Cracked Vision

by TheHiveQueen



“I'm just glad your parents are usually out in the daytime.” Jim shut the door behind him and his friend.

However, Derek called for him to open it again.

“Wait, why?” Jim asked.

“Because you locked Twilight outside of course!” Derek exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He opened the door and found a confused unicorn sitting outside, staring at the house.

Derek had allowed Jim to run ahead, while he informed Twilight that they were to return to his home. He had been unaware that there was a third entrant.

Also, Derek hadn't yet told Twilight as to why they were returning so early. He wasn't sure how she might handle what he hoped to discover, and he didn't want to cause any distress out in the open world – it would be better to do so in the comfort and confinement of a house.

Twilight trotted in and Derek closed the door behind her, watching as she scaled the stairs to return to his room as instructed.

“She's gone up now,” Derek said, turning back to Jim.

“Okay, then,” he replied, a hint of scepticism still lingering in his voice. “Shall we follow 'her'?”

“Of course.”

The two boys made their way up to Derek's room and sat down on the bed.

“She's right there,” he said, pointing to a stack of textbooks. One of them was laid open on the floor.

“That doesn't prove anything. You could have just left it open,” Jim pointed out. “I need solid proof.”

“Well I have just the thing,” Derek said, reaching into the drawers for his laptop. “I usually use letters to communicate but that's too much effort. Just give me a second, I'll go tell her how to use this. You're welcome to watch.” Derek winked at his friend and moved over confidently to the stack of books.

Twilight was currently trying to get her head around quantum physics. To like many scientists at the time, it just made no sense whatsoever. Then again, maybe it wasn't meant to. Perhaps it wouldn't be a clever thing to bring back this planet's technology to Equestria as that could really disrupt the progression of science. But it was just so interesting!

A bit of paper drifted down onto the page she was staring at. Twilight didn't know exactly why they had returned to Derek's home but she knew there was most likely a good reason. She eagerly levitated it towards her and read:

A lot going on so bear with me. My friend is here and I bet you didn't even know it. Sorry about that. But, he claims to have knowledge of your world and your friends so I really think he can help us. But firstly, we must convince him that you exist, as he can't see you. Come sit on the pillow on the bed, and await further instructions on the electronic device there.

Jim watched as the book shut itself on its own and was moved back onto the stack by nothing but air. He rubbed his eyes frantically before looking back at his friend. He then noticed that the pillow at the end of the bed was creased and indented despite there being nothing atop of it.

“Still not convinced?” Derek asked, noticing Jim's confused expression. “Then watch this.”

He brought up Notepad on his laptop and beckoned to Jim to come watch was he tilted it towards the pillow. “Be sure not to sit on that pillow though.”

Derek began to type out a message on the screen:

Hi Twilight. This is called a laptop and it is quicker to write messages on than letters. All you have to do is push down on each key with your magic, to type what you want. The rectangular bar is the spacebar for when you want to start a new word. Also, the key below “caps lock” is to use a capital letter when held down. Use the “backspace” key to delete all this and then say something to my friend, Jim. Be nice.

“Move back slightly,” Derek cautioned as he concluded the message. “I don't think she can see the laptop either if we're too close.”

“I was wondering why you wouldn't just speak to her. You're saying she can't see us too, right?”

“Oh, yeah, didn't I mention that?”

“No, and this still doesn't prove anything. That book thing was just some illusion I bet.” Jim still wasn't fully convinced. The complexity of the situation was too much to accept without solid proof.

“Oh Jim, just watch the screen.”

Jim looked at the message displayed and squinted, searching for any change in the text.

The full-stop flickered out. Then the “e”.

The whole paragraph began to deplete, the pace quickening as Twilight realised it was possible to hold the key down.

In a few moments, every word was gone, and the screen as a bland white. Then a letter appeared. Then another. In the same fashion, the rate at which they appeared quickened, until two whole words had been formed.

Jim watched silently in awe, and read the message as it was written:

Hello, Jim.

