Applejack's Honesty

by Metaphor

Chapter 1

Staring at her own reflection after a long day’s work was a common occurrence for Applejack. The hard working earth pony seemingly couldn’t help it. With sleepy eyes she ran her gaze along every contour and line on her face. Her orange coat, her freckled cheeks, the single flick of yellow mane that fell across her eyes; all of it was sweaty! Today had been yet another long session of apple bucking out in the fields in preparation for the coming winter. It was a job that had to be done and Applejack enjoyed it. The feeling of invigoration it gave her was reward enough without seeing the happy faces of her fellow ponies as they munched through an Apple Family branded apple.

And yet there was always something missing. Something that eluded Applejack all day until this moment each evening. Reaching to her side she opened a draw on her dresser and drew out a small towel and gently dabbed the sweat from her brow and face. She would have taken a shower but there was always time for that later. As she looked back at the mirror she gave a light sigh and shook her head.

“Applejack, what am ah gonna do with you?” she asked herself as she gave a small smile at the mirror.

“Who ya talkin’ to?” came a voice from the doorway.

Applejack looked across to find her younger sister stood there looking curious.

“Haha, just maself,” replied Applejack with a laugh, “Ya about ready to hit the hay?”

“Yeah,” replied Applebloom with a yawn, “Got more crusading to do tomorrow, night Applejack.”

“Night Applebloom.”

As the door closed Applejack listened to her sister retreat down the corridor until a bang signified the closing of her own door. Applejack waited a moment before opening another draw in her dresser and pulling out several items. A comb, a small mirror and what could only be described as lipstick and a powder puff. To any pony watching it would have taken them completely by surprise. Applejack was always so down to earth, so practical and sporty, so…uninterested in anything that could be considered girly even in a remote sense.

Even so, despite the numerous confrontations with her friend Rarity there was one fact that Applejack couldn’t escape from…she was a mare. A mare who had always put her family duty and her work before anything else. A mare who could be counted on to do anything for any pony at a moment’s notice. A mare who would spend her every waking moment helping those around her. Her honesty and integrity was well known across all of Ponyville and yet there was always one pony she could never be honest with…herself.

Picking up the comb she began to run it through her mane, straightening the tangled mass of hair that was the result of today’s tasks. As she did her vision momentarily flicked to a framed picture on her dresser, one of her as a young filly and her Aunt Orange. Both of them stood proud, dressed to the nines in a fine gown, their manes styled high and studded with glittering gems. It was a small photo, dwarfed by the larger ones that sat around it, and yet it held more meaning to Applejack than most of the others put together.

As a young filly she had quickly learned that the life of high society, sought by Rarity on multiple occasions, was not for her. She was too much of an Apple to be an Orange you could say…and yet when she thought back those days she spent in Manehatten still held meaning for her. She would always be a work pony; but she always felt that she was too much of a work pony. Every day was the same; working, helping others, looking after her sister…she knew what she was doing was good, there was and never would be a doubt in her mind. But it always felt like she could never be herself. Every pony expected her to be like she always way, the seasoned veteran of hard work and toil; what would happen if she stopped being that? If she revealed her true self? No, those bridges had been burned a long long time ago.

Putting the brush down she eyes the cosmetics sitting on the dresser top. She could have written a novel on how she had acquired them without it linking back to her. The last thing she wanted was some pony like Rainbow Dash finding out about it, she’d never hear the end of it. Picking up the lipstick she puckered her lips and started to lightly apply a thin layer. After a moment she was done and blew a kiss in the mirrors direction. The dark red colour of the lipstick stood out against her light orange coat and Applejack found herself giving a small giggle.

Next came the blusher, Applejack applying a small amount to her cheeks and lightly working it in. Her freckles seemed to glow through the powder and Applejack could feel herself relaxing with every passing second. Next came a little eye shadow and mascara. Applejack didn’t know much about make-up and what she did know she had remembered from her time with her Aunt in Manehatten. Still, she liked to think she did a decent job; never as good as Rarity managed but then unicorns did have a magical advantage when it came to small objects and fine movements.

For a moment she looked at herself in the mirror. It was tricky to tell it was the same pony looking back at her. Again she gave a sigh and smiled, resting her chin on her hooves as she gazed at her reflection. This is all she wanted sometimes, the simple pleasure of feeling pretty. She sometimes wondered what the future held for her and right now, staring at her prettified self in the mirror, was one of them.

What would Sweet Apple Acres be like in ten years time? Twenty? Fifty? One thing she knew was that without them around the farm it just wouldn’t be the same. But Big Mac and herself couldn’t keep going forever and neither of them had had a special somepony in their life…well except for that time with Big Mac, Cheerilee and the love potion but that hadn’t been real.

Applejack sighed and slowly picked up a rag from the side of her dresser. With one stroke she ran it across her face and wiped her recently applied make up off. It smeared of course, changing her look from pretty to messy. Applejack looked at herself again.

“Besides, who would want to date an ugly mule like you Applejack?” she said quietly to her reflection as she wiped the rest of the make-up from her face and put her cosmetics way in the draw before making her way to bed.

-= Earlier that Day =-

Morning came all too quickly as it usually did on Sweet Apple Acres but for one of the Apple Family members it was going to be a day full of fun. Applebloom had been awake before the rooster had even crowed although on her crusading days this was normal. She bounced around the dining room grinning broadly as Granny Smith laid out breakfast.

“This is gonna be amazing!” she continued, unaware that most of the Apple Family around her wasn’t paying much attention, “Sweetie Belle has this new idea about how to get our cutie marks! We’re going to meet her at the Boutique!”

“That’s great Applebloom,” replied Applejack as she munched her way through another apple fritter, “Just be back in time for tonight, right Big Mac.”

“Eeyup,” replied the large stallion without taking his eye off his plate.

“Ah won’t!” replied Applebloom, “Uh! Can ah borrow that old saddle bag?”

“Ya mean that one we took to Winsome Falls? Sure, can’t see why not, should be upstairs in ma room,” replied Applejack.

“Great! Ah got a few things to pick up before I head off to the Boutique.”

