//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: The War's First Battle // Story: Dragoon Wars; Seven Lords Rising // by Crystalis McCloud //------------------------------// The griffon hovered before them, powerful wings flapping effortlessly in the howling winds as she crossed her arms in front of her chest, the white plume disappearing under a hard leather jacket underlain with shimmering green chain mail. Gleaming green plates covered her shoulders and elbows, and as the leathery garb descended to her legs, similar plates also adorned her haunches and knees. Upon her claws she bore wickedly gleaming gauntlets, each digit ending in a razor tip that looked able to rend flesh with ease. Rainbow Dash’s teeth gritted, a mixture of anger, sadness, and fear bubbling up in her in a fury that she was not accustomed to. The feelings were born from many things all at once: the sight of her old friend; the realization that her friend was before them as an enemy intent to kill them; memories of the last time she saw Gilda, and how spiteful and hurt she had been when she had taken off; and the terrifying dragon she had at her side. What stung most though was what Surge said. “A princess?!” Dash yelled. She cast her saddlebags off of her back. They would only be getting in the way. “A princess like Celestia?!” How could she have not known this? Didn’t they used to be best friends? Why didn’t Gilda tell her anything about this when they had been in flight school? The feelings stirred by this lanced through the pegasus. “Not exactly, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said from opposite her, on Spike’s other side, “She’s the seventh daughter of the griffon emperor. In Equestria, the Princesses are the leaders of our society, and rule together. In Griffonaria, princes and princesses are those who are in line for the solitary throne, and those who do not eventually become emperor or empress are the next line of nobility.” Rainbow noted that her voice was surprisingly calm, but there was a slight shakiness to it. A soft, clap was Surge’s answer, the Violet Dragon’s palms coming together in soft, deliberate slaps. “Very good, Princess. Good to know someone knows a thing or two about other cultures.” Gilda’s golden beak curled in a sneer, “That doesn’t matter. I’m here for payback. You all humiliated me when I was here before.” She thrust one metallic claw forward and clenched it tight, “Now I can deal that pain back on you all tenfold while we take your precious White-Silver Dragon away from you and take the Dragoon Spirit for ourselves!” Spike and the girls tensed at her words, their bodies all moving into defensive stances. Rainbow’s mind reeled with her turbulent emotions, her anger demanding that she fly up and give Gilda a beating, her sadness making her want to do anything she could to make it up to her old friend, and her fear making her want to run far away. That last emotion, that pure and primal fear was something she wasn’t used to. She was Rainbow Lightning Dash! She was tough enough to handle anything wasn’t she? She’d faced down countless dangers with her friends before, and now she was getting cold hooves? No, she couldn’t think of it that way. That wasn’t right at all. She didn’t feel fear often, it was the rarest of occurrences, but when she did… Stamping her hoof into the ground, Rainbow Dash let out a sharp snort through her muzzle, faint steam pushing out as her cerise eyes glared up at Gilda, “That isn’t going to happen! Twilight is going to become the Dragoon, and I’m gonna kick your ass until you come to your senses! I don’t care if I’m not a Dragoon, I’m still the best flier around!” That was the fear bringing out her boasts, but that was good, she was doing something. Fear was good. As long as it didn’t consume her, she could use it, she could use all of her emotions, but especially that fear. Fear makes a warrior stronger. Fear pushes one’s limits to their greatest heights, and the last time she felt fear like that was… Gilda only rolled her eyes, a dark smirk passing over her face as she looked down on them, “This bookish princess is going to beat us and become the White-Silver Dragoon? Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it, Rainbow Dash. Now, I’m not totally heartless, so I’ll give you two options: One, you give up quietly and we will only take you prisoner and have our finest warriors fight to claim the Spirit; Or Two, you fight back, and we make sure every last one of you dies horribly and painfully. If that’s the case I’ll even go and find that annoying pink pony and your timid friend and give them ‘special treatment’ as well.” Now double that fear. The reaction was immediate and powerful, with Spike’s claws dragging into the earth and letting out a feral roar at the griffon. His wings spread wide and began to glow bright as the webbing gathered magic together. The mares at his sides took powerful steps forward, their hooves glinting with a splash of light as they summoned their Casts in unison. Their thoughts were the same. There was no way they could let any of that happen. Gilda’s smirk only grew wider, “That’s exactly what I was hoping for.” Both sides tensed up, two sets