//------------------------------// // The Ponyville Archives // Story: Terror in Equestria 2: Quest for the Jade Alicorn // by StormLuna //------------------------------// A new day started as the sun rose in Ponyville. Despite the fact that Twilight was the Queen of all Equestria things seemed to be going on normally. The vendors in the market set up their stands to sell their goods, the foals headed off to school, Applejack and Big Macintosh were bucking their way through their apple orchards and Rarity was opening up her shop. The only difference was that it was all happening in the shadow of Twilight's black tower. Twilight woke up and decided it was time for breakfast. She headed down to her dining hall where she would have her meal with her military officers. "Good morning Twily, did you get much sleep?" asked General Dark Night "Not really, I just had things on my mind last night." replied Twilight "What sorts of things?" asked Lieutenant Dark Cloud "The Canterlot Archives." replied Twilight "We need to go to Canterlot and relocate them here. I can not have the ponies of Canterlot having access to such vast knowledge. In fact, I can't have anypony except for myself having access to them." Major Lightning Wasp asked, "When will we go and retrieve the archives?" "After breakfast," replied Twilight "but right now let's enjoy our breakfast." After they finished their breakfast they began to discuss what they needed to do to accomplish this mission. Twilight told them that she would need approximately 100 changelings and 100 dark unicorn soldiers to accomplish this. She told them of large storage boxes that are in the archives that would have been used in the event of the need of an evacuation. Colonel Thunder Rage asked, "Ok, we will put them in the boxes, but how will we get them back home?" Twilight replied, "Once we pack the boxes I will levitate them onto the emergency freight train that Celestia had made to transport larger items in the event of an emergency." "So when are we going to begin our march on Canterlot?" asked Major Black Mist "We aren't going to march there." replied Twilight "We are taking the train up Canterlot. It will be much quicker and since this isn't an invasion, getting there will be a lot easier for all of us. Let's go. We have a huge addition to my library to go and collect." Twilight along with her top two military officers of both the changelings and dark unicorns along with 100 soldiers of each cram into the train and head up towards Canterlot. The trip took around 35 minutes, which was way too long to have that many crammed into those cars. "Twilight, how much longer are we going to be crammed into these cars?" asked Colonel Ice Storm "Not much longer." replied Twilight "On the trip home I will probably have the changelings fly alongside the freight train. You guys will have to ride in the cars with the material from the archives while I steer the train back home." The train finally arrives in Canterlot. A whole herd of unicorn soldiers and swarm of changelings storm out of the train and are followed by Twilight. The ponies in the streets went running and screaming, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" Twilight heard this and was not amused. Using the loudest form of the royal Canterlot voice, she shouted, "BE STILL! YOU ARE NOT UNDER ATTACK!" The ponies of Canterlot realized that it was Queen Twilight and figured that they better do as they are told, because they know how short her temper is and what she will do to those who disobey her. Twilight's parents were out and about when she arrived. They ran to her and greeted her. "Twilight, what brings you here and why did you have to bring so many soldiers with you?" asked Twilight Velvet "Mom, I came here because I need to relocate the Canterlot archives to my tower in Ponyville. As for why I brought so many soldiers, I did it to keep order while I am here." Crescent Sparkle asked, "Twilight, why couldn't you have just kept the capitol here? This has been the capitol of Equestria ever since it was founded." Twilight replied, "I like Ponyville better. There are too many aristocrats here, too many rich ponies that I simply can't relate with. Besides, my friends live in Ponyville." Twilight's parents were not amused that their daughter was throwing thousands of years of tradition away just to suit her own preferences. They headed back home without even saying goodbye. Twilight didn't even notice though, as she was too busy getting ready to relocate the archives. "Major Black Mist, Major Lightning Wasp, I need you and 50 of your soldiers to stay out here and keep order. I can't have there being any panic and I definitely can't have anypony trying to sabotage me moving these archives." ordered Twilight "We gotcha Twily" replied Lightning Wasp While the two officers and 50 of each type of soldier stayed outside and kept order, Twilight and the rest of her forces headed to the archives to pack things up and transfer them. "Twilight, how are we going to pack these books and the old scrolls in the back?" asked Thunder Rage Twilight replied, "I will use my magic to levitate everything into those large boxes. You guys just stand guard and make sure nopony comes up here." Twilight began to levitate the books into the boxes. While normally she would sort them by category, she thought to herself, "I will just keep the Star Swirl the Bearded material in separate containers, I can sort the rest when we get home." "Twily, somepony is coming up here! It is one of the old royal guards." said Dark Night "Let me handle this." said Twilight Flash Sentry got to the top of the stairs and shouted, "We have changelings and unicorn soldiers here. Get up here so we can drive them out!" Twilight went to the top of the stairs and said, "Flash Sentry, you will wish you had never shouted out to the rest of the guard. Just in case you have been living under a rock for the past couple weeks, I am the Dark Queen Twilight Sparkle. These guys are the royal guards now." The rest of the royal guards arrived, rushed into the archives and grabbed Twilight. Flash Sentry said, "This pony claims to be the Dark Queen Twilight Sparkle. I know this is not Twilight Sparkle. Haul her to the dungeon." Twilight's eyes began to glow a radioactive green as she shouted, "You boys are going to pay for this. I am the Dark Queen Twilight Sparkle. Get over there in that corner or die!" All ten members of the royal guard gathered over in the corner as requested. Twilight, her eyes still glowing green, pointed her horn at them and recited, "You have committed treason and that is not in season, you are a threat to me and I simply can not let that be, I can no longer be annoyed so you shall be cast into the void." A dark vortex opened up and swallowed Flash Sentry along with the rest of the royal guard. Twilight said, "Alright, now that this problem is resolved, back to