens the front door and is about to leave when his mother stops him.

"Don't forget, you start work at three o'clock." She says strictly. Christian looks at his watch. It was two thirty already. He nods and rolls his eyes.

"Like I would forget my new awesome job!" He exclaims. Lily suddenly pops his head in.

"Job? What new job?" Christian is caught completely off guard by the her sister's question, as he thought she was in the other room.

"Oh... Uhh... My new job at the camp! Yea, i'm a councilor. I help out and stuff." He quickly heads out the door. "Gotta go bye!" He says quickly as he slams the door. Lily looks at her mother, who was smiling happily at where her son left.

"He doesn't work at the camp, does he?" Her mother sighs with happiness.

"Nope. Not at all."




"You know what! Who do you think you are?!"

"Look, i'm just saying I saw the show and... Well, I kinda like it!"

"You are messed up in the head, you know that!?"

When Christian finally arrived at the football field, he realized immediately what the huge argument was about. Nick must have watched My Little Pony and enjoyed it, causing Mike to throw a fit. Christian however, quickly butts in to get the full story. He rushes in between the two of them.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What is going on here?!" He shouts in between both of them.

"Well, Nick here thought it would be a good idea to watch those stupid moronic ponies. And now, he LIKES them!" Mike exclaims.

"What's so wrong about it?! We were best friends, like, two seconds ago!" Nick counters back.

"Yea, because WE HATED THE PONIES!" Mike yells. He turns toward Christian, who was trying to regain a bit of his hearing. "Christian! Please, talk some sense into Nick would ya?!" Christian looks at both of his friends. Nick looked at Christian a bit defeated. Mike however, had his arm crossed in a mocking way toward their quarterback friend. Christian's head started to swivel back and forth between his two friends. Finally, he steps in front of Nick and glares evilly at Mike. Mike's jaw drops in shock. "CHRISTIAN?! WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Helping a friend. What does it look like?" Christian smirks, as does Nick. Mike growls at the both of them.

"So, it's come to this. You like the ponies too don't you, Christian?! I bet it's also the reason you deleted our channel!" Christian narrows his eyes.

"Mike, you know I hate those ponies more than anyone else in the world. But, it's not bad to like something once in awhile." Mike's face scrunches in confusion.

"Whatever. If you like those ponies, then you are now a stupid brony!"

"I never said I was a brony. I still hate those ponies, but less than I did before. Plus, hating someone over something they like but you don't isn't cool whatsoever." Mike was still really confused.

"Whatever! Move aside brony... hater... whatever! I'm gonna teach this anti-gone-soft about what happens when you switch sides!" Mike curls up his right hand into a heavy fist. His knuckles crack under the immense power. With closed eyes, he puts his arm back before throwing it full force against Nick's face...

...But something stops the oncoming fist. Mike opens his eyes to see Christian holding back Mike's fist with one hand.

"My turn." Christian throws a punch right at Mike's jaw, sending him flying backward onto the ground. Mike lies there, writhing in pain for a few seconds, before shaking it off and getting back on his feet. Christian wasn't particularly strong, but even he knew that the punch must have hurt.

"Ow... Man Christian. Your punches aren't that strong unless you're ticked off."

"I am ticked off." He marches up to the battle ready Mike. "You don't mess with my friends, understand?" Mike nods rapidly." If they like ponies, so what? Some of those ponies are kinda cool anyway."

"Whatever man." He proceeds to go back to his bike behind him. He gets on and starts to pedal away, before stopping short halfway up the field. "You know, something happened to you at that summer camp you mom told me about, dude. And if you like those ponies, then consider us no longer friends!"

"Fine by me! Now get outta here!" Christian yells back. Mike nods and rides off of the field and down the sidewalk straight out of the park. Christian and Nick smile at each other.

"You know Nick, you could have easily taken him." Nick nods.

"Yea, but I wanted to see what you would do. I didn't think you could punch him that hard!" Christian looks at his fist. It was throbbing in pain after he sucker punched Mike. Christian shrugs.

"Hey, no bully is gonna mess with my friends. If you're a brony, i'm perfectly fine with it. Plus, Pinkie is kinda cool."

"I prefer Applejack. Anyway, Thanks man." Nick says with gratitude.

"No problem!" Christian responds. The two of them high five in victory. That is, until a faint beeping is heard. Christian looks down at his watch. It was already three. "Oh shoot! Three already?! I gotta go!" Christian dashes off behind Nick and heads back toward home. Nick scratches his head.

"Wait, why?!" He shouts at Christian. Christian starts running backwards to answer back.

"I got a new job!"

"Job?! Where?!" Christian stops for a second, before answering with a huge smile.

"With cartoons!" Nick was take a bit off guard at the response. He must have gone into animating. Christian always said he wanted to design characters. He thinks to himself.

"Does it pay well?!" Christian give a thumbs up.

"Too well! Peace!" Christian starts running back again, leaving Nick laughing to himself and shaking his head. Whatever happened at Christian's summer camp made Christian real defensive about this whole brony debacle. Nick was just happy that his friend pulled through for him. But he really think Christian, of all people, would defend him about his opinion.