of hooves scored the earth in front of them while Spike’s long, powerful body arched, presenting his spines, wings, and menacing horns. Opposite them, Surge’s small body crackled with arcs of violet electricity, cracking her claws and neck before spreading her diminutive wings, which made the volts dance all the more rapidly. Varius arched his tail under his body and flung both openings wide, hissing from its menacing mandibles and snapping the pincer on its tail shut rapidly. Gilda took up a posture, both claws held out to make a prominent display of the razor tipped metal surrounding them. No one moved. Moment after agonizing moment ticked by as time stretched on. All six of them were like bowstrings pulled taut. The slightest twitch would set the battle off, and Rainbow Dash couldn’t even begin to imagine how Twilight felt right now. This was going to be her first real fight, and no amount of practice and training of her magic could teach her the things she would need to know. It was terrifying, especially since this wasn’t some simple trading of hoofticuffs. This was life and death, and she knew Twilight of all ponies should keenly aware of that. She couldn’t look to see how she was handling it though; her keen, hawk-like eyes trained on their enemies, scanning them for even the slightest sign of movement, the tiniest opening for her to strike. While she was worried about Twilight, she couldn’t afford to check on her. She had to trust that her friend was ready for this. Scared. No, terrified. She had never been in a situation like this, and she felt like the fear may overwhelm her, but she grasped hold of it and belted it down, tempering it into her will. Yes, fear was dangerous if you let it take control, but she would make it a part of her, and grow with it, just like that day at the Best Young Fliers Competition. She lifted her hoof. In an instant the triangular blade of her weapon emerged in a rush of gathering magic, and she raised her wings high, gathering all of her strength to- Suddenly the darkness cast upon them by the raging storm was cast aside by rays of golden sunlight, causing every head to turn to the sky. The storm still raged all around, but high above and off to the west, a large gap opened up in the clouds, cast aside as a familiar gilded chariot soared down through the opening, pulled on the wings of two pegasus knights. Riding in the chariot, keenly visible to Rainbow Dash’s sharp eyes was Celestia, a look of burning resolve on her face as her horn glowed with the same golden light that cut through the black veil above them. The glimpse of sky did not last long, however, as Surge and Varius’s eyes glowed with their respective hues and the clouds gathered together once more, darkness returning save for the light post that was Celestia’s shining horn. She wasn’t close enough yet to help though, only just close to reaching the opposite side of Ponyville. Gilda let out a sharp cackle at the sight of the approaching princess, “Princess Celestia too? This is too perfect! We can take out two princesses at once and Equestria will be that much easier to topple!” Looking down to the electric dragon, she snickered, “Go and roll out the red carpet for her, Surge. Preferably dyed in her blood.” A large grin spread across the tiny dragon’s muzzle. The bolts around her body seemed to crackle even more violently, converging on her wings as she swiped her razor spines through the air. “It will be my pleasure,” she hissed. Kicking off from the scorched earth, the dragoness in an instant became a streak of pure lightning, zig-zagging on a path to intercept the approaching princess. No-no-no-no-no. Not good. Not good! Equestria would be a wreck if anything happened to Celestia! “Oh no you don’t, Sparky!” Rainbow Dash growled. Finally swinging her wings down in a powerful flap, Rainbow Dash rocketed into the air and took off after Surge. This didn’t last long, however, as Gilda thrust her claw out, generating a glow of emerald light. Rainbow Dash was sent reeling through the air as a powerful gust of winds caught her off guard, only barely managing to catch herself and start hovering before she fell headfirst into the ground. Magic? Gilda could use magic too? What, was magic power just being handed out like candy and she hadn’t heard about it? No, it had to be the fact that she was a Dragoon. When she righted herself, she found Gilda hovering in her path, barring her passage. “Oh no you don’t Dashie,” she chuckled, almost sounding like her old self back when they were in Flight School, but the look in Rainbow differently. She wasn’t going to get by without a fight. Dash’s eyes flicked past her, looking for Surge, and saw she was too late. The dragoness striking the chariot full on in a brilliant explosion. Dash’s heart sank. This feeling vanished, however, when the explosion cleared, revealing a brilliant golden bubble surrounding the chariot, though their progress had now been halted, hovering in one spot as Celestia focused on maintaining the powerful barrier. A sigh of relief almost escaped her lips, but Surge immediately arched up into the air above and started raining bolt after bolt of lightning down on the barrier. Hurling