With that Applebloom dashed from the room leaving the other ponies to breakfast.

“She didn’t even eat breakfast,” commented Granny Smith.

“That’s kids for you Granny, boundless energy, right Big Mac?” replied Applejack.


Applebloom meanwhile was already upstairs rummaging through her sisters room. She had expected the bag to be easily visible but it wasn’t. A few minutes of searching did however make it appear, Applebloom finding it tucked inside an old apple sack underneath her sisters bed. As she sat on the floor recovering her breath from her frantic search her eye caught something else.

One of the draws on Applejack’s dresser was open, a glint of light shining out of it. Curious, the young filly made her way over to the draw. Normally she wouldn’t go snooping through her sister’s things but curiosity was a powerful force. Looking inside she pulled a puzzled face and blinked, unsure as to whether she was seeing things.

“What in tarnation is Applejack doing with this stuff?” she asked herself.

Before an answer could come to her though an idea flooded her mind instead. Her face lit up and she quickly scooped up the items in question and stuffed them into her saddlebag. Scootaloo might have reservations about the idea but she was sure Sweetie Belle was going to love it. After all they had to try everything to see if it led to their cutie mark! Without a seconds pause she strapped the bag to her middle and dashed downstairs and out of the house, heading in the direction of Ponyville.

It was a short while later when Applebloom made it to Carousel Boutique. Scootaloo was already there, she and Sweetie Belle chatting furiously about what lay ahead of them that day.

“Howdy girls!” she called as she neared them, “Ya'll ready for more crusading?”

"You bet! I couldn’t sleep last night,” replied Scootaloo with a grin, “kept thinking about what Sweetie Belle’s idea was.”

“Uh uh uh, you’re going to love it! Come on in and I’ll show you!” finished Sweetie Belle as she bounced up and down on the spot.

Together the three fillies headed inside, Sweetie Belle leading them up to her room. As the unicorn opened her door Applebloom and Scootaloo stopped dead; the room was an absolute mess! The bed was a tangled mass of bedding and various boxes, clothing, toys and other miscellaneous things lay scattered everywhere. Sweetie Belle was just grinning from ear to ear as if the idea she had was obvious.

“Uh…so what’s the idea?” asked Applebloom after a moment of silence.

Sweetie Belle looked confused for a moment and then irritated, “Isn’t it obvious? Cutie Mark Crusader Room Organisers!”

“…R-room organisers?” asked Applebloom as she looked at the mess in front of her again.

“That has got to be the dumbest idea ever,” groaned Scootaloo.

“It is not a dumb idea!” squeaked Sweetie Belle in response.

“Is too!” retorted Scootaloo.

“Is not!”

“Is too!”

“We all could try ma idea…” cut in Applebloom as she saw the situation spiraling out of control.

“You have an idea?” asked Scootaloo, “What is it?”

“Well…” Applebloom was a little unsure about how to word her idea but finally decided that showing her friends would likely be better.

She quickly flipped off her saddlebag and swung the flap open, “Well ah found these in ma sisters room this morning. Ah guess it’s a bit of a weird idea…but we are trying everything so I thought we could try…”

She quickly dug into her bag and pulled out the items, an assorted collection of make-up ranging from lipsticks to powders, “CMC Make-up Artists?”

Scootaloo frowned, “That has got to be the dumbest idea since Sweetie Belles.”

“Uh uh uh! Let me try!” chimed Sweetie Belle as she took a flying leap for one of the compacts seemingly not hearing her friend complaining once again.

She flipped open the lid and examined the contents, “This sorta looks like the one my sister has. So who wants to go first?”

“Guess ah will…” volunteered Applebloom.

Scootaloo sighed, “Well at least it’s better than room organising.”

The Pegasus sat down and picked up one of the lipsticks, rolling it around her hoof in a curious manner. Much like Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo wasn’t a fan of things she considered ‘girly’. After a moment she looked up, “You said you found this in Applejack’s room?”

“Ah huh…” mumbled Applebloom as Sweetie Belle continued to apply powder to her cheek.

“Hold still, you’ll ruin it!” chirped Sweetie Belle in a voice that made her sound very much like Rarity.

“Why would Applejack have make-up?” continued Scootaloo as she curiously took the top of the lipstick and eyed it suspiciously, “I’ve never seen her wear any before.”

“Dunno, does seem a bit weird, ma sister don’t care for all that fancy stuff.”

“Sweetie Belle?” came a call from outside the room, “I don’t hear any cleaning going on, Sweetie Bel…?”

The door opened, Rarity stopping dead in her tracks as she spotted the three fillies and the small pile of make-up they were messing around with. As quick as a flash she lifted the whole lot into the air and floated it towards her.

“Bu…ah…wha…Sweetie Belle! Where did you get this from? Have you been snooping through my things? I thought some of my supply had gone missing but…”

“I didn’t take it!” interrupted Sweetie Belle, “Applebloom brought it with her.”

“Sweetie Belle, really now!” replied Rarity with a roll of her eyes, “You really expect me to believe that somepony at Sweet Apple Acres is using make-up? And this type too? Why this is a special brand that only comes from Canterlot! I should know, it’s the only one I will use. My coat is simply too good to accept second best…now where did you get it?”

“Sweetie Belle is telling the truth!” replied Applebloom as she stood up, Sweetie Belle’s attempt at applying make-up making her look more like a clown than a model, “Ah found it in Applejack’s dresser this morning, ah thought we could all get our cutie marks in make-up.”

“…A-Applejack’s…dresser…?” replied Rarity with a look of astonishment on her face, “You’re serious?”

“Ah hah! Apple family truth!”

Rarity took a moment to look at the cosmetics, opening a few of them and looking inside. She immediately saw that they weren’t hers, she always took proper care of her supply and these hadn’t been treated with the utmost care they could have been. After a moment she floated the supplies back to the fillies and set them down on the floor.

“Well I still don’t believe Applejack would use these, goodness she fusses every time she has to dress up in more than that hat she always wears! But regardless these certainly aren’t mine,” announced Rarity as she turned back towards the door, “But that still doesn’t mean you aren’t getting away with not cleaning your room Sweetie Belle. You created this mess now get it tidied up!”

