The Night Of A Broken Heart

by WanderingPony

Author's note: You did what?

While it isn't my cutie mark that's telling me, I did get a few questions sent my way. Spoilers for people who skip to the last "chapter" of a story.

"You killed Twilight Sparkle!" - well, yes. I blew Twilight Sparkle into little bits. Of course, so did the S3 ending and look what THAT got you.

"Blueblood is a total (insert dirty word here)." - by the end of this, I think you've figured out that isn't exactly Blueblood. And yes, it gets worse.

"Sunset Shimmer with Blueblood?" - see above. The original story just had Blueblood, evil unicorn nogoodnik. The movie giving me that kind of fodder BEGGING to be abused was irresistible.

"What the heck is a Ramuh, that name is STUPID?" - Well, play some Final Fantasy games and get to know him.

The Pies are keeping their fan-fiction names rather than the ones revealed in the Pinkie Pie book. You're welcome.

"What happened to Orange Wedge?" - nothing good since you last saw him, but I seem to write enough mangled ponies into the story without needing a chapter about THIS one.

"Why is there so much Trixie shoved into the story? Are you replacing Twilight Sparkle with her?" - trust me. Trixie is both the closest and the farthest from THAT happening.

And with that, this bit of the story concludes, and as of the date I'm outlining the next "book" in the series and scribbling random bits that The Night Of A Broken Heart needs to keep going. More sooner rather than later, faithful readers.
