//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Apples and rainbows // by FinnPony //------------------------------// Celestia's sun shined brightly and the weather was even hotter than yesterday. Ponies were exhausted from the heat, and mainly tried to find some shade where to rest. Rainbow Dash was sitting at the table next to Sucargube Corner, under a big parasol. She had a big glass of vanilla milkshake. She drank it trough a straw. She thought that there were nothing better on a hot days like that. Rainbow took a sip out of her drink. She had been waiting Applejack for almost half an hour. "Man, I hope she hasn't had second thoughts about us." Rainbow took another sip. "What if she doesn't want to be with me anymore? What if Granny Smith..." "Hi Rainbow Dash!" Somepony behind her said with a cheery voice. Rainbow turned around and saw pink party pony behind her. "Oh hi Pinkie," Rainbow said. Pinkie Pie held a cone of ice cream in her front hooves. It had pretty much every topping a ice cream can have. Marshmallows, chocolate syrup, a variety of berries, cookie crumbs, sprinkles and much more. The whole thing was covered with whipped cream and a cherry on top of it. Rainbow looked at it in awe. She had never seen anything like that, even she had been Pinkie Pie's friend for many years now. Pinkie saw Rainbow's glassy gaze and giggled. "You like my new receipt? I call it Pinkie Pie's Special Everything Ice Cream, or 'PPSEIC'. Would you like to have a taste too?" She said excited. Rainbow turned her gaze from the 'PPSEIC' to Pinkie Pie and asked: "What?" "Pinkie Pie's Special Everything Ice Cream or 'PPSEIC'!" Pinkie repeated. Rainbow was still confused. Pinkie probably noticed that, because she started to explain: "I just threw everything I found on a Ice Cream and added 'special' in the name." Rainbow didn't start to ask more questions. It was Pinkie Pie after all. She just said: "Okay. Cool Pinkie." "So you want some?" Pinkie asked. "No thanks," Rainbow replied. "Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie said and threw the whole cone in the air, then swallowing it in one gulp. Somepony else would be amazed by act like that, but Rainbow though it was normal. Pinkie Pie sat next to Rainbow Dash, who was starting to sink back into her thoughts. Just as Rainbow was about to go looking for AJ, Pinkie Pie pointed her hoof at something and said: "Look! It's Applejack!" Rainbow looked at the direction where Pinkie's hoof was pointing. She saw Applejack trotting towards them. "Sorry for being late, I had to make some of Big Mac's chores today," she said and sat across from Rainbow Dash. "You want a 'PPSEIC'? It's really good!" Pinkie Pie asked from Applejack with a wide smile on her face. Applejack looked at Rainbow, who just gave her a look that said 'don't even ask' "No thanks Pinkie, but a milkshake would be nice," AJ said. "Okie dokie! I'll be right back!," Pinkie Pie said. She rose from the table and started walking towards the front door. "Oh, Applejack! This one is on the house," Pinkie said from the door and winked at AJ, she then disappeared inside. Applejack chuckled and said: "I think they have always been on the house." Rainbow started to brush her hind leg against AJ's under the table. They both smiled at each other. After a while of footsie Applejack started: "I talked to Granny Smith yesterday..." Rainbow tensed, but eased up when she saw AJ smiling. "Well? What did she say?" Rainbow asked. Applejack took Rainbow's hoof in her own and said: "She said that she's okay with it!" Rainbow had a wide smile on her face when she excitedly said: "So we can be together in public now?" "We sure can!" Applejack said. They stared at each others eyes. Applejack then continued: "Kiss me." "Right here? Right now?" Rainbow asked with a smirk. "Right here, right now," Applejack confirmed and leaned towards Rainbow. She also had to lean forward, because the table was between them. They stopped just before their lips met. "After this, there's no return," Rainbow said while gazing into AJ's eyes. "I know, and I don't give a buck," Applejack said. She closed her eyes and pushed her lips against Rainbows. Applejack lifted her hoof on Rainbows cheek and gave it a little stroke. They heard a loud gasp next to them and Applejack opened her eyes. They saw Pinkie Pie dropping the milkshake she had been carrying and her expression was shocked, but she was still smiling a little. "That's.. so.. CUTE!" she shouted. They heard another gasp from other direction. They still had their lips locked together when they saw Fluttershy next to them. She was hiding her face behind her mane and blushing wildly. Finally they managed to break the kiss. Applejack blushed and asked: "Where did ya come from Fluttershy?" "I.. I was going to.. spa with Rarity. I'm sorry if I interrupted you..." Fluttershy said shyly. "It's okay Fluttershy," Rainbow said. Meanwhile Pinkie Pie had managed to find party cannon from somewhere and was loading it up. Rainbow Dash noticed that and said: "Pinkie stop!" Pink party pony looked at her in disbelief. "You guys are clearly a couple, so I have to throw you a party!" she explained. "Okay, but not yet. You two and Rarity are only ones who knows about us," Rainbow said. "You didn't act like it was a secret," Fluttershy said and they all turned to look at her. She quickly hid behind her mane and said: "Sorry." "when did it start?" Pinkie Pie asked. Applejack sighed. She then looked at her friends and started: "Umm.. Pinkie, Fluttershy... Ah think we have some explaining to do.."