With that Rarity left the room. Scootaloo and Applebloom looked at their friend, the unicorn wearing a large embarrassed smile.

“Room organisers?” asked Applebloom.

“Seriously…?” added Scootaloo.

Sweetie Belle just continued to grin nervously, unsure on what exactly to say. Meanwhile Rarity had made her way downstairs into the main area of the Boutique. She settled herself down behind her sewing machine and continued work on a dress she was preparing. Her thoughts began to shift back to what Applebloom had said. Applejack wearing make-up? Nonsense! She had never seen it happen. What’s more Applejack was almost as against girly pastimes as Rainbow Dash…although at least she could brag that she had managed to get Applejack to visit the spa once…unlike a certain rainbow coloured mare.

She pulled a curious face as she continued to stitch. That said Applebloom wasn’t a liar. Much like Applejack herself the young filly was open and truthful in almost everything she did. If she had been trying to cover up where she had gotten the make-up she could have picked nearly any other mare in Ponyville and Rarity would have believed her…but Applejack. Finally her curiosity gained too much momentum, she had to investigate this now.

It was later that night when Rarity left Carousel Boutique and headed across town. Everypony had retired for the evening now, each little house emitting a light glow of light from behind their curtains as she walked down the street. Sweet Apple Acres was a small walk from the edge of town but this didn’t bother Rarity, the unicorn trotting happily along through the growing darkness. As she approached the edge of the farm she stopped and looked around. Nopony was there, a number of small lights flickering in the farm house including the one in Applejack’s room. It might seem like bad taste to spy on her friends but she knew that Applejack would never admit anything to her openly if she asked and would likely get suspicious as to why she was asking.

Silently she crept up to the edge of the building and looked up at the window. She needed a way to get up there and luckily for her one such way was right there. A stack of barrels, likely containing cider, were stacked against the side of the house. They didn’t look one hundred percent secure but Rarity had an idea. Her horn began to glow and a magical aura surrounded the barrels, holding them in place and preventing them from falling or moving.

With a little effort she slowly pulled herself up the stack of barrels. It wasn’t a lady like activity but in this instance Rarity didn’t care, she’d just make sure to add an extra ten minutes to her usual bath length in the morning. As she reached the top of the stack she stood still on the barrel and stretched upwards. To her delight she found that if she stood up against the side of the house she could peek in through the bottom of Applejack’s window.

What she saw she didn’t expect in the slightest. Applejack sat at her dresser looking at herself in the mirror. She looked different than normal, more relaxed and…feminine. Rarity watched as Applejack pulled several items from a draw in her dresser, the unicorn recognising them as the cosmetics she had been looking at earlier that day…Applebloom had indeed been telling the truth. As Applejack started applying them Rarity watched as the transformation occurred before her eyes. To see the usually rough and ready pony transformed in such a way was a little startling for her. What came next though shocked her more.

The expression on Applejack’s face changed. Whereas once she had been smiling she now became saddened. With a wipe of a cloth all her work was undone, the make-up smeared across her face like a reject from face painting class.

“Besides, who would want to date an ugly mule like you Applejack?”

Rarity felt a chill run through her entire body. She had no idea, none at all. As Applejack wiped the rest of the make-up from her face Rarity slowly descended the stack of barrels and let her magic fade. As she began to wander back towards Ponyville her mind ran over what she had seen and heard.

Originally she had just wanted to see if Applejack did indeed mess around with make-up. She had been expecting it to be a bit of fun on her part, like watching a Pegasus learning to fly or a unicorn using magic for the first time. Something to laugh about and maybe poke a little fun at. But this wasn’t that at all, this was something serious and Rarity wasn’t about to let what she had just seen go unanswered. Her mind began to race, plans and ideas forming quicker than the patterns of her latest dress design. She would do something about this, she had to!

The next few days passed like normal, every pony going about his or her business. It wasn’t until Rarity showed up at Sweet Apple Acres one afternoon that things were set to change. Rarity was on the hunt for Applejack, the unicorn finding her at the farms apple store. She looked tired, sweat pouring off her brow as she rested in the shade.

“Applejack, there you are,” announced Rarity as she approached.

The orange mare looked up, giving her friend a broad smile, “Howdy Rarity, what can ah do you for?”

“Well it’s not so much what you can do for me as what I can do for you.”

“Come again?”

“I’ve got a little surprise for you darling and I know you’re going to love it!”

“Surprise? Ah shucks Rarity, you don’t have to go getting me nothing, ah’m just fine and dandy as ah am.”

Rarity smiled, a typical Applejack response, “Really now darling I must insist. This is something you can’t miss, now come along.”

“Come along? Beg pardon Rarity but ah have jobs to do,” replied Applejack with a frown, “Ah still got half the southern orchard to buck, there’s the pigs to feed and ah promised to help Granny Smith with the cider preparations.”

Rarity waved a hoof in front of her in a dismissive gesture, “Now now Applejack, I think you deserve a small break. Besides I already asked every pony else and its fine. Big Macintosh said he was fine doing your half of the bucking this afternoon, I asked the Crusaders to look after your pigs and Granny Smith is still sleeping so I don’t think you’ll have to worry about the cider until tomorrow.”

Applejack looked a little stunned for a moment, “Y-Ya gone to all that trouble for me?”

“Oh it wasn’t any trouble darling, now come on or we’ll be late.”

“Late? Late for what?”

“Oh you’ll see…”

With that Rarity trotted off, heading back towards Ponyville. Applejack didn’t follow immediately; her mind trying to work out what this big surprise was that Rarity spoke of. After a moment and no answers she decided to follow. Rarity didn’t say a word until they reached the edge of Ponyville where she stopped and turned towards the earth pony.

“Now then Applejack, as this is a surprise I’ll need you to wear this,” she said as she levitated a blindfold in front of Applejack.

“A blindfold?” questioned Applejack and a suspicious look, “What do we need this for?”

“So you don’t ruin your surprise before its time, now hold still.”