the lightning from her claws, she flew all around the sphere, even ramming into it from every angle with as bursts of enchanted lightning around her body. A flicker of her gaze back over to Twilight revealed that she and Spike were standing against Varius, the insectoid dragon slowly approaching them with its hissing maw snapping open and shut. Gilda turned for only a moment to see the barrier and Surge attacking it, looking back to Dash cockily, “Celestia may be powerful, but she can’t hold that barrier for long. And Surge is the fastest of the Seven Lords. Her attacks will come one after another, giving Celestia no chance to lower the spell and attack for herself.” A sadistic laugh spilled out from her. “Surge will break that barrier in no time and Celestia will be too exhausted to fight back.” Tilting her head back, the griffon released a loud, high-pitched whistle. Right on cue, several black shapes fell out of the clouds, falling to the ground, only for great, powerful wings to spread wide as they landed in a series of rapid thuds. It was a squadron of griffon warriors. They were at least two score in number, and all of them wearing heavy battle armor with many different weapons strapped to each of their sides. Another shadow lowered the clouds as well, this one immense in size, the distinct, nearly ovular shape of a ship’s bow and keel. It was an airship, hidden within the stormclouds, which descended into view, the dark hull making it hard to make out against the shadowy backdrop, were it not for the flashes of lightning highlighting its silhouette. Rainbow Dash had seen a good many airships, but not like this one. Rather than being held aloft by a giant helium balloon, seemed to have glowing circular fins along its entire length that tilted and shifted as it descended through the sky. These fins were hollow in the center, and had a bright violet light swirling within them. Looking over to her dragon, Gilda commanded, “Varius. Kill.” There was too much going on. A squadron of griffons. Varius attacking Twilight and Spike, lunging at them with a thrum of his wings. Surge continually assaulting Celestia’s barrier spell. No, too many fronts, she couldn’t handle all of them, and no matter what, she would be blocked from helping anypo- anyone, rather. No, there was only one logical choice if she was going to be able to help anyone. Focusing and calling the katar blades from her Casts, Rainbow Dash flapped forward and charged her enemy, weapons bared. She shut out all other distractions. She had to focus only on her enemy, even if others were in trouble, Gilda wasn’t about to let her leave. “Gilda!” Rainbow Dash screamed, rushing her head-on. A claw lifted, glowing green once more, and violent winds kicked up and blasted into Rainbow’s muzzle, catching her wings and blowing her back several yards. Once again, she managed to catch herself before catching a face full of dirt, and floated up to level with her enemy. Pain lanced through her wings, and across her face. Looking close, she could see several tiny cuts under her feathers, the bleeding starting to tint the bases of her pinions a faint red hue. She could also feel warm droplets of blood streaking down her muzzle. Darn it, it takes forever to preen blood out of her feathers! That was going to be a pain in the ass. “Impressive, that clothing you’re wearing must be pretty special. You should have been cut into a bloody mess after that last spell,” Gilda jeered, holding up a claw to show the glowing aura of magic surrounding it. “Still, you should just give up, Dash. The Dragoon Spirit gives me dominion over the winds themselves. You can’t even touch me. You need to fly to reach me, and my winds still catch in your wings, even with that outfit you’re wearing!” Darn, Gilda was pretty observant. Then again, Rainbow Dash knew at the very least that griffons were a race that prized strength, fighting, and survival of the fittest above all else. It was only natural that her battle observation skills be great. That was right; she couldn’t just rush Gilda head on. Her wings were completely exposed, and though it did seem like the clothing weakened the magic a bit, she still would get knocked back and forth like clouds on a busy work day. She had to think. Think like an egghead. When in doubt, what would Twilight do? It didn’t take her long to get a brilliant idea. The realization was so simple and easy, she just had to overwhelm the wind! There was only one way to do that… Fighting the pinpricks of pain that shot through her wings, Rainbow Dash flapped hard and rose into the sky, flying back and away from Gilda as she raised high into the sky. “Getting some extra distance isn’t going to help either, Dash!” Gilda mocked, “No matter how much speed you build, my winds will just push you back and tear you apart!” She was wrong. This would work. This was something she had never told Gilda about before. “That’s what you think, Gilda!” Rainbow Dash called back after reaching an optimal range. Angling down, she flapped her wings as hard as she could, both forehooves extended forward as she pushed her speed to the limits. She had done this many times since that day, that day when Rarity