loading these boxes." Three hours later Twilight exited the archives, deciding to put the freight train on the tracks before she would bring out the boxes of material. "Thunder Rage, Dark Night, you keep your soldiers up here and guard the materials while I go down and put the freight train on the tracks." "Yes Twily, you can count on us." replied Dark Night Twilight headed down to the tracks and levitated the passenger train off of the tracks and set it next to the train station. She headed over to behind the old depot and levitated the old freight train onto the tracks facing so that it would be headed to Ponyville. She then headed back up to the archives and started levitating boxes down to the train. "What are you going to take first?" asked Ice Storm "I am going to take the Starswirl the Bearded materials first. They are the most valuable books and scrolls in here." replied Twilight It took eight trips from the archives to the train for Twilight to get all the material down to the train. When she finally did she called out to her soldiers. "Alright everypony, let's get headed home." Lightning Wasp offered Twilight a suggestion. "Twilight, why don't we take both the passenger train and the freight train back to Ponyville. That way we can take all the materials and have room for everyone to travel back on the train." "Great suggestion Lightning Wasp. I'm going to get the passenger train." said Twilight Twilight headed over to where she had placed the passenger train and levitated it back on the tracks, right behind the freight train. She said, "Alright, we're just about ready to head back home. We do need around 10 unicorns to ride in the car with the Canterlot Archives material. I don't want it sliding around." "I've got you covered" said Major Black Mist Black Mist gathered 10 unicorn soldiers and they went into the freight car with the books Twilight was relocating. Both trains headed back to Ponyville in the afternoon. The Canterlot elite watched the trains leave with tears in their eyes as they knew that the relocation of the capitol was complete and that Twilight would not allow them to move to Ponyville, as she did not like the Canterlot elite one bit. Thirty-five minutes later the trains pulled into the Ponyville Depot. Twilight got out of the train and said, "Good job guys, you served me well today. Now it is time to get these boxes over to my tower!" It took eight trips for Twilight to levitate the archives to her tower. The other ponies in town saw her taking the boxes to her tower. As she got the eighth box into her tower Rarity ran over to her and said, "Twilight dahling, whatever are you doing?" Twilight replied "I have just finished relocating the Canterlot Archives to my tower. All the books there many of which contain information regarding magic, especially those from the Starswirl the Bearded wing, must be kept with me. I can not let important information such as this fall into the wrong hooves." Rarity looked stunned and said, "In other words, this is just you trying to prevent anypony from even knowing anything involving magic so that you can stay in power without any threats." Twilight glared at her and said, "No Rarity, this is a matter of Equestrian security. You never know who might go in there and look at them. Celestia never let the public go into the archives, so why would I?" Rarity said, "Whatever Twilight." She headed back home thinking to herself, "Twilight is probably going to study more and more and learn about things that will allow her to go and conquer the entire planet." Twilight levitated the boxes into her library and naturally, she put the Starswirl the Bearded books and scrolls in a locked room in the absolute back of the archives, for additional security. She then sorted the rest of the books and shelved them accordingly. By the time she was finished it was time for supper. She headed down to the dining hall and was greeted by her officers. "Hi Twily, how did the shelving go?" asked Thunder Rage "It went well" said Twilight "I have something I need to discuss not just with you, but all of the changeling officers. Because of losses we suffered in the past two battles, you guys are getting promotions." "Really?!" said an excited Thunder Rage "Yes." replied Twilight "Thunder Rage, you are now a general, Lightning Wasp, you are now a colonel, Dark Cloud, you are now a major. We need to find a couple of drones who have the mindset and self awareness to become officers. You guys know each other much more than I do. I know a spell that will make them self aware so that they can become officers. General Thunder Rage, go get the two most self aware changeling drones so that I can cast the spell on them to make them officer material." "Yes Twilight, I will be right back." Thunder Rage returned with two drones, Storm Force and Biting Wind. "Which one would make the better captain and which one would make the better lieutenant?" asked Twilight "Storm Force is a bit more self aware so he would make the better captain and Biting Wind would make the better lieutenant." said Thunder Rage Twilight told the two drones to get together. Her horn began to glow purple as she recited, "those without a mind are in a bind, no longer shall they just be, but they will still be loyal to me, for officers they are now but they don't ask how." A beam of energy hit them and they wiped their eyes and immediately knew their new roles. Twilight asked them, "Who are you?" Storm Force replied, "I am captain Storm Force." Biting Wind replied "I am lieutenant Biting Wind." "Excellent." said Twilight "Now my rank of changeling officers is complete again." Storm Force asked, "Are we supposed to call you Queen Twilight, your Majesty or some other royal title?" Twilight replied, "No. Just call me Twilight or Twily like everyone else does. Like I have told the other soldiers and officers, I hate the royal traditions of the past. I want things to be much more laid back." Finally supper was brought to Twilight and her officers. They had a very filling meal of steak, oats and apples. They engaged in simple chit chat as Twilight does not like military talk or discussing anything else involving future plans during meals. Twilight decided to have General Dark Night and General Thunder Rage move into the tower to provide additional security for her. "Twilight, I am glad that I along with Thunder Rage get to move into the tower now, but why are you having us move into here." asked Dark Night "Well first, there are a couple of other bedrooms that are going unused and I don't want them to go to waste. Second, while I know I don't have any immediate threats and there is security outside the tower as well, I want to be sure that there are no threats at all." replied Twilght "Alright, good night Twily. You have a good one." said Dark Night "You two have a good night as well." said Twily "Don't let the bed parasprites bite!"