Thirty Minutes Shy

by Esle Ynopemos

15: Love Note [Romance]

((Prompt: Spike didn't make it.))

Rarity opened her door before Fluttershy even had a chance to knock. “Thank goodness you've come, Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy nodded as Rarity practically dragged her inside. “Of course, I came as soon as I heard. What's going on, Rarity?”

Rarity paced to one of the large bay windows in the shop level of her boutique, chewing nervously on her hoof. After staring at nothing out it for a moment, she paced over to the other window and repeated the process. “I'm just not certain where I should turn to for this, darling. I've of course sent word to Twilight, because it involves her, but I think...” She bit her lip. “I think I trust your judgment most in this matter.”

“Rarity,” Fluttershy said, her feathers puffing up in agitation. “What is it?”

Rarity's eyes shifted back and forth. With a glow from her horn, she pulled a desk drawer open and levitated a small card over to Fluttershy. “I found this in my mailbox this morning.”

Fluttershy's ears flattened as she took the card in her hooves. It was a simple, undecorated piece of red paper, and it had five words written carefully on one side:

I love you. I'm sorry.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. “W-what does it mean?” she asked.

“I think Spike is thinking of, or has done, something drastic,” Rarity said, taking another concerned glance out the window.

“You... you think it's from Spike?” Fluttershy asked, holding the card.

“Of course it's from Spike,” Rarity said. “Who else could it be?”

Fluttershy shifted her gaze to the door. “Well, I mean, lots of ponies find you attractive, Rarity. It could be from anyone.”

Even under the circumstances, Rarity's vanity would not let go of the compliment without a small smile. “Perhaps, but Spike's affection for me has been quite clear since day one. He's such a sweet little thing, but...” Rarity sighed. “I should have made my position clear to him as soon as I noticed his little crush, but I didn't want to be the bad pony. Perhaps I enjoyed the attention, too.”

Rarity stared down at her hooves with a troubled frown. “It's the last part that has me worried. 'I'm sorry.' What could he mean by that?”

Fluttershy scraped a hoof on the floor. “Maybe... maybe he just means to say that he doesn't want to be in the way. That he's sorry if loving you makes your life more complicated.”

“That... that does sound like his kind of reasoning,” Rarity said. Her eyes widened, and she gasped. “Oh no, what if he's planning to run away? We have to stop him!” Rarity snatched the card out of Fluttershy's grasp and hurtled toward the door.

“Rarity, stop!”

“No, come on, Fluttershy, we have to get to the library right away!” Rarity pulled on Fluttershy's wing.

Fluttershy snapped her wing back. “Spike didn't write the note.”

Rarity stumbled to a stop. “What... what do you mean, darling? How could you know who...”

Fluttershy tore her gaze away.

Piece by piece, it fit together in Rarity's head. She drew a sharp breath. “...You?”

A tear rolled down a yellow cheek etched with a pained grimace. “I'm sorry.”