//------------------------------// // Chapter 1. My Little Prince. // Story: Prince Blaze Sparkle. // by Phantom Writer //------------------------------// Chapter 1. My Little Prince. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight walked through the garden as Luna's moon shinned giving Twilight enough light to move along. "I can't sleep with these stupid wings!" She huffed as she walked down the path. As she walked she turned the corner and she started to hear crying "Is a foal crying?" She asked her self as she search for the crying foal. She found the source of the crying and found a basket "Who would leave a baby out here?" She walked over to the basket and slowly pulled the blankets down and she saw him. Twilight's eyes went wide as she saw the little baby "How did you get here little guy?" She asked looking at the baby "Who would leave a baby in a garden?" She looked around then back at the little baby "Well, Don't you worry my little one." She used her magic to pick up the baby. She watched as the little baby brought out it's arms and his fingers trying to reach out at Twilight "I'll take care of you." She carried the baby back to the castle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat in her room with the little baby as she changed his diaper. "We're going to have to give you a name." She said as she placed the diaper in the garbage. The little baby just giggled as Twilight magic tickled him as she put a new diaper on him. "How did someone manged to bring a human baby to this world? It boggles the mind." She thought as she climbed into bed pulling her little bundle of joy close to her. Spike came walking into the room with a glass of milk and a plate full of cookies "Oh... Twilight... Your up." "Late night snack?" She asked as she watched him frozen in fear. "Um... I thought you were going to be out for your nightly stroll?" Spike asked placing his cookies and milk on the table near his little basket. "I did, But i found this little guy outside." Spike walked over and saw the little human baby wrapped under Twilight's wing. "H-How?" "I don't know, I just know he's here." Twilight said as she saw the little one yawn. "What do you plan on doing with him?" She looked up at Spike "I'm keeping him." "Your going to take care of him?" "I took care of you as a filly, I think i can take care of a baby." She said glaring at Spike. Spike raised his hands up "I didn't mean it like that, I'm just saying are you sure you want to take care of him?" "Yes, I think i can handle taking care of him." She looked at the sleeping baby under her wing. "Well, I'm with you every step of the the way." Spike said with a smile. "Thank you Spike." She said with a smile "Go eat your cookies, When your done i want you to get ready for bed." Spike nodded as he went to go eat his cookies. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia sat outside with her sister Princess Luna as they both had there morning tea. "I'm sorry to interpreting your tea time but i really need to talk with you two." Twilight said trying to keep her little baby hidden till she was ready to tell them. "Your not interpreting anything Twilight, What is it you need to talk to us about?" Celestia asked taking a sip of her tea. "Well, Last night i was taking my nightly stroll through the garden and i came across something." The two sisters waited for her to finished. Twilight magic began to glow and a stroller rolled out from behind her and the little baby boy smiled at the two sister's. "Awe! He's so cute!" Luna said as she bent down making silly faces at the baby. "You said you found him in the garden?" Celestia asked as she looked at Twilight. "Yes, He was in a basket and i couldn't leave him." She looked at her sister as she her the baby laugh "You did the right thing in taking him in Twilight, Do you plan on keeping him?" She asked looking back at her. "Yes, I don't believe his parents will be coming back to get him." Celestia nodded "Then, He is yours to keep." She said with a smile. "Do you have a name for your baby prince?" Luna asked looking at Twilight. "I've been thinking and i think i'll name him Blaze." She said looking at him. "Prince Blaze Sparkle. I like." Luna said as she went back to making the baby laugh. Celestia walked over as she began to make silly faces making Prince Blaze laugh. Twilight smiled "He'll be happy here." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat outside with Blaze as he sucked on his bottle as she talked with her best friends. "He so cute!" Pinkie said as she sat next to Blaze. "Ah have ta say, He is cute." Applejack said. "And you just found this bundle of joy outside? Who would leave this cutie." Rarity said kissing his cheek. "He's okay... For a baby." Rainbow Dash said looking at her Blaze. "I just want to hold him and never let go." Fluttershy said. They all got a whiff of something awful "Ah think the little one needs a changing." Applejack said plugin her nose. "I'll change him!" Pinkie Pie said picking Blaze up making him giggled as she changed his diaper. "Thank you Pinkie." Twilight said. "It's a pleasure to help" She said with a smile. "Has Spike been helping?" Rarity asked. "Yes, He's been a big help. With out him i don't think i would have been able to get some things done." Twilight said taking a sip of her tea. "Well, Since were here we can help out the best we can in raising Prince Blaze Sparkle." Fluttershy said with a smile. "Thank you girls. I want him to be able to know his aunties." Pinkie Pie placed Blaze back into his stroller "We have to throw him a big party!" "I want to throw him a little party, Nothing to big." Twilight said worried if they threw him a big party he might get scared. "Alright, I can give him the best small party!" She said making silly faces making Blaze giggle. "We'll have to go shopping for clothes and cribs and other things Blaze might need." Rarity said "OH! I would love to make him his own set of clothes!" Her eyes began to sparkle as she saw all the baby cloths she could make him. "I was going to ask you since i know we don't have any cloths for him." "I'm going to have to teach him how cool the Wonder Bolts are." Rainbow Dash said. "As long as your not teaching him to fly." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. Twilight used her magic to pick up Blaze and place him in front of her as she made some silly faces. "Ah have ta say, Seeing Twilight act like a mother is weird." Twilight looked at Applejack "What do you mean weird?" "It's just strange just seeing ya with a baby is all." She looked down at Blaze as he was smiling at her "Well, Get use to seeing me act like a mother as he get's older and older." "He'll find a princess and he'll get married and he'll leave happily ever after." Rarity said. "Ah never know, He might find somepony who's not a princess." Applejack said. "Maybe he'll date one of our kids." Fluttershy said. Everypony looked at Fluttershy. She blushed as she hid behind her hair. Then everypony started to laugh as they all surrounded Blaze as they all took turns in holding him and making silly faces. Twilight smiled as she knew Blaze would love all his aunties. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued.