//------------------------------// // Ch 1: The Nightmare Begins // Story: Clubhouse of Horror // by Grenazers //------------------------------// It was a cold night at Sweet Apple Acres, Celestia's warm sun has vanish over the horizon and now Luna's moon rises high in the night sky. Her moon was the only source of light during the night, like the sun the moon serves to provide their subjects a source of light in a otherwise darken land. The big red earth pony named Big Macintosh was walking around the orchard during this cool night. Normally the red stallion wouldn't be here at night, but he is out here for a reason. His littlest sister Applebloom and her two two friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are all at the their little clubhouse. Big Mac sigh blissfully of the remembering that old clubhouse. He remembered building that thing for his other little sister Applejack. Now it looks like it has passed down to little Applebloom. The red stallion finally reached his destination, the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. As he was about to knock on their door and telling them it's time to go home, he heard some of them talking. Now while Mac was never the type to eavesdrop on somepony, in this case with the crusader and their crazy antics he has prepare for whatever damage they may cause. Inside the clubhouse the three crusaders are huddled together at the center with blankets covering them from the cold. Around them the girls has light up some candles on side for light source. "Alright girls ya ready for this?" asked a feminine southern voice. "Applebloom, I've been ready for this since yesterday!" exclaimed a young enthusiastic voice. "I still don't get why we have to do this at night" said a soft nice voice. "Come on Sweetie Belle this is a perfect situation for it" reply the same enthusiastic voice. "Scootaloo right, what better way for this to work then this?" said Applebloom. "Besides don't you want to see if get our cutie mark for this?" ask the orange pegasus. "Well alright, but it better not be long" Sweetie spoke "Rarity told me not to be out this late". "Don't worry Sweetie Belle, it won't take long" Applebloom assured her. "Ready?" ask Scootaloo, there was a pause for a moment and then... "CUTIE MARK CRUSADER SCARY STORY TELLERS YAY!" The sudden high loud noise caught Big Mac off guard, resulting him losing balance and fall off the steps. Luckily there was a pile of leaves under the clubhouse softening his fall. After composing himself Mac sat under their clubhouse listen in on their conversation. Originally Mac suppose to get the girls and take them home, but he decided he wanted to hear them tell their scary stories. While he enjoys working on the farm, he rarely get time to socialized outside his family. He spends most of his time on the farm and only goes to town to gather supplies of sell their produce. In his entire life Mac only little friends and most them were ponies who offer to work on their farm or the usual customers he meets at the market. Whenever he was in the market he always like to hear ponies talk about their life, its basically his form of entertainment. So now he wants to hear his sister and her two friends tell some scary stories. Looking at his watch he saw it was 7:30, so the night is still young. "So how are we going to do this?" asked Sweetie Belle. The two other crusaders turn their heads towards her, giving her a confused look. "What do you mean how we do this?" Applebloom asked back. "Yeah Sweetie Belle we're here to tell scary stories" Scootaloo answered. "Well do you two have any stories in mind?" the little white unicorn questioned."Because I didn't bring any with me." The two were about answer, but stopped when they both realized they didn't know any scary stories. "Er well I was busy doing my chores to make one" Applebloom said making up a excuse. The little orange pegasus was trying to think up of something. She then thought of one and was about to announce it until Sweetie interfered. "It better not be that headless pony or the pony missing her horse shoe" she stated. Scootaloo then just simply close her mouth and look at the floor defeated. Sweetie Belle sighed. "No none of us brought a story along to tell" she said as she look at both Applebloom and Scootaloo, not making eye contact with her. Down below the big red stallion couldn't help but facehoove himself for the three girls failed attempt. The awkward silence last for a while until Sweetie spoke up, "Alright how bout this" she said earning the attention of her two friends. "How about we go to our corners and think up a scary story" she suggested. "Great idea Sweetie Belle" Applebloom applauded her friend. "Yeah, come on lets create some stories!" Scootaloo yelled out. "Yeah" the three said in unison and scattered to their corner to come up with a story. Meanwhile down under the structure Big Mac waited patiently for the girls to finish their stories. After half an hour of waiting Big Mac was getting restless and was about to go upstairs, until he heard some voices. "Alright gals I've done my stories" Applebloom announced. "How you two" she looked at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "Almost....and done!" Scootaloo shouted and trotted to the center, where Applebloom was already sitting. "How about you Sweetie Belle?" Applebloom asked. Sweetie Belle was still sitting in her corner, but after a few seconds she turned around and headed to the center. "Alright I done" Sweetie said happily. "So who goes first?" Scootaloo questioned. The three sat there at think about a solution. "Wait I have an idea" Sweetie said as she got up and trot to one of their desk. She returned back with three piece of strings. "Here's the plan I have three three strings and one of them is the shortest, who ever gets the short one goes first" she explained to her friends. "Alright then I'll go first" Scootaloo said. She picked one of the strings from the white unicorn, only to reveal to be a long strong. "Aw man" Scootaloo groan. "My turn" Applebloom got up and took a string which revealed another long string. With two strings picked that concludes that Sweetie was in possession of the short one. "Yay, I won" Sweetie said happily showing them her short string. With that settled the two pony sat and got comfortable while Sweetie prepare to tell her scary story. At the same time Big Mac got comfortable and awaited for her to speak. "Prepare girls for what I'll tell, you will haunt in your mind for the rest of your lives" Sweetie said trying to sound scary. "My scary story is called...." THE FIEND