Apples and rainbows

by FinnPony


Rainbow Dash and Applejack were walking towards top of a small hill. Celestia's sun was almost completely disappeared behind the horizon, making the evening sky glow with a warm red light. The atmosphere was indeed really romantic.
They had already visited Carousel Boutique, where Rarity had left two brown paper bags besides the door.
They were full of pastries from the Sucargube Corner.
Rainbow was looking for a good spot, while Applejack carried the basket with goods in it.
They soon found a good spot under a small tree. Applejack placed the blanket on the ground and sat on it. Rainbow opened the paper bags and placed the cupcakes in the basket. After she was done, she sat down next to AJ.
They sat there watching the sky in total awe. Rainbow looked at the horizon, she saw something there.
"Hey we can see Sweet Apple Acres from here!" she said and pointed her hoof in that direction. Applejack saw it too.
"Yeah. That's our barn over there, and that one must be our house."

They looked at the Farm for a while before AJ asked: "Umm.. Rainbow, what are we supposed to do now?"
Rainbow looked at her.
"I dunno, Maybe we could eat?" she suggested. Applejack looked at the basket, and the said: "That doesn't sound too romantic to me."
"Maybe if we do it like this.." Rainbow said slyly and snatched Applejack in her arms. Applejack giggled and laid her head on Rainbows lap. Rainbow brushed her mane while asking: "Better?"
Applejack smiled and said: "Much better."
Rainbow took a cupcake from the basket and took a bit out of it. Then she offered it to AJ, who also took a bite out of it. Soon the cupcake was fully eaten, and Rainbow said: "Pinkie Pie sure knows how to bake!"
Applejack nodded and said: "Hey Rainbow, come closer."
Rainbow looked at Applejack, who gestured her to get closer. She leaned closer to AJ, who lift her head so their muzzles touched. They smiled and locked their lips. It was long a kiss. Applejack tried to break the kiss, but Rainbow leaned forward to make the kiss last as long as it could. She felt how AJ giggled in her mouth. Rainbow finally gave up and let AJ fall back to her lap. Applejack wrapped her hooves around Rainbow's chest.

After a while Rainbow started to snicker.
"What's so funny?" AJ asked.
"I just thought how funny your face looked, when we were back at Fluttershy's"
Applejack folded her ears and had a annoyed look one her face.
"Let it be already!"
Rainbow knew how to make Applejack angry. She liked to tease her, so she continued: "But it's so funny! Who could have imagined that Big Mac would be banging..."
"Quit it!" Applejack hissed between her teeth. Rainbow realized that she should stop while Applejack was still in a good mood.
"Sorry AJ, just teasing you" She said.
Applejack was silent. She just watched at the sunset, then she turned to face Rainbow.
"It's okay honey," she sighed.
"AJ.. Are you okay?" Rainbow asked with concern. Applejack rose to sitting position and looked at Rainbow Dash. She looked nervous and started to blush.
"Can Ah ask you something?" she asked. Rainbow didn't know what she was going to ask, and she had a bad feeling about it. She still decided to nod as 'yes'. Applejack rubbed her neck before asking: "Have you ever been with a filly before?"
Rainbow sighed with relief. She had thought that Applejack was going to ask something really awkward.
"I have. With a few actually," She said with a smile. Applejack seemed surprised for Rainbow's quick answer.
"Really? What did your mom say?" she asked. Rainbow smiled and stroked AJ,s mane while saying: "Well first she didn't like it, neither did dad. But after a while she came to her senses."
"What about your dad?" Applejack asked. Rainbow gave her a sad smile and said: "He still doesn't accept it, but he isn't angry about it anymore..." Rainbow stopped when she noticed how upset AJ seemed to be.
"Why are you asking about these things..." Rainbow asked. Applejack was silent. She then looked towards the Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow realized what AJ was trying to say. She took AJ's hoof in her own and asked: "It's Granny Smith, isn't it?"
She nodded.
"what if she doesn't accept that we are a couple? What if she makes me choose between her and you!?" Applejack said with tears in her eyes. Rainbow placed her in a tight hug and kissed her on a cheek. Applejack tried to fight off her tears.
"I'm sure that Granny Smith will be happy for you! After all she has always given her full support to you!" Rainbow said and looked AJ right in the eyes. They were wet, but AJ was smiling.
"I think you're right. She has always been there for us..." she started, but was interrupted by Rainbow leaning towards her. Their lips met and Rainbow held AJ close to her. Rainbow untied AJ's mane and let it flow down her shoulders. Applejack felt Rainbow's tongue trying to get past her lips. She tried to resist, but soon she surrendered. Applejack leaned forward, pressing her lips against Rainbow's so hard that they fell down on the ground. Applejack was lying on top of Rainbow Dash. They both burst into a laughter.
"Why did ya untie my mane?" Applejack asked wit a smile.
"I thought that it would look good," Rainbow said.
After they finishing their laughing, Rainbow asked with smile on her face: "You think that this could work?"
Applejack kissed her on the mouth. "I know this will work," she said.
"So are we officially a couple now?" Rainbow asked. AJ smiled and kissed her again. "I take that as a yes," Rainbow laughed.

