Aged Scales

by XineLegacy

Party Time!

Twilight opened her eyes and saw that, amazingly, they were just about forty metres from Fluttershy's cottage.

"You-you can teleport!?" she exclaimed, completely dumbfounded. "And you took me with you! I can only teleport a few feet, let alone two kilometres with another pony!" She stared at Spike in shock. The drake was panting, furiously trying to catch his breath.

"Yup! Princess Luna helped me enhance my letter teleporting skills. Isn't it great?" he replied between breaths.

"Spike that's amazing!"

"It's called spellbreathing. If I had practiced more, I could've teleported in front of her door."

"You have to tell me everything when we get home!"

"Umm, okay. But could I ride you to the front door?"

"Sure!" Spike quickly mounted Twilight and she galloped to the front door. After Spike dismounted, Twilight opened the door and they stepped inside a dark room.

"Hey, why are all the lights turned o-"

"SURPRISE!!! WELCOME BACK, SPIKE!" shouted everypony, jumping out of their hiding spots as the lights turned on.

"I, uh, I mean, erm-Whaaaaa?"

"It's a welcome back party for you, silly!" said Pinkie Pie as she bounced over to him and pulled him into a quick but bone-crushing hug. He regained his composure as Pinkie put him down.

"A party for me? Why?"

"Because you've been gone for so long darling, we felt that we should celebrate the day you came back," replied the dressmaker.

"Rarity!" cried Spike as he ran into her open forelegs. "I missed you so much."

"Oh, I missed you, too." Spike savored the moment as he dug his face into the Mane of the pony that had stolen his heart. He inhaled an aroma that he had come to recognise as being a blend of jasmine and coconut, with a hint of vanilla. "Uh, Spike dear, you can let go now." Spike let go, embarrassed.

"Heh, heh. Sorry 'bout that." The crowd had dispersed in the meantime.

"Welcome back, Spike!" said Applejack with a hug. "How have y'been?"

"Great now that I'm with you guys!" All four ponies now looked at Rainbow Dash who had been standing there awkwardly, not sure of what to say. All this welcome back mushy stuff wasn't exactly helping her maintain her cool.

"Come on, Rainbow. Hugs are for everypony." said Spike. Rainbow approached cautiously before giving a quick hug.

"Good to have you back little guy," she said, now a bit more comfortable. Some part of Spike's mind felt a twinge of annoyance as she said that, though he knew she was just being friendly.

Hmmm, I'm not that little.

"Hey where's Fluttershy?" asked Spike. As if on cue, the yellow pegasus appeared from the doorway to the kitchen. Upon seeing his face, she rushed over quickly and caught Spike off-guard with a big hug.

"Ooo, I've-we've all missed you so much."

"It's great to see you too, Fluttershy."

"Oh, I almost forgot! I got you a gift!" said Rarity.

"A gift?" asked Spike. Rarity levitated a parcel from across the room and opened it with magic. Inside was an outfit for the little dragon. It was a tuxedo of sorts.

"Try this on! Oh, never mind, I'll save you the trouble." She levitated he clothes onto Spike before he could say anything. "That is a bit small. Spike, you've grown taller! Oh, I can't believe I didn't notice until now."

"Yes he has but, it's only been a month. How could you have grown so much?" asked Fluttershy.

"It's like a dragon growth spurt thing," he said, removing the clothes.

"Oh, wait." said Rarity. She picked the clothes with he magical grasp and concentrated. Spike watched as the suit slowly grew larger. "There. That should do it." She once again put the clothes on Spike.

"A perfect fit! Oh, doesn't that look adorable on my little Spikey-Wikey?"

"Hrmph," he grunted quietly.

"That looks mighty fine on you, Spike."

"Ooo! You look so cute!"

"Oh my, it is adorable."

Spike's annoyance only grew. She's called me Spikey-Wikey before, why does it annoy me now? Such thoughts swam around in his head, but he tried to set them aside and have fun. Don't be stupid, Spike. That's just Rarity being Rarity. "So, what's been going on around Ponyville since I was gone?"

"Well, Twilight helped me make the harvestin' calendar. Fall is coming and it's coming fast," said Applejack.

"Does that mean APPLE CIDER by any chance?" asked Rainbow.

"Yes, Rainbow, it means apple cider," replied AJ with a chuckle.

"Oh by the way Spike, I was wondering if you could come to the boutique the day after tomorrow. I just got this big order and I could use a careful little pair of hands to help me out."

Really? Little hands? He looked down at his claws. Ah, well, I guess I can't blame her for that. "Yeah, I'd love to."