For a moment Applejack protested but as Rarity’s magic wrapped the fabric around her eyes she sighed and gave up. Ever the practical pony Applejack’s first thought as her world was plunged into darkness wasn’t what is going on but rather this is going to make walking awkward. Rarity did help in this respect, guiding the temporarily blinded earth pony through the streets of Ponyville.

After a time Applejack heard a door being opened and Rarity guided her inside. An odd scent assaulted Applejack’s nose, it was floral and clean like walking in a meadow of fresh flowers.

“Well we’re here’s Applejack, you can take that blindfold off,” announced Rarity.

“'Bout time,” complained Applejack as she slid the blindfold from her head, “Now what’s this sur….”

“Welcome!” came a joint call from two earth ponies that stood in front of her, their tone almost musical.

One of them was a light blue with a bright pink mane and tail, the other was the exact opposite. Anypony who was anypony knew who they were, Lotus and Aloe, commonly referred to as the spa twins. Applejack quickly looked around herself for a moment trying to work out where she was. It only took her a moment to work it out, Ponyville Day Spa…it would also explain the floral note she smelt on the air. She looked at Rarity with a confused expression.

“What’s going on Rarity?” she asked.

“Need you ask darling? I thought a nice afternoon at the spa would do you the world of good, right girls?”

“Oh indeed!” voiced Lotus, “I have often said to my sister that you could use a proper treatment.”

“Yes yes,” agreed Aloe as the sisters slid up on either side of Applejack, “Now come along Miss Applejack, we’ve got the full works all ready and waiting.”

“Full works? Hey!” complained Applejack as she was half led, half ushered from the room, “Rarity!”

“Don’t worry darling, I’ll be along in a moment,” she replied with a wave of her hoof, “Now don’t forget girls, I want the full health AND beauty regime, spare nothing.”

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle as Applejack was led away by the spa twins. She didn’t like having to do it this way but she knew Applejack wasn’t likely to agree to what she had planned on her own. Taking a moment to change into her spa gown, the golden embroidered ‘R’ on the side clearly visible, she headed after the trio ahead of her.

Applejack was definitely being unco-operative, trying to wriggle out of the way and needing to be pushed along by the twins. Of course Applejack had been to the spa before on a few occasions but never on her own and always because of something that needed to be done. The first time it had been to cure Poison Joke, the second as part of a group when her friends, except Rainbow Dash, had gone for a hooficure…this time it would be different.

“Carnsarnit!” complained Applejack, “Would ya’ll stop pushing me! What’s going on? I didn’t ask for no spa treatment.”

“Of course you didn’t darling,” replied Rarity as she fell into step beside the struggling trio, “This is the surprise I arranged for you. I’ve booked out the spa for the whole afternoon, it’ll be just the two of us…goodness knows it cost a sizeable hoof of bits but it will be well worth it.”

“Darn it Rarity, you know I don’t care for none of this prettifying stuff!”

Rarity let a wry grin spread across her face and she raised a hoof in front of Lotus. The spa pony stopped, her sister stopping also as Rarity took a step towards Applejack and looked her straight in the eye.

“So you say Applejack…but I think we both know that isn’t necessarily completely true. Just try it Applejack, for me? Nopony else will see you I assure you and the twins never spread gossip, right girls?”

“Of course Miss Rarity,” replied Lotus.

“Very bad for business,” added Aloe with a smile.

“See, nothing to worry about, please?”

Rarity gave a small pout as she looked back at Applejack with a pleading expression. Applejack’s mind was racing back and forth and her ever changing facial expression showed it. What was Rarity doing? Didn’t she know she didn’t like this kind of stuff? But that said a small part of her was bouncing up and down with excitement. Did Rarity know? No way, she couldn’t! But then why was she doing this?

Finally Applejack gave a small sigh and nodded, “Well alright…but if you tell any pony about…”

“You have my word Applejack, not a word,” interrupted Rarity as she looked back at the twins, “I think if we start with a nice session in the sauna and a massage to relax us first before we start on the rest, don’t you agree?”

“As you wish Miss Rarity,” replied the twins in unison.

Still with a little reluctance and apprehension Applejack found herself being herded towards their first stop. Whilst she had partaken in a massage at the spa before a sauna is something she wasn’t used to. To her it felt like being stuck in the middle of a mid-summer apple bucking season with no breaks! It was, to say the least, a little uncomfortable at first. Rarity seemed to notice this initial discomfort, motioning to Lotus to tone it down a little as she sat back against the side of the sauna.

“So Applejack, how does it feel?” she asked casually, half expecting a nugget of Apple Family wit rather than a real answer.

“Feels like ma darn heads gonna melt right off my shoulders…” wheezed Applejack after a moment, “You do this every week?”

“Sometimes several times a week darling,” replied Rarity with a small giggle, “Just relax, close your eyes and just let the steam do its work. Trust me, you’ll feel totally different when we’re done.”

Applejack tried, leaning back against the side of the sauna like Rarity. She had to admit that breathing was getting slightly easier now…and unlike an apple bucking season she didn’t actually have to do any physical work. As she sat the steam and heat of the sauna washed over her, clouding her mind with nothingness. Come to think of it, it was actually a pleasant way to relax, her skin felt like it was tingling and she could feel every muscle in her body slowly relaxing in a way that even a good night sleep didn’t compare.

When the time came to move on Applejack was almost asleep, the earth pony jolting awake slightly as a cool breathe of air swung into the room as the door was opened.

“The masseuse is ready,” announced Aloe as she poked her head through the door with a smile.

“Oh, yes perfect,” murmured Rarity as she pulled herself up and gave a little stretch, “Doesn’t it feel just marvellous?”

Applejack gave a small moan as she got up, sleepily looking at Rarity, “Uh…yeah….ah guess it does.”

“Oh you, what you need is a strong hoof to get you back in shape,” giggled Rarity as she turned to Aloe, “Do be a dear and tell Quake not to be too rough with Applejack, poor dear might snap in two.”

Aloe laughed quietly and smiled, “Of course Miss Rarity.”