was falling through the clouds and about to die, but now she needed more. She needed it for longer. She needed to Sonic Rainboom like she never had before. No short burst that lasted only a brief time. No, she needed all of it as long as possible. Her eyes watered as the mach-cone started to form in front of her. Her hooves shook under the wind resistance, but she forced them to steady, closing her eyes. Fear. She remembered that fear. Not when she had been feeling performance anxiety back then, but the pure, primal fear she had felt when Rarity was about to die. Leering up at the descending pegasus, Gilda lifter her claw up towards her, calling up the magical aura once more Her eyes snapped open, and she felt the illusive speed barrier break before her. That rush. That feeling of power and speed. That familiar feeling returned to her, as though magic were pouring through every fiber of her being. And in an instant, it was unleashed. Her wings beat with more power, and that familiar weightless feeling overtook her as her whole body felt lighter than a feather. She felt powerful. She felt indestructible. She felt like nothing could stop her! The surge through her body was immediately followed by a shuddering shockwave that rippled into a familiar disc or rainbow light, followed by her rocketing from its epicenter. Her mane melded into pure rainbow light, streaking behind her in sharp contrails, and her blades glittered with similar rainbow light, empowered by the flow through her. Chartreuse light glowed around Gilda’s outstretched claw, and a third burst of rampant winds, sharp as razor blades, was flung at Rainbow Dash, only to slip right over her body like a harmless breeze. A single shallow cut appeared on her cheek. Crying out in surprise, Gilda flung both claws up just as Rainbow closed in on her, slashing her blades, only for the cutting edges to be stopped against Gilda’s gauntlets. Still, that was not enough. The force of the double-blow sent Gilda careening backwards, and Rainbow turned on a dime to streak off to the side, arcing around and charging in for a flanking attack with blinding speed. “D-damn it!” Gilda growled, curling one claw, a long black shaft sprouting from her gauntlet in a rush of liquid-metal. On one end of the pole, a long crescent blade, gleaming like a silver moon, swept out behind her. As Dash came in for her next strike, her blades were halted by the shaft of this wicked battle scythe. This time, Gilda was not sent flying away, but rather, was pushed back rapidly through the skies, as Rainbow Dash’s incredible speed overwhelmed her. Glaring past her weapons, the griffon snarled, “I don’t know what this is, but don’t think for a minute that you’ve taken the advantage here, Dash!” With a flick of her wrist, Gilda aligned her scythe blade with Dash’s body and swung her body to the side, putting all of her weight into a powerful swing, her polearm scraping along the pegasus’ blades. This strike cut through nothing but rainbow contrails though, as in a move that defied everything a flier would know about momentum and physics, Rainbow Dash rocketed straight upward, changing her angle of approach before charging in once more. “I’ll show you the real power of a Dragoon Spirit, old friend!” Gilda screamed, pulling out a shining emerald sphere. The light from the crystal orb burst out in a flourish of spectacular rays, a small tornado forming around her as she loosed a savage battle cry. “RRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” The light and winds surrounding Gilda died out in a sharp burst, revealing a sight that Dash couldn’t help but marvel at as she flew around Gilda in tight circles, maintaining her Rainboomed state. The griffon had undergone a magnificent and beautiful transformation; she had to admit. With pure green plate armor, underlain with a black material between the plates, she looked even more the ferocious warrior than she had before. Intricate lines and patterns were embossed on the armor, trailing elegantly across the entire suit, and flowing outward from a brilliant amber gemstone embedded in the breastplate. Across her forehead she wore a tightly wrapped headband with many smaller amber stones in it. But perhaps the most wondrous thing was the wings. Her wings had become something entirely different, and looked to be a part of the armor itself, the single-jointed, armored limbs spread wide, and from the rounded tip cascaded forth a curtain of long beautiful ‘feathers’ of unknown composition. Each singular feather extended down nearly the whole length of her body, and couldn’t have been any more than ten on each wing. Her weapon had changed as well, the silver blade turning the same emerald hue as the shaft turned into a twisting and elegant new form, the black metal becoming a dull brown. This was a Dragoon? Rainbow Dash could feel the powerful magical flow coming from her friend-turned-enemy. It was so dense that it almost felt like a solid object pressing her back as she spiraled around Gilda. This wasn’t good. She felt her blood chill as Gilda turned a golden eye to follow the mare in her wide circle of flight. That look, it was as murderous as a dragon on the hunt. This