"Great. So, that's enough about us. Tell us about your trip! How was Canterlot?"

"Well, I was working the nearly the whole time so I didn't really get out much."

"Oh, and Spike can teleport now! What was the form of magic called again, Spike?" asked Twilight.


"Ooo, it must be fun, Spike!" said Pinkie Pie.

"Actually it really tires me out. It takes a lot of concentration. I can't teleport too much or it could damage my brain."

"Good heavens, Spike! Are you sure it's safe?"

Spike blinked. "Yeah, it's fine. I mean, it's not like I just do a couple spells then drop dead. I'd have to really push it for anything like that to happen," he said. "I'm not stupid."

Twilight put a hoof to her chin. "Well,"


She chuckled. "Just kidding."

"I'm thirsty," said Spike after a moment of silence. "Is there anything to drink, Pinkie?"

"Sure! The punch bowl is on the dining table."

"Thanks!" He walked over to the large table. He looked around the room to see all the ponies that Pinkie had invited. There were at least twenty. The four stallions who had been invited were all huddled together, chatting away about the palace government. The mares were all spread out across the room, most of them with one or two friends. Twillight and Pinkie Pie were chatting about Pinkie sense. Twilight's confusion was apparent on her face as Pinkie went on about the workings of her special ability. Rarity and Fluttershy were talking to each other near the entrance and Applejack and Rainbow Dash were standing by a table with a huge bucket on it. As he poured some juice into a cup, he noticed three excited fillies trotting towards him. Yup, there was no mistaking the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Hiya, Spike!" said Applebloom.

"You wanna come play with us?" asked Sweetie Belle. "We're gonna play hide 'n seek!"

"Uh, no thanks, I'm good."

Scootaloo shrugged. "Suit yourself." Spike watched the three fillies run off.

What's with everypony? Spike thought to himself as he drank Pinkie's signature punch. Have they always treated me like this and I didn't realise it? His eyes fell on Rarity as he was scanning the room. He couldn't help but stare. To him, everything about her from her gorgeous mane to her caring personality was perfect. He had always been so engrossed in her beauty that he had never stopped to think about the way she saw him. Never before had he seen her calling him 'Spikey-wikey' as being anything less than friendly. How could he have overlooked something like that? Walking back, he overheard Rarity talking to Fluttershy.

"Don't you think that the Royal Castle is working Spike a bit too hard?"

I can handle my royal duties just fine! he thought, as anger worked its way into his scales. He decided to go bob for apples with AJ and Rainbow. As he arrived, he saw that the cyan pegasus' head was immersed in the water and Applejack was just getting ready to dunk.

"Howdy there, Spike!" said AJ. "You ready to bob for some apples?"

"Sure am!" Spike walked up to the bucket and, in one swift move, plunged his head into the water. He couldn't see, so he started to feel around with his tongue. It brushed against something smooth. An apple! thought Spike. He opened his mouth and bit down on it, hard.

"EEEEYYYYYYOOOOOWWWWWW!" Rainbow Dash threw her head out of the water and her hooves onto her now red snout. The entire room seemed to freeze as all of the guests turned to see the cause of the sudden outcry. After a few seconds of awkward silence, everyone returned to their own conversations. Appejack was on the floor laughing so hard that her chest started to hurt. Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie hurried over. "SPIKE!"

"Oh, Rainbow, I'm so sorry! I felt something with my tongue and I thought it was an apple!"

"Oh my, I can't breathe, Rainbow!" exclaimed Applejack between gasps of laughter.

"What happened, Rainbow?" asked Rarity.

"S-spike, h-he bit...BWAHAHAHAHA!" Applejack couldn't help but burst into laughter again.

"I think you broke my nose Spike!" said Rainbow Dash angrily.

"Wait, I can fix it!"

"Fix it?! How are you gonna-" Rainbow stopped to see a bright red flame blast in her face. Terrified by the sudden display, she tried to shield her muzzle with her hoof, but it was too late. Amazingly though, it didn't hurt. As soon as it cleared, her snout didn't hurt anymore. "H-how did you do that?"

"Spellbreathing," said Spike, triumphantly.

"You can perform healing spells?!" exclaimed Twilight. "It took me years of practice to do those!"

"Well," he said, chuckling. "I can't say that I'm not talented."

"You certainly are, Spikey-Wikey!" said Rarity.

"Ooo, the music is starting!" exclaimed Pinkie. "It's your favourite song, Spike! Come on everypony! Shake those hooves and have some fun!"

"Yeah, fun," Spike muttered under his breath.