They kept going on like that until Celestia's sun had completely vanished behind the horizon. Luna's moon was now raising on the cloudless sky, making the landscape to bathe in clean white light. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were now lying on their backs side by side, watching the stars and eating cupcakes. Rainbow listened as AJ told her old stories that Granny Smith used to tell her.
After that they just laid there for a while. Applejack was leaning her head against Rainbow's chest. She felt AJ's muscular body against her own. Rainbow had long ago noticed how strong AJ really was. She had seen Applejack stop wagon full of ponies speeding towards a canyon with only her rear legs!
Applejack was also thinking about Rainbow's athletic body. She ran her hoof along Rainbow's chest and noticed how Rainbow winced. Applejack had never done anything like this. She looked at the blue pegasus holding her.
"Remember when I asked about your previous marefriends.." Applejack started. Rainbow nodded and took a bite out of her cupcake. AJ then asked: "Have you ever been with mare.. like that"
Rainbow almost choked to the cupcake she was eating. After she could breathe again, she said: "Gee Applejack! That's pretty weird question for the first date!"
Applejack wore a sheepish smile on her face when she said: "Ah know but.. I was just curious!"
Rainbow watched at her friend with a confused expression on her face.
"Y.. Yes. Yes I have been with a mare, like that," Rainbow said, trying to sound as casual as possible. She tried, but couldn't control her blush. AJ was blushing too, but still smiling.
"Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable," Applejack said and nuzzled Rainbow's chin.
"You sure did.." Rainbow said while stroking AJ's mane. She was a bit nervous. Applejack was acting really weird. She looked at AJ, who looked back at her.
Applejack then moved her head closer to Rainbow's. She was looking right into Rainbow's eyes when she asked: "How did it feel?"
Rainbow was now really starting to feel uncomfortable. Things were starting to go over the comfort zone for Rainbow when Applejack climbed over her.
"Aren't we going a bit too fast AJ!?" Rainbow asked with a nervous, trembling voice.
AJ answered with a really sexy voice: "Not at all."
Rainbow's body went stiff when AJ leaned over and placed her lips on Rainbow's. She felt how AJ started to giggle in her mouth.

Their lips separated and Applejack fell on her back laughing hard. Rainbow was dumbstruck. She just watched at AJ, who was holding her stomach and still laughing. She rose to sitting position.
"What the hay Applejack!?" She shouted face red. Applejack calmed down and wiped the tears from her eyes.
"That was a revenge for teasing me. Ya should have seen your face," she said still chuckling. Rainbow was speechless, she couldn't believe that AJ had fooled her like that.
"Ya got a bit exited there, didn't ya?" Applejack asked. Rainbow blushed and said: "No I didn't!"
Applejack chuckled and pointed at Rainbow's wings. They were straightened.
Rainbow squeaked and tried to fold her wings, but they didn't move. She folded them with her hooves, but they jumped back as soon as she let go of them.
"It's okay Dashie, I think it's cute," Applejack said and kissed Rainbow on the cheek.
"Well you made it feel really real," Rainbow said and tried to fold her wings again.