killing intent was demonstrated when with a flick of her scythe; a crescent wave of razor wind was flung right into Dash’s path. A hair’s breadth was the only space between Dash’s nose and the shearing gale as she tucked her wings in and rolled down and out of the way. She didn’t want to get hit by that. If the magic before had barely cut her cheek when she was like this, she didn’t want to know what it would do now. Her Rainboom speeds faltered for a moment, but a few flaps of her wings stabilized her once more. “I’m not giving up!” Rainbow shouted out, coming in and swinging her katars in a sharp arc, clashing in a resounding shockwave with Gilda’s scythe. She expected to send her flying back, but was stopped short herself! At the moment of impact, Gilda’s wings flared wide, and each feather of her new wings began to glow with a faint teal light. “Good! It won’t be any fun killing you if you do!” Gilda cackled in reply, flicking the haft of the staff to connect with the side of Rainbow’s head, knocking her aside. The pegasus managed to recover quickly enough though, and took off in another contrail of rainbow light. Both scowled at each other and flew at each other in a terrible battle rage, both screaming at the top of their lungs as they clashed over and over in midair, Rainbow Dash striking with all of her agility and the force of her momentum, while Gilda guarded every blow and swung her scythe in dazzling arcs, attempting to rend Dash in half. Their aerial dance raced across the sky, the glow of Gilda’s wings and the trails of spectral hue collided in the skies in a rapid beat, the sounds of metal striking metal ringing loudly. After countless clashes, followed by dodging, slashing, and bashing, and more than a few gusts of wind magic, the two of them were halted by the sound of an immense explosion in the distance. Both whirled in place and saw a huge burst of bright energy as within its epicenter, the golden sphere of Celestia’s magic shattered like a pane of glass. The explosion consumed the entire area, blocking out everything in sight, and Dash felt her heart stop. “Celestia!” She cried out. That was it, wasn’t it? Celestia was dead? Or about to be killed? Surge had obliterated a barrier created by Celestia herself! How could they hope to face such power? No, she couldn’t think like that! Her eyes scanned the explosion with urgency as she tried to find some trace of Celestia. She was rewarded, though not in the way she expected, for her search. She saw Celestia falling out of the bottom of the destruction, but she was wounded badly, blood dripping down along her horn and from her wings as she hurtled headfirst towards the ground. Dash wasn’t the only one to notice this though as in a streak of lightning, Surge moved to fly parallel with the injured princess’ descent. She clenched her claws together and began to gather a massive coil of electricity all along her body. Grinning wide, Gilda cawed, “This is the end of Celestia, and the beginning of the simple conquest of the rest of- What?!” From the explosion, two streaks descended in a blur. The first, a tan blur tinted with blue, rocketed ahead of the other and flung itself in between Celestia and Surge. The surprised Dragoness unleashed the spell at the interferer, but a mass of steel met the bolt instead, the lightning splashing harmlessly before in a swift strike, the lightning-charged blocker was then struck right into Surge’s chest, a loud bang reverberating through the air as Surge was sent flying as though shot from a cannon, hurtling into the ground only a short ways away from the fighting griffon and pegasus with a violent impact and a weak sparking. The second blur, one of white streaked with blue, caught up soon after and tucked in under Celestia’s large form, slowing her down and bringing her down for a gentle landing. Dash could now see the two blurs were pegasus royal guards, the ones that had been pulling Celestia’s chariot. The white one watched over Celestia’s unconscious form, while the tan one threw aside his gold-colored armor and flew over to where Surge was emerging from her crater, wincing and clutching her chest. As the stallion came closer, Rainbow Dash thought there was something familiar about him. His soft tan coloring, and the two-toned blue mane, lighter at the roots and darker at the ends, all of it was familiar. She could swear she had seen him before, but it was slipping her mind. “Who in the name of Soa are you?!” Surge coughed, zapping up into the air and glaring at the interloper with a murderous look in her eye. Wait, who the hay was Soa? The colt answered by holding his forehooves up, two flashes of light gathering around them as Casts took shape on them. These casts twisted out and took shape along the outsides of his legs, growing into an ovular shape and forming hemispheric shields on either forelimb. These half-egg shaped shields narrowed out as they traveled up along his arms, and they extended out past his hooves to a broad, convex head. “Dragoon Candidate, Flash Sentry,” the stallion said, holding up his ‘weapons’ in a guarded stance. “And I won’t let you get away with attacking two of our beloved princesses, you scum!”