Soon, a few more had appeared. And then even a question:

My name is Twilight Sparkle, faithful student of Princess Celestia, and friend of Derek. Is there something you wanted to ask?

Jim looked between the screen and Derek numerous times before opening his mouth. “How?”

“It's really her. Go on and ask her anything. Prove that it's not just some AI on the computer.”

Jim moved closer and gingerly placed his fingers on the keys.

“Wait, don't ask her anything. Remember why we're here? The TV show thing? She doesn't know that yet so don't let your questions be too intrusive or it may freak her out at this stage. Just be casual and ignore the stuff you think you already know. Ask why she's here or something.”

Derek knew that she'd likely freak out anyway if what Jim had said was true.

Jim nodded and instead of deleting the message, decided to write beneath it.

“Yeah that's probably a better idea.”

Hi, Twilight Sparkle. I am Jim, friend of Derek. I can't see you, but I believe what my friend has told me. But where exactly do you come from? What do you look like?

There was a small wait and Jim began to worry. “She's not replying.”

Derek leaned over and quickly added to the message: Press the enter key (below backspace) twice to start a new paragraph. Perhaps should have told you that earlier.

A message was typed out almost immediately:

Hello, friend of Derek! It's a pity you can't see me and it's a pity I can't see you! Oh and, judging by what you asked, Derek hasn't told you much now, has he?

Well, I'm a lavender-coloured unicorn mare who lives in a library. And that library is situated in Ponyville, and that in the land of Equestria. I can tell you more, but there is too much to tell! I arrived in this world via a magic spell and now I can't see anypony. Or anybody, I guess.

Okay, getting off-topic here. Tell me a bit about yourself.

Jim looked stunned and it took a few claps to get him to snap out of the daze. “So... she can't hear us either?”

“Nope. We're almost on equal-footing now. She only told me she cast a spell to get here but it must have gone wrong, and worse still, she can't get back. She needs our help, mine especially as I can see her species, to get home.”

“Well let me tell her more about myself then,” Jim said, wanting to return to Twilight, and still blown away by the situation.

“Jim, we really should do this now. The TV show, I mean. Once that is cleared out of the way we can do all that nice stuff and then start discussing the plan of action. I know you want to just talk right now but can't you see how bad this is for her? She can't see any of us. Imagine what that feels like. She may not show it, but it's obvious she's unsettled.”

“You're right. As much as I want to talk to one of my favourite TV show characters, I think telling them that they're from a TV show is more important so we can perhaps get to the bottom of this.”

Jim was keen to help the ponies he loved. What his friend had described didn't sound like a particularly pleasant life.

“Exactly. Besides, I'm guessing you know a fair bit about them now. Your knowledge will probably be useful.” And with that, Derek moved over to the screen to type something:

Sorry to interrupt. Derek here. There's another reason why I brought you back here early. Jim has something to show us that will almost certainly be alarming to you. I'm asking you to please, bear with me, and try not to freak out at whatever you see. The thing is, humans have seen your kind before, but not in the way you expect. They've seen you in screens like these. Just watch whatever shows up on here the best you can. I may write something on paper while it's happening.

“There, I tried to put it the best I could. Now go show her somehow and be sure to move away from the keys when you're done to make sure she can see.”

“What should I put on? I can do a basic article, or even an actual episode.”

“You know what? Do the episode. I'll quickly write for her what's going on.”

“Will you watch too? I'm sure you'll like it,” Jim suggested casually.

“Yes, yes I will, Jim.” Derek sighed. He was really hoping that this revelation wouldn't ruin everything. But he really needed Twilight to know this as it could perhaps prove crucial to solving her problem.

Jim will now show you something on the screen. It will undoubtedly surprise you and perhaps shock you. I'm not sure if you have electronic images in your world, but this is displayed weekly on certain machines for entertainment. Do not be afraid. Just take it easy and we'll answer all questions when you've had enough. I feel this is necessary for you returning to Equestria.