They were walking towards the Sweet Apple Acres. Luna's moon had reached it's highest point. Applejack saw her family's farm growing bigger in front of them. Rainbow was trotting besides her.
"Thanks, for walking me home," AJ said to Rainbow.
"Thank you, for really awesome evening," Rainbow said and pecked AJ on the cheek.
"So when are we going out again?" She continued. Applejack thought for a moment. Then she said: "Ah have free time tomorrow."
"Okay, awesome!" Rainbow shouted. They stopped at the gate of the farm. Applejack turned to face Rainbow Dash.
"You think we could tell girls about this." she asked. Rainbow smiled at her and said: "I don't mind. We can tell them when you're ready."
"Could you wait until I tell my family first?" Applejack asked. Rainbow smiled and hugged AJ. She then said: "Of course I'll wait."
They looked at each other. Rainbow noticed that Applejack's mane was still untied, and moonshine made it shine like silver.
"I like it when your mane is like that," she said. AJ smiled and pressed her body against Rainbow's. Their lips met, and Rainbow tightened her hooves around AJ. Rainbow's tongue made it's way inside Applejack's mouth. A small string of saliva hung between their lips when they broke the kiss. Their muzzles were still touching.
"So we'll see tomorrow?" AJ asked.
"Totally," Rainbow answered.
"G'night sucargube," Applejack said.
"G'night," Rainbow said, imitating Applejack's accent. AJ playfully hit her in the shoulder and smiled. They shared one quick kiss before they started to walk in different directions. Applejack turned around to see Rainbow opening her wings and taking off. She flew over Applejack and then flew towards the town. Applejack watched at her until she couldn't see Rainbow Dash anymore. She sighed happily.

"Well well well," She heard someone say behind her. Applejack turned around and saw Granny Smith. She was looking at AJ with suspicious look on her face. She slowly walked towards AJ.
"Where have ya been all night? Applebloom and Ah have been really worried!" She asked. Applejack gulped. She wasn't ready for this.
"I was with my friend," She said nervously. Granny Smith noticed something and she said: "Yar mane looks different."
AJ had forgotten that her mane was still untied. She quickly tied it back to a ponytail. She didn't know what would happen next. Granny Smith sighed and lifted her shaking hoof to AJ's shoulder. "Ya know Ah saw ya snogging over there," she said to AJ, who gasped.
"I.. I'm sorry Granny Smith.." Applejack started, but was interrupted by Granny Smith saying: "What? I think my hearing is not what it used to be. Ah thought ya said that ya were sorry for something."
"I did," Applejack said. Granny Smith had a strange look on her face.
"Oh sucargube, Ah'm not mad! Ah'm happy for ya!" she continued.
"I know and I'm so sor.. Wait.. What?" Applejack couldn't believe what she heard. She had to make sure: "So you're not mad at me, for being with Rainbow Dash?" Granny Smith smiled at her and said: "Of course not! If ya think ya're happy with her, then Ah'm giving ya my full support!"
Applejack looked at her grandmother with doubtful look. She then placed her in a tight hug.
"Thank you so much Granny Smith! You don't know how much this means to me!" AJ almost cried. Granny Smith smiled and hugged her back. After the hug they went inside.

Applejack quickly fixed herself something to eat and started to make her way towards her room.
"Ya should go to bed now sucargube. Ya really have to work hard tomorrow, if ya wanna go see that filly of yars." Granny Smith said to AJ.
"I thought I only needed to clear the barn tomorrow," Applejack said with a little confusion in her voice.
"Yes, but Ah am still a bit upset at you for being somewhere for the whole night without telling us anything. Ah moved some of Big Macintosh's chores for ya." Granny Smith said with a smirk.
"Darn, Is he already home?" Applejack asked. Granny Smith frowned and said: "Watch the language young lady!"
"Sorry," AJ replied. Granny Smith smiled and said: "Ah haven't seen him after he left to town. He said that he will come back tomorrow. Ya happen to know where he is?"
Applejack blushed when she remembered the scene at Fluttershy's.
"I think I should go to bed now," Applejack said, to get a out of that situation. She quickly disappeared into her room.

Granny Smith sat down in her old rocking chair. She smiled to herself and started knitting.