Aloe vanished from view as Lotus led Applejack and Rarity into the next room. Quake was waiting for them, the stallion smiling pleasantly as Rarity walked in. He didn’t say a word though, Quake being a pony that said very little at the most social of times, at work he hardly made a peep. Applejack had met Quake before, having had a massage from him during her previous stop at the spa. She couldn’t help but smile, as Rarity had said this might indeed be the perfect thing.

In fact by the time Quake had finished with his massage Applejack was nothing but a pile of mumbling goo lying on the table. She felt ten years younger and despite her earlier reservations was now genuinely starting to enjoy herself. As Aloe went to work filing her hoofs she didn’t even move an inch.

“Feeling good darling?” asked Rarity after a time.

“Rarity, ah still think you like nothing more than prettifying but ah gotta admit this has been a nice afternoon,” replied Applejack with a sigh, “Thank you.”

“Oh don’t thank me yet darling, we haven’t even started,” replied Rarity as she turned to Lotus, “Has Roxie arrived yet?”

“She has Miss Rarity, she’s just getting set up,” replied Lotus with a nod, “You are free to go in any time you like.”

“Good good, well Applejack shall we?”

“Shall we what?”

Rarity just smiled as she slowly got off her bench and motioned for Applejack to follow her. Applejack was a little puzzled, what did Rarity have planned now? Gingerly she swung herself off her own bench, feeling a little wobbly for a moment, before following Rarity. The next room could very much be described as a barbers shop. A large mirror dominated one wall with a single hairdressing chair sat in front of it. Next to this stood a small cart with all manner of beauty equipment on it ranging from scissors and manedryers to make up, gels and perfumes. A single pony occupied the room, she had an icy blue coat and a purple and lilac mane that was styled in a short quiff atop her head. She was also properly kept, not a hair out of place and just the right amount of eye shadow and make-up that seemed to make her sparkle. As Rarity and Applejack walked in she looked round, smiling pleasantly at both of them.

“Good afternoon Rarity, nice to see you again,” she said gently.

“You too Roxie,” replied Rarity as she motioned towards Applejack, “Roxie meet Applejack, she’ll be your canvas this afternoon. Applejack this is Roxie, normally she is kept busy as part of Photo Finish’s entourage but I’ve been a client of hers for some time so she always seem to find time to fit in appointments when I need them.”

“Eh, what? Canvas? What ya mean client?” replied Applejack, seemingly missing every point in the conversation.

Rarity gave a sigh, “Do you truly believe that style as elegant as mine stay that way without any assistance. Normally I can handle it on my own but Roxie here has been my private stylist for a few years now. And today I booked an appointment just for you.”

“For me?”

Applejack looked from Rarity to Roxie and back again several time, occasionally glancing at the chair and the cart of equipment next to it. It took a moment for the situation to register in her mind but when it did she immediately backed off a little.

“Oh no! No can do! This Apple here dun care nothing about all that prettifying stuff!” she said quickly as she started back peddling towards the door, “Thanks but no thanks Rarity. Besides, what’s the point in getting all fancy? Soon as ah get back to the farm it will be all undone. The spa thing was all nice and all but…uh…nope…”

Applejack turned and quickly headed out the door, Rarity not even having time to respond. She growled slightly and turned quickly to Roxie, “Keep setting up, I won’t be a moment.”

Roxie just gave a small nod as Rarity raced from the room following Applejack. The earth pony certainly wasn’t going to stop, Applejack making her way towards the front door of the spa.

“Applejack wait…” called Rarity as she trotted after her.

Applejack didn’t respond.

“Applejack I went to a lot of trouble to set this all up and…”

“And ah said thank you,” interrupted Applejack with a brief glance over her shoulder, “But no thanks.”

“…So you’re content to stay an ugly mule for the rest of your life?”

Applejack stopped dead at Rarity’s words. It was like ever nerve in her body refused to respond and every muscle was frozen solid. An ugly mule? How could? How did she? Rarity gave a small sigh and moved to sit down in a chair beside her.

“Applejack, I’m sorry I…”

“What the hay is going on?” snapped Applejack as she spun to face Rarity, “How did ya…”

“It was a few days ago. I walked in on the Crusaders in the boutique playing with a host of make-up. I thought it was mine at first but Applebloom explained that she had found it in your room.”

“Why that little…”

“Don’t blame Applebloom, she is just a filly doing what children do,” continued Rarity, “Anyway, I…well I…got rather curious and all. Just about every pony in town would say you weren’t interested in ‘prettifying’ as you put it. I sneaked onto the farm that night and…well I saw you in your room…”

Applejack could feel the colour drain from her face, she had seen her with her make up…and what’s more she even heard what she thought she had mumbled to herself. Applejack’s face twisted slightly in rage. How could she? One of her friends! She knew Rarity was always into gossip and rumours but this out stepped the bounds of decency. Spying on her?! And yet despite her anger something else was starting to grow inside her.

“I just wanted to help you…I’m sorry I kept it all a surprise like this…but I knew you wouldn’t even listen to me if I had come directly to you,” continued Rarity, “I just…wanted you to know that you aren’t an ugly mule. I wanted you to feel special and loved…and to love yourself.”

It was like a balloon being deflated. In an instant the building rage that Applejack felt vanished like a morning mist in the heat of the sun. She looked back at her friend, the unicorn almost looking like she was going to burst into tears. She wasn’t lying, she wasn’t just having a laugh, this was true and honest; the thing that Applejack prided herself on the most. Thinking back to that night a few days before she remembered what she had looked like in the mirror and how she had felt. Another memory of that night silently floated in and this one tipped the scales; be honest with yourself.

The anger faded from her face and a small smile spread across it. Slowly she crossed to Rarity and threw a hoof round her neck. Rarity paused for a moment and then returned the gesture, the two friends sharing that moment of peace together.

“Ah’m sorry Rarity,” said Applejack at length, “Ah just…every pony always expect the same thing from me. Ah’m always the hard working, loyal and dependable pony. Ah got so much responsibility, so much to care and look after. But sometimes ah just wanna…”

“Hush,” interrupted Rarity as she gave Applejack a gentle squeeze, “I know exactly what you mean. We all put up a façade to help us through the day, whether we mean to or not. It becomes the norm and that’s what people see and expect. So much so that we’re afraid to relax and let our true selves be revealed.”


“Applejack, even if all I’ve done today has been shrouded in secrets and mystery none of it was meant to make you feel bad. When I saw you that evening…make-up smeared across your face and that look of…I still don’t even know how to describe it. But when I saw that I knew I had to do something, nopony should ever feel as lost as you did right then. I wanted you to be able to relax and express your true self without the prying eyes of others or the worry of humiliation.”

This time it was Applejack that hushed Rarity, the earth pony placing a hoof on Rarity’s mouth and smiling at her, “Thank you Rarity, truly, thank you.”

Rarity just nodded silently and gave a small smile. Applejack meanwhile removed her hoof and looked back at the room she had just left, “Ah think perhaps a little prettifying wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”

Rarity’s smile broadened and a tear almost came to her eye. They released each other from their embrace and together they walked back to the room where Roxie had been waiting and listening. She smiled politely as Applejack walked in, the orange mare giving a slight blush at the knowing expression Roxie had on her face.

“Don’t worry Applejack, your secret is safe with me,” she said politely, “Would you sit down please?”

Applejack hesitated for but a moment before making her way over to the styling chair and sitting down. Roxie quickly fastened a large black sheet around her neck and stepped back.

“So, what do we want to start with?” she asked.

“Ah…ah…don’t know…ah ain’t never done anything like this before,” replied Applejack with a slight blush.

“Don’t worry then, if you’ll allow me I’m sure I can put together something.”

Applejack thought for a moment and then nodded. Roxie got to work quickly. She dashed one way and the next; one moment fixing Applejack’s mane, the next applying a base coat of primer to Applejack’s coat. Rarity meanwhile sat to one side, still smiling gently as she watched the transformation take place before her eyes.

By the time Roxie had finished you would be hard pressed to tell it was Applejack and not one of her long lost cousins or relatives. Her mane was styled upwards, curled on top of her head, with her usual pony tail allowed to fall loose and rolled up around her shoulders. Roxie had brushed her mane with a sequined powder that caused it to reflect light in all directions in a brilliant display of rainbow colours. To add to this Roxie had delicately applied several layers of make-up, building on Applejack’s normal complexion, which made her coat glow. The look was rounded off with a tasteful maroon coloured lipstick and a deep orange eye shadow that went well with her coat colour. In a word Applejack looked fabulous.

Neither Rarity nor Applejack herself could speak when Roxie finally stepped back, the make-up artist taking the stunned silence as the signification of a job well done. As she began to pack up Applejack stared at her reflection. She couldn’t believe it herself, her own experimentation didn’t even come close to this, it was just…pretty. She gave a small sigh and smiled slightly.

“Ah really don’t know what to say,” she said after a moment.

“You’re quite welcome darling, but I do have another small surprise for you,” replied Rarity as she trotted over to a large cupboard at the side of the room and opened it.

Rarity quickly vanished inside for a moment before reappearing pushing a large rack of clothing in front of her with her magic. The rack was covered in one outfit after another, all of them carrying Rarity’s trademark style about them.

“Tada!” announced Rarity as she reappeared, the unicorn smiling from ear to ear.

“Outfits too? Rarity ah really don’t have to tell ya that's one step too many do ah?” replied Applejack with a frown.

For a moment her earlier anger resurfaced, it felt like Rarity was treating her like a dress up doll now. Rarity however continued to smile, unfazed by Applejack’s reply.

“Whilst I would normally agree with you Applejack one has to look at her best when making a first impression.”

“First impression? What the hay are you talking about Rarity?”

Rarity was silent for a moment, catching the annoyed hint in Applejack’s voice, “Well…it was a little something else I organised but…eh…”

“Spill it Rarity, what’s going on?”

“Well after I heard what you said about nopony wanting to date an ugly mule like yourself it got me thinking. I have been so wrapped up in finding my own match that I had failed to notice my friends. Each of them have someone they can turn to, a companion as it were. Twilight can always rely on Spike, Fluttershy never seems alone if she has her animals around her. Pinkie is…well Pinkie. And Rainbow never seems to need anyone although I’ve noticed she spend a lot of time with little Scootaloo these days. But when I came to think of you…outside of your family there is nopony you can turn to except us and I can imagine that you don’t always want to burden us of course.”

“Rarity stop rambling.”

“Yes, quite…of course. Eh heh, well you see…I…well, arranged a date for you.”

Applejack blinked, had she heard that right?

“A date? When? Where? With who?!”

“Well, tonight, about three hours from now at the restaurant in town…”

“And who?”

“Well that’s a surprise too…”

Applejack looked at her friend, Rarity smiling awkwardly as she stood there next to the rack of clothing. Suddenly events had taken a turn she certainly hadn’t expected, a surprise mystery date? Applejack really was at a loss for words, for her friend to go to all this trouble just for her. Maybe just this once? Maybe she could just let herself go this once and try it? What harm could it do? But what would she do? She hadn’t been on a date with any pony…well ever! It’s not that she didn’t trust Rarity but what if…

“I’m sorry Applejack,” said Rarity interrupting Applejack’s thoughts.

The unicorn gave a small sigh and her horn lit up, a magic shroud surrounding the clothing rack and sliding it back into the cupboard.

“I just wanted to make this day special for you…but I guess I’ve gotten a little carried away,” she continued.

“Perhaps,” replied Applejack with a light chuckle, “But that don’t change the fact that ya did it for me.”


“Rarity, you may be a prissy little thing at times and for sure you get on ma nerves with all your fussing…but you’re also the most generous ponies I have ever known.”

Applejack slowly walked towards her friend, stopping just in front of her. For a moment she just looked at her, smiling gently at the white unicorn.

“Ah can only begin to imagine how much work ya must of put into all of this,” continued Applejack, “Ya really are a true friend. And whilst I find it strange to be saying this…ah can’t thank you enough for all ya have done for me. But ya might wanna know one thing, ah ain’t never been on a date in ma life.”

“Never?!” replied Rarity with a degree of shock in her voice, “Well in that case we’ll just have to make this a night to remember! Ah ha, I know just the outfit.”

“So long as it ain’t nothing to froo-froo like.”

A few hours later Applejack found herself sitting outside the restaurant owned by Hoite Cuisine in the centre of Ponyville. She looked stunning, easily the most dressed up pony at the restaurant. Rarity had picked out a short red outfit that fell around her hind quarters and covered her tail, which Rarity had plaited. The dress was held in place by a small saddle and a white collar fastened around her neck held in place by a golden broach. Her usual hat had been adorned with a pair of red roses, their colour matching the dress she wore, and her hooves were encased in a set of leather knee high boots.

She had only been waiting a few moments but she could already feel the gaze of a number of ponies looking at her. Maybe this really had been a bad idea after all? No! Enough was enough and she was determined to have a proper night without worrying about other ponies reactions. Still she was beginning to wonder who exactly Rarity had a arranged the date with. She wasn’t aware of any single stallion in Ponyville apart from Big Mac unless there had been a new arrival she was unaware of.

She looked up at the night sky, the moon and stars as clear as crystal against the deep blue. Just then something passed in front of the stars. It was fast barely more than a blur but it caused Applejack’s vision to follow it. As she did the object slowed and came in for a landing not so far off, a Pegasus pony. Applejack could tell it was a stallion from the size of it but as of yet still couldn’t see who it actually was. This changed as he stepped forward enough for the light from the restaurant to illuminate his face.

Applejack couldn’t believe it…and judging from the gasps that went up from a few nearby tables neither could the other ponies present. His face was a light sky blue, almost white in fact, with a short swept back dark blue mane. He wore a blue shirt and a black tie, a series of golden epaulette adorning the shoulder of his shirt and the distinctive badge of the Wonderbolts pinned to his chest.

For a moment he looked around the restaurant, seemingly searching for something, before his gaze fell on Applejack. As it did he seemed to have a similar reaction to the one she had had upon seeing him. He stood for a moment looking at her, their astonished gazes meeting each other head on.

“Oh ma stars…” murmured Applejack after a moment.

The pause was enough to knock them both out of their trance and the Pegasus quickly made his way over to the table.

“Well I’ll be!” he commented, “I wasn’t expecting to see you here!”

“You neither ah reckon,” replied Applejack, “Ah never expected that Rarity would set up a date with a Wonderbolt.”

“I was wondering who my date was going to be too, Spitfire has been keeping the details from me for the last two days…think she just like watching me squirm. You look amazing!”

“Ah well…um…thank you…why don’t ya sit down,” blushed Applejack.

Soarin gave a broad grin and plonked himself down on a hay bale next to Applejack. The pair had met once before of course at the Grand Galloping Gala. Soarin had been Applejack’s only sale over the whole of the evening, a rather disappointing memory for Applejack. Neither of them had really had time to talk but the fact that they had some common ground was certainly a good thing. While Applejack didn’t drool over the Wonderbolts like a certain Pegasus she could mention she had to admit their aerial displays were impressive and each pony on the team was certainly a solid member of Equestrian society.

Even ignoring the fact that he was a Wonderbolt, Soarin was a handsome pony. Applejack found herself drifting slightly as she stared at him. Soarin meanwhile was eying the menu with a predatorial look. She was so lost in her dream that she didn’t notice that the waiter had approached their table to take their order. Applejack quickly snapped from her trance and skimmed the menu, picking the second item on the list to make it seem as though she had actually read it. Even under the make-up she was wearing you could make out the blush that was creeping across her face once again. Keep it together now Applejack, she told herself.

And so the evening continued. Soarin just kept talking, going on about his Wonderbolt training, their latest show in Philidephia, what he did on his days off and seemingly anything that came to his mind. Applejack wasn’t sure whether to be glad or not. On one hoof it meant that she didn’t have to say much herself but on the other she couldn’t help but feel small and insignificant beside him.

“But enough about me, what have you been doing since the gala?” asked Soarin at length.

“Me? Uh…well…mostly just looking after ma family and our farm,” replied Applejack, “Always a lot of work to be done.”

“Yeah, I can imagine. So what do you do for fun?”


Fun? How was she going to answer that?

“...Well ah guess I don’t always have time for fun,” she replied at length, a blush crossing her face for the third time that evening.

“All work and no play huh?” commented Soarin with a chuckle, “My life was like that back in my academy days. Our drill instructor Midnight never gave us a moment’s peace. It was always another lap or another ten wing ups. I tell ya, I’m just glad I’ve got the chance for some time off now.”

The evening continued like this for a time, Soarin dominating the conversation with Applejack adding a few lines whenever she was asked a question. Even so she didn’t comfortable. With every question she was asked, and every short and boring answer she gave, she felt herself slipping further and further into a nervous state. It didn’t help when the food arrived either, Applejack diving in without even a moment’s thought. Crumbs went everywhere, splattering the table as Applejack tore into her food as only a hungry work pony could.

By the time she looked up Soarin was already chuckling to himself with an entertained look on his face. Applejack found herself blushing again, her own internal alarm screaming at her in sheer panic. From that point on she sat back, taking small bites and trying to look dignified…but in her mind the damage was already done. Her earlier doubts were starting to creep in again, why was she here? What was she doing? She was nothing more than a farm reared work horse, she couldn’t do this refined stuff. She didn’t want to do this refined stuff! It wasn’t who she was.

Looking up from her food for a moment she looked straight at Soarin. The Pegasus was aimlessly pushing part of his meal around his plate and looking mildly disinterested. Soarin was bored, she could tell instantly. He was a Wonderbolt, he was likely used to living the high life; being entertained by intelligent mares who could discuss various topics and joke and laugh with him. What had she done? Embarrassed herself so many times she had lost count! In that moment her fear took hold; every doubt flooding back to her so quickly she could almost see stars.

“Ah…uh…ah think ah should go…” she said, her voice shaking a little as she spoke.

“Huh?” replied Soarin, looking up from his food quickly.

“It’s ah…been a real nice night but…ah think ah should go…”

Applejack made a move to stand, Soarin’s expression changing from bemusement to fear.

“Hey don’t stand…!” he began but it was too late.

As Applejack suddenly reared to her full height the waiter who was passing behind her had no hope of moving out of the way. He tripped and stumbled, the large tureen of soup that he was carrying sailing into the air as he fell over backwards. Where the tureen itself landed, well one might take a guess and would be completely correct.

As the bowl finally landed on the floor the entire restaurant went silent. Applejack stood still, half dazed and half shocked. She was covered from head to hoof in tomato soup. Everything from her hat and dress to her styled mane and coat was covered in the still warm liquid. Time seemed to stand still, Applejack remembering events from all aspects of her life; everything from her failed attempts to fit in as a cultured pony as a filly to her failed performance at Equestria’s rodeo in Canterlot the previous year. Every little embarrassment and failure she had suffered in her life rushed back to her and the overwhelming flood of emotion it brought could only ever lead to one thing.

In but a moment she burst into tears. The next thing she knew she was running, fleeing the restaurant as the tears, and soup, streamed from her face. Soarin didn’t even have time to say anything as the distraught mare fled. A little way off, hidden behind a bush, a white coloured unicorn could do nothing as she watched everything she had worked so hard on come crashing down around her.

Applejack meanwhile just continued to run. Driven by fear, embarrassment and broken hope she raced through the quiet streets of Ponyville. She sped past Sugarcube Corner, all the lights out as every member of the house was sound asleep. Once Pinkie Pie woke up every pony in town would know what had happened tonight. She continued to run, passing Golden Oaks Library; a single window upstairs still shining brightly into the night. Twilight was still up apparently, what was she going to say?

Never mind Twilight…what was her family going to say? What would Applebloom and Granny Smith think? She could already hear Big Mac’s voice echoing in her head as he chewed her out. Fresh tears joined the old and her pace quickened.

As she approached the edge of town she didn’t stop, charging headlong through a large bush as she continued on her journey to nowhere. As she passed the bush her dress snagged on a few branches, Applejack not even noticing as it tore holes and rips in the fabric. In fact Applejack didn’t stop or notice anything until she came face to face with Ponyville’s lake. It was only here, staring down at her own reflection, that she finally collapsed.

“What the hay do you think you’re doing Applejack?!” she yelled at her reflection, “Thinking you could actually pull any of this off?! You’re just useless! Nothing but a meager work pony who doesn’t even have proper table manners!”

Her hoof lashed out, punching her own reflection and causing a splash of water to fly back at her. In one way the water was useful, washing the tomato soup from her face, but in another it wasn’t. Her make-up didn’t agree with the water and quickly began to run. Applejack quickly wiped the water from her face but this only added to the devastation; her make-up smearing from one side of her face to the other. As she looked back at her reflection all she could do is burst into new tears.

“Applejack? Applejack! There you are!” came a voice from behind her.

Applejack’s head whipped round at the voice to find Soarin coming in for a landing a short distance away. This only caused more tears to appear as she quickly looked away again.

“Hey don’t cry,” continued Soarin as he approached, “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?!” replied Applejack as she tried to choke back her tears, “I’m a mess that’s what’s wrong. I just wanted a special evening but instead…”

She burst into tears again as Soarin settled himself down next to the howling mare.

“Hey it was a special evening,” he said as he put a hoof round her shoulders.

“How can you say that? Ya looked bored to death…”

“I was, but I was only bored with the scenery not the company,” Soarin placed a hoof on Applejack’s chin and turned her head towards him, “I mean that.”

“But…but all ah did was make a mess of things,” replied Applejack, “Ah can’t make conversation, ah got no fancy manners…ah ain’t even pretty.”

Soarin shook his head, “If you wanna know I don’t really care about that stuff. Besides, you are one of the first ponies I’ve been around who was willing to just listen to me without an ulterior motive like trying to get an autograph. And if you’re worried about manners, you should have seen me after finishing that pie I bought from you at the Gala…makes what you did look like the highest of culture.”

Soaring chuckled to himself, obviously remembering the event himself, “Oh and I will say, you look a whole lot better without this stuff on than with it.”

Applejack remained silent. She stared up at the stallion next to her, slowly processing everything he said. Soarin had struck her as a bit of wildcard ever since they had met at the Gala but right now he could have been a prince in shining armour.

“Ya…mean it?” she asked slowly.

Soarin just nodded, grinning slightly goofy like at her for a moment. He gently raised a hoof and wiped the tears from Applejack’s eyes before moving a little closer. Applejack could feel her heart beating faster and faster as the distance closed. She swallowed hard, their noses only a hair’s width apart. Then it came, their lips met. Applejack felt every doubt and concern melting from her body. Her fear turned to dust and scattered on the wind. Nothing else seemed to matter in that moment. Maybe it didn’t matter who you weren’t and what you couldn’t do. Maybe it was about being yourself and about learning to love what you were and not what you weren’t.

As the kiss finally broke Soarin gave a grin, “Now I don’t know about you but I could really use some proper food!”

Applejack couldn’t help but let a smirk cross her face, she knew exactly what Soarin was talking about, “Well ah got plenty of supplies back at the farm. Apple pies, apple fritters, apple fries…”

As she continued her list she watched with amusement as Soarin almost seemed to start drooling. He nodded quickly, rising to his hooves and then looking at Applejack.

“Looks like you need to clean up too,” he said as he motioned to the blurred make-up and tomato soup covered dress.

“You’re right…Geronimo!”

Without a moments though Applejack took a diving leap into the lake. The splash was big enough to nearly drown Soarin but the Wonderbolt didn’t appear upset at all. In fact as Applejack surfaced he started to laugh, Applejack joining in a moment later as she noticed what had happened to Soarin.

A short distance away a bush rustled slightly as a white unicorn let the branches return to their normal position. Rarity smiled to herself, things hadn’t gone exactly as she had planned but they had certainly worked out for the best in the end. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day she thought to herself as she trotted back into Ponyville heading for home.