Twilight quickly read the letter. She was starting to worry now. Yes, they did have projectors in Equestria–a technology considered revolutionary–but this form of electronics was far more advanced and magical. And now she was about to be shown something that might shock her? Something that would prompt even more questions than she already had?

She would do her best to remain calm.

The magic screen suddenly came back into view and Twilight focussed her eyes on it. Numerous colourful shapes were moving around and faint sounds could be heard.

As Twilight moved closer, she managed to make out a voice. She recognised it too. Princess Celestia was in this magic, electrical box? She moved even closer, and discovered that Celestia was actually recounting the tale of the Mare in the Moon. Nothing major.

But then the voice changed. Was that, her voice? No, it couldn't be...

It was. And, to make things worse, she was reading a book. Exactly the book she read on the day when Nightmare Moon returned.

Twilight watched on as that memorable day unfurled before her eyes. She faintly remembered some actions; she even remembered some words said by both her and Spike. It was all very creepy and like a bad case of deja vu.

Maybe there was someone recording her at the time? No, that wasn't possible – these angles would have been impossible to accomplish. And whilst remaining hidden, too.

So how? Also, could the ponies see her?

Twilight waved a hoof at the screen, hoping that Applejack would notice her instead of the other Twilight.

No response.

Is this simply a screen, or a portal?

Twilight moved her hoof closer and touched the image, this time trying to get another pony to notice, and silently hoping that her hoof would fall through. But Rainbow Dash just kept laughing at her, and instead, an actual scratch mark was left on the screen.

She hadn't seen her friends in so long. She just wanted to talk to them.

“Spike, can you hear me?” she said frantically, prodding his face.

Spike didn't respond.

Neither did Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie a few minutes later.

“No, I don't like this. This is private. How is it even possible?” Twilight wailed as the Twilight on-screen started moaning about the ongoing party, whilst lying in her bed.

She put her hoof to her head and tried to block out the noise of Nightmare Moon talking. She definitely didn't want to relive this. “Just stop!!” she cried, not wanting to return to some of the darkest moments of her life, now made even darker.

Then, all of a sudden, everything cut to black, and some words appeared on-screen. Twilight however, didn't notice: she had shut her eyes tight and her hooves were firmly over her ears. With her magic, she shut the lid of the laptop sharply down, bringing an end to the display.

“What was that?”

“That was Twilight. I don't think she reacted well,” Derek said grimly.

“How do you know that?” Jim asked as if the laptop incident wasn't proof enough.

“Well there was deep-breathing, clawing desperately at the screen, trying to communicate with the screen, shutting of the eyes, covering of the ears, and finally, slamming the screen shut. Oh, and it looks like she's fainted,” Derek stated, barely containing the misery in his voice. He had hoped for a slightly more positive reaction but knew that such a thing was unlikely.

“Really? I mean, was the show really that bad? Did you enjoy it at least?”

“It was okay, and no, that's not what I meant! How would you feel if you realised someone was 'recording' your whole life? I would be seriously creeped out. Oh, and the fact that she's already alone on this planet, and now these characters won't acknowledge either.”

“When you say 'whole life', do you mean everything?” Jim looked nervous. “Like what I get up to on the computer? And the pony stuff I don't want my parents to know about. And when the two things are mixed together...” He shuddered.

“Yes, it sounds bad, doesn't it? I have no idea how such a thing is even possible; you can tell me about how this show is made later. Look, go get some water or something. I'll keep her company until she wakes up.”

“Sure. I do hope that this was worth it.”

“I'm sure it will be in the end as it's simply too big a connection to ignore. But Jim, water. Now.”

“Got it.”

Derek watched as Jim dashed out of the room, finally realising how badly it must have affected the unicorn. He turned and watched Twilight lie for a moment on the pillow, twitching. He offered a hand for a soothing stroke of the fur, but found only air.

He didn't usually care so much about others, but he felt differently about this creature. And the ordeal she was undergoing was truly dreadful. She was just very good at hiding it until now.

It only made matters worse that nobody could comfort her in times of need.

Words on paper were simply not enough.