"I guess it's true what they say: Friendship is Magic!" Nick says to himself as he to walks off the field and west toward his home.

Christian was still in a full sprint down the street. He looks back to see that the football field was just a small speck. He assess the surrounding area. There was not a single person to be found. with a smirk, Christian reveals the small, black portal orb. He looks down to see the onyx coloring shining in the sunlight.

"Destination is set to: Equestria. Location?" The sphere asks.

"Ponyville!" Christian abruptly throws the orb a few yards in front of him as it searches for its target location. It bounces across the black asphalt a few times before opening into a colorful portal. Christian immediately kicks up his speed to avoid being seen, as who knows who could be around the next corner. Christian jumps to dive into the swirl of colors. "Now this I could get used to!" He leaps into the vortex, followed by the black sphere which closes the portal behind him. The street goes back to its natural state as quick as the human vanished, leaving no trace of Christian or the orb. In the vortex, Christian's necklace floats out in front of him. He smiles and looks toward the exit of the portal that was racing up to greet him. "Oh yea, very used to..."


Back at the house, the doorbell rings. Lily prances toward the door happily. She opens it to see a somewhat familiar face.

"Uncle John!" Lily jumps into his arms.

"Hey there, Lily billy!" He kisses the cute little girl on the head. Crystal looks down from the banister upstairs.

"Whoa. This is a surprise, John. We normally just see you at Thanksgiving or Christmas." John puts down Lily and casually walks to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yea well, I have important news for you all." He says with a smile.

"What about?" Crystal asks curiously.

"Well Crystal, I've never told the family this. In fact, the only people that do know are you parents."

"What is this about?" Crystal asks, now concerned.

"Well, the fact is, your uncle works for the government. More accurately, the FBI." Crystal's jaw drops, while Lily looks at her uncle like he's an alien.

"What's the FBI?" Lily asks. Crystal starts down the stairs. She a bit annoyed that her sister doesn't know what organization their uncle is from.

"Government organization that specializes in investigating terrorism, counter-terrorism, basically they defend us and help other nations if needed." Crystal said matter-of-factly. John nodded.

"Correct. Well, something happened over the past few days involving your brother and well... The rest of the family should be notified about it."

"Oh my god, what did he do?" Crystal asks in an extremely distraught manner. Lily looks at her uncle with big eyes. She knew the present he gave her was weird. John looks at the two of them and laughs, cuing their mother to walk into the foyer. She leaned up against the wall to listen in on what John was telling the kids.

"Your brother did the most amazing thing this organization has ever seen." Crystal and Lily locked eyes, stunned that their brother helped the FBI to the point of them being grateful!

"What did he do?" Lily asks. John gets up and goes by their mother. He beckons the three of them.

"Let's sit down for this story, shall we?" Lily nods and quickly runs over to the couch and waits patiently for the story. Crystal eyes her uncle suspiciously before heading to the kitchen for an apple and sitting down on the couch opposite of Lily. Their mother remains under the archway, still listening to what was going on. John sits down next to Lily.

"Lily, you're a fan of My Little Pony right?" Lily nods her head rapidly.

"Of course! Why?"

"Well, what if I told you Equestria and all of the characters of My Little Pony were real?" Lily looks like a deer caught in car headlights. Her mouth starts to water a bit as he jaw drops to the ground.

"OMG! CAN WE GO?! CAN WE?! PLEASE?!" Lily pleads in between her bounces of joy. John starts laughing.

"Well, you would have to get authorization from your brother first." Lily stops jumping to comprehend what her uncle just said.

"Say what?" Crystal says with a mouthful of apple. John nods.

"Yup. Your brother has to give you girls permission. He is the ambassador after all."

"There's not a chance. Prove it." Crystal says. She was now thinking that their uncle was messing with the two of them. There is no way that Christian would become ambassador to a bunch of ponies. John looks at Crystal like she was out of her mind. He reaches into the backpack behind him and pulls out a crossbow.

"Here's your proof. Christian used this crossbow to get Rarity to Earth when she had motion sickness." Crystal eyes the crossbow. It did look like it would fit Christian, but it still meant nothing.

"This doesn't prove anything!" Crystal shouts at her uncle. John rolls his eyes and takes out a newspaper.

"How about this?" Crystal and Lily both take the newspaper and read the headline.

"Hater Turned Hero. Other Worldly Human, Christian Average Saves Celestia, Luna, Twilight and Friends From Chrysalis's Wrath."

"Whoa!" Crystal exclaims.

"Cool! What happened?! How did he do it?!" Lily asks excited. John motions the both of them to calm down.

"Alright, alright, let me tell you everything." The two of them lean in close to their uncle, anxious about what happened a few days ago. Question were racing in their mind. How did their brother get to Equestria? What happened there? And how did he get tangled in with the FBI? They wanted to know. John takes a deep breath and begins. "It all started a few days